Zhanghai Chen’s research while affiliated with Xiamen University and other places

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Publications (33)

Van der Waals exciton polaritons with linewidth approaching homogeneous limit
  • Article

October 2024


25 Reads

Physical Review Materials

Xin Li


Haochen Wang


Yuquan Zhou




Zhanghai Chen

Ex Situ Production and Storage of Exciton-Polariton Vortices in Higher-Order Topological Corner Modes

August 2024


35 Reads


1 Citation

Physical Review Letters

We propose a scheme for producing and manipulating quantized exciton-polariton vortices in the higher-order topological corner modes of a two-dimensional array of micropillars. By nonresonantly exciting p-orbital condensates with different orientations at two input corners, polariton vortices carrying the required topological charges can be controllably created at output corners away from the pumping spots. Besides, polariton vortices formed at input corners can be copied to the output corners through the topological edge states. Our scheme provides topological double insurance for intrinsic binary information memory and holds potential applications in remote information processing.

Polaritonic temporal logic gates
Two femtosecond laser pulses, denoted input A and input B, are incident at the same point on a ZnO microcavity to manipulate the underlying dynamics of the macroscopic quantum states. The leaking photons can be detected as the ‘output’ signal in the transmission direction. The full set of logical gate functions are realized in the localized EP ensemble. The polariton NOT gate is realized on the basis of tailored bosonic cascading relaxation of several polariton modes in a ZnO microcavity. The arrival of the control pulse can shut off an existing polariton Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC) by driving the polariton population to the neighbouring polariton branch. The AND and OR logical gates are created through stimulated amplification, which is driven by two pumping laser pulses. The behaviour of the time-resolved photoluminescence emission (illustrated by the coloured profile) meets the criteria of the full set of logical gates shown in the tables, depending on the specific injection levels and time delays between the two pumping pulses.
Polariton temporal NOT gate based on manipulating the bosonic cascading relaxation in exciton polaritons
The NOT gate is obtained by using two-pulse non-resonant injection, with the pump and control pulses fixed at ~1.2Fth and 0.1Fth, respectively. a, Photoluminescence emission spectra of EPs as a function of the time delay between the pump and the probe pulses. The insets show time-integrated dispersion of the photoluminescence distributions at time delays of 200 fs and 0 fs, which correspond to the ‘on’ and ‘off’ states for the output signal, respectively. E is the energy and k is the in-plane momentum. b, Integrated signal intensity for the U and the L polariton modes as a function of the time delay. The scattered data are obtained from experiments. The solid curves are calculation results obtained on the basis of rate equations involving the cascading process between the polariton modes³⁴. Data are presented as mean values with 95% CI (n = 3). The blue curve represents a NOT gate function close to zero time delay. A ~80 fs FWHM of the response time is obtained. c,d, Time-resolved spectra of the photoluminescence emission as a function of time for the ‘on’ (c) and ‘off’ (d) output states. The time delays are at 200 fs and 0 fs, respectively.
Localized exciton polaritons excited by multiple non-resonant injections
a–c, The integrated angle-resolved spectra for single-pulse injection below (a) and above (b) the condensation threshold, and for two successive pulse injections (c) at a delay of 5 ps. The fluence of each pulse is kept at about 0.6Fth. d, Spectra for two pulse injections as a function of the time delay. Condensation can be achieved within a delay of about 120 ps. e, Time-resolved photoluminescence intensity obtained for the indicated relative delays. The light blue dashed line represents the arrival of the first excitation pulse at zero time delay. The dashed lines of other colours indicate the arrival time of the second excitation laser pulses. f, The linewidth and buildup time of the resulting condensation signals for bi-injection at various delays. Error bars are estimated from the experimental instability (n = 3). g, Simulation results based on solving the open-dissipative GP equation. The light blue dashed line indicates the injection of the first laser pulse at zero time delay. The dark blue curve shows the dynamics of exciton density where the sudden enhancement at about 20 ps is induced by the second pulse injection (marked by the purple dashed line). The red curve represents the time-resolved EP population produced by stimulated amplification. ∣ψ∣² is the density of the lower polariton mode, which is presented by a magnification of 70 times for better comparison. nR represents the calculated density of the exciton reservior. h, Threshold behaviours as a function of the second injection fluence with delays of 10, 40 and 70 ps, respectively. The dark yellow curve represents a single-pulse injection scenario.
The dynamical amplification of the two-pulse non-resonant injection
The first injection pulse is fixed at ~1.5Fth above the condensation threshold. a, Time-resolved photoluminescence intensity obtained at various strengths for the second laser pulse. The dashed lines indicate the arrival times of the two injection laser pulses. b, The calculated dynamics of the exciton reservior (nR) and the polaritons (∣ψ∣²) for the experimental conditions in a. c, Fluence-dependent buildup time and bandwidth. Data are presented as mean values ± s.e.m. (n = 3). d,e, Energy shift (d) and signal gain (e) (defined as the ratio of the integrated signal in the grey region in a to that without a second pulse injection). Data are presented as mean values ± s.e.m. (n = 3).
All-optical temporal logic gates in localized exciton polaritons
  • Article
  • Full-text available

