May 2021
22 Reads
5 Citations
Journal of Mountain Science
Rocky landslides on river banks can result in the generation of ultra-high waves, which may destroy structures on the opposite bank. Existing methods to calculate the pressure on bank slopes under the effect of impulse waves generated by landslides are, however, few and of low precision. Therefore, in this study, a three-dimensional physical model test was conducted by taking into account factors such as landslide geometry parameters and the bank slope angle. The model test section was generalized on the basis of a certain section of the Three Gorges reservoir area as a prototype, after which the wave parameters and wave pressure acting on the bank slope were measured. Subsequently, the magnitude, acting point, and distribution of the pressure of the impulse waves generated by the rocky landslide upon the bank slope were determined. The distribution curve of the impact pressure was similar to that calculated using the CHиП II 57–75 formula, and the experimental pulsating pressure value was close to the value calculated using the Subgrade formula. Based on the test results, a power function of the relative pulsating pressure steepness with respect to the reciprocal of the wave steepness, relative water depth, and slope ratio was proposed. The acting point of the maximum pulsating pressure was found to be located near the still water level. Finally, an empirical formula for calculating the envelope of the maximum pulsating pressure distribution curve was proposed. These formulas can serve as a theoretical basis for the prediction of impulse wave pressure generated owing to landslides on bank slopes.