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Publications (22)

Figure 2. 1. Spatial Econometric Composition ( Spatial econometric composition ) Source: Li and Dong (2023) The 1990s saw the beginning of rapid developments in the field of spatial economics (also called new economic geography), a theoretical construct used to analyze the geographic distribution of economic activity that has garnered attention as a new frontier in economic studies. This new field focuses on the geographic dimensions of economic activity, an area that standard economics does not always treat effectively. In spatial economics, the interaction between "Agglomeration forces , " which attract economic activity to a particular area, and "Dispersion forces , " which spread economic activity throughout the surrounding area, determines the geographic distribution of economic activity . The main model of spatial E-economics incorporates elements of transportation costs, economies of scale, and attraction to variation into standard microeconomics. These models first assume that some transportation costs are incurred when goods produced in one location are consumed in another location. Furthermore, the model hypothesizes economies of scale, where production costs per unit decrease as production volume increases. Paul Krugman, winner of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Economics, carried out simulations using a spatial economic model called the " Racetrack Economy " model. The model hypothesizes multiple cities (in Krugman's case , using 12 cities) , and are arranged at equal intervals in a circle, like the numbers on a clock face. Economic Activities included farmers, who lived in cities and did not move, and factory workers, who moved between cities in search of higher wages and lower prices. Initially, the city populations are only slightly different (uniformly equal city sizes cause balance, which prevents the simulation from working). Using these basic conditions, Krugman modified transportation costs (T) and the degree of preference of varieties for industrial products (σ) to analyze changes in the number and location of agglomerations , Krugman
Figure 2. 2. A two-input Cobb-Douglas production function with isoquants ( A two-input Cobb-Douglas production function with isoquants )
Figure 2. 3. Agglomeration Strength and Dispersion Strength Source: ( Chapter 10: Location Effects, Economic Geography and Regional Policy , nd) .
Figure 4. 1. Research design
Figure 5. 6. The Influence of Human Resource Development (PSDM) on Inclusive Regional Economic Development (PERI) 5.5.2. Hypothesis 2 (H2): Influence of the Moderating Role of Agglomeration Force ( agglomeration force ) on the relationship between Human Resource Development and Inclusive Regional Economic Development There is a moderating role of Agglomeration Force ( Agglomeration ) on the relationship between Human Resource Development (PSDM) and Inclusive Regional Economic Development (PERI) and has a path coefficient β= 0.22, P = 0.04, Determination Coefficient Value ( R 2 ) Inclusive Regional Economic Development (PERI) increased to 0.80 or 80%. The hypothesis was accepted (1.686 < 1.96).


The Influence of Human Resource Development on Inclusive Regional Economic Development: A Spatial Economic Assessment Approach
  • Article
  • Full-text available

April 2024


27 Reads

International Journal of Economics (IJEC)

Rudy Mas’ud


Zamruddin Hasid



Diana Lestari

Economics is treated effectively by standard economics. In spatial economics, the interaction between Agglomeration Forces, which attract economic activity to a particular region, and Dispersion Forces, which spread economic activity throughout the surrounding region, determines the geographic distribution of economic activity. Spatial Economic Analysis will provide an understanding of how space (distance) influences economic behavior referring to each type of economic entity. The method used in this research is a quantitative research method. Multivariate analysis is used in analyzing research, involving variables in a number more than or equal to three variables. The method used in this research is a quantitative research method. Multivariate analysis is used in analyzing research, involving variables in a number more than or equal to three variables. Development policies must be tailored to specific regions to encourage local production and innovative networks and make the manufacturing industry more competitive. The populations of most cities in urban agglomerations are still spread out. Although urban populations tend to cluster around a few sub-central urban units, the trend is toward population agglomeration around urban centers. The decline in technological progress and technological efficiency will affect the spatial structure of urban agglomeration and influence economic efficiency.


