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- Oct 2022
The average American has always had a love hate relationship with the IRS-with hate predominating. The so called Exit tax kicks in the moment you think of expatriating from the U.S. The current maximum capital gains rate is 23.8%, which includes the 20% capital gains tax and the 3.8% net investment income tax. Why its unfair? Currently federal income tax brackets range from 10% to 37%. Nearly half of the American population pays taxes and in fact the top 50% account for nearly the entire federal income tax. So the question of levying an exit tax on Americans relinquishing their citizenship really means I am going to get what i can from you before you make a break for it. In other words the IRS ensures that the relinquishing citizen would never feel grateful for giving and doing his his bit for the great country. the current threshold is so less ($12,550 and $28,500.) that almost everyone who holds a reasonable job pays his federal taxes by filing an income tax return each year. Then consider that inflation in the millennium year was around 3.3% where as today its over 8%, so where has real income disappeared?. Then when someone decides to head west (after paying all his legal dues of a lifetime) IRS slaps him or her with the Exit Tax. Hence the question?
- Aug 2022
A fast horizontal displacement of 520 mm was recorded by the Areqipa geodetic observatory in southern Peru. This process is possibly caused by spreading on June 21, 2001 and as a consequence of the "push" of the plate to the west. Very fast for plate tectonics, on June 23, 2001, in the area of contact with the Nazca plate, under the city of Areqipa, small-focus earthquakes occurred.
The card was attached "06/23/2001". Two weeks later (the zonal tide in the solid body of the Earth has a period of two weeks), the situation was mirrored. On July 6, 2001, spreading became more active on the western boundary of the Nazca plate, and less than a day later, in the area of contact with the Nazca plate of the South American plate, under the city of Areqipa, small-focus earthquakes occurred. The card was attached "07/07/2001". Areqipa station moved only 5 cm this time.
Can the rapid horizontal displacement of 52 cm in South America on 06/23/2001 be considered as a tectonic plate movement?
- May 2024
In the last couple of months, a plethora of protesters were marching arm in arm in a solidarity with the people of Gaza, calling for the end of the inhumane massacre inflicted upon the people there, which shows how human beings are humanely binded together. This, of course, teased some to dehumanise these mass protesters across the streets of the West labelling them, " the Barbarians and their supporters are unfortunately inside the gates " using the exact words of Ben Shapiro who is a Jewish-American conservative talk show host. Now, engendering stereotypes about non- westerns is millennia in the making; it dates back to the twilight of Western thinking and philosophy where people outside the walls of Greece were labelled barbarian. We can find not only an echo and glimpses in the writings of Greek intellectuals, rather there's what is so orientally conspicuous to the eyes in Plato's and Aristotle's oeuvres. In fact, the very meaning of the Word " Barbarian" is used to frame people who do not speak Greek. Needless to say, that the smeary anathema was highly intensified with rise of Islam.
Return back to the coeval days, some of those protesters are calling for the end of the genocide and some are calling for a violent revolution against the colonisers ; something which was theorised by Frantz Fanon in his 1961 treatise "The Wretched of the Earth". This violent revolution will usher in the " new" who is free from the evils of the West. Decolonisation, he says, is always violent phenomenon.
"When the colonised hear a speech on western culture, they draw the machete". At any rate, Frantz Fanon called for a violent revolution outside Europe, but the existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre called for a revolution inside the gates of Europe:
"To shoot down a European is to kill two birds with one stone, doing away with oppressor and oppressed at the same time," leaving one man dead and the other is free. He dwells on "You, who are so liberal and so humane, who have such an exaggerated adoration of culture that it verges on affectation, you pretend to forget that you own colonies and that in them men are massacred in your name." Especially, if we to bear in mind that the west is dominant, hegemonic and reached what Francis Fukayama calls " The end of human history".
