Yongjie Huang’s research while affiliated with Beihang University and other places

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Publications (10)

Simulation of Electro-Impulse De-Icing Process Based on an Improved Ice Shedding Criterion
  • Chapter

January 2023


12 Reads


2 Citations

Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering

Yongjie Huang


Xian Yi


Qinglin Liu




Ying Zhang

The electro-impulse de-icing (EIDI) system has wide development potential in the field of aircraft green de-icing. For the design and optimization of EIDI, it is quite necessary to study ice shedding criterion and simulate the de-icing process. Based on experimental observations and theoretical analysis, an improved ice shedding criterion considering ice/skin debonding and ice fracture is proposed in this paper. Nonlinear transient three-dimensional finite element models combined with the ice shedding criterion are established to simulate the de-icing process. The simulation method is verified by experiments and literature comparison. Compared with the traditional ice shedding criterion, the improved ice shedding criterion and de-icing simulation results in this paper are more reasonable and accurate. A parametric study is performed to determine the influence of ice strength parameters on de-icing effectiveness. The results of the parametric study can provide guidance for the design of a compound EIDI system with higher de-icing efficiency.

Figure 13. Simulated failure modes around the holes of upper laminates.
Material properties of T700/QY9611.
Mechanical properties of the short fiber composite material.
Failure loads of the intact, defective and repaired composite joints.
Failure criteria and degradation rules for T700/QY9611 composite materials.
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Intact, Defective and Repaired Countersunk Composite Joints under Tensile Loading
  • Article
  • Full-text available

July 2022


217 Reads


2 Citations


Bolted joints are commonly used for assembling carbon fiber/resin composite structures. Since drilling may generate defects at hole edges which affect mechanical properties, it is of great engineering significance to develop proper repair methods to restore the mechanical properties of the defective parts. However, there are few studies on hole edge defects and their repair methods. Therefore, a novelty short fiber filling repair method was proposed to repair defective holes in this study. The mechanical properties of intact, defective and repaired countersunk composite joints were compared and investigated. Experimental tensile tests showed that defective joints had lower initial stiffness and failure loads compared to intact joints, while the mechanical properties were effectively restored after repair. Three-dimensional finite element models were also established to analyze the damage process of the joints. Results of numerical modelling were consistent with the experimental results. The simulations showed that changes in contact behaviors and local deformations caused by hole edge defects led to the low initial stiffness and stiffness transition point of the joint, while this phenomenon was reduced after repair. Additionally, despite different joint types, laminate failure mainly occurred around the hole and countersink.


Prediction of the net-tension strength of single bolt joint using the 0° ply strength and fracture toughness

December 2018


384 Reads


8 Citations

Composites Part B Engineering

This paper puts forward a new method to predict the net-tension strength of single blot joint based on the Finite Fracture Mechanics (FFM) model. Instead of using the tensile strength and fracture toughness of the laminates, only the properties of the 0° ply are used to obtain the failure stress and critical crack length by considering the relation between mode I fracture toughness of laminates and that of 0° ply. While the tensile strength of the 0° ply can be easily obtained through uniaxial tensile tests, the size effect law of double edge notched specimens is incorporated for the determination of the crack resistance curve of the ply. After validating the proposed method by the experimental results of central-notched IM7/8552 laminates, a 3D finite element model is established and the secondary bending is taken into consideration to find the maximum stress distribution of 0° ply around the bolt hole of the single bolt joint. It is concluded that the predicted strength by the semi-analytical method suits well with the experimental results. The secondary bending and the crack resistance curve, which can be seen as improvements of the Finite Fracture Mechanics model, have an influence on the predicted value.

Buckling and Post-buckling Behavior of Titanium Alloy Stiffened Panels under Shear Load

October 2018


196 Reads


23 Citations

Chinese Journal of Aeronautics

Titanium alloy has been increasingly applied in aviation industry due to its superior performance. However, the titanium alloy structures are less studied. This work investigates the structural behavior of Ti6Al4V titanium alloy stiffened panels under in-plane shear load by experiments and numerical analysis. After the shear tests, the buckling instability, the post-buckling process and the failure mechanism of the specimen were obtained. The Finite Element (FE) models were established with the subsequent validation verification. A parametric analysis was implemented to study the influence of stringer thickness and stringer height on the behavior of the stiffened panels. The results show that after the initial local buckling on the skin, the buckling mode jumps several times with the increase of load. The stringers twist when the load reaches a certain level, and finally the structure damages due to the plastic deformation and the global buckling. The shear clip has little effect on the buckling and failure loads. Compared to the relatively large effect on the buckling load, the influence of the stringer thickness and stringer height on the failure load is neglectable. According to the parametric analysis, the stringer thickness influences the final buckling mode and failure mode, while the stringer height affects the buckling mode transformation.

