Zsófia Derts’s research while affiliated with Budapest University of Technology and Economics and other places

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Publications (5)

Floods and Water Logging in the Tisza River Basin (Hungary) - WP4 EX-ANTE Case Studies - EPI Water
  • Research
  • File available

April 2015


272 Reads


1 Citation



László Koncsos




Efficient solutions to flood and water logging problems are hardly achievable without flexibility in land use and management. This report considers how the use of economic policy instruments (EPIs) can improve the flexibility of land use and thereby contribute to more cost-effective flood protection and offer solutions to water logging problems. Two case studies have been conducted within the Tisza river basin of Hungary to explore if innovative EPIs can be applied in water management - with a vision to improve social welfare. The case study was prepared in the EPI Water research program (Evaluating Economic Policy Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in Europe - www.epi-water.eu


Ecosystem services and land use zonation in the Hungarian Tisza deep floodplains

December 2012


10 Reads


9 Citations

Pollack Periodica

While characterized by numerous environmental risks directly or indirectly caused by anthropogenic interventions, the Tisza Valley has an important potential to get its natural capital enriched through landscape scale adaptive management. In this paper, the current and potential ecosystem services are identified for the deep floodplains of the Tisza Valley by means of hydrodynamic modeling results and a detailed land cover analysis. Meanwhile, the agricultural suitability and environmental sensitivity of the study areas are analyzed, and the results of this phase of the research will provide a background for the quantification of the natural capital of the study areas.

Table 1 . Pilot areas and scenario descriptions
Overview of risk based water resources scenario analysis-the WateRisk decision support system

July 2012


127 Reads


1 Citation

There are major unsolved water resources problems (water scarcity, excess water, floods, water budget imbalance) in Hungary, which are likely to worsen in the future due to the unfavourable trend of driving forces. The aim of the WateRisk project was to support scientific understanding and management of the mentioned issues. To do so, a novel scenario analysis method and an integrated hydrologic model were developed. The method includes three major stages: scenario development for water resources, modelling of hydrologic conditions and comparative economic scenario evaluation by quantification of water related profits (including ecosystem services), damages and risks. The method was tested on three Hungarian pilot areas, which are affected by typical water management problems. Altogether 22 scenarios were developed to analyze current and alternative land use-water governance practice with respect to present and predicted future climatic conditions. Scenarios represent different approaches based on either major engineering interventions or landscape-level adaptation. Detailed model simulations of complex hydrologic processes were carried out successfully. Derived results are summarized in the paper as aggregated hydrologic and economic indicators. These show that well-planned changes in the land use-water management system would provide overall hydrologic-economic improvement or at least minimise the negative effects of climate change.

A mezőgazdasági termelés mint ökoszisztéma-szolgáltatás értéke: hidrológiai modellhez kapcsolt számítási módszertan

July 2012


2 Citations

Tájökológiai Lapok

Sajátos hidrológiai helyzetéből adódóan Magyarország egyszerre néz szembe a víztöbblet és vízhiány okozta kockázatokkal, amelyeket közvetlen és közvetett emberi hatások mellett tovább súlyosbít az éghajlatváltozás. A kockázatok enyhítése csak tájszintű tervezés segítségével lehetséges, amelyet nagyban megkönnyítene az egyes tájhasználati szcenáriók természeti tőkéjének összehasonlítása. Egy tavaly (2011-ben) lezárult hazai K+F projekt (WateRisk) egyik célkitűzése éppen ez volt. A három éves projekt során kifejlesztett döntéstámogató rendszer egyik kulcseleme a környezet-gazdaságtani almodul. Ez többek között lehetővé teszi, hogy megbecsüljük a mezőgazdasági termelés mint ellátó szolgáltatás hasznát. Jelen cikk célja utóbbi számítás elvi alapjainak bemutatása.

The value of agricultural crops as an eco-system service: Calculation methodology connected to ahydrological model

January 2012


51 Reads


4 Citations

Due to its specific hydrologic/hydro-geologic situation, Hungary is risked by extremities in water resources aggravated by direct and indirect anthropogenic effects and climate change. The mitigation of these risks could only be feasible by means of landscape scale planning. Latter would be advanced by comparing the natural capital of the possible land use scenarios. A fundamental aim of an R&D project (WateRisk) finished in 2011 was to elaborate a tool for these kinds of studies. A complex decision support system (DSS) was developed during the three year long project. A key element of the DSS is the environmental-economic module, which is able to estimate the profit of agricultural crops. The main topic of this article is the presentation of this calculation methodology.

Citations (2)

... Agricultural crop production is currently the most important provisioning ES of the region. We used a dynamic crop yield calculator integrated in the WR IHM to quantify cereal production [32]. The applied method is based on the logic described by [33] and calculates annual attainable crop production from site-specific potential yield data and simulated water availability. ...


Adaptive Water Management-land Use Practice for Improving Ecosystem Services – a Hungarian Modelling Case Study: a Hungarian modelling case study
The value of agricultural crops as an eco-system service: Calculation methodology connected to ahydrological model

... Finally, in the third scenario (FLOOD), a combined intervention of nature-based floodrisk mitigation and managed aquifer recharge was investigated [40,70,71]. During this, along with the retained inland excess water, an additional~33 million m 3 of water was released into the study area from the flood waves of the Tisza River in Spring 2003. ...

Ecosystem services and land use zonation in the Hungarian Tisza deep floodplains
  • Citing Article
  • December 2012

Pollack Periodica