August 2024


282 Reads


6 Citations

Nature Photonics

Exciton polaritons—quasi-particle excitations consisting of strongly coupled photons and excitons—present fascinating possibilities for photonic circuits, owing to their strong nonlinearity, ultrafast reaction times and their ability to form macroscopic quantum states at room temperature via non-equilibrium condensation. Past implementations of transistors and logic gates with exciton polaritons have been mostly realized using the spatial propagation of polariton fluids, which place high demands on the fabrication of the microcavities and typically require complex manipulations. In this work we have implemented the full set of logical gate functionalities (that is, temporal AND, OR and NOT gates) in localized exciton polaritons at room temperature, on the basis of precisely controlling the interplay between polariton condensate and exciton reservoir dynamics, using a two-pulse excitation scheme. The dynamics intrinsically covers the cascadability required by the logical operations, enabling efficient information processing without the need for spatial flow. The temporal polariton logic gates demonstrate advantages in ultrafast switching, universality and simplified compatibility with other dimensional controls, showing great potential for building polariton logic networks in strongly coupled light–matter systems.


Stacking order dependence of interlayer excitons in MoSe 2 / WSe 2 heterobilayers

July 2024


27 Reads


1 Citation

Two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructures provide a unique opportunity for quantum engineering of electronic and excitonic states at the nanoscale. Critical optical properties of interlayer excitons, including transition energy, optical selectivity, and quantum yield, are strongly correlated to the stacking orders. However, these optical properties could vary from sample to sample, setting an obstacle to extracting the intrinsic stacking order dependence experimentally. We report an effective method to fabricate heterobilayers with both stacking orders obtained on a single device. The sharp difference of interlayer excitons induced by the stacking orders was unambiguously identified, including emission wavelength, valley polarization, and temperature dependence of quantum yield. This method provides a flexible platform to study stacking order dependence of heterobilayer excitons, and can be readily applied to explore the layer hybridization, strong correlations, and exciton diffusion that are sensitive to stacking order.

ZnO microwire lasing generated by mid-infrared laser pulses of various polarization

June 2024


15 Reads

ZnO nanowire (NW) lasing driven by mid-infrared (MIR) laser pulses has attracted significant attention owing to its remarkable wavelength-independent lasing threshold and potential applications in diverse situations. However, the properties of MIR laser-driven ZnO microwire (MW) lasing are rarely studied when the wire diameter is increased from nanoscale to microscale, comparable to the wavelength of the driving laser. Here we experimentally measured the ZnO MW lasing driven by MIR laser with different polarizations. The measurements show that the laser polarized along the c axis was more efficient for the lasing in MW with diameter smaller than the driving laser wavelength, while the polarization dependence was ambiguous when the MW diameter was greater than the driving laser wavelength. Through the modeling of the lasing process in ZnO MW, the observed polarization dependence is reproduced and can be attributed to the combined effect of the optical interference of the driving laser in the MW and the varying absorption properties of different MWs. The former is related to the MW diameter and the latter is sensitive to the sample growth condition. Our findings shed light on the feasibility of manipulation of the ZnO MW lasing.

Analogue of Charge Conjugation in the Optical Spin Hall Effect

August 2023


70 Reads


2 Citations

Physical Review Applied

The optical spin Hall effect, as an optical analogue of spin-orbit coupling of fermionic electrons, has attracted increasing interest in fundamental physics and nanophotonic applications. In addition to spin, charge of particles, as the other degree of freedom, plays a significant role in spin-orbit interaction as well. However, the optical counterpart of charge conjugation has been absent due to the charge-free nature of photons. Here, in a one-dimensional photonic crystal, we report reversible optical spin currents from the opposite band edges of the photonic band gap, which can provide an optical analogue of charge conjugation in spin-orbit coupling. The effective magnetic field acting on the photons is controlled by the tunable splitting of the transverse electric and transverse magnetic optical modes, which is confirmed by both experiment and simulation. Based on the tunable effective magnetic field, the optical spin current can be controlled by the tunable cavity length in an open cavity. Our results will facilitate the development of optical spintronic devices and guide the understanding of analogies and generalizations involving quantum and classical wave theories.