Nevertheless, what's so pivotally significant about these mass uprisings and the counter- discourse is that with them the people of the West are now keenly aware and acquainted with the full situation in Gaza. Thus, ushering a new era of knowledge production which is articulated by the mouths of non- Westerns: something which is framed in literary criticism as " Post-Orientalism". Under this umbrella, literary frameworks are no longer demarcated to literary texts, but in fact, are geared into other cultural discourses, inaugurating the pulverisation of literary criticism and the rise of the so-called cultural criticism!
- Dec 2016
Dear colleague:
we have come up with a simple, inexpensive drug formulation that reverses insulin-dependent diabetes. There is opposition to this finding for two reasons: the formulation contains the nutritional supplement pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) which we show to have vitamin character, a designation journal editors object to.
If taken preventatively, one would expect it to prevent the development of insulin-dependent diabetes. The head of the American Medical Association does not want this information to become public as he fears people would no longer undergo blood glucose testing.
How can I overcome the resistance of journal editors to accept a communication?
Thank you for looking into this
Best regards,
Rudolf Fluckiger, Ph.D
Independent biomedical researcher
Novacule, LLC/ founder and president
2587 Albany ave.
West Hartford, CT 06117
- Apr 2024
This PowerPoint discusses phonological, morphological, syntactic, and semantic differences in New England, the South, the South West, California (Valley-Girl, and Surfer Dude), the Borsht Belt (Yiddish influences), Down-East Yankee, Minnesota (Lake Wobegon), Brooklyn, Western, Canadian, and Star Wars (Yoda) regional and social dialects.
The frontier humor of the American West or of Australia tends to be exaggerated: He is so stingy that he sits in the shade of the hackberry tree to save the shade of the porch. His feet are so big that he has to put his pants on over his head. His teeth stick out so far that he can eat a pumpkin through a rail fence. When Slue-Foot Sue married Pecos Bill, Sue insisted on riding his horse, Widow-Maker. Widow-Maker bucked her off and she bounced so high on her spring bustle that she orbited the moon and they had to throw jerky to her to keep her from starving to death. When Pecos Bill died, they marked his grave site with, “Here lies Pecos Bill. He always lied and always will. He once lied loud. He now lies still.”
Joe Barnes was sired by a yoke of cattle, suckled by a she-bear and had three sets of teeth and gums for another set. Nimrod Wildfire was a touch of the airthquake. He had the prettiest sister, the fattest horse, and the ugliest dog in the district. Wirt Staples has a shadow that can wilt grass, breath that can poison mosquitoes, and a yell that can break windows. Mike Fink was a Salt River roarer, a ring-tailed squealer, half wild horse and half cock-eyed alligator and the rest crooked snags and red-hot snappin’ turtle.
Don and Alleen Nilsen “Humor Across the Academic Disciplines” PowerPoints:
- Apr 2024
This PowerPoint discusses phonological, morphological, syntactic, and semantic differences in New England, the South, the South West, California (Valley-Girl, and Surfer Dude), the Borsht Belt (Yiddish influences), Down-East Yankee, Minnesota (Lake Wobegon), Brooklyn, Western, Canadian, and Star Wars (Yoda) regional and social dialects.
The frontier humor of the American West or of Australia tends to be exaggerated: He is so stingy that he sits in the shade of the hackberry tree to save the shade of the porch. His feet are so big that he has to put his pants on over his head. His teeth stick out so far that he can eat a pumpkin through a rail fence. When Slue-Foot Sue married Pecos Bill, Sue insisted on riding his horse, Widow-Maker. Widow-Maker bucked her off and she bounced so high on her spring bustle that she orbited the moon and they had to throw jerky to her to keep her from starving to death. When Pecos Bill died, they marked his grave site with, “Here lies Pecos Bill. He always lied and always will. He once lied loud. He now lies still.”