Figure 5. 1. The Relationship between the Food Security Program (X) and Arts and Culture (Urip Kerimaan) (M) Hypothesis 3 (H3): The relationship between Arts and Culture (Urip Keimaan) (M) and Sustainable Development (Y) The relationship between Arts and Culture (Urip Acceptance) (M) and Sustainable Development (Y)) is positive and significant and has a path coefficient of 0.27, and P < 0.001, the Determination Coefficient Value (R2) is 0.07 or 7% . The hypothesis was accepted (8.652 > 1.96).
Figure 5. 3. The mediating role of Arts and Culture (Urip Kerimaan) (M) on the relationship between the Food Security Program (X) and Sustainable Development (Y)
The Influence of Food Security Program Through Arts and Culture Towards Sustainable Development in Mahulu District, East Kalimantan Province

December 2023


14 Reads

International Journal of Economics (IJEC)

This research examines the implementation of the "Urip Kerimaan" Food Security Program in Mahulu Regency, East Kalimantan Province, since 2021. This program aims to increase food independence by focusing on developing modern and organic dry land agriculture. The program steps involve opening 500 hectares of new land in 50 villages, with capital support, community-based agricultural technology management, and outreach for farmers. This research uses a conceptual framework that includes aspects of the Food Security Program (X), Arts and Culture (Urip Kerimaan) (M), and Sustainable Development (Y). This research method involves collecting quantitative and qualitative data from 1009 farmers involved in the Food Security Program. The research results show that the Food Security Program has a positive and significant impact on Sustainable Development, as well as on Arts and Culture. The Food Security Program has made a positive contribution to increasing the area of rice fields, rice production and the number of farmers in villages. Apart from that, Arts and Culture are also closely related to this program, with increasing public interest in various cultural expressions such as music, crafts and dance, which then influences Sustainable Development.

Towards the New National Capital (IKN) in Indonesia: Premises and Challenges of Food Security

December 2023


312 Reads


3 Citations

Anuário do Instituto de Geociências - UFRJ


Zamruddin Hasid





One of the successes of regional independence is food security. The essence of this paper dedicates the linkage between small and medium industry (SMI), population (Pop), food consumption (FC), and economic growth of agriculture, forestry and fisheries (EG_AFF) on food security (FS) towards a holistic New National Capital (IKN) in Indonesia. The comparative linear regression technique frames the data set starting from 2015 to 2021. Cross-regions that are qualified in “geospatial IKN” are focused into four clusters. From this analysis approach, it resulted in two important factors: (1) when SMI, Pop, FC, and EG_AFF increased, the simultaneous effect on FS increased; and (2) SMI has partial effect on FS in Balikpapan, Pop has partial effect on FS in Kutai Kartanegara, and FC has partial effect on FS in Balikpapan, Penajam Paser Utara (PPU), and Samarinda. This finding detects that SMI, Pop, FC, and EG_AFF guarantee food security in the short term. Finally, FC stimulates long-term food security in Balikpapan, PPU, and Samarinda, but has no implications in Kutai Kartanegara. The contemporary agenda is building an integrated agro-industrial system, considering alternative suggestions related to food productivity, and revitalizing revolutionary public facilities to separate food production centers from the new central government zone.

The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility and Tourism Development on Regional Development in Berau Regency

December 2023


36 Reads

Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Kesatuan

The aim of the research is to test the truth of regional development theories, namely firm location theory and new economic geography theory, as well as functional development theory, with the research object being the PT company. Berau Coal in Berau district, East Kalimantan province. It recommends the results of research, namely the corporate social responsibility program and tourism development, towards regional development in Berau Regency, East Kalimantan Province. The method used in this research is a quantitative research method. Multivariate analysis is used in analyzing research, involving variables in a number greater than or equal to three variables. WarpPLS is mutivariate-based and can analyze structural equation modeling (SEM). The results of the research show that PT Berau Coal's corporate social responsibility (CSR) program has a positive and significant effect on regional development. The tourism development that has been carried out has been proven to have a positive and significant effect on regional financial independence. The existence of the tourism industry in Berau district has increased regional development. Regional financial independence will become more independent if the contribution of regional original income (PAD) to funding regional development is greater.

Analysis of Regional Property Asset Management with Phenomenological Studies in the West Kutai Regency Government

November 2023


8 Reads

International Journal of Research and Review

The purpose of this research is to analyze regional property asset management with phenomenological studies in the West Kutai Regency Government. This research uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. The key informants in this research are goods user authorities in the General Section of the Regional Secretariat of West Kutai Regency Government as individuals who act as goods user administration officials, user goods management officers, and a number of officers who act as auxiliary goods administrators. The primary data source for this research is obtained from direct interviews with parties who have relevance to the research topic or key informants, while for secondary data using library studies and other documents such as regulations and legislation, periodic reports as well as other related supporting documents. The data collection technique used is an in-depth interview process. The process of obtaining information by asking key informants face to face. Data analysis aims to carry out data processing by reducing what is conveyed to the main points of thought until it reaches specific themes. The results of the research show that the factors causing regional property asset management in the West Kutai Regency Government are the unequal quality of managing human resources in all existing regional apparatuses, the lack of visible real action to improve asset problems, the failure of regional financial and asset bodies to develop actions prioritization of improving asset management, ignoring the benefits of data resources, the parent does not understand the relationship between business processes, and the parent does not carry out problem mapping. Keywords: Regional Property Asset Management, Human Resources, Regional Financial, Business Processes

