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Publications (17)

Figure 1. The proposed integrated framework
Figure 2. PLS algorithm results
Perspective of Yemeni students on use of online learning: Extending the information systems success model with transformational leadership and compatibility
  • Article
  • Full-text available

May 2019


664 Reads


80 Citations

Information Technology and People


Zaini Abdullah



Purpose Online learning has evolved into a necessary means of learning because of its capability to enhance the education quality with minimum resources and infrastructure. Nevertheless, while academics have studied the espousal and use of online learning in various settings, the effect of compatibility and transformational leadership (TL) still remains to be seen, with regards to the Yemeni context. The purpose of this paper is to forward the Delone and Mclean Information System (IS) success Model by integrating compatibility and TL constructs as precursors to user contentment and actual use for estimating performance of students. Design/methodology/approach The questionnaire technique was utilised for gathering primary data from 448 students in nine state-funded Yemeni universities. The six variables in the recommended framework were gauged utilising current scales. Data analysis was done by deploying structural equation modelling through SmartPLS 3.0. Findings The outcomes encompassed three key results: overall quality (data, system and service quality), compatibility and TL have a favourable effect on user satisfaction and actual use; actual use considerably estimates user satisfaction; and user satisfaction and actual use have a favourable effect on performance of students. Research limitations/implications Because the research populace comprised students from nine state-funded universities, it did not include administrative and academic staff. Furthermore, as the study was cross-sectional, it studied the variables at a single point of time. Attaining experience in utilising online learning would transform the convictions of students, and this cannot be traced through a cross-sectional scrutiny. Moreover, the research relies upon self-testified measures for ascertaining the recommended research model. The reason behind this is that obtaining objective information regarding performance was not likely because of the privacy concern. Practical implications Despite the fact that Yemen is a low-income emerging nation with inadequate resources (World Development Indicators, 2017), it can capitalise on online-based learning that provides the advantage of excellent education and that too with limited supplies (Dokhan and Akkoyunlu, 2016; Yang et al. , 2016). Additionally, online learning can enhance administration and communication, empower learning anywhere and anytime, and endorse fairness of education. Originality/value This study supplements the existing studies on information systems by blending overall quality, compatibility, TL, actual use and client satisfaction for estimating the effect of online learning among students from nine state-funded Yemeni universities. Moreover, the recommended model’s predictive prowess has a higher capability to elucidate and estimate the performance effect as against those acquired from few of the previous studies.


Antecedents and outcomes of internet usage within organisations in Yemen: An extension of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model

May 2019


179 Reads


123 Citations

Asia Pacific Management Review

In the past few years, the increasing use of the internet in many countries has changed the manner in the people socialise, learn, govern or do their business. However, there are countries such as Yemen which has a very low internet usage rate and sees little economic, social and cultural progress as a result. A significant volume of theoretical studies have already undertaken, seeking to understand ambiguities in technology usage, with a number of models being proposed. In this study, the researcher has focused on extending the UTAUT using an antecedent variable for the actual internet use (i.e., task-technology fit) and 4 outcome variables (i.e., decision quality, communication quality, knowledge acquisition, and user satisfaction). Survey questionnaires were distributed among the employees working in the various Yemeni governmental institutions and ministries, and primary data was collected from 520 different internet users. The data analysis was carried out using 2-stage procedures, wherein a measurement model was initially used, followed by a structural model for the assessment of the data, with the help of the SmartPLS 3.0. The multivariate data analysis yielded 2 results: 1) The different antecedent variables (like effort expectancy, performance expectancy, social influence, and the task-technology fit) positively affected the internet usage, and 2) The outcome variables (decision quality, communication quality, knowledge acquisition, and user satisfaction) were positively affected by internet usage. The proposed model could explain 29% of variance noted in the actual internet use. Finally, the researchers investigated the different practical and theoretical implications of the study.

Online learning usage within Yemeni higher education: The role of compatibility and task-technology fit as mediating variables in the IS success model

February 2019


474 Reads


282 Citations

Computers & Education

The practice of online learning can appreciably enhance administrative, communicative, and educational qualities, support learning using scarce resources and limited infrastructure, and encourage educational equity through flexible place and time usage. Although researchers have examined online learning usage within multiple situations, the roles of task-technology-fit (TTF) and compatibility as mediating variables have not been investigated through Delone and Mclean's model of IS success. Survey data gathered from 448 students across nine public universities within Yemen was collectively analysed through structural equation modelling (SEM) using SmartPLS 3.0. The findings comprised six primary outcomes, wherein overall quality (service, system, and information qualities) appreciably influences compatibility; compatibility appreciably influences user satisfaction as well as practical use; compatibility mediates associations among overall quality and either satisfaction and practical usage; actual use and the satisfaction of users appreciably influences TTF; the role of TTF presents positive influences performances; and TTF mediates associations among satisfaction and practical usage in one case and performance in another.

