Should the instruments of motivating scientists and employees of companies to come up with new ideas, research concepts and innovations be improved in management processes?
Yes, in my opinion every scientific concept, idea, idea, innovative solution, technological improvement, streamlining improvements, etc. after implementation into production should be properly rewarded. Every originator, inventor, etc. should receive a salary. It is necessary in a modern growing economy. In addition, instruments of motivating originators, scientists, also people employed in companies in various positions, should be constantly perfected to create well-designed financial instruments and / or non-financial remuneration for ideas, ideas, innovations, patents, improvement solutions, technological improvements, etc. implemented with positive effects. It is necessary that new ideas, ideas, innovations, etc. are created as much as possible and that they are implemented on a production scale. In the 21st century, especially pro-ecological innovations are particularly sought-after and necessary. In this way, the scope of cooperation, relationship between science and business is increased, and this is necessary in modern knowledge-based economies.
In the light of the above, encouraging discussion, I turn to you with the following question:
Should employee motivation instruments be invented in the management processes to come up with new ideas, research concepts and innovations?
Do you know the latest concepts of improving the instruments of motivating scientists and employees of companies to come up with new ideas, research concepts, innovations, ...?
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.
I wish you the best in New Year 2019.
Best wishes