August 2023
37 Reads
2 Citations
To address the issue that conventional methods cannot recognize unknown patterns of radar jamming, this study adopts the idea of zero-shot learning (ZSL) and proposes an open world recognition method, RCAE-OWR, based on residual convolutional autoencoders, which can implement the classification of known and unknown patterns. In the supervised training phase, a residual convolutional autoencoder network structure is first constructed to extract the semantic information from a training set consisting solely of known jamming patterns. By incorporating center loss and reconstruction loss into the softmax loss function, a joint loss function is constructed to minimize the intra-class distance and maximize the inter-class distance in the jamming features. Moving to the unsupervised classification phase, a test set containing both known and unknown patterns is fed into the trained encoder, and a distance-based recognition method is utilized to classify the jamming signals. The results demonstrate that the proposed model not only achieves sufficient learning and representation of known jamming patterns but also effectively identifies and classifies unknown jamming signals. When the jamming-to-noise ratio (JNR) exceeds 10 dB, the recognition rate for seven known jamming patterns and two unknown jamming patterns is more than 92%.