Are you working on PLANT CONSERVATION IN MEDITERRANEAN AND MACARONESIAN ISLANDS? Submit your abstract for the Symposium (n. 202) at the XX International Botanical Congress in Madrid (21-27 July 2024)!
The deadline for abstract submission is November, 30 for oral presentations and February 1, 2024, for posters.
With about 10,000 islands and islets, the Mediterranean Basin encompasses one of the largest “archipelagos” in the world. For many biogeographical and political reasons, the region of Macaronesia - mainly consisting of the Atlantic archipelagos of the Azores, Madeira, Canary, Cape Verde and the Salvage Islands - shows affinities and a potentially interesting comparison with the Mediterranean. For instance, evolutionary studies showed in both regions an intriguing plant distribution pattern shaped by a series of interconnected geological and paleoclimatic events, including up to the most recent Quaternary climatic fluctuations. Several floristic studies displayed a resulting high degree of plant endemism for both insular regions, which is currently similarly threatened by several human-related pressures, such as alien species introduction, climate, and land use changes. The main purpose of this symposium is to bring together important research in these areas to share scientific knowledge and improve comparisons and possible collaborations for more comprehensive conservation strategies. Among others, floristic studies showing plant phylogenetic and trait diversity can help define priorities and challenges for conservation. Prominent examples of practical conservation activities in specific island territories could be of interest for their possible replication. Although the Mediterranean and Macaronesian islands represent a fraction of the global land mass, they comprise several countries - some of them historically overpopulated - and constitute a representative case study to be replicated in other island and non-island contexts.