興太郎 鈴村’s research while affiliated with Hitotsubashi University and other places

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Publications (43)

Welfarism, Individual Rights, and Procedural Fairness
  • Article

January 2011


38 Reads


8 Citations

Kotaro Suzumura


興太郎 鈴村

First Draft: 25 July 2003; This Revision: 22 September 2003 21世紀COEプログラム = 21st-Century COE Program Revised: 22 September 2003

On Initial Conferment of Individual Rights
  • Article
  • Full-text available

June 2008


60 Reads


5 Citations

Kotaro Suzumura



コウタロウ スズムラ




直毅 吉原

This version May 2008 An extended social choice framework is proposed for the analysis of initial conferment of individual rights. It captures the intuitive conception of decisionmaking procedure as a carrier of intrinsic value along with the instrumental usefulness thereof in realizing valuable culmination outcomes. Our model of social decision-making consists of two stages. In the first stage, the society decides on the game form rights-system to be promulgated. In the second stage, the promulgated game form rights-system, coupled with the revealed profile of individual preference orderings over the set of culmination outcomes, determines a fully-fledged game, the play of which determines a culmination outcome at the Nash equilibrium. A set of sufficient conditions for the existence of a democratic social choice procedure, which chooses a game form in the first stage that is not only liberal, efficient and Nash solvable, but also uniformly workable for every revealed profile of individual preference orderings over the set of culmination outcomes, is identified.


A Characterization of Consistent Collective Choice Rules

January 2008


42 Reads


26 Citations

Journal of Economic Theory

We characterize a class of collective choice rules such that collective preference relations are consistent. Consistency is a weakening of transitivity and a strengthening of acyclicity requiring that there be no cycles with at least one strict preference, which excludes the possibility of a “money pump.” The properties of collective choice rules used in our characterization are unrestricted domain, strong Pareto, anonymity and neutrality. If there are at most as many individuals as there are alternatives, the axioms provide an alternative characterization of the Pareto rule. If there are more individuals than alternatives, however, further rules become available.

Consequentialism and Non-Consequentialism: The Axiomatic Approach

August 2006


36 Reads


7 Citations

SSRN Electronic Journal

This Version: August 2006 Most, if not at all, practitioners of welfare economics and social choice theory are presumed to be welfaristic in their conviction. Indeed, they evaluate the goodness of an economic policy and/or economic system in terms of the welfare that people receive at the culmination outcomes thereby generated. Recent years have witnessed a substantial upsurge of interest in the non-welfaristic bases, or even the non-consequentialist bases, of welfare economics and social choice theory. Capitalizing on the axiomatic approach which we explored in the recent past, we try to provide a coherent analysis of consequentialism vis-à-vis non-consequentialism. To begin with, we develop an abstract framework in which the primitive of our analysis is a preference ordering held by an evaluator over the pairs of culmination outcomes and opportunity sets from which those culmination outcomes are chosen. As a partial test to see how much relevance can be claimed of the axiomatized concepts of consequentialism and non-consequentialism, two simple applications of this abstract framework are worked out. The first application is to the Arrovian social choice theory and the second application is to the analysis of ultimatum games. 科学研究費補助金(特別推進研究) = Grant-in-Aid for Specially Promoted Research

Rational Choice on Arbitrary Domains: A Comprehensive Treatment

February 2005


19 Reads


1 Citation

The rationalizability of a choice function on arbitrary domains by means of a transitive relation has been analyzed thoroughly in the literature. Moreover, characterizations of various versions of consistent rationalizability have appeared in recent contributions. However, not much seems to be known when the coherence property of quasi-transitivity or that of P-acyclicity is imposed on a rationalization. The purpose of this paper is to fill this significant gap. We provide characterizations of all forms of rationalizability involving quasi-transitive or P-acyclical rationalizations on arbitrary domains.

Extended Social Ordering Functions for Rationalizing Fair Game Forms à la Rawls and Sen

August 2004


61 Reads


2 Citations

This Version June 2004 Bibliography: p. 27-29 We examine the possibility of constructing social ordering functions, each of which associates a social ordering over the feasible pairs of allocations and allocation rules with each simple production economy. Three axioms on the admissible class of social ordering functions are introduced, which embody the values of procedural fairness, non-welfaristic egalitarianism, and welfaristic consequentialism, respectively. The logical compatibility of these axioms and their lexicographic combinations subject to constraints are examined. Two social ordering functions which give priority to procedural values rather than to consequential values are identified, which can uniformly rationalize a nice allocation rule in terms of the values of procedural fairness, non-welfaristic egalitarianism, and Pareto efficiency.

On the Libertarian Assignment of Individual Rights

January 2002


70 Reads

An extended social choice framework is proposed for the analy-sis of libertarian assignment of individual rights in the primordial stage of rule selection. The crucial concepts of our framework are the extended social states, viz. the pairs of narrowly defined social states and the mechanisms through which narrowly defined social states are chosen, and the extended constitution function which aggregates each profile of individual ordering functions into a so-cial ordering function. A set of necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of an extended constitution function, which is uniformly rational and chooses a minimally libertarian assign-ment of individual rights, is identified.

Citations (12)

... One approach that has been taken to circumvent this negative result is to weaken the requirement that the social preference relation is an ordering. For example, research has focussed on weakening the transitivity requirement on the social preference relation to quasitransitivity, acyclicity or Suzumura consistency (Bossert and Suzumura 2010). 1 Other work has retained Arrow's original transitivity assumption, but dropped the requirement that the social preference relation is complete. Pioneering contributions have come from Sen (1969Sen ( , 1970, Mas-Colell and Sonnenschein (1972), Plott (1973), Brown (1975), Blair and Pollak (1982), Weymark (1984), Banks (1995), Suzumura (2008, 2010) and Gibbard (2014). ...


On some oligarchy results when social preference is fuzzy
Consistency, Choice and Rationality
  • Citing Article

... Moreover, note that Cover Dominance allows arbitrary (not only binary) unions of covering menus. 5 This is a natural consequence of our objective of characterizing rationalizability over arbitrary domains, as evidenced by the similar non-uniqueness seen inRichter (1966),Bossert et al. (2006),Tyson (2013), and other contributions that share this goal. ...

Rationalizability of Choice Functions on General Domains Without Full Transitivity
  • Citing Article
  • February 2001

... Le legitimación política de la democracia se resuelve consecuencialmente. Una decisión es legítima cuando aparece bajo la siguiente estructura argumental: se evalúa mejor una decisión A por sobre B, en función del resultado que genera A y no B, tanto que no rompa las dos condiciones democráticas previamente descritas (Suzumura & Xu, 2009)"title":"Consequentalism and Non-Consequentialism: The Axiomatic Approach","type":"chapter"},"uris":["http://www. mendeley.com/documents/?uuid=8a5b6cc2-89c1-40ee-893b-11d484a3484a"]}],"mendele ...

Consequentialism and Non-Consequentialism: The Axiomatic Approach
  • Citing Article
  • August 2006

SSRN Electronic Journal

... These two axioms simplify the decision-making structure. Specifically, Bossert and Suzumura (2008) completely identify a class of rules that satisfy anonymity (impartiality), neutrality, and a stronger version of the Pareto principle. However, if neutrality is imposed as an axiom, alternative dependency, which is the fundamental characteristic considered in this study, disappears. ...

A Characterization of Consistent Collective Choice Rules
  • Citing Article
  • January 2008

Journal of Economic Theory

... For the preference orderings for individual 1 or 2 there are exactly 6×6=36 different constellations of individual preferences possible in the society (figure 1) where alternatives are ordered from top to bottom. For detail about Arrow's theorem see Arrow (1951Arrow ( , 1963Feldman 1974;Sen 1970;Barbera 1980;Islam (1997Islam ( , 2008; Bossert and Weymark (2003), Breton and Weymark 2006;Feldman and Serrano (2006, 2007 ;Suzumura 2007;Islam, et al. 2009: (Spring and Fall). Here individual 2 cannot manipulate SDF of figure 2, since his preference never affects the outcome. ...

Choice, Opportunities, and Procedures: Collected Papers of Kotaro Suzumura. Part III Social Choice and Welfare Economics
  • Citing Article

... For example,Shinotsuka et al. (2007) formulate three different notions of envy-freeness in a model with overlapping generations: No-Envy in Overlapping Consumptions, No-Envy in Lifetime Consumptions, and Equity in Lifetime Rate of Return. The first two notions would coincide in a static setup, while the last notion does not have an analogue in a static setup. ...

Equity and Efficiency in Overlapping Generations Economies
  • Citing Article

... , * n ) of extended individual preference orderings, an extended social welfare function f* maps the profile * into the social extended preference ordering: * f * ( * ). On the basis of the work by Suzumura and Xu (2001, 2003, 2004, we may assert that: Thus, even a mild diversity of individual attitudes towards outcomes vis-à-vis opportunities may turn the Arrovian impossibility theorem (a) into the possibility theorem (b), where the axioms of strong Pareto, independence of irrelevant alternatives, and non-dictatorship are kept intact throughout the whole exercise. Lest we should be too pleased by this contrast between the impossibility theorem (a) and the possibility theorem (b), let us remind ourselves that the Arrovian axioms of unrestricted domain, strong Pareto, independence of irrelevant alternatives, and non-dictatorship are meant to be necessary, but not sufficient, conditions for social aggregation rules to be satisfactory. ...

Characterizations of Consequentialism and Non-consequentialism

... The question to be asked, then, is as follows: Is there any way of identifying the channel through which the possibility of social welfare judgments rests upon the diversity, rather than the similarity, of individual attitudes toward social alternatives? An attempt was made to sound the depth of this possibility in a series of papers by Kotaro Suzumura and Yongsheng Xu (2001, 2003, 2004. ...

Welfarist-Consequentialism, Similarity of Attitudes and Arrow's Gerneral Impossibility Theorem