Zinatul Ashiqin Zainol’s research while affiliated with National University of Malaysia and other places

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Publications (2)

Figure 1. Conceptual arrangement of LWR governance in Indonesia
Governance and regulation of local working requirement and importation: Pharmaceutical industry study
  • Article
  • Full-text available

July 2022


50 Reads


1 Citation

Journal of Governance and Regulation

Kholis Roisah


Rahayu Rahayu


Darminto Darminto




Leony Sondang Suryani

This paper aims to analyze the governance and regulation of local working requirement (LWR) and importation of pharmaceutical products in Indonesia. Based on the theoretical perspectives of Cottier and Panizzon (2004) and Champ and Attaran (2002), this study aims to analyze the important role of patents through LWR and importation, both directly or indirectly to facilitate the transfer of technology and to stimulate technology transfer with the availability of technology information through patent documents. The research was conducted by using a qualitative descriptive-analytical method. A doctrinal approach was used in this study in the context of reviewing the laws and regulations in the field of patents, the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (hereinafter TRIPS Agreement), health law, and its derivative regulations. The theory used in this study is about the politics of patent law which focuses on the national interest to pursue local production of patented inventions. The results showed that LWR, pharmaceutical importations provisions, and intellectual property rights law policies as a whole in Indonesia need to be harmonized and integrated with policies on technology transfer, industrial development, trade, and investment. The results underscore the main way in which LWR can contribute directly to the transfer of technology in developing countries.


Society 5.0: A New Challenge to Legal Norms

January 2022


477 Reads


20 Citations

Sriwijaya Law Review

Society 5.0 is a new term used to indicate the future world. This society is based on ubiquity, learning machines, the internet of things, big data, cloud computing, cryptography, and biometrics. All these technologies will be merged to create a new mode of life. The new way of life will inevitably influence human beings’ values, concepts, and conduct. The result of these changes will consequently bring challenges to many legal areas. This paper addresses the challenges that brought society 5.0 to legal norms. It utilises the analytical approach to examine the capability of pre-existing legal norms to cope with new realities created by society 5.0. The paper analyses the legal implications of society 5.0 in their sociological context. It presents a jurisprudential vision to establish legal norms compatible with the new society. Three fundamental principles should be considered to establish new legal. First, social facts that trigger legal regulation can simultaneously occur in multiple places. Secondly, what the study called duality of legal rules will not survive in society 5.0 era. Third, the paper turns the spotlight on new intelligent systems which may introduce new law addressees.

Citations (1)

... For example, research by Bonello et al. (2024) and Adel (2022) show how I5.0 supports the SDGs through technological advancements and smart city initiatives. These efforts aim to improve urban living conditions, promote sustainable practices, and foster innovation in various sectors, ultimately contributing to the development of Society 5.0 (Alimohammadlou and Khoshsepehr 2023;Althabhawi et al. 2022). The purple cluster encompasses keywords such as resilience, human-centric, social sustainability, and human-centricity. ...


The research landscape of industry 5.0: a scientific mapping based on bibliometric and topic modeling techniques
Society 5.0: A New Challenge to Legal Norms

Sriwijaya Law Review