Analisis Pendapatan Usaha Pengolahan Ikan Asin pada Usaha Rumah Tangga di Bontang Kuala, Kalimantan Timur

August 2023


531 Reads


1 Citation


ABSTRAK: Indonesia termasuk Bangsa kepulauan dan dikenal sebagai wilayah perairan yang mempunyai kekayaan alam dari bidang perikanan, seperti biota laut dan wisata bahari. Sejak 1952, kemajuan Kota Bontang Kuala disokong oleh beraneka ragam sentra industri yang memanfaatkan hasil perikanan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari aspek-aspek finansial mencakup: pendapatan, pengeluaran, efsiensi, dan keuntungan terhadap bisnis pengolahan ikan asin yang dikelola oleh penduduk yang berdomisili di sekitar kawasan pesisir laut Kota Bontang. Instrumen yang diterapkan untuk menganalisis data adalah analisis efisiensi usaha, biaya, serta penerimaan, keuntungan. Objektivitas kajian bertumpu pada metode wawancara langsung terhadap informan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata biaya tetap dan biaya tidak tetap per bulan, rata-rata penerimaan per bulan, dan rata-rata keuntungan per bulan "sangat efisien". Walaupun RCR dalam usaha pengolahan ikan asin di Bontang Kuala terklasifikasi "efesien", tetapi masih terdapat hambatan yang mengarah kepada tingkat kemakmuran pengusaha dan alokasi peralatan pendukung. Implikasi temuan didiskusikan dan ditelaah dalam publikasi selanjutnya. Luaran kajian juga menginspirasi dan mendedikasikan kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap arah regulasi pemangku kepentingan di masa depan yang lebih adaptif. Kata kunci: biaya; penerimaan; pendapatan; keuntungan; efisiensi. ABSTRACT: Indonesia is an archipelagic nation known as a maritime area with natural riches in fisheries, such as marine biota and marine tourism. Since 1952, the progress of Bontang Kuala City has been supported by various industrial centers that utilize fishery products. This study aims to study financial aspects, including income, expenses, efficiency, and profits in the salted fish processing business managed by residents who live around the coastal area of Bontang City. The instruments applied to analyze data are analysis of business efficiency, costs, revenues, and profits. The objectivity of the study relies on the method of direct interviews with informants. The study results show that the average fixed and variable monthly costs, average revenue, and average monthly profit are "very efficient." Even though the RCR in the salted fish processing business in Bontang Kuala is classified as "efficient", obstacles still lead to entrepreneurs' prosperity and the allocation of supporting equipment. The implications of the findings are discussed and explored in subsequent publications. The study's results also inspire and dedicate significant contributions to the direction of more adaptive stakeholder regulations in the future.

Correlation results
Regression in PPU (N=32)
Energy Operations for Resident and Its Implications for Economic Growth: Indonesia's New Capital City as a Case Study

July 2023


186 Reads


2 Citations

International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy

The topic of "IKN" is not just a discourse. This is good news for Indonesia which is trying to be free from prosperity conflicts, which so far have only been concentrated in one area. What is more crucial is that the struggle for economic resources is also always won by regions that have inclusive GRDP growth, competitive workers, and solid infrastructure facilities, especially in Java. This is because regions such as Kalimantan, their economic prospects are sinking because the transformation of consumption and purchasing power is not working. Therefore, this paper initiates the relationship between population, electricity, water production, and regional/GRDP growth in the center of IKN and 4 buffer zones. Systematics in data extraction uses panel regression which presents time-series data (8 periods). Valuable insights conclude some important findings. The population has been proven to increase electricity in PPU, Paser, Balikpapan and Samarinda. Positive causality also indicates the effect of population on water production in PPU and Balikpapan. However, it also influences positively. On the other hand, electric power has a positive impact on economic growth in PPU, while in Paser, water production actually increases economic growth. Population as the only variable that has no effect on economic growth in all cases. Only Kukar has all the opposite variables and has a negative effect. Finally, preparations towards a fair IKN development perspective consider long and short term policy packages.

