May 2024
Journal of Environmental Sciences
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May 2024
Journal of Environmental Sciences
March 2023
176 Reads
22 Citations
Journal of Soils and Sediments
Purpose Soil heavy metal distribution is a key issue in environmental and health research. In recent years, an increasing number of anthropogenic disturbances have been identified on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, leading to increased heavy metal contamination of soils. Therefore, this study investigated the distribution, sources, ecological risk, and prediction of heavy metals in soils on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Material and methods Here, for each of the seven heavy metals (i.e., Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, and Pb) investigated in the soil of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, we collected soil concentration values from the literature and carried out field sampling to generate new data. We then assessed the pollution characteristics and sources of soil heavy metals on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau using geostatistics, positive matrix factorization model (PMF), disjunctive kriging, and mapped the pollution risk probability distribution of each heavy metal element. Results and discussion Spatial autocorrelation was found for all seven heavy metals in the soils. Under different land-use types, the average concentrations of Cr, As, and Cd were highest in the water areas; Ni levels were highest in woodland; and Cu, Zn, and Pb concentrations were highest in residential, industrial, and mining lands. Using analysis by the PMF model and correlation analysis, four heavy metal sources were identified, including industrial sources and atmospheric deposition (Cd), traffic emissions (Cr, Zn, and Zn), natural sources (Ni and As), and mining activities (Cr and Pb). The pollution risk probabilities of Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, and Pb were low in most areas of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, whereas the pollution risk probability of Cd was high over 29% of the area of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Conclusion The results highlighted no potential contamination for Cr, local potential contamination for Ni, Cu, Zn, As and Pb, while Cd exhibits more extensive contamination in the soils of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Cd reduction should therefore be considered an important component of the strategy, policy, and action plan for soil pollution management on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
January 2022
7 Reads
1 Citation
SSRN Electronic Journal
June 2020
349 Reads
84 Citations
Journal of Meteorological Research
Drought is one of the most serious and extensive natural hazards in the world. Subject to monsoon climate variability, China is particularly influenced by drought hazards, especially meteorological drought. Based on a comprehensive understanding of the current status of international drought research, this paper systematically reviews the history and achievements of drought research in China since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, from four main perspectives: characteristics and spatiotemporal distribution of historical and recent drought events, drought formation mechanism and change trend, drought hazard risk, and the particular flash drought. The progress and problems of drought research in China are analyzed and future prospects are proposed, with emphasis on the multi-factor synergetic effect for drought formation; the effect of land-atmosphere interaction; identification, monitoring, and prediction of flash drought; categorization of drought and characteristics among various types of drought; the agricultural drought development; drought response to climate warming; and assessment of drought hazard risks. It is suggested that strengthening scientific experimental research on drought in China is imperative. The present review is conducive to strategic planning of drought research and application, and may facilitate further development of drought research in China.
May 2019
411 Reads
32 Citations
Theoretical and Applied Climatology
The temporal and spatial characteristics of drought disasters in Southern China were analyzed by using the daily observation data from 252 meteorological stations and drought disaster data in 14 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities of Southern China during 1961–2015. The characteristics of drought disaster risk were determined, and the countermeasures for prevention and control were also suggested. The results showed that the annual precipitation fluctuated and has no obvious linear trend in Southern China in the past 55 years. However, the average annual precipitation decreased significantly and its oscillation amplitude is increasing in the early twenty-first century. The annual average temperature exhibited a significant upward trend in these years in the research area. The increasing rate was even higher than the global means. The temperature has increased since 1976, and an abrupt change was occurred in 1997. Area with high risk of drought was concentrated mainly in Southwest China. With the climatic warming, the drought frequency and intensity and the drought-affected areas have been increasing, as well as the risk of drought disaster. The risk area of secondary highest drought disaster expanded dramatically after 1997. In the future, the occurrence of droughts may increase in Southern China. Therefore, it is necessary to enhance risk management for drought disasters by implementing eco-environmental modifications in the vulnerable areas, as well as ensuring food security in the agricultural production areas, addressing the uneven spatial and temporal distributions of water resources and the discrepancy between supply and demand, and enhancing the prevention and control of drought disaster risk.
October 2018
373 Reads
19 Citations
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
A major experimental drought research project entitled “Mechanisms and Early Warning of Drought Disasters over Northern China” (DroughtEX_China) was launched by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China in 2015. The objective of DroughtEX_China is to investigate drought disaster mechanisms and provide early-warning information via multisource observations and multiscale modeling. Since the implementation of DroughtEX_China, a comprehensive V-shape in situ observation network has been established to integrate different observational experiment systems for different landscapes, including crops in northern China. In this article, we introduce the experimental area, observational network configuration, ground- and air-based observing/testing facilities, implementation scheme, and data management procedures and sharing policy. The preliminary observational and numerical experimental results show that the following are important processes for understanding and modeling drought disasters over arid and semiarid regions: 1) the soil water vapor–heat interactions that affect surface soil moisture variability, 2) the effect of intermittent turbulence on boundary layer energy exchange, 3) the drought–albedo feedback, and 4) the transition from stomatal to nonstomatal control of plant photosynthesis with increasing drought severity. A prototype of a drought monitoring and forecasting system developed from coupled hydroclimate prediction models and an integrated multisource drought information platform is also briefly introduced. DroughtEX_China lasted for four years (i.e., 2015–18) and its implementation now provides regional drought monitoring and forecasting, risk assessment information, and a multisource data-sharing platform for drought adaptation over northern China, contributing to the global drought information system (GDIS).
September 2016
57 Reads
12 Citations
Meteorological disaster occurred frequently in China and inflicted great losses to agriculture. The strengthening of disaster risk assessment is necessary, which also has important practical significance for reducing the influence of and losses from meteorological disasters. Due to the advantages, risk probability method is adopted. Using the serial provincial crop yield data from 1949 to 2012 and the probability density function algorithm, the meteorological disaster risk of southern China is analyzed. First, the trend yields of various crops are extracted, then the probability density function curves and distribution functions of the relative meteorological yields are constructed and calculated. The probabilities of different yield decrease sections are also estimated. Finally, the risk levels associated with agriculture and various crops suffering from an agricultural disaster are also assessed. The results show that the variations in trend yields can be divided into three stages and it increased greatly from 1962 to 2004. The food, autumn food and summer food yield has increased each year at a mean rate of 48.3, 50.55 and 36.6 kg/ha a. The increasing rates for the trend yields in Yunnan and Guizhou Provinces are slower than the rates for the other provinces. Additionally, the increasing rate in south China is higher than that of southwest China. Additionally, the yields of all food grains and economic crops in southern China have increased each year. Additionally, the relative meteorological yield of the primary crops possessed distinct stochastic, fluctuating features. The relative meteorological yield was reduced year by year for every province. During the early period, the relative meteorological yield clearly fluctuated, but in recent years, this change has been small. The fluctuation extents for different crops or regions exhibited obvious differences. For example, in some regions or during some years, the fluctuant extents of the relative meteorological yields are large, which suggests that the risk level is high during this year and in this area. The rice yield fluctuation at a mean value of 3.7 % is the smallest and is relatively stable. In general, after suffering an agricultural disaster, the yield increase or decrease section for most crops are primarily concentrated in an interval from −10 to 10 %, but for some crops or individual areas, the probabilities of large losses are relatively high, which suggests that the risk level in this area is high, and the ability to prevent agricultural disasters there should be improved. Among these provinces, the agricultural risk rate of Guizhou Province reaches 20 %, and this province possesses the highest risk associated with grain production, but it is also the most unstable. The agricultural risks for Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces are lower, and they show a skewed distribution and an increasing production trend. All of these results suggest that the agricultural costs in Guizhou Province are higher than the costs in other provinces. The results also provide a scientific basis for agricultural production and for government decision-making in relation to disaster prevention and mitigation.
