Young-A Song’s research while affiliated with University of Texas at Austin and other places

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Publications (11)

Does mindset matter for using social networking sites?: understanding motivations for and uses of Instagram with growth versus fixed mindset
  • Article

July 2019


1,836 Reads


32 Citations

International Journal of Advertising

Young-A Song


So Young Lee


This study examines whether and how consumers with different mindsets (i.e. fixed versus growth) have different motives for and patterns of using Instagram. The findings indicate that growth-mindset individuals are more likely to engage in a variety of Instagram activities and to have various motives for using Instagram (i.e. identity expression, social interaction, relationship management, and information seeking). In terms of brand-related motives for using Instagram, interestingly, growth-mindset individuals place relatively greater emphasis on brand identification. Further implications are also discussed.

#DeleteFacebook: Antecedents of Facebook Fatigue

May 2019


177 Reads


26 Citations

Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking

Despite the trend of leaving Facebook (#DeleteFacebook campaign), investigation on both the social and psychological factors affecting Facebook fatigue is limited. This study aims to explore the social and psychological antecedents of Facebook fatigue and identify the effects of the antecedents on overall Facebook fatigue. A total of 327 Facebook users participated in an online survey. Respondents were recruited from a major online panel in Korea. The results from the principal component analysis suggest that there are six social and psychological antecedents: impression management, unwanted posts, reputation concern, personal relative deprivation, privacy concern, and relationship concern. In addition, the results show that personal relative deprivation, privacy concern, impression management, and relationship concern positively predicted overall Facebook fatigue. This research not only sheds light on the antecedents of social networking services (SNS) fatigue that influence overall Facebook fatigue but also suggests practical implications for the everexpanding SNS market.

Forgiven the Right Way: The Role of Regulatory Fit in Brand Apologies and Forgiveness

March 2016


46 Reads

In brand transgression context, some consumers forgive the brand because they want to gain the relationship back while others might forgive the brand because they do not want to lose the relationship. Using a regulatory fir perspective (Avnet and Higgins 2006), this research investigates how a match of motivational approach between consumers’ goal orientation and brand apology impacts on brand forgiveness. The results show that consumers with a dominant promotion focus are more likely to forgive a brand when they receive a promotion-focused brand apology, while those with a dominant prevention focus are more likely to forgive a brand when receiving a prevention-focused brand apology.

Promoting Nation’s Soft Power: How U.S. and Korea Use Public Diplomacy in Nation Branding in Social Media

January 2016


254 Reads


Young-A Song


Soyoung Lee




Public diplomacy becomes concerned more about maintaining relationship with domestic and foreign audiences than delivering messages (Fitzpatrick 2007; Hayden 2009), and its increasing appearance in public relations and branding literature reflects its importance (Manheim 1994). In public diplomacy, soft power (e.g., tourism, culture) appears to function more critically in relational perspectives, compared to hard power (e.g., politics, economics) (Grunig et al. 2002). This study aims to empirically investigate how nations execute a public diplomacy using soft/hard power. To better understand specific strategies and its impacts on nations, this study adopts Stafford and Canary’s Relationship Maintenance Theory and Anholt’s Nation Branding Index. Also, reflecting the importance of social media as a tool of public diplomacy (Zaharna and Rugh 2012), social media activities, Facebook in particular, are considered. Specifically, the objectives of this study are to (1) identify differences of public diplomacy efforts between nations with strong (the U.S.) and weak (Korea) brands; and (2) investigate the relationships between the brand strength and the power focused in public diplomacy. The result of content analysis of 883 Facebook messages showed that the U.S. implemented the asymmetrical one-way relationships by delivering hard power while Korea built mutual relationships by focusing on soft power.

Connecting to the Elusive Sport Fan : Sports Fan Relationship Management in Facebook
  • Article
  • Full-text available

March 2015


424 Reads

The Korean Journal of Advertising


Dimensions of Luxury Brand Personality: Scale Development and Validation

January 2015


5,486 Reads


179 Citations

Psychology and Marketing

Both the marketing industry and academia have been paying more attention to the growth and potential of the luxury market. This research developed a theoretical framework for understanding the dimensions of luxury brand personality and a reliable and valid scale that measures these dimensions. When 30 luxury brands, ranging from fashion to automobile and retail, were assessed on a set of diverse personality attributes, six dimensions representing luxury brand personality were identified: Excitement, Sincerity, Sophistication, Professionalism, Attractiveness, and Materialism. Findings indicate that while three dimensions, Sincerity, Excitement, and Sophistication, share similar qualities with those identified in Aaker's (1997) scale for general brand personality, the other three dimensions, Professionalism, Attractiveness, and Materialism, reflect meanings unique and specific to luxury brands. Altogether, the results of this research hold the notion that luxury brands serving as consumption symbols provide both utilitarian benefits and symbolic meanings to contemporary consumers.