Proposed research model
Research structural model results
An extension of Delone and McLean IS success model with self-efficacy: Online learning usage in Yemen

July 2018


515 Reads


168 Citations



Zaini Abdullah




Purpose While many researchers have investigated the adoption and usage of online learning in different settings, one area that has yet to be examined thoroughly, particularly in the context of online learning in Yemen, is the self-efficacy role. The purpose of this paper is to extend the Delone and McLean information system success model by incorporating a self-efficacy construct as an antecedent to user satisfaction and actual usage to predict student performance. Design/methodology/approach Questionnaire survey method was used to collect primary data from 448 students in nine public universities in Yemen. The six constructs in the proposed model were measured using existing scales. The data analysed using confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling via AMOS. Findings Three main results were revealed, namely that overall quality (system, information and service quality) and self-efficacy have a positive impact on user satisfaction and actual usage; that actual usage significantly predicts user satisfaction; and that both user satisfaction and actual usage have a positive impact on student performance. Research limitations/implications First as the study population were students from nine public universities, it excluded academics and administrative staff. Second, the study depends on self-reported measures to test the proposed research model. This is because getting objective data about the performance was not probable due to the issue of privacy. Practical implications The findings of this study can be a guideline for Yemeni higher education institutions to develop efficient and effective plans to improve the performance of education institutions, and train and develop student ability to use online learning. Additionally, it highlights the areas that university management needs to concentrate on, namely information systems (IS) tools that will contribute to higher student enrolment, address the lack of infrastructure and improve the quality of education outcomes, things which represent Yemen’s main challenges in the higher education sector. Originality/value This paper adds to the existing literature of IS by combining overall quality, self-efficacy, actual usage and user satisfaction to predict performance impact of online learning among students in nine public universities in Yemen. Furthermore, the predictive power of the proposed model has a higher ability to explain and predict performance impact compared to those obtained from some of the previous studies.

Table 2 : Goodness-of-fit indices for the measurement model
Fig. 3: Proposed extended TAM Model 
Fig. 4: Research Structural Model results 
Integrating User Satisfaction and Performance Impact with Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to Examine the Internet Usage Within Organizations in Yemen

May 2018


7,372 Reads


89 Citations

Asian Journal of Information Technology

Internet technology has become an essential technological tool for individuals, organizations and nations driving growth and prosperity. In today's rapidly changing commercial environment, the internet is playing a major role in enabling organizations to be flexible, networked and competitive. It is providing a platform for improving task efficiency, knowledge acquisition and communication and decision-making quality. Yet, half the world population is still not using the internet. A significant body of theory and a number of models have been proposed to understand this ambiguity about technology usage. Although, the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) has achieved wide acceptance, it neglects to focus on evaluating technology usage, such as user satisfaction and performance impact. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to propose and verify that the TAM can be employed to explain and predict internet usage among employees in organizations, along with the extended TAM with its two output factors, namely user satisfaction and performance impact. In addtion, this study deals with performance impact as a second-order construct to enhance the explanatory power of the full model. A survey questionnaire was used to collect primary data from 530 internet users among employees within the head offices in all thirty government ministries in Yemen. The analysis includes Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) via. AMOS and the results show that the data fits the extended TAM model well. The findings of the multivariate analysis demonstrate the following four main results: first, perceived ease of use has a positive impact on perceived usefulness, actual usage and user satisfaction. Second, perceived usefulness has great influence on actual usage and user satisfaction. Third, actual usage has a strong positive impact on performance impact. Fourth, user satisfaction positively influences performance impact. The model proposed here explains 65% of the variance in performance impact and the theoretical and practical implications are also discussed.

Factors determining user satisfaction of internet usage among public sector employees in Yemen

May 2018


327 Reads


60 Citations

International Journal of Technological Learning Innovation and Development

Internet technology has become an essential technological tool for individuals, organisations, and nations driving growth and prosperity. However, there are countries such as Yemen which have very low internet usage rates and which see little economic, social and cultural progress as a result. Therefore, this study has developed an integrated conceptual model based the DeLone and McLean information systems success model (DMISM), the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) and task-technology fit (TTF) to predict the user satisfaction of internet. A survey questionnaire was used to collect primary data from 530 employees in all 30 government ministry institutions in Yemen. An analysis was conducted to examine the relationship between the variables of the proposed model, which includes initial exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modelling (SEM) via AMOS. The results indicated that system quality, information quality, task quality, and social quality are the four key determinants of employee satisfaction related to internet usage. The theoretical and practical implications are also discussed in this study

Online learning usage and performance among students within public universities in Yemen

April 2018


170 Reads


51 Citations

International Journal of Services and Standards

As information and communication technology (ICT) is making the leap to transform all aspects of life, online learning has become widely viewed as the future of education. Because Yemen is lagging behind in the adoption of ICT, being faced with many challenges, limited resources, weak infrastructure, and a high student population, the focus of this research will be on Yemeni Institutes of Higher Education and the role that online learning can play in Yemen. This conceptual paper extends the DeLone & McLean information system success model (DMISM) to create a comprehensive model that comprises five main antecedents as independent variables (namely technological, task, individual, social, and organisational characteristics) with actual usage, user satisfaction and cognitive absorption as mediating variables, and performance impact as a dependent variable. The anticipated findings will provide a guideline for both policymakers and university management. The theoretical and practical implications are also discussed.

Online learning usage and performance among students within public universities in Yemen

April 2018


483 Reads


52 Citations

International Journal of Services and Standards

As information and communication technology (ICT) is making the leap to transform all aspects of life, online learning has become widely viewed as the future of education. Because Yemen is lagging behind in the adoption of ICT, being faced with many challenges, limited resources, weak infrastructure, and a high student population, the focus of this research will be on Yemeni Institutes of Higher Education and the role that online learning can play in Yemen. This conceptual paper extends the DeLone & McLean information system success model (DMISM) to create a comprehensive model that comprises five main antecedents as independent variables (namely technological, task, individual, social, and organisational characteristics) with actual usage, user satisfaction and cognitive absorption as mediating variables, and performance impact as a dependent variable. The anticipated findings will provide a guideline for both policymakers and university management. The theoretical and practical implications are also discussed.

The Role of Transformational Leadership as a Mediating Variable in DeLone and McLean Information System Success Model: The Context of Online Learning usage in Yemen

March 2018


523 Reads


235 Citations

Telematics and Informatics

Governments and higher education institutions around the world are placing online learning in their respective visions and policies as it has already transformed the way in which individuals learn, socialise and do business. Leadership is therefore increasingly playing a major role in the implementation and success of online learning goals. Although researchers have investigated adoption and usage of online learning in different settings, the mediation role of transformational leadership is yet to be examined using the Delone and Mclean IS success model. Data collected from 448 students in nine Yemeni public universities and the subsequent analysis employing structural equation modelling (SEM) via SmartPLS 3.0, revealed five main results: first, overall quality (system, information, and service quality) has a positive impact on transformational leadership; second, transformational leadership has a positive impact on actual usage; third, overall quality has an indirect positive effect on actual usage via transformational leadership; fourth, actual usage significantly affects user satisfaction and performance impact; and fifth, user satisfaction has a positive impact on student performance. The proposed model explains 61% of the variance in performance impact, and theoretical and practical implications are provided as well.

Figure 1: Proposed research model 
The Role of Compatibility as a Moderating Variable in the Information System Success Model: The Context of Online Learning Usage

January 2018


1,465 Reads


53 Citations

As information and communication technology (ICT) is making the leap to transform all aspects of life, online learning has become widely viewed as the future of education. As one of the least developed countries, Yemen is lagging behind in the adoption of ICT, being faced with many challenges, limited resources, weak infrastructure, and a high student population, the focus of this research will be on Yemeni Institutes of Higher Education and the role of the Yemeni norms and culture that may affect online learning use in Yemen. This conceptual article extends the Delone & Mclean Information System Success Model (DMISM) with compatibility as a moderating variable. The anticipated findings will provide a guideline for both policy makers and university management. The theoretical and practical implications are also discussed.

Citations (17)

... Initially, the study applied the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) as the theoretical framework to explore factors influencing consumers' intention to adopt online pharmacies. The study's focus is on how individual, organizational, and social factors (Isaac et al., 2019) affect adoption, considering the importance of consumer acceptance for technological success (Rogers, 2003). Secondly, the study considers additional factors such as perceived risk, trust, personal innovativeness, and health literacy into the UTAUT model for a better understanding of consumer behavior. ...


Health literacy and online pharmacy adoption by Saudi population using UTAUT
Antecedents and outcomes of internet usage within organisations in Yemen: An extension of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model
  • Citing Article
  • May 2019

Asia Pacific Management Review

... TFLs may be critical for the success of changeoriented IT projects because they require constant innovation for growth [14]. Project leaders with positive TFL attributes may be even more critical to success in these industries [15]. TFL has the ability to clearly communicate a future vision, stimulate followers to achieve project goals, foster team communication, and collaboration, and ensure organizational effectiveness and project success [14]. ...

Perspective of Yemeni students on use of online learning: Extending the information systems success model with transformational leadership and compatibility

Information Technology and People

... Practically, university administrators and decision-makers must address these challenges. Many previous studies believe that online education greatly encourages educational equality, as it provides high flexibility in terms of place and time, enhances the student's technological and interactive skills, and solves the transportation problem, especially for students living in remote places [19], [20]. ...

Online learning usage within Yemeni higher education: The role of compatibility and task-technology fit as mediating variables in the IS success model
  • Citing Article
  • February 2019

Computers & Education

... Similarly, System Quality significantly impacts User Satisfaction, demonstrating that ease of use, reliability, and adaptability are crucial for fostering positive user experiences (Uppal et al., 2017;Idkhan, 2023). Additionally, Service Quality influences System Use, as effective support services enable users to navigate and utilize the platform efficiently, ultimately enhancing their learning outcomes (Aldholay et al., 2018). The findings further emphasize the critical role of Technology Self-Efficacy in influencing System Use and User Satisfaction, indicating that students' confidence and motivation significantly enhance their interactions with the system (Yakubu & Dasuki, 2018;Zardari et al., 2021). ...

An extension of Delone and McLean IS success model with self-efficacy: Online learning usage in Yemen

... Keeping in mind the exploratory nature of the study, the first exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was performed (Isaac et al., 2018;Barve, 2013, 2015). Four factors emerged from the data with a total explained variance of 61%. ...

Factors determining user satisfaction of internet usage among public sector employees in Yemen
  • Citing Article
  • January 2018

International Journal of Technological Learning Innovation and Development

... The data processing results in the study show that the model of this study is good because there are substantial relationships for all variables. This is in line with the research conducted by Lule et al. (2012), Foroughi et al. (2019), and Isaac et al. (2018). The research of Zhou (2011) and Akturan & Tezcan (2012) found that trust significantly affects perceived usefulness. ...

Integrating User Satisfaction and Performance Impact with Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to Examine the Internet Usage Within Organizations in Yemen

Asian Journal of Information Technology

... Keeping in mind the exploratory nature of the study, the first exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was performed (Isaac et al., 2018;Barve, 2013, 2015). Four factors emerged from the data with a total explained variance of 61%. ...

Factors determining user satisfaction of internet usage among public sector employees in Yemen
  • Citing Article
  • May 2018

International Journal of Technological Learning Innovation and Development

... The fascination with e-learning has captured the interest of researchers, leading to intensified research in this field (Aldholay et al., 2018). Addressing this controversy, researchers have proposed and employed various theories mentioned in the previous paragraph. ...

Online learning usage and performance among students within public universities in Yemen
  • Citing Article
  • April 2018

International Journal of Services and Standards

... Academics have placed additional emphasis on the importance of educators' preparedness, abilities, self-assurance, and proficiency, encompassing their online technological, communication, and teaching aptitudes, in influencing students' satisfaction and their inclination to persist with m-learning (Alzaidi & Shehawy, 2022;Zaidi et al., 2021). It is generally observed that students' satisfaction with electronic learning is influenced by the quality of the online learning medium (Aldholay et al., 2018). ...

Online learning usage and performance among students within public universities in Yemen
  • Citing Article
  • April 2018

International Journal of Services and Standards

... Mobile learning, or m-learning, according to Poong et al. (2017), is a unique technology that delivers electronic learning through personal mobile devices. Other studies believe m-learning to be dispersed and open learning (Aghaee et al., 2016), with huge learning potential (Aldholay et al., 2018). M-learning technology makes it easy to communicate information regardless of time and location (Trifonova & Ronchetti, 2007) and provides access to all. ...

The Role of Transformational Leadership as a Mediating Variable in DeLone and McLean Information System Success Model: The Context of Online Learning usage in Yemen
  • Citing Article
  • March 2018

Telematics and Informatics