Joe Barnes was sired by a yoke of cattle, suckled by a she-bear and had three sets of teeth and gums for another set. Nimrod Wildfire was a touch of the airthquake. He had the prettiest sister, the fattest horse, and the ugliest dog in the district. Wirt Staples has a shadow that can wilt grass, breath that can poison mosquitoes, and a yell that can break windows. Mike Fink was a Salt River roarer, a ring-tailed squealer, half wild horse and half cock-eyed alligator and the rest crooked snags and red-hot snappin’ turtle.
Don and Alleen Nilsen “Humor Across the Academic Disciplines” PowerPoints:
- Jun 2014
Due to the internationalisation of higher education and student mobility, there is an increasing number of international students studying at postgraduate levels in UK universities. Recently I was invited for a seminar at University of East Anglia (UEA) to discuss the challenges of teaching research methods to postgraduate international students in Social Science. There was a number of important questions raised in the seminar, which I would welcome colleague's views on -
How familiar are you with research outside the European and North American contexts?
Do you feel that non-Western social sciences have different paradigms from the West to approach the same problems and research questions?
What do you think (your) students understand by the term 'research'? Can you give examples of any contrasting notions students may have of enquiry and research?
Do you see diversity of research understandings among the student intake as a challenge or an opportunity for teaching research methods? - what are the main challenges? - how do you take advantage of this diversity in your teaching practice?
How adaptable do you think you or your research techniques are to different cultural contexts?
Do you feel you and/or your teaching have/has changed as a result of teaching research methods to international students?
- Jun 2020
Decolonizing the education system has been a topic covered by a multitude of scholars in the disciplines of Sociology, psychology, Political Economy and even Political Sciences. Its main goal has been the detachment of the curriculum from its Western-centric or Euro-American pedagogy. Third world scholars claim that their voices have been ignored in the academy; furthermore, their unique perspectives and epistemologies have been suppressed, silenced and avoided. Mainstream theories of the Western world have been exported to the developing countries, compelling third world students to adapt to the knowledge economy replicating the developed countries; even after graduation, they go on to become technical workers and managers for transnational corporations. Therefore, the form of education that the Western world is spreading all over the world is in the form of an industrial trainer which benefits their International Enterprises as they absorb the educational conformist learners at the end in the job market. The postcolonial condition has witnessed the continuation of colonial administrations, business functions and path-dependence whereas the sources of income for the employed requires technical learning and highly vocational skills from the youth. Third World academics have only been given the task of interpreting Western discourse, language, International standards and educational benchmarks, without necessarily producing their own knowledge, participating and advocating their opinions and experiences. Third World academics have had to play the catch up game with the West, losing more and more courage to produce their own unique, specific, geographically located and relevant ideas. Books in institutions of higher learning, and also journal articles are usually Western-oriented. How can the third world create its own discourse, pedagogy, perspective, knowledge, theories and ideas in the 21st century? Most Third World scholars do publish books and journals intended at critiquing the continuing domination in the economic and intellectual sphere by the West, but their critiquing never follows any practical and useful recommendations nor does it provide any frontiers or introduce other ways of doing and thinking for the decolonial goal in education to be progressive and successful. What hinders the decolonization process in education?
For a complete background of the study here's a link below:'s_potential_for_delinking_from_the_neoliberal_paradigm
- Dec 2023
During the Vietnam War it was common for the US military to publish a body-bag count for the number of US soldiers killed in Vietnam per day; once the war was over the number of American soldiers killed was about 64,000, with up to 6 million having been killed in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, a kill ratio of 1 to 100, which could be achieved by Israel in the current Gaza war.
The count for Gaza is 19,000 after two months of aerial bombing. The rate of killing is about 9,000 per month. If this continues for one year expect a total count of ~ 100,000. But the West is challenging officials who use the genocide word on their campuses since it suggests that one of America's closest allies is like Vladimir Putin (who has so far killed 10,000 Ukrainian civilians). To avoid having the use the genocide word, certain communities are declaring that to use such a descriptor in reference to Israel (a Jewish state) amounts to antisemitism. George Orwell would be shaking in his grave to hear such a thing.