December 2013
66 Reads
59 Citations
Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment
Our objective was to elucidate the effects of climate change on crop water use efficiency in the northwest semiarid area of China. Improving crop water use efficiency can increase crop production levels and the efficient use of water resources under climate change conditions. This study investigated the effects of climate change on crop water use efficiency in the northwest semiarid region by statistically analyzing crop yields, soil moisture, rainfall and temperature data over the past 50 years. The results showed that, compared with 1960–1969, a temperature rise of 1.6 °C and an annual rainfall reduction of 105.6 mm occurred between 1990 and 2009 and the water use efficiency of wheat, potatoes and corn increased by 10.7, 4.5 and 12.2 kg hm−2 mm−1, respectively. Due to climate warming and to a fall in rainfall over the past 50 years, water use efficiency by wheat (Triticum aestivum), potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) and corn (Zea mays) have significantly increased, which shows that climatic change can improve water use efficiency.
March 2012
32 Reads
21 Citations
Journal of Arid Land
This paper, using a revised Penman-Monteith model, computed the terrestrial surface humidity index of the Loess Plateau (China) based on climatic factors of monthly mean temperature, maximum temperature, minimum temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, wind speed and sunshine duration observed on the plateau from 1961 to 2008. The temporal-spatial distribution, anomaly distribution and sub-regional temporal variations of the terrestrial surface dry and wet conditions were analyzed as well. The results showed a decreasing trend in the annual average surface humidity from the southeast to the northwest in the research area. Over the period of 1961–2008, an aridification tendency appeared sharply in the central interior region of the Loess Plateau, and less sharply in the middle part of the region. The border region showed the weakest tendency of aridification. It is clear that aridification diffused in all directions from the interior region. The spatial anomaly distribution of the terrestrial surface dry and wet conditions on the Loess Plateau can be divided into three key areas: the southern, western and eastern regions. The terrestrial annual humidity index displayed a significantly descending trend and showed remarkable abrupt changes from wet to dry in the years 1967, 1977 and 1979. In the above mentioned three key areas for dry and wet conditions, the terrestrial annual humidity index exhibited a fluctuation period of 3–4 years, while in the southern region, a fluctuation period of 7–8 years existed at the same time.
September 2010
59 Reads
44 Citations
Agricultural Water Management
A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of temperature on winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) at the Tongwei County (35°13′N, 105°14′E), Gansu, in the semiarid northwest of China from 2006 to 2008. Two study sites were chosen: one at Tongwei experimental station, situated at 1798 m above sea level at the foot of LuLu Mountain, and the second at the summit of LuLu Mountain at an altitude of 2351 m. The objective of this study was to determine if temperature increases will significantly affect the development and production of winter wheat at different altitudes. The results of this study revealed that an increase in temperature will lead to a significant change in the growth stages and water use of winter wheat in semiarid northwestern China. Specifically, crop yields at both high and low altitudes will likely increase, although this increase in yields will be greater at higher elevations. Indeed, it is expected that by 2050 the increased temperature will have induced a 2.6% increase in wheat yields at low altitudes and a 6.0% increase in yields at high altitudes in the study area. In addition, the results of this study indicated that a 0.6–2.2 °C increase in temperature will improve the water use efficiency of winter wheat plants at the two altitudes evaluated here.
... Additionally, agriculture and other significant activities may also be affected by toxic and harmful pollutants. Previous research found that soil in the Tibetan Plateau is not potentially contaminated with Cr, and Ni, Cu, Zn, As, and Pb are not subject to localized potential contamination, while Cd is more widely contaminated (Du et al., 2023). Guo et al. (2018) found that the sources of eight heavy metals in lake sediments of the Tibetan Plateau vary. ...
March 2023
Journal of Soils and Sediments
... The biomass EC + TiO 2 (2) exhibited a rate of 0.88 cm/min, while the biomass EC + TiO 2 (1) achieved a rate of 0. The diffusivity of Cr (VI) in these biomasses is high, which could be attributed to chemical dispersion processes of Cr (VI). Through the intraparticle diffusion model, treatment systems are modeled by finding the ideal diffusion parameters of heavy metals in different types of biomass (Du et al. 2023;Zhang et al. 2023;Sayago 2023;Abiodun et al. 2023). These results are superior to those reported by 9, where EC biomass was used q (0) mg/g q (1) mg/g q (2) mg/g q (3) mg/g q (4) mg/g q (5) mg/g q (t) mg/g Capacity of adsorpƟons (mg/g) ...
January 2022
SSRN Electronic Journal
... Droughts in the Yellow River Basin are influenced by a complex interplay of natural and anthropogenic factors, including geographical location, topography, atmospheric circulation pa erns, vegetation cover, global climate change, and human activities [11,66]. In this study, the regions with low VMFDI values in the Yellow River Basin showed a clear seasonal migration from south to north and then south again. ...
June 2020
Journal of Meteorological Research
... Первое включает методы регрессионного анализа, вероятностные и стохастические модели, а также подходы на основе искусственного интеллекта [8,9]. Динамическое моделирование, с использованием данных в реальном времени, таких как осадки, речной сток, температура и результаты дистанционного зондирования, позволяет создавать системы для мониторинга и прогнозирования засух [10][11][12]. Такой подход требует значительных вычислительных ресурсов и сложных моделей, что затрудняет его применение отдельными пользователями. ...
October 2018
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
... Drought is one of the most widespread and severe natural disasters in the world [1]. With the ongoing trend of global warming, the frequency, intensity, and affected areas of droughts in various regions are increasing, leading to an expansion in the risk levels and areas affected by drought disasters [2]. These hazards threaten food security and ecological stability, becoming key factors that restrict the sustainable development of the social economy [3][4][5]. ...
May 2019
Theoretical and Applied Climatology
... Grain output, which can be directly affected by droughts and floods, is the most important indicator of production risk under climate change [35]. Studies of the North China Plain [36], the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River [37], the southwestern region [38], and the other Asian regions [39] have shown that disasters such as floods and droughts are significantly correlated with grain yield reduction. In addition, economic losses caused by floods and droughts are production risks [40] and are significantly positively correlated with the severity of disasters [41]. ...
September 2016
... The average temperature in July showed a general warming trend at a rate of 0.55 • C/10 a, and the regional warming rate was significantly higher than the national and global levels. This would result in a positive impact on potato production at higher latitudes in the absence of improvements in cultivars, cultivation and management [9]. Moreover, the accumulated temperature above 10 • C showed a significant warming trend at a rate of 161.96 • C/10 a, especially after entering the 21st century, and is continuing to rise. ...
December 2013
Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment
... There is a considerable amount of precipitation in the summer, with an annual range of 150 mm in the northwest to 800 mm in the southeast. (Yao et al., 2013). These climatic conditions, combined with the topographic features of the region, contribute to the formation of distinct soil landscapes, including flat surfaces, hills, and gullies, across a wide range of elevations (Wei et al., 2022). ...
March 2012
Journal of Arid Land
... Wheat yield did not always respond consistently to warming, but depending on latitude and climate rate. For instance, the positive effect of warming on wheat yield in high-altitude areas is more than twice that in low-altitude areas [36]. This heterogeneity can be attributed to the difference between the habitat temperatures and the wheat optimal growing temperature range across geographical gradients, as well as the gap in the variation amplitudes of wheat phenology due to temperature difference among sites. ...
September 2010
Agricultural Water Management
... Laboratory studies have also investigated the interaction between photoperiod and temperature in alpine species of plants (Keller and Körner 2003). Not many crops are grown at high altitude, but a study of winter wheat grown at 2351 m in China found that there were significant increases in wheat yield at that altitude over the period 1981-2005 that they attributed to changes in temperature and precipitation; the 4% increase in yield exceeded the 3.1% increase at 1798 m (Xiao et al. 2008). Most studies of phenology at high altitudes have been short (e.g., Wielgolaski and Kärenlampi 1975); such studies can probably define relatively well the spatial pattern of snowmelt and hence phenology in a particular site, but longer studies are required to gain insights into the effects of climate variables on phenology. ...
Phenology at High Altitudes
August 2008
Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment