Zdzisław Chłopek’s research while affiliated with Institute of Environmental Protection and other places

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Publications (81)

A Stochastic Approach to the Analysis of Pollutant Emissions and Fuel Consumption of Motor Vehicles Driven in Real Traffic
  • Article
  • Full-text available

December 2024


62 Reads

Applied Sciences


Zdzisław Chłopek





In real road traffic, combustion engines of motor vehicles operate in dynamic conditions. Under such conditions, significant time variability in the values describing engine operations is observed, especially in terms of rotational speed and torque. Therefore, it is possible to model such conditions as probabilistic and to treat the properties of combustion engines in these conditions as stochastic processes. This paper presents a stochastic approach to the analysis of pollutant emission and fuel consumption test results of a motor vehicle driven in real traffic conditions. The empirical data were obtained from tests conducted on a car with a spark-ignition engine equipped with mobile on-board measuring equipment. The scope of the investigations covered the domains of time, frequency and process values. In the time domain, statistical characteristics of the processes were analyzed to explore potential correlations between them. In the frequency domain, the power spectral density of the processes was determined. In the process values domain, the emphasis was placed on examining the probability density of processes. A large diversification of the determined characteristics was found, in particular for vehicle velocity, engine operating states and the processes of pollutant emissions and fuel consumption. For practical reasons, the results of the correlation studies were particularly valuable, as they enabled assessment of the effects of taking action to reduce emissions of various pollutants.


The uniqueness of pollutant emission and fuel consumption test results for road vehicles tested on a chassis dynamometer

November 2024


18 Reads

Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc - Maintenance and Reliability

The article considers the issues of non-repeatability of exhaust emission and fuel consumption test results for road vehicles tested on a chassis dynamometer. Empirical results of passenger car tests on a chassis dynamometer in the WLTC (Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Test Cycle) test were used. Tests were conducted in four repeated sets to assess the repeatability of the test results. The road emission of hydrocarbons, non-methane hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter and carbon dioxide, the road number of particulate matter and operational fuel consumption were determined. The coefficient of variation of the values measured in the four tests was determined, taken as a measure of the repeatability of the test results. The coefficient of variation of the road emission of carbon dioxide and operational fuel consumption is the lowest. No significant differences were found in the values of the measured exhaust emission.

Correlation relationships of processes in the combustion engine in the RDE test

October 2024


42 Reads

Combustion Engines

The article presents considerations on the processes taking place in the combustion engine in the in real driving operating conditions of a vehicle performing the RDE (Real Driving Emissions) test. The tests were carried out using a passenger car with a spark-ignition engine. The processes considered in the article were related to the engine operating states, exhaust emissions and fuel consumption, and the vehicle speed, which determines the engine operating conditions. The RDE test were carried out using PEMS (Portable Emissions Measurement System) equipment, and the following variables were recorded: vehicle speed, control, rotational speed, relative torque and relative engine power, emission pollutant intensity of: carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide, the intensity of particle number and the fuel consumption intensity. The recorded signals were digitally processed, and the statistical properties of the variables and the mutual relation between the engine operating states were examined. The properties of the measured variables were investigated in the entire RDE test and in its constituent phases: the first, corresponding to vehicle movement in cities, the second – outside cities, and the third – on highways and expressways. The pollutant specific distance emission and the particle number specific distance as well as the specific distance fuel consumption were determined in relation to the average vehicle speed, and based on these results, the exhaust emissions and fuel consumption characteristics were created. Correlational studies of the considered variables were also performed. Pearson's linear correlation coefficients for the measured variables combinations were determined.

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the upgraded laboratory, showing the climatic chamber, chassis dynamometer, dilution tunnel, emissions sampling bags and all analysers, including the recently-added modal raw exhaust analyzer lines
Fig. 9. Specific distance emissions of hydrocarbons -bTHC in the WLTC test with cold engine start -C and in four WLTC tests with hot engine start -H1, H2, H3 and H4
Fig. 11. Specific distance emissions of non-methane hydrocarbons -bNMHC in the WLTC test with cold engine start -C and in four WLTC tests with hot engine start -H1, H2, H3 and H4
Fig. 19. Specific distance particulate number -bPN in the WLTC test with cold engine start -C and in four WLTC tests with hot engine start -H1, H2, H3 and H4
Fig. 21. Specific distance emissions of carbon dioxide -bCO2 in the WLTC test with cold engine start -C and in four WLTC tests with hot engine start -H1, H2, H3 and H4


Non-repeatability of the WLTP vehicle test results

September 2024


53 Reads

Archives of Transport

The paper presents results of considerations on the repeatability of the passenger car test results obtained in the WLTP procedure on a chassis dynamometer. The research concerned the aspects of exhaust emissions and fuel consumption. Measurements were carried out in the WLTC test with a cold engine start and then in four WLTC (Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Cycle) tests with a hot engine start. The following values were measured: average specific distance emissions of hydrocarbons, non-methane hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter and carbon dioxide, specific distance particulate number, and operational fuel consumption. Thus, it was possible to assess the impact of the engine's thermal state at start-up on the test results and the nature of test results repeatability with the start-up of a hot engine. The repeatability of the test results was assessed based on the coefficient of variation obtained in the individual tests and the relationship of the maximum difference between measurement results values in the individual tests for a hot engine start. The obtained test results turned out to be very diverse for the considered parameters and indicated low repeatability. Values of carbon dioxide emissions and operational fuel consumption were definitely the least varied in individual hot engine start tests. The exhaust emission of particulate matter varied the most in individual test iterations. However, the specific distance particulate number was relatively similar between individual tests, less so than the exhaust emission of other pollutants. In the case of different engine thermal state at start-up, the emitted particulate number varied the most in the test results, while the emission of carbon dioxide and operational fuel consumption varied the least. The repeatability of executing the velocity process in WLTC tests at hot engine and cold engine start-up was also examined as processes determining exhaust emissions and fuel consumption. These tests were much more repeatable than the exhaust emission and fuel consumption.


June 2024


16 Reads


1 Citation

Transport Problems

The article presents the worldwide harmonized light-duty test cycle results of a diesel engine passenger vehicle carried out on a chassis dynamometer. Pollutant emissions from exhaust and fuel consumption were measured. Vehicle velocity was treated as a variable determining pollutant emissions and fuel consumption because the engine operating states depend on engine velocity and load during engine operation, and these states in turn affect pollutant emissions and fuel consumption. Actions taken to reduce pollutant emissions and consumption of fuel are often in opposition to each other. Therefore, there is a need to optimize these activities. There is also a need to know the relationship between the effects of taking specific actions that serve to achieve individual goals in order to rationalize actions aimed at reducing pollutant emissions and fuel use. The originality of the article lies in the use of the correlation theory between pollutant emission and fuel consumption as well as the processes that determine them, primarily vehicle velocity, to rationalize these activities. Pearson's linear correlation theory was used to assess the relationships between individual variables. Significant differences were found in the correlation coefficients between individual variables, which confirmed the need to take integrated actions to reduce pollutant emissions and fuel consumption.

Fig. 12. Indicator diagram -indicated pressure -pg for the maximum torque
Fig. 13. The derivative of the pressure against the angle of rotation of the crankshaft -pg/d for the maximum torque
Fig. 14. Indicated pressure -pg, temperature of the working medium -Tg, unit heat emission rate -δq/dα, unit heat emission -q, injector opening control voltage -U for the maximum torque for the ORLEN VERVA fuel; SOI -fuel injection start angle, SOC -combustion start angle, pgmaxmaximum indicated pressure, Tgmax -maximum temperature of the working medium
Basic information on the AVL 5402 engine
Physical and chemical characteristics of fuels
The criteria for qualifying fuels as a replacement fuels for internal combustion engines

May 2024


32 Reads


2 Citations

Combustion Engines

The article presents the classification of motor fuels into conventional and unconventional. The concept of replacement fuels is formalized as fuels that can replace conventional petroleum fuels for spark ignition and self-ignition engines without any structural or regulatory changes. The criteria for qualification unconventional fuels as replacement fuels are presented. This article also introduces the results of empirical research conducted on a single-cylinder research engine powered by diesel fuel and rapeseed methyl esters (RME) in summer version and winter version. The engine was tested and the combustion phenomenon in the cylinder was analyzed. Very similar engine properties were observed for diesel fuel and rapeseed methyl esters (RME) in the summer version, while greater differences were found for rapeseed methyl esters (RME) with winter additives. In light of the empirical research and the physicochemical properties of the fuels, it is concluded that RME warrants consideration as replacement fuel for engines with self-ignition, especially in the case of biofuel in the summer version.

Simulation program for the model of pollutant emissions from passenger cars in terms of their average speed in model traffic conditions
Simulation studies of pollutant emissions from road vehicles using models for inventories of pollutant emissions

May 2024


36 Reads

Combustion Engines

Countries are obliged by international regulations to conduct annual pollutant emissions inventories. Road transport is one of the sectors for which an inventory of pollutant emissions is carried out. Determining pollutant emissions from road transport is possible only by modeling these emissions – that is why unified emission models are used. In this work, the COPERT and HBEFA INFRAS software are used to determine pollutant emissions characteristics for various vehicle traffic models. The article presents the principles of modeling pollutant emissions from road vehicles. The rules for qualifying road vehicles into elementary and cumulative categories have been systematized. Models of road vehicle traffic and ways of taking them into account in modeling pollutant emissions are presented. The following emissions of pollutants harmful to the health and life of living organisms are considered: carbon monoxide, non-methane volatile organic compounds, nitrogen oxides and total suspended particles. The trends of the national annual emissions of the tested pollutants in the years 2000 – 2020 and the results of simulation tests of pollutant emissions models are presented.

Parameters of EtG fuel
Properties of substitute motor fuels produced from ethanol in biorefineries

April 2024


36 Reads

Combustion Engines

The article presents the definition of bioindustry, in particular biorefinery. The technology for obtaining synthetic fuel EtG (Ethanol to Gasoline) in a plant using bioethanol from food waste was presented. The physicochemical properties of EtG fuel were presented. EtG fuel stands out due to its limited content of benzene and sulfur and a low content of mechanical impurities and heavy metals. EtG fuel can be considered a replacement fuel for motor gasoline. The results of exhaust emissions tests from vehicles with spark-ignition engines in the WLTC test on a hot and cold engine were presented. It was found that EtG fuel is characterized by lower specific distance emissions of CO, NOx and CH4 and slightly higher specific distance emissions of NMHC when starting a cold engine compared to gasoline, while the specific distance emission of CO2 for both fuels were very similar.

Research on the results of the WLTP procedure for a passenger vehicle

December 2023


10 Reads


6 Citations

Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc - Maintenance and Reliability

The article considers variables registered in the WLTP procedure. The test results of a passenger car with a compression-ignition engine have been analysed. The tests were carried out on a chassis dynamometer. The tests were performed for engine cold start and ran up to the point of reaching stabilized operating conditions. The average specific distance emissions and volumetric fuel consumption were assessed for individual test phases as well as for the entire test. It was found that the results in the first test phase, which corresponded to the engine cold start up to stabilized operating conditions, had the most significant impact on the overall exhaust emission and fuel consumption results in the test. The specific distance emissions of carbon monoxide, non-methane hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides were by far the highest in the first phase of the test. In the fourth phase of the test, the specific distance emissions of methane and carbon dioxide turned out to be the highest, as well as the operational volumetric fuel consumption being the highest.

Accuracy of the measuring equipment.
Basic data of the Hyundai i30 vehicle.
Influence of the Use of EtG Synthetic Fuel in Spark-Ignition Engines on Vehicle Fuel Consumption and Pollutant Emissions

August 2023


78 Reads


1 Citation


This article presents the properties of EtG synthetic fuel (Ethanol to Gasoline) as a substitute for fuels in an installation using ethanol from food waste as a raw material. The results of this research on the process of supplying the engine with EtG fuel are presented, in which the operational suitability of this fuel was verified, including environmental requirements. The results of pollutant emission tests from vehicles with spark-ignition engines in dynamic driving conditions in the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) type approval tests and the World Harmonized Test Cycle (WLTC) test, both on a “cold” and “hot engine”, are presented. It was found that EtG fuel is characterized by lower emissions of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and methane, and higher emissions of non-methane hydrocarbons compared to E10 commercial gasoline, while the specific distance emission of carbon dioxide for both fuels was very similar.

Citations (60)

... Similarly to the modeling of the diameter as a function of mileage, wear was also modeled as a function of the vehicle's mileage using non-linear regression models. The choice of models resulted from obtaining the highest value of the determination coefficient R 2 [39]. The coefficient of determination for the models described by equations (14)-(23) of wheel diameter wear as a function of mileage was 0.94-0.98. ...


Research and modeling of wear of driving and rolling wheel sets in the ELF I electric multiple unit
The criteria for qualifying fuels as a replacement fuels for internal combustion engines

Combustion Engines

... Waste management is a key challenge in the fight against energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions [20][21][22]. The economy encompasses a range of activities, each reliant on energy for transportation and processing, which impacts various costs. ...

Research on the results of the WLTP procedure for a passenger vehicle
  • Citing Article
  • December 2023

Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc - Maintenance and Reliability

... The fuel must be chosen. Any new fuel that is released onto the market needs to be modified to fit the needs of the current fleet of cars (Biernat et al., 2023). Engine deposits form differently based on where they are and what influences them. ...

Influence of the Use of EtG Synthetic Fuel in Spark-Ignition Engines on Vehicle Fuel Consumption and Pollutant Emissions


... Comparing each process's contribution-waste collection, transshipment, waste processing, and final transportation -the majority of energy consumption goes to transportation, including collection from households and transportation from the waste treatment facility to the final destination [24]. For this reason, actions to optimize energy use in transportation are significant [25,26]. Interestingly, critical phenomena like the COVID-19 pandemic contributed to increased global CO 2 emissions from energy [27]; therefore, measures to optimize the supply chain in such situations become a priority. ...

Investigation of exhaust emissions from the gasoline engine of a light duty vehicle in the Real Driving Emissions test
  • Citing Article
  • May 2023

Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc - Maintenance and Reliability

... These vehicles emit a range of pollutants, including CO 2 , NOx, carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HC), and PM. The CO 2 emissions from road transport are a significant contributor to climate change, while NOx and PM have direct adverse effects on air quality and public health [11,12]. Urban areas experience elevated levels of these pollutants due to their high vehicle density and traffic congestion [11,12]. ...

Analysis of the National Annual Emission of Pollutants from Road Transport in Poland in the Years 1990–2020


... O + N 2 < = > NO + N N + O 2 < = > NO + O N + OH < = > NO + H Subsequently, nitrogen oxide in the exhaust system and later in the atmosphere quickly transforms into nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ). NO and NO 2 are found in motor exhausts in the greatest quantity and determine negative impacts on humans and the environment, while NOx further includes other oxides such as N 2 O, N 2 O 3 , N 2 O 4 , and N 2 O 5 [9][10][11]. Nitrogen oxides affect the nervous system, lungs, and respiratory tract. ...

Influence of the In-Cylinder Catalyst on the Aftertreatment Efficiency of a Diesel Engine


... Therefore, in the short term, internal combustion engines continue to be the primary source of propulsion [11]. In response to energy shortages [12] and climate change, researchers are actively searching for renewable and clean energy sources, such as natural gas [13], hydrogen [14], biofuels [15], and ethanol [16]. ...

Operational Issues of Using Replacement Fuels to Power Internal Combustion Engines


... Lu cić [11] obtained and plotted the crankshaft in terms of route, velocity, and acceleration using 3D modeling. Further, Zalewska et al. [12] stated that the performance characteristics of ICEs are affected by parameters like, for example, rotational speed, load, and thermal state. Engines configured to run on liquefied natural gas (LNG) or compressed natural gas (CNG), for example, often need a slew of changes to optimize rotation and deliver adequate performance levels, especially if they need to meet strict environmental regulations without sacrificing performance and safety. ...

Impact of the Internal Combustion Engine Thermal State during Start-Up on the Exhaust Emissions in the Homologation Test


... Traffic conditions in cities, outside cities, on highways and expressways differ considerably, which results in large differences in the operation states of internal combustion engines (Arregle et al., 2006;BUWAL, 1995;Chłopek, 1999;Chłopek et al., 2016). Simultaneously, it is very difficult to estimate emission from motor cars, including different traffic conditions and different automobiles. ...

Comparative examination of pollutant emission from an automotive internal combustion engine with the use of vehicle driving tests

Combustion Engines

... According to the analysis of the European Commission, inhaling polluted air causes approximately 47,000 deaths among Polish residents every year, including 36,500 due to PM2.5 suspended dust [2]. Exposure to even relatively low levels of air pollution for many months or years causes the occurrence of: − respiratory diseases, including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer − circulatory system diseases (including hypertension) − mortality due to cardiovascular and respiratory diseases − gradual weakening of the immune system, especially in sensitive people, those treated for chronic diseases or diagnosed with diseases at an advanced stage [3,4,5]. The main source of air pollution in Bielsko-Biała (as well as in the entire Silesian Voivodeship) is anthropogenic emissions from the municipal and residential sector in the autumn-winter period (surface emissions), with a smaller share being emissions from transport (linear emissions) and industrial activity (point emissions). ...

Assessment of pollutant emission in Poland from various categories of transport

Environmental Protection and Natural Resources