Figure 3 -GDP of the military sector in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore (2014-2021)
Figure 7 -Economic freedom index in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore (2014-2021)
Operational definition of each variable
Summary of descriptive statistics
Protecting National Security and Economic Freedom: Relevance in 3 Southeast Asia Countries, 2014–2021

May 2023


50 Reads


1 Citation

Intermestic Journal of International Studies

Abstrak: Makalah ini berinisiatif untuk mempelajari kausalitas antara military spending (MS), GDP of military sector (GMS), armed forces personnel (AFP), arms exports (AE), dan arms imports (AI) terhadap kebebasan ekonomi (FE). Objektivitas ditentukan di Indonesia-Malaysia-Singapura. Regresi data panel digunakan untuk menguji serangkaian hipotesis selama kurun 2014-2021. Selanjutnya, parameter probabilitas yang diberlakukan adalah ρ <0,05. Berbagai kesimpulan memperlihatkan ada perbedaan pada tiga pengamatan. Pertama, AFP dan AE berpengaruh signifikan terhadap EF di Indonesia. Kedua, MS, GMS, dan AI justru memengaruhi EF di Malaysia secara signifikan. Ketiga, MS, GMS, dan AFP mempunyai keterkaitan yang signifikan bagi EF di Singapura. Dalam reaksinya, temuan mendeteksi bahwa pembangunan militer meningkatkan kebebasan ekonomi di Indonesia dan Singapura, tetapi tidak untuk kasus di Malaysia secara kolektif. Hasil penyelidikan memberikan wawasan yang berguna mengenai kemajuan industri militer dan teknologi senjata, sehingga membawa eskalasi perekonomian yang lebih progresif. Kedamaian sukar tercapai apabila tuntutan untuk memperjuangkan kesejahteraan tidak selenggarakan. Abstract: This paper takes the initiative to study the causality between military spending (MS), GDP of the military sector (GMS), armed forces personnel (AFP), arms exports (AE), arms imports (AI), and economic freedom (FE). Objectivity is determined in Indonesia-Malaysia-Singapore. Panel data regression is used to test a series of hypotheses over the period 2014-2021. Furthermore, the probability parameter applied is ρ <0.05. Various conclusions show that there are differences between the three observations. First, AFP and AE have a significant effect on EF in Indonesia. Second, MS, GMS, and AI affect EF in Malaysia significantly. Third, MS, GMS, and AFP have significant links to EF in Singapore. In reaction, the findings detect that military build-up increased economic freedom in Indonesia and Singapore, but not in Malaysia collectively. The results of the investigation provide useful insights into the progress of the military industry and weapons technology, thereby bringing about a more progressive economic escalation. Economic freedom is an identity that symbolizes the maturity of a country's prosperity.

Identifikasi Pendapatan Penjual Ikan Kering: Fokus Kajian pada Usaha Rumah Tangga di Bontang Kuala/ Identification of Dried Fish Seller Income: Study Focus on Household Businesses in Bontang Kuala

May 2023


162 Reads


1 Citation

Agrikan Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan

Abstrak: Kalimantan Timur merupakan Provinsi dengan satu diantara garis panjang pantai yang cukup panjang di Indonesia. Atas anugrah itu, artikel ini membahas tentang volume pendapatan dari kluster bisnis ikan kering yang dikelola oleh rumah tangga di Bontang Kuala. Adapun motivasi dari penelitian untuk memperoleh informasi mengenai pendapatan bersih dan pendapatan kotor dari bisnis penjualan ikan kering. Metode dirancang untuk mengolah data yang ditunjang oleh angket yang mengundang para penjual ikan di Bontang Kuala. Sampel terbatas dan hanya berfokus melibatkan 18 informan kunci karena dianggap memenuhi kriteria, memiliki wawasan yang luas berkaitan kuisioner yang diajukan, dan berpengalaman. Untuk mendukung itu, dibutuhkan perangkat buku catat, alat rekam, dan panduan angket yang berisikan item pertanyaan. Menggunakan dua pendekatan yakni identifikasi pendapatan bersih dan pendapatan pendapatan kotor, output studi menekankan dua poin penting. Pertama, pendapatan bersih rata-rata mencapai Rp 4.033.004 per bulan dengan rata-rata biaya modal Rp 1.689.218 per bulan. Kedua, pendapatan kotor rata-rata adalah Rp 5.722.222 per bulan yang diperoleh dari harga ikan kering rata-rata Rp 37.279 per pcs dan kuantitas produk yang terjual mencapai rata-rata 155 pcs per bulan. Maka dari itu, serangkaian analisis berfungsi membuktikan ataupun menilai tingkat pendapatan sederhana dan menjadi alternatif yang bisa diimplementasikan oleh para pedagang. Lewat saluran tahapan proyeksi, akan memberikan pengetahuan dan wawasan seputar luaran, implikasi, dan keterbatasan makalah yang dibahas di masa depan. Juga, arah keberlanjutan praktis dapat menginspirasi penjual ikan kering untuk menggerakkan metode penjualan yang lebih modern, termasuk mengadopsi literasi keuangan secara komprehensif. Abstract: East Kalimantan is a province with one of the longest coastlines in Indonesia. For this gift, this article to discuss the volume of income from the dry fish business cluster managed by households in Bontang Kuala. The motivation of the research is to obtain information related net income and gross income from the dried fish selling business. The method designed to process data was supported by a questionnaire that invited fish sellers in Bontang Kuala. The sample is limited and only focuses on involving 18 key informants because they are considered to meet the criteria, have broad insight about the proposed questionnaire, and are experienced. To support this, notebooks, recording devices, and questionnaire guides are needed that contain question items. Using two approaches, i.e., the identification of net income and gross income, the output study emphasizes two important points. First, the average net income reaches IDR 4,033,004 per month with an average cost of capital of IDR 1,689,218 per month. Second, the average gross income is IDR 5,722,222 per month which is obtained from the average price of dried fish IDR 37,279 per pcs and the quantity of products sold reaches an average of 155 pcs per month. Thus, a series of analyzes that function to prove or assess the level of income is simple and becomes an alternative that can be implemented by traders. Through the channel of the projection stage, it will provide knowledge and insight about the outcomes, implications, and limitations of the papers discussed in the future. Also, practical sustainability directions can inspire dried fish sellers to driving more modern sales methods, including adopting comprehensive financial literacy.

Figure 1: Conceptual framework
Descriptive Statistics and Pearson Correlation (n=48)
Power Generation Infrastructure and its Effect on Electric Energy Consumption: Context in Indonesia, 2013-2020

January 2023


102 Reads


2 Citations

International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy

For centuries, humans have continued to deplete natural resources. The transportation sector is claimed to be the main culprit in wasting fossil energy. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of Fossil Fuels Electricity (FFE), Wind Electricity (WE), Solar Electricity (SE), Hydroelectricity (H), and Geothermal Electricity (GE) on Access to Electricity (AE) in Indonesia. The collection of data obtained from the Global Economy report, processed using time-series regression. Empirical testing clarifies that the increase in the variables of FFE, WE, SE, H, and GE, has increased AE in the short term. The more FFE, WE, SE, H, and GE increase 1%, the more AE increases in the long run. During 2013-2020, FFE as a variable that has a dominant effect on AE, where the nature of this energy is very limited, the frequency of its use is considered. Apart from the role of FFE which is crucial for basic human needs, it is necessary to restructure the rules that regulate, monitoring, and revitalize power generation systems based on natural gas, oil, and coal.

Citations (12)

... This paper aims to explain the opportunities and challenges of Nusantara's establishment in West Kalimantan and explore its potential impact on the sense of belonging. The growing attention on Nusantara as the new capital city of Indonesia led to several publications addressing essential issues or topics comprehensively, such as defence strategy and border diplomacy (Alviani et al., 2022), food security (Jiuhardi et al., 2024), architecture and city design (Sari, 2022), economic development (Hasibuan & Aisa, 2020), communication (Takariani et al., 2023), public policy (Hariati & Saputri, 2022), gender (Dewi, 2022) and environmental problems (Pusung et al., 2024). ...


Towards the New National Capital (IKN) in Indonesia: Premises and Challenges of Food Security

Anuário do Instituto de Geociências - UFRJ

... Penelitian(Saputra, 2023) menyoroti perlunya intervensi dalam bentuk penyediaan alat tangkap yang lebih efisien dan akses yang lebih baik ke pasar. Dengan alat tangkap yang lebih modern, nelayan dapat meningkatkan efisiensi dan hasil tangkapan mereka, yang pada akhirnya dapat meningkatkan pendapatan(Anzitha, 2019;Basyirah, 2018;Kurniawan A. et al., 2023). Selain itu, akses ke pasar yang lebih luas dan lebih baik dapat membantu nelayan mendapatkan harga yang lebih kompetitif untuk hasil tangkapan mereka(Basyirah, 2018;Fitriani et al., 2024;). ...

Analisis Pendapatan Usaha Pengolahan Ikan Asin pada Usaha Rumah Tangga di Bontang Kuala, Kalimantan Timur


... Specifically, there is a gap between existing polemics and past theories (Beckley, 2010;Busari et al., 2023;Negri & Dincă, 2023). The first root of the problem is that there are not many preferences linking causality between military strength and economic freedom. ...

Protecting National Security and Economic Freedom: Relevance in 3 Southeast Asia Countries, 2014–2021

Intermestic Journal of International Studies

... Nominal pendapatan mereka sangat bergantung pada output penjualan ikan asin. Wijaya et al., (2023), menekankan bahwa efisiensi menyangkut tingkat "kelayakan" atau "tidak layaknya" sebuah bisnis. Relevansinya dengan kajian ini, analisis RCR ...

Identifikasi Pendapatan Penjual Ikan Kering: Fokus Kajian pada Usaha Rumah Tangga di Bontang Kuala/ Identification of Dried Fish Seller Income: Study Focus on Household Businesses in Bontang Kuala

Agrikan Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan

... Specifically, East Kalimantan's position as a new administrative center located in the Sepaku-Penajam Paser Utara (PPU) area, has great expectations of resolving 4 primary polemics: economic expansion, protection against natural disaster vulnerabilities, environmental degradation, and population growth uncontrollable. So far, the government's obsession with accelerating regional arrangement and equity between regions in Indonesia has often been hindered by the low quality of human resources and suboptimal access to infrastructure that connects the network to the outermost islands (Hasid et al., 2023). The island of Java is no exception, which has complete facilities, inclusive investments, transportation accommodations, and a variety of supporting public needs. ...

Power Generation Infrastructure and its Effect on Electric Energy Consumption: Context in Indonesia, 2013-2020

International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy

... The irony is that, for example, those who live on the island of Borneo are quite distorted by the integration of development which sucked up the government budget in the old capital city. At the same time, the overcrowded human routine on the island of Java also presents problems that never stop, for example: a decrease in the level of happiness in life, a decline in welfare due to This Journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License fast-moving levels of competition and slower-moving employment opportunities, triggering crimes and criminal acts, pollution, health threats, clean water crises, and other concrete matters that urge the implementation of relocation (Busari et al., 2022). Figure 1 represents a map of the New Capital or what is called "IKN." ...

Multiplier Effect of Energy Infrastructure on GRDP: Horizon in 3 Production Areas in East Kalimantan–Indonesia

International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy

... The agriculture sector faces challenges [1] in maintaining sustainability and increasing efficiency while adapting to modern technologies [2]. Agricultural production must align with dynamic market trends, among them is the modernization of farming equipment [3]. ...

Sustaining Agricultural Growth: Traps of Socio-Demographics in Emerging Markets

Opportunities and Challenges in Sustainability

... The key to the success of this innovation is the synergy and strong commitment between stakeholders, besides the penta helix collaboration is considered very appropriate to manage the complexity of various actors (Novianti, 2020;Slamet et al., 2016). Furthermore, according to (Soemaryani, 2016) Penta Helix is defined as a reference in developing synergies between relevant agencies in supporting the achievement of a common goal and that Penta Helix plays a role in advancing regional socioeconomic development (Hasid et al., 2022;Purba & Setiawan, 2022). The above statement is also supported by the understanding put forward by Jann Jidajat Tjakraatmadja that Penta Helix is an integrated design between five sectors that are coordinated with each other (Amrial et al., 2017). ...

Menggunakan 'Penta-Helix' untuk Menjembatani Reaksi Masyarakat Terhadap Vaksin Covid-19

Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat

... Laporan UNESCO menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan karakter harus diperkuat untuk membangun generasi yang memiliki nilai-nilai positif dalam menghadapi tantangan globalisasi yang pesat. Isu degradasi moral dan etika menjadi sorotan banyak negara karena dampaknya terhadap kestabilan sosial dan ekonomi, serta kemajuan bangsa (Hasid et al., 2022). ...

Ekonomi sumber daya alam dalam lensa pembangunan ekonomi

... Poverty alleviation is consistent rapid and sustainable development growth [32]. On the contrary, economic success alone does not always guarantee poverty alleviation [33]. ...

Causality between Regional Economic Independence and Decentralization on Poverty Alleviation and Community Welfare Mediated by Economic Development

International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning