July 2023
13 Reads
1 Citation
International Review of Economics & Finance
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July 2023
13 Reads
1 Citation
International Review of Economics & Finance
April 2023
44 Reads
4 Citations
The efficacy of foreign aid, especially escalating Chinese aid, has been controversial. Considering the widespread malnutrition in Sub-Saharan Africa and the substantial concerns about Chinese aid, we investigate whether and how Chinese development assistance improves the nutrition of the African recipients, particularly children and women. We match Chinese aid projects and Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) covering 24 SSA countries during 2000–2016. We address the causality by comparing the individuals who lived near a Chinese aid project that was effective at the time of the interview to those who were not exposed to Chinese aid projects while a nearby Chinese aid project would be initiated after the interview. We measure malnutrition by hemoglobin haemoglobin and anemia anaemia which are more relevant and reliable than other indicators. Our results show that Chinese aid significantly increased hemoglobin haemoglobin and decreased the likelihood of anemia anaemia, and the effects are more pronounced among children. In contrast to the popular expectation, health aid does not significantly improve nutrition conditions, at least in the short run. Instead, other aid projects that promote earnings and job opportunities substantially reduced malnutrition among children and women. Heterogeneity analysis further shows that Chinese aid strongly improved nutrition mainly among disadvantaged residents.
September 2022
43 Reads
7 Citations
China Economic Quarterly International
This article studies the effects of Chinese aid on economic development in Africa. We geographically match Chinese aid in Africa to the satellite nightlight and other variables. Using a grid-cell panel dataset, we find that Chinese aid, particularly infrastructure projects, has significant and robust positive impacts on the economic development in Africa. Mechanism analysis suggests that Chinese aid substantially reduces violent rebel activities and growth in population and industries. The heterogeneous analysis demonstrates that Chinese infrastructure projects foster development not via resource exploitation.
March 2021
49 Reads
4 Citations
Journal of Comparative Economics
This study investigates the long-term legacy of the slave trade on contemporary violence in sub-Saharan Africa. Using a geo-coded disaggregated dataset and exploiting within-country variation in slave trade intensity, we document a robust positive relationship between slave exports and contemporary conflict; the slave trade has long-lasting impacts on ethnic conflict and riots in particular. We examine the mechanisms underlying this persistence and find that the slave trade has weakened national identity, leading to a higher risk of ethnic conflict, and has also undermined economic development, which partly explains the relationship between the slave trade and riots. Furthermore, using the individual attitudes from the Afrobarometer survey, we show that the impact of the slave trade on national identity is mostly attributed to the inherited beliefs and norms rather than the external environment.
January 2021
20 Reads
SSRN Electronic Journal
December 2019
143 Reads
23 Citations
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade
The fast growth and unique model of Chinese aid provide new perspectives and empirical evidence for the study of aid effectiveness. This paper employs GIS technology to match Chinese aid projects in Africa with satellite-measured nighttime lights – a proxy of economic development and converts them into 0.5° (longitude) x 0.5° (latitude) panel data. First, we find that Chinese aid projects are positively correlated to Africa’s economic development. Second, we gain a deep understanding of the mechanisms and find that the aid-growth relationship is mostly attributed to economic infrastructure aid rather than social welfare projects, direct aid as well as production and other types of projects. Spatial panel regression further validates the robustness of the empirical results and sheds light on the spillover effects of Chinese aid. Moreover, our results also suggest that Chinese aid brings some side effects on the recipient countries, as it may intensify the spatial economic inequalities.
December 2019
95 Reads
28 Citations
Economic Modelling
The vast increase in China’s aid projects has raised mounting concerns about the effectiveness of Chinese aid. To assess Chinese development assistance in Africa from the perspective of local residents’ attitude toward Chinese projects, we geographically match Chinese aid projects in Africa from 2000 to 2012 to the respondents of the Afrobarometer survey. By comparing the attitudes toward China reported by individuals who live close to ongoing Chinese projects at the time of the interview to those of individuals who live near sites where Chinese projects will be implemented in the future, this study establishes that the presence of Chinese projects induces a positive view of Chinese aid within the local population. Our mechanism analysis shows that people from all statuses can benefit from economic infrastructure projects, while the advantaged tend to have a better view of Chinese aid. In contrast, social infrastructure aid inspires a more positive view among disadvantaged people. We thus demonstrate that aid can have a differential impact on local attitudes, depending on aid types and statuses of recipients.
October 2016
328 Reads
15 Citations
Exploiting data from Ghanaian schools’ eighth grade students collected in 2011, we estimate the causal effects of school bullying on academic achievement and gender-based mitigating approaches by using propensity score matching (PSM) and doubly robust (DR) estimator approach. We find that students victimized by bullying score at least 0.22 standard deviation lower than their peers in a standardized mathematics examination. Meanwhile, we document that the effect of bullying is significantly attenuated in the presence of female teachers in the classroom. These results hold through a set of robustness checks including placebo regressions and matching quality test. We explain the results through gender difference in teaching paradigm and conclude that a feminine management approach in class is required to reduce the effect of bullying.
... Notably, China provided aid totalling US$ 354.4 billion to other nations from 2000 to 2014, with official creditors including the central government of China, government agencies such as the Ministry of Commerce, and lending by state-owned policy banks like the China Development Bank and the China Export-Import Bank. China currently stands as the foremost provider of foreign aid, independent of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development Assistance Committee [81,82]. These approaches underscore China's ambition to foster economic development, yet they also raise concerns regarding the terms of these loans and their long-term sustainability. ...
September 2022
China Economic Quarterly International
... Recent work uses geo-coded survey data along with georeferenced aid and investment data to explore the link between exposure to Chinese projects and favorable attitudes. Xu and Zhang (2020) find that living near a Chinese aid project prompted more positive views of China, although there were significant differences in local attitudes based on the type of aid project and the socioeconomic status of respondents. Overall, economically and politically advantaged groups tend to look more favorably on Chinese aid, but disadvantaged groups supported Chinese social infrastructure projects like hospitals, sanitation, and water supply as it "meets their needs for public services" (Xu and Zhang 2020, 328). ...
December 2019
Economic Modelling
... Our intended contribution is threefold. First, we aim at filling a gap in the existing literature by adopting an international relations, rather than an economic, point of view to avoid the debate over the relative economic effectiveness of China's development policies (Abate, 2022;Mandon and Woldemichael, 2022;Mehmood and Seror, 2019;Mlambo, 2022;Xu et al., 2020). Rather, we pay attention to its political consequences, which are relatively less discussed in the academic sphere. ...
December 2019
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade
... Ser vítima de bullying está relacionado a dificuldades acadêmicas, evasão escolar e repetência (31)(32)(33). Isso porque um ambiente violento empobrece as relações sociais e limita o desenvolvimento de sentimentos empáticos, essenciais na aprendizagem e na formação cidadã, além do aumento do medo e da percepção da escola como lugar inseguro (34). Neste estudo, identificamos que os adolescentes vítimas frequentam mais aulas de reforço em turnos extras, o que revela associação Vitimização por bullying e senso de comunidade escolar: prevalência e fatores associados • Brandão-Neto W et al. ...
October 2016