Cultural values in financial services advertising: A cross-cultural study of magazine ads in the USA and Korea

August 2014


743 Reads


20 Citations

Journal of Services Marketing

Purpose – This paper aims to examine whether culture impacts the execution of financial services advertising (FSA). Specifically, this study investigates how cultural values are reflected in FSA by comparing magazine ads in the USA and Korea. Design/methodology/approach – This study analyzed the content of a total of 1,889 (USA = 1,486; Korea = 403) FSA in print business/news magazines from 2005 to 2009. Findings – The finding of this study showed significant cultural differences of FSA in terms of collectivism, high and low cultural contexts, human models/celebrity presence and time orientation between the USA and Korea. However, the difference in individualistic cues between the USA and Korea was not significant. Research limitations/implications – Using the integration of multiple cultural frameworks will better explain cultural differences reflected in marketing communication in the financial services (FS) sector. Future research is needed to generalize how such frameworks are reflected in different settings, such as different media or different countries. Practical implications – The findings of this study suggest that FSA reflect cultural values, providing further implications for FS companies targeting the global market. Originality/value – This study extends the understanding of impact of cultural values on advertising by exploring the FS industry.

Revisiting Determinants of Sports Sponsorship Response: A Schema Theory Perspective

May 2013


66 Reads


1 Citation

Consumer attitudes towards marketing communications efforts in the context of out of home experiences and entertainment, such as sporting events is an important consideration given the heightened proportion of investments in sponsorship and events (IEG, 2011). The average consumer attends various sponsored events, especially in the context of sports; however, the consumer may not be aware of the sponsor (Bennett, 1999) or consider the sponsorship in other brand-based considerations (Pham and Johar, 2001). In 2000, Speed and Thompson contributed a valuable framework of the determinants of sport sponsorship response to provide insights on how sponsorship works. Their framework was tested with individual regression analyses with hypothetical sponsorship scenarios and a student sample. Here, the authors employ a schema theory lens and reexamine the sponsor-based constructs tested with structural equation modeling with a real-world sponsorship and event attendee sample. A conceptual difference here is that an outcome variable is how enhanced purchase intent towards the title sponsor enhances interest in the sponsor’s future marketing communications. As sponsorship is often an ancillary marketing communications tool (Close, Finney, Lacey, and Sneath, 2006), it is important to examine what determines a sponsorship’s ability to spark a consumer to notice, pay attention, and recall the sponsoring brand’s advertising and promotions in other occasions.

Antecedents of Nation Brand Personality

March 2013


887 Reads


32 Citations

Corporate Reputation Review

Given the increasing popularity of nation branding across the globe, brand management at the symbolic level is a critical component of a nation's brand management program. By surveying a US sample of 304 college students, the current study identified a total of five primary antecedents of nation brand personality: government competences, people/events, natural features, pop culture and arts/history. The results also show that government competences, natural features, and pop culture are crucial antecedents in nation branding; they increase chances of a positive nation brand personality dimension (eg, agreeableness, assiduousness) or decrease the possibility of a negative dimension (eg, snobbism).

A Cross-Cultural Study of Consumer Ethnocentrism between China and the U.S

March 2013


416 Reads


42 Citations

As consumers' ethnocentric tendencies heighten in intensity when a country is threatened, this cross-cultural comparison study aims to understand howthe recent global financial crisis may have influenced the phenomenon of consumer ethnocentrism (CE). This study compares the levels of CE in the U.S. and China and examines patriotism, nationalism, internationalism, and demographic factors as antecedents of CE in order to understand how consumers' ethnocentric tendencies vary across cultures. Results indicate that American consumers are more ethnocentric than Chinese consumers, while nationalism has the strongest impact on CE in both countries.

Citations (8)

... Song [47], recognized it as a personality attribute that motivates users to use Instagram. PI influences both user intention and technology Use Behavior. ...


Acceptance of Sustainable Menstrual Choices among Youth: An Analysis Using UTAUT Perspective
Does mindset matter for using social networking sites?: understanding motivations for and uses of Instagram with growth versus fixed mindset
  • Citing Article
  • July 2019

International Journal of Advertising

... This passive usage often triggers negative social comparisons, leading users to experience more negative emotions and relative deprivation (Gkinopoulos et al., 2023). Further research suggests that the psychological stress brought about by impression management, privacy concerns, and maintaining interpersonal relationships may intensify relative deprivation among social media users during usage (Lee et al., 2019). Although social media aims to promote social interaction, these stressors may cause users to experience more psychological fatigue and negative emotions, thereby exacerbating relative deprivation (Lee et al., 2019). ...

#DeleteFacebook: Antecedents of Facebook Fatigue
  • Citing Article
  • May 2019

Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking

... Firstly, research indicates that sports involvement enhances consumers' identification with brands related to their favorite sports or teams, viewing sponsorship as support for their personal preferences, which fosters positive attitudes [26]. Secondly, when consumers perceive a high degree of fit between sponsors and events, meaning the sponsorship brand is closely associated with their beloved sports activities, their brand attitude and purchase intention are enhanced due to the perceived support for their interests and values by the sponsor [27,28]. Additionally, Brain Sci. ...

Revisiting Determinants of Sports Sponsorship Response: A Schema Theory Perspective
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • May 2013

... Hudders, Pandelaere and Vyncke (2013) Luxury brands are represented by a mix of features such as exclusivity, uniqueness, scarcity, premium price, excellent quality and aesthetics. Sung, Choi, Ahn and Song (2015) Luxury brand is identified in six dimensions: a) excitement, b) sincerity, c) sophistication, d) professionalism, e) attractiveness and f) materialism. Roux, Tafani and Vigneron (2017) Luxury brands have the function of transmitting two personal values that derive from private and self-directed benefits such as hedonism and perfectionism Kapferer and Valette-Florence (2018) The importance of uniqueness for luxury brands nowadays varies across international cultures. ...

Dimensions of Luxury Brand Personality: Scale Development and Validation
  • Citing Article
  • January 2015

Psychology and Marketing

... Some scholars demonstrated that a high level of consumer ethnocentrism can positively influence consumers' attitudes and intentions to purchase domestic EVs (Akbarov, 2022;He & Wang, 2015). However, consumer ethnocentrism is not an influential variable in consumer decisionmaking (Tong & Li, 2013;Tsai et al., 2013) because the effect of consumer ethnocentrism depends heavily on the product category (Akbarov, 2022) or other aspects such as the psychological perception of the product. ...

A Cross-Cultural Study of Consumer Ethnocentrism between China and the U.S
  • Citing Article
  • March 2013

... Along with an equal opportunity to educational institutions and entry into the market, financial inclusion, or equal right to banking and other banking services, is one of the pillars of long-term sustainability and equitable growth. Financial inclusion may significantly alleviate hunger & generate equitable growth in the economy by enhancing the effectiveness with which resources are allocated (Gupte, 2012;Song et al., 2014). Low-income people may only rely on their meagre reserves to establish enterprises or pay for education when financial growth is not inclusive. ...

Cultural values in financial services advertising: A cross-cultural study of magazine ads in the USA and Korea
  • Citing Article
  • August 2014

Journal of Services Marketing

... Other customer-related research has already been conducted, such as on luxury brands (Sung et al., 2015), brand persuasion (Kim & Sung, 2013), the personality of national brands (Chu & Sung, 2011;Song & Sung, 2013;Sung & Tinkham, 2005), source credibility (Kyung et al., 2011), association with social media and crisis management (Nadeau et al., 2020), place marketing , political brands and online brand personality (Rutter, Hanretty & Lettice, 2018), brand personality in higher education (Rutter et al., 2017), and fashion (Kim et al., 2018), sports (Tong & Su, 2014) and tourism (Dias et al., 2020) and Destination Marketing (Atay et al., 2020;Casalegno et al., 2020). ...

Antecedents of Nation Brand Personality
  • Citing Article
  • March 2013

Corporate Reputation Review

... Over time, studies have thus documented changes in advertising execution due to changing market conditions (e.g., Seldon 1963;Pollay 1985). During tumultuous economic times, such as the 2008 financial crisis, advertisers have traded emotional appeals for more rational claims (Ahn, Song, and Sung 2011), adjusted ad-casting practices to reach increasingly international and multicultural audiences (Lee 2019), and sought ways to adapt to the prevalence of mobile devices in recent years (Okazaki, Katsukura, and Nishiyama 2007;Okazaki and Barwise 2011). These changes have led scholars to suggest that advertising is a variable field (Nan and Faber 2004). ...

When the going gets tough, ads become straightforward but multi-appealed: The influence of the recession on financial services advertising appeals
  • Citing Article
  • March 2012

Journal of Financial Services Marketing