December 2021
332 Reads
17 Citations
Thrips are important group of sucking pests which cause significant economic losses both as pests and vectors of serious plant viruses in several horticultural crops. Recently an outbreak of Thrips parvispinus has been reported from southern states of India (Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Telangana) especially on chilli crop causing 70-100 per cent damage. T. parvispinus, a member of “Thrips orientalis group”, is a widespread pest species of quarantine importance and designated as one of the pest species of South East Asia. T. parvispinus has displaced T. palmi in Indonesia indicating its competitive ability in displacement of other species in the crop ecosystem. Successful quarantine interceptions made throughout the world against this pest shows the importance of interceptions in avoiding the entry of invasive pests in to any country. Despite existence of the quarantine provisions, recent invasion of various exotic pests like South American tomato moth, rugose spiralling white fly, fall armyworm etc. into India in quick succession is a concern particularly under globalisation situation. Considering the seriousness of the damage caused by the invasive pest in India in the recent past, an attempt was made in this review to present the status of T. parvispinus at national and global level including its identification, taxonomic status, host range, development and biology, extent of damage and various management strategies. Importance of various IPM tools to be explored for the management of this invasive thrips is also discussed in the review.