Effects of chamfering, cold expansion, bolt clamping, and their combinations on fatigue life of aluminum–lithium alloy single plate

January 2018


661 Reads


8 Citations

The objective of this study was to establish the effects of cold expansion, chamfering, bolt clamping, and their combinations on the fatigue life of an aluminum–lithium alloy single plate. Fatigue tests were conducted to quantify the anti-fatigue effects of the different techniques. A scanning electron microscope was used to perform fracture analyses of the used specimens, and the residual stresses were measured using an X-ray diffraction device. In addition, three-dimensional finite element models of the specimens were established and used to characterize their stress states, and the Smith–Watson–Topper method was used to predict the fatigue lives of the specimens. The fatigue test results showed that all the considered processes improved the fatigue life of the pristine specimen. The most effective was a combination of 3.2% cold expansion, 1-mm chamfering, and bolt clamping using a 6.4-N m torque, which improved the fatigue life of the pristine specimen by a factor of 15.5. The finite element method results also revealed that this combination decreased the maximum stress and confirmed its superiority in relation to the other fatigue-life enhancement techniques in terms of the anti-fatigue effect. The Smith–Watson–Topper method underestimated the specimen fatigue life, but the accuracy satisfied engineering requirements.

Improving the fatigue life of 2297-T87 aluminum-lithium alloy lugs by cold expansion, interference fitting, and their combination

November 2017


3 Reads


26 Citations

Journal of Materials Processing Technology

Cold expansion and interference fitting are two efficient methods for improving the fatigue life of open-hole structures. However, their combined effect on the fatigue behavior of aluminum-lithium lugs has barely been investigated. Therefore, this study aims to improve the fatigue life of 2297-T87 aluminum-lithium alloy lugs by utilizing cold expansion, interference fitting, and their combination, using experimental and numerical methods to determine the effects of these techniques. Scanning electron microscopy was employed for fracture analysis, three-dimensional finite element models were used to characterize cyclic loading–related stress histories and stress distributions around holes, and the Smith-Watson-Topper method was used to predict fatigue life. The combination of cold expansion with interference fitting achieved a 14.4-fold improvement of fatigue life, as determined by fatigue tests. Numerical modeling showed that the above combination decreases the mean stress and stress amplitude, outperforming other methods in terms of fatigue resistance, in agreement with experimental results.

Compressive failure analysis of unidirectional carbon/epoxy composite based on micro-mechanical models

October 2017


1,212 Reads


48 Citations

Chinese Journal of Aeronautics

A 2D micro-mechanical model was proposed to study the compressive failure of UniDirectional (UD) carbon/epoxy composite. Considering the initial imperfection and strength distribution of the fiber, the plasticity and ductile damage of the matrix, the failure of T300/914 UD composite under longitudinal compression and in-plane combined loads was simulated by this model. Simulation results show that the longitudinal compressive failure of the UD composite is caused by the plastic yielding of the matrix in kink band, and the fiber initial imperfection is the main reason for it. Under in-plane combined loads, the stress state of the matrix in kink band is changed, which affects the longitudinal compressive failure modes and strength of UD composite. The failure envelope of σ1–τ12 and σ1–σ2 are obtained by the micro-mechanical model. Meanwhile, the compressive failure mechanism of the UD composite is analyzed. Numerical results agree well with the experimental data, which verifies the validity of the micro-mechanical model.

Pull-Through Mechanical Behavior of Composite Fastener Threads

June 2014


81 Reads


17 Citations

Applied Composite Materials

A method was proposed to test the pull-through mechanical behavior of fastener threads, which were fabricated from weave carbon/carbon (C/C) composites. The damage morphologies of the C/C fastener threads were observed through an optical microscope and high-resolution micro-CT systems. The acoustic emission (AE) technique was utilized to track the damage progression of threads during loading up to fracture in terms of AE event rate which has an exponential type profile. Finally, A 3D finite element damage evolution model of composite threads was established based on continuum damage mechanics to calculate the thread load distribution and damage progression. The relations between the pitch and the load distribution, as well as between different fabrication directions and ultimate loads, were investigated by using this model. The stress in the first thread was analyzed based on the tapered cantilever assumption. The results show that, the first thread is brittle fracture at the root where is the higher stress level region of the threads and it is the initial damage. The load distribution in C/C threads is not uniform and not improved as the value of pitch decreases. Load capacity of C/C threads is different result from the fabrication direction. Numerical results agree well with experimental results.

Citations (9)

... The shear adhesion force between the substrate and the ice layer is the main factor affecting the ice-substrate separation [17]. For most de-icing systems, especially mechanical de-icing systems, including electric impulse deicing systems and piezoelectric de-icing systems, etc., ice detachment is caused by the shear force [18]. Most of the experimental studies by scholars have measured shear adhesion force or shear adhesion strength. ...


Experimental Investigation on Ice–Aluminum Interface Adhesion Strength under Heating Conditions
Simulation of Electro-Impulse De-Icing Process Based on an Improved Ice Shedding Criterion
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2023

Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering

... At the same time, Lu-ana Pereira Dalla Mariga et al. investigated the impact of geometrical tolerance on single-lap composite joints riveted with two fasteners [30,31]. Countersunk bolts have been investigated for the correction of drilling-induced faults, as well as the influence of stacking sequences on the bearing strength of composite bolted joints [32][33][34]. Manasi Palwankar et al. demonstrated a revised fixture for bolted composite joint testing that can support countersunk fasteners [35]. Studies have also looked at the environmental impact of bolted joints, corrosion-resistant alternatives, bearing performance in harsh conditions, and the effects of thermal exposure and seawater aging on bearing strength [36][37][38][39][40][41][42]. ...

Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Intact, Defective and Repaired Countersunk Composite Joints under Tensile Loading


... Many methods and technologies such as cold expansion (CE), 1 interference fit, [2][3][4] shot peening, 5,6 laser shocking, [7][8][9] and so forth have been proposed and utilized to improve the fatigue life of holed structures like open-hole plate and bolted joints. Among them, CE process, which includes forcing an oversized mandrel going through the hole, is very simple and effective and has been widely used in the aeronautical engineering. ...

Improving the fatigue life of 2297-T87 aluminum-lithium alloy lugs by cold expansion, interference fitting, and their combination
  • Citing Article
  • November 2017

Journal of Materials Processing Technology

... A symmetric BC was applied on the un-cracked edge while free BC was set for cracked region. The virtual crack closure technique (VCCT) was utilized for calculating the ERR from the stress and displacement at the crack tip, of which the details can be found in Ref. [32]. Mesh sensitivity was studied on the standard CT model as shown in Fig. 3(b). ...

Prediction of the net-tension strength of single bolt joint using the 0° ply strength and fracture toughness

Composites Part B Engineering

... In these works, the non-uniform local deformation rules and buckling criterion of stiffened panels with different structures were established. Su et al. [22] investigated the buckling and post-buckling behavior of titanium alloy stiffened panels under shear load using both experimental method and FE simulation. It was found that the thickness and height of stringer were key parameters affecting the shear characteristic. ...

Buckling and Post-buckling Behavior of Titanium Alloy Stiffened Panels under Shear Load

Chinese Journal of Aeronautics

... Additionally, simulation enables the identification of optimal process parameters that yield higher compressive residual stresses and longer fatigue lifetimes. The numerical estimation of fatigue behavior in CE specimens primarily involves two aspects: fatigue crack initiation [26][27][28] and fatigue crack propagation [29][30][31] lifetimes. Regarding fatigue life estimation, there are two common approaches: direct prediction of the total life [32][33][34] or separate prediction of fatigue crack initiation life and propagation life [35,36]. ...

Effects of chamfering, cold expansion, bolt clamping, and their combinations on fatigue life of aluminum–lithium alloy single plate

... Authors all faced the challenge of generating RVEs with high-fibre volume fraction. Riano and Joliff 23 11 Random Clustered RSA Transverse and Shear 2008 Wang et al. 12 Random Smooth Smoothing Hexa Homogenization 2011 Yang et al. 13 Random Clustered RSA / RSE Homogenization 2013 Ballard et al. 14 Random Clustered RSA Homogenization 2014 Ismail et al. 15 Random Smooth RSA and variable diameter Transverse 2016 Pathan et al. 16 Random Clustered RSA Homogenization 2017 Sun et al. 17 Hexa-Pack Hexa Shear 2017 Pulungan et al. 18 Random Clustered RSA Transverse 2017 Ghayoor et al. 19 Random Smooth RSA Transverse 2018 Weng et al. 20 -Image analysis Homogenization 2018 Sun et al. 21 Random Clustered RSA Transverse 2018 Ghayoor et al. 22 Random smooth Random fibre distribution Transverse 2018 Riano and Joliff 23 Random smooth Random fibre distribution -2019 Park et al. 24 Random Clustered/Smooth RSA / RSE Homogenization 2019 Wan et al. 25 Random smooth RSE Homogenization 2020 fraction to 50% although high performances CFRP structures have fibre volume fractions from 50% to 70%. ...

Compressive failure analysis of unidirectional carbon/epoxy composite based on micro-mechanical models

Chinese Journal of Aeronautics

... The plastic deformation is not axisymmetrically distributed around the hole, and cracking may occur, usually near the crack in the sleeve [22]. In order to avoid material defects caused by the convex ridge after cold expansion and to ensure proper assembly of the fastener, the fastening holes are usually treated with a reaming process [23]. ...

An numerical investigation on the effect of the combination of cold expansion and interference fitting on fatigue life improvement of a 7075-T6 aluminum alloy single plate
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • July 2017

... At the first stage of self-loosening, there is no relative rotation between the bolt and the nut, but there could be a local cyclic plasticity near the engaged thread roots, typically the three first threads. Earlier studies by Guan et al. [28] and others show that the first engaged thread is the most loaded, and will therefore be the most damaged, with about 30% of the total load on the first threads, which results in a stress redistribution in the bolt, and consequently a gradual loss of clamping force. The second stage is characterized by relative rotation of the nut to the bolt. ...

Pull-Through Mechanical Behavior of Composite Fastener Threads
  • Citing Article
  • June 2014

Applied Composite Materials