Convolution Operation on Pancharatnam-Berry Coding Metasurfaces in Visible Band

May 2023


63 Reads


2 Citations

Physical Review Applied

Coding metasurfaces bring photonic design into a new era for their convenience in manipulating electromagnetic waves in a programmable way. Different coding patterns can be further convoluted to give rise to nontrivial effects such as multiple beam steering, simultaneous control of surface and space waves, and the integration of multiple functionalities. However, previous experimental works have been limited to low frequencies. Extending convoluted coding metasurfaces to optical frequency can significantly reduce the size of structures, and therefore facilitate their applications in optical circuits. Here, we experimentally demonstrate a Pancharatnam-Berry metasurface designed by convoluting two distinct coding patterns. Such a metasurface exhibits integrated functionalities: the optical spin Hall effect and spin to orbital angular momentum conversion, which are robust over a broad visible band and a wide range of incident angles. Our work represents an important step towards multifunctional coding metasurfaces at optical frequency based on convolution operation.

Nanophotonics of microcavity exciton–polaritons

March 2023


229 Reads


20 Citations

The past 30 years have witnessed remarkable developments of microcavity exciton–polaritons, which have made a great impact on photonics and optoelectronics from fundamental physics to device applications. New materials and optical structures have been developed for novel polariton lasers for the sake of room temperature operation, flexible mode engineering, and high power efficiency. More powerful spectroscopic techniques have also promoted the understanding of polariton dynamics, coherence, nonlinearity, and topology. In this review, we start with a brief introduction to the picture of polaritons, and various polariton systems based on different microcavity structures and semiconductor materials. Then, we present several important spectroscopic techniques and numerical tools for characterizing polaritons experimentally and theoretically. Next, we address the macroscopic quantum phenomena observed in the polariton systems and review the physics and applications of polariton nonlinearity. Moreover, we highlight the new emerging fields of topological and non-Hermitian polaritons. In the end, we conclude with the future perspectives of microcavity exciton–polaritons.

Ultrafast intermode parametric scattering dynamics in room-temperature polariton condensates

February 2023


103 Reads


3 Citations

Parametric scattering dynamics are general and of crucial importance for cavity exciton polaritons. Here, parametric scattering process driven by exciton polariton condensates has been revealed in a 1D ZnO microcavity between the whispering-gallery mode and quasiwhispering-gallery mode. When the occupation of the produced polariton condensate is dense enough, polariton condensates formed on quasiwhispering-gallery mode can be scattered towards the ground state of the adjacent whispering-gallery modes at higher and lower energies. By using the femtosecond angle-resolved spectroscopic imaging technique, the ultrafast dynamics of this intermode polariton parametric scattering have been explicitly observed. The scattering towards a higher mode occurs faster than that to a lower-energy mode by less than a picosecond. The revealed dynamics can not only expand the present investigations on polariton parametric scattering, but also promote the potential applications in, e.g., quantum information processing.

Controllable topological edge mode in an optically excited exciton-polariton lattice

December 2022


82 Reads


3 Citations

We propose an all-optical scheme of topological lasing and switching based on the Aubry-André-Harper (AAH) model of an exciton-polariton chain. We theoretically show that the phase parameter of the optical potential, with a tunable effective quasimomentum, allows the system to exhibit nontrivial topological properties which are attributed to higher dimensions. The topological modes emerging within the bulk band gaps are spatially localized at the edges of the polariton lattice, and their topological properties are characterized by the nonzero Chern numbers of the bulk bands. Polariton lasing in topological edge modes exhibits a higher efficiency and better robustness than in bulk modes, and can be switched between two opposite edges of the lattice by nonresonant excitation, which paves a way for topologically protected optical circuits.

Citations (26)

... E xciton-polaritons, bosonic quasi-particles resulting from the strong coupling between excitons and cavity-confined photons, have continuously drawn lots of attention in recent decades. [1][2][3][4][5][6] As hybrid states of light and matter, exciton-polaritons show unique properties that are significantly different from those of pure photons and excitons. Due to their photonic component, exciton-polaritons exhibit impressive coherence in both time and spatial domains. ...