ADL, a Jewish Anti-hate Organization has commented on this issue:
Published: 10.25.2023 by ADL:
In the heightened rhetoric of the present day, Israel is sometimes accused of committing acts of “genocide” against the Palestinians. Genocide is a legal term, and in no way do Israeli policies and actions meet this legal threshold. Rather, the sensationalist use of the term genocide in relation to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not only inaccurate and misleading, but it serves to demonize the State of Israel and to diminish recognized acts of genocide.
The term genocide was first introduced by Polish-Jewish lawyer Raphael Lemkin in 1944, with the construct of “genos” meaning race or tribe and “cide” meaning killing. Lemkin coined the term in response to the Holocaust, but also in reference to earlier events, including the Armenian Genocide. The United Nations General Assembly recognized genocide as a crime under international law in 1946 and it was codified in the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in 1948. The definition of genocide under this convention is:
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
While one may oppose and even condemn particular Israeli policies or actions with regard to Palestinians or Israel’s Arab citizens, the fact remains that in no way has Israel engaged in any action with the intent to exterminate, in whole or in part, the Palestinian people.
Having to worry about Hitler's intentions after exterminating six million Jewish people, it could never be concluded that what he did was 3rd degree murder (i.e., manslaughter, an accident of War) which is what is being declared by Israel vis-à-vis Gaza. But it will be the West who will win the war against Hamas, which means it will also win to document (or not document) the history of this war. It is notable that the amount of text devoted to the Vietnam War for the US citizenship exam is several lines of text (not more than 15), a war that was very damaging to the US, requiring a massive amnesic lobotomy, so that the killing instinct of the American boy (and now girl) would be restored for the campaigns in Iraq/Afghanistan and soon for those of the south Pacific, if Biden and Xi’s Neocons have their way.
- Nov 2010
Department of Energy Announces Third Grant for U.S.-China Clean Energy Research Center
Washington, D.C. - U.S. Assistant Secretary of Energy for Policy & International Affairs David Sandalow announced today that Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory will receive $12.5 million over the next five years to lead a consortium on energy-efficient building technologies under the U.S.-China Clean Energy Research Center (CERC). The funding will be matched by the consortium partners to provide at least $25 million in total U.S. funding. Chinese counterparts will contribute an additional $25 million.
"The U.S.-China Clean Energy Research Center will help to save energy and cut costs in buildings in both the United States and China," said Assistant Secretary Sandalow. "This new partnership will also create new export opportunities for American companies, ensure the United States remains at the forefront of technology innovation, and help to reduce global carbon pollution."
The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory will lead a consortium that includes Oak Ridge National Lab, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of California-Davis, the Natural Resources Defense Council, the Energy Foundation, ICF International, the National Association of State Energy Officials, the Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutions, The Dow Chemical Company, Honeywell, General Electric, Saint-Gobain, Bentley, ClimateMaster, Pegasus Capital Advisors, and Schneider Electric.
President Obama and President Hu Jintao formally announced the establishment of the CERC during the President's trip to Beijing last November. At the time, U.S. Secretary of Energy Steven Chu joined Chinese Minister of Science and Technology Wan Gang and Chinese National Energy Administrator Zhang Guobao to sign the protocol launching the Center.
In the United States, buildings account for nearly 40 percent of energy consumption and carbon emissions, and nearly half the new floor space built in the world every year is built in China. As such, the U.S. and China will play central roles in the world's transition to an energy efficient building sector in the years ahead.
Two additional consortia were announced by Secretary Chu last month - one led by the University of Michigan to advance technologies for clean vehicles and one led by West Virginia University to focus on the next generation of clean coal technologies, including carbon capture and storage. Total funding for CERC, including private and public investments in both countries, will be at least $150 million.
U.S. government funding will be used to support work conducted by U.S. institutions and individuals only. Chinese partners will be announced in the coming months by the Chinese government.
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