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Publications (51)

The Minimal English Test: Its Correlation with the University Entrance Examination (English Part) 2008
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1 Citation



Kenichi GOTO




宏信 葛西

Citations (4)

... The second column from the left shows the tendency consistent with the results of the UEEs, when using another ESL test, the Paul Nation Vocabulary Test (PNVT) (Nation, 2001), which is a widely used test in ESL research (r00.81 and n0159) (Kasai, Maki, & Niinuma, 2005). Also, the same tendency was observed in the surveys with other ESL tests and other populations: (1) the College Scholastic Achievement Test (CSAT) (English Part) 2005 taken by Korean university freshmen, which is a common Korean UEE (The Korea Institute of Curriculum & Evaluation (KICE), 2007) (r00.61 and n0155) (Maki, Kasai, Goto, Lee, et al., 2006); (2) the PNVT taken by Chinese university freshmen in 2005 (r00.70 and n 0549) (Maki, Bai, Kasai, Goto, & Hashimoto, 2007); and (3) the Shinken-Examination (English part) in 2005, which is a mock examination for the Japanese UEEs, taken by second grade high school students (r00.63 and n 0135) (Maki, Morita, et al., 2007). The significance level was again set at 0.05. ...


The Minimal English Test: A new method to measure English as a Second Language proficiency
The Minimal English Test in China : A Strong Correlation with the Paul Nation Vocabulary Test
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... The second column from the left shows the tendency consistent with the results of the UEEs, when using another ESL test, the Paul Nation Vocabulary Test (PNVT) (Nation, 2001), which is a widely used test in ESL research (r00.81 and n0159) (Kasai, Maki, & Niinuma, 2005). Also, the same tendency was observed in the surveys with other ESL tests and other populations: (1) the College Scholastic Achievement Test (CSAT) (English Part) 2005 taken by Korean university freshmen, which is a common Korean UEE (The Korea Institute of Curriculum & Evaluation (KICE), 2007) (r00.61 and n0155) (Maki, Kasai, Goto, Lee, et al., 2006); (2) the PNVT taken by Chinese university freshmen in 2005 (r00.70 and n 0549) (Maki, Bai, Kasai, Goto, & Hashimoto, 2007); and (3) the Shinken-Examination (English part) in 2005, which is a mock examination for the Japanese UEEs, taken by second grade high school students (r00.63 and n 0135) (Maki, Morita, et al., 2007). The significance level was again set at 0.05. ...

The Minimal English Test in High School : The Case of Kamo High School
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... While the C-based analysis is intriguing in itself, it is faced with some problems. First, Maki et al. (2003) and Maki and Uchibori (2005) claim that NGC does require a noun, on the grounds that each of Hiraiwa's examples has the counterpart where a noun is overtly expressed. In other words, they claim that the noun required for NGC is merely omitted in (19). ...

A Genitive NP in the Nominative/Genitive Alternation Does Need a Noun
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... Although the levels and types of tests differed, Japanese language proficiency of the participants was ascertained to be sufficiently high for their participation in this experiment. Their Japanese proficiency was verified just before the MRI experiment with the Minimal Test (M-Test; 84 ) to certify that they were able to complete the task. At this stage, one non-native participant was excluded due to low score (lower than 2SD from the average within the non-native group) on the Japanese proficiency test. ...

What Grade Would I Be In If I Were Japanese?
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