Room temperature ballistic transport of exciton-polaritons in a one-dimensional whispering gallery microcavity
Ex Situ Production and Storage of Exciton-Polariton Vortices in Higher-Order Topological Corner Modes
  • Citing Article
  • August 2024

Physical Review Letters

... This research uncovers new physical phenomena, such as quantum entanglement and chiral quantum light fields [11], while also offering practical implications for the advancement of cuttingedge optoelectronic devices and quantum information technologies. Chiral exciton-polaritons, for instance, hold potential for realizing all-optical switches [12]- [14], optical logic gates [15], novel quantum light sources [16], [17], and optical isolators [18], furthering advancements in quantum computing and communication. ...

All-optical temporal logic gates in localized exciton polaritons

Nature Photonics

... Among TMD-based bilayer systems, MoSe 2 /WSe 2 vdW heterostructures exhibit excellent structural stability and minimal lattice mismatches, thus have been extensively addressed in the past decade [25][26][27][28][29]. For example, they can be prepared through the 'tear and stack' method, and the relative energy and coupling strength of dipole excitons can be regulated by small twist angle and an electric field [26]. ...

Stacking order dependence of interlayer excitons in MoSe 2 / WSe 2 heterobilayers
  • Citing Article
  • July 2024

... Optical microcavities have played a pivotal role in a wide range of applications, including lasers, optical sensors, and quantum devices, for several decades [16][17][18][19][20][21]. Particularly for open microcavities, aligning both the cavity length and the relative orientation of the two mirrors can present a significant challenge [22][23][24][25][26]. Useful methods for tackling this problem include deflection measurements (autocollimation) and interferometry. ...

Analogue of Charge Conjugation in the Optical Spin Hall Effect
  • Citing Article
  • August 2023

Physical Review Applied

... This review not only aims to offer a broad overview of the current state of the TMD-based strong coupling but also attempts to inspire further investigations and developments of new polaritonic devices and technologies within van der Waals materials. For a detailed description of microcavity exciton-polariton physics and strong coupling with alternative promising materials, we refer the readers to some excellent reviews 5,23,50,51 . Here, we start with a brief introduction to TMD polaritons in various optical structures. ...

Nanophotonics of microcavity exciton–polaritons
  • Citing Article
  • March 2023

... Indeed, nonlinearities of polaritons governed by polaritonic interactions have become one of the most studied topics in the field of polariton physics. A variety of nonlinear phenomena, such as inter-and intra-band parametric scattering, 2,[8][9][10][11] polariton blockade, [12][13][14] topological edge mode, [15][16][17] and evaporative cooling 18) have been reported in recent years. Understanding and controlling the nonlinearities of polaritons is critical for both fundamental polariton physics and their potential optoelectronic applications. ...

Ultrafast intermode parametric scattering dynamics in room-temperature polariton condensates
  • Citing Article
  • February 2023

... Indeed, nonlinearities of polaritons governed by polaritonic interactions have become one of the most studied topics in the field of polariton physics. A variety of nonlinear phenomena, such as inter-and intra-band parametric scattering, 2,[8][9][10][11] polariton blockade, [12][13][14] topological edge mode, [15][16][17] and evaporative cooling 18) have been reported in recent years. Understanding and controlling the nonlinearities of polaritons is critical for both fundamental polariton physics and their potential optoelectronic applications. ...

Controllable topological edge mode in an optically excited exciton-polariton lattice
  • Citing Article
  • December 2022

... However, there are some property differences even in the same type of material because of differences in the preparation method, sample treatment, etc. For instance, the two-photon absorption (TPA) coefficient of monolayer MoS 2 obtained by the mechanical exfoliation (ME) and chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method may differ by nearly two times, which can be ascribed to the large difference in the defect concentration between them [16]. The two-photon fluorescence of MoS 2 improved after treatment with bis-(trifluoromethane) sulfonimide as the defect density decreased during the defect repair process [17]. ...

Two-photon absorption towards pulse modulation in mechanically exfoliated and CVD monolayer cascaded MoS2 structures
  • Citing Article
  • January 2019

Chinese Optics Letters

... All these AlGaN based LEDs are using standing NW or NW arrays to improve the LEE, here we use surface plasmon resonance with plasmonic aluminum bowtie antenna array to enhance the LEE of AlGaN based LEDs with laid down NW structures. And our previous experimental work have demonstrated that the local surface plasmon resonance of Al bowtie antenna array can enhance the absorption, the emission and the second harmonic generation efficiency of ZnTe nanowire at the visible wavelength range [27][28][29]. ...

A hybrid plasmonic-dielectric metal-Nanowire coupler for high-efficient broadband nonlinear frequency conversion
  • Citing Article
  • August 2022

Photonics Research