Yenni Hasnah’s research while affiliated with University of North Sumatra and other places

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Publications (14)

Figure 7: Traditional instrument (Wachidah et al., 2015, p. 149)
A probe into local cultural values in locally produced EFL textbooks in Indonesia
  • Article
  • Full-text available

November 2024


28 Reads


1 Citation

Yenni Hasnah



Mandra Saragih




Putri Lidiana Permata Sari

As a result of shifts in the objectives of teaching English as a language for international communication in the current era, a substantial modification of EFL textbooks has been made to include accounts of various cultures, including local cultural aspects, to spark students' interest in the language and promote cross-cultural awareness. Despite this transformation, a notable gap exists in the scholarly discourse concerning how local cultures are depicted in localized EFL textbooks. That said, the objectives of this research were twofold: first, it sought to examine the portrayal of local cultural norms in Indonesian locally produced English Language Teaching (ELT) textbooks; and second, it attempted to explore how the absorption of local culture promotes the intercultural communication skills of learners. To that end, two local ELT series were considered for analysis. To examine the cultural dimensions in the textbooks, a content analysis was conducted by referring to Yuen’s (2011) cultural evaluation framework with four major categories: products, practices, perspectives, and persons. The findings underscore that these course books extensively feature local cultures, with cultural products receiving the most substantial coverage, while perspectives are comparatively underrepresented. Significant exposure to localized resources effectively drives learners' learning engagement and enhances their intercultural literacy. Consequently, the study highlights the significance of the inclusion of culturally relevant content in EFL textbooks tailored for learners, offering noteworthy implications for both ELT practices and academic research.


Figure 1. The Elements of Thought Paul (2005) designates the components of cognitive processes as an understanding of and an ability to formulate, analyze, and assess the (a) problem or question at issue, (b) purpose or goal of the thinking, (c) perspectives or frames of reference, (d) assumptions made, (e) central concepts and ideas involved, (f) principles or theories used, (g) evidence, data, or reasons advanced, (h) interpretations and claims made, (i) inferences, reasoning, and lines of formulated thought, and (j) implications and consequences that follow. Similarly, to explore skills in critical thought in the instruction of English as a foreign language, as well as potentially in other academic disciplines, Ilyas' (2015) framework of critical thinking may serve as an alternative approach. The framework includes (a) clarification, (b) assumptions, (c) reasons and evidence, (d) viewpoints or perspectives, (e) implication, consequences, and alternatives, (f) questions, (g) predictions, (h) agreement and disagreement, and (i) summary and conclusion. Questions that look for clarification may include asking students to explain or elaborate on specific words, phrases, or sentences. Additional questions may prompt students to clarify the writer's intention or the message they aim to convey in the text. Inquiries on assumptions may prompt students to identify the underlying presumptions made by the author or a given paragraph. In terms of reasons and evidence, students may be tasked with identifying the rationale and supporting evidence presented by the author to bolster their argument. Subsequently, students may be prompted to generate alternative reasons and evidence in lieu of those posited by the author. It is also possible to prompt students to make predictions regarding the potential outcomes if the proposed solution put forth by the author of the text cannot be carried out or proves unsuccessful. At such point, students can be challenged to proffer their own alternatives or provide their unique perspectives. In respect of agreement and disagreement, students can be spurred to provide reasons for their concurrence or disapproval with the author of the text. If the author fails to provide a summary of their article, students can be assigned to summarize or conclude the article and offer their own commentaries. In the end, students can share their reflections or evaluations on the article (Ilyas, 2016). Given that, a number of critical thinking literature may present distinct terms, conceptualizations, and frameworks for critical thinking. It is essential to take into account the relevance of critical thinking taxonomies with respect to the subject matter students' educational level and the educational context.
AND SUB-SKILLS OF CRITICAL THINKING COGNITIVE List of Critical Thinking Cognitive Skills and Sub-Skills
How Do Locally Produced EFL Textbooks Endorse Critical Thinking Skills in Indonesia? A Content Analysis

December 2023


81 Reads


3 Citations

Journal of Language Teaching and Research

Critical thinking skills (CTSs) are acknowledged as essential abilities students should acquire in learning and have gained considerable attention over the past few years. Thus, the CTSs should be integrated into the curriculum and introduced to students to boost their capacity for critical thought. The current study attempts to diagnose critical thinking elements endorsed in localized EFL school textbooks as reflected within questions. A qualitative content analysis was employed by adopting Ilyas’s (2016) framework of critical thinking for the analytic categories. In actuality, the questions exhibited in the EFL textbooks are only apparent in a few critical thinking criteria, such as clarification, reasons and evidence, viewpoints or perspectives, and agreement and disagreement. On the other hand, assumptions, implications, consequences and alternatives, questions, predictions, and summary and conclusion are excluded. Instructors and authors of books are recommended to consider the critical thinking features when creating lessons to help students learn effectively and develop them into well-cultivated critical thinkers.


November 2023


134 Reads

Jurnal As-Salam

This research examines the linguistic landscape within 4 (four) English as a Foreign Language (EFL) textbooks in Indonesia, employing Cenoz and Gorter's theoretical framework. The primary objectives of this study are to categorize the various linguistic landscape elements present in Indonesian EFL textbooks and provide a comprehensive description of the characteristics of these linguistic landscapes. The analysis was conducted through a descriptive qualitative methodology, focusing on linguistic landscape items within EFL textbooks used in Grades I, II, IV, and V, comprising a total of 116 images. These items encompassed monolingual, bilingual, and multilingual components. Specifically, 100 images featured English-only elements, establishing English as the dominant language in these instances, while 3 images were exclusively in Bahasa Indonesia, 1 in Arabic, and 12 incorporated both English and Indonesian. Including these linguistic elements is intended to familiarize students with English sentence structures in the textbooks, as English holds a prominent status as an international language.

Artificial Intelligence Powered Writing Tools as Adaptable Aids for Academic Writing: Insight from EFL College Learners in Writing Final Project

October 2023


378 Reads


14 Citations


This research investigates the viewpoint of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students about using Artificial Intelligence (AI) as writing aids for their culminating project. This study utilized a convenience sampling method to recruit 50 8th-semester students from public and private colleges in North Sumatra, Indonesia, who were completing their final assignments. Data was collected using open-ended questionnaires and interview approaches, while data analysis was performed using SPSS version 29.0. The results indicate that students favor the utilization of Artificial Intelligence in the composition of their culminating assignment. Despite the scarcity of Artificial Intelligence, it does not diminish their favorable perspective on the necessity of employing Artificial Intelligence as a writing aid. Students' positive perception of utilizing Artificial Intelligence in composing their final assignments influences the efficacy and caliber of their written work. Hence, the favorable viewpoint expressed by students regarding the utilization of Artificial Intelligence underscores the numerous benefits these writing tools offer in the completion of their final projects.

University Instructors’ Attitude Towards Writing Academic Articles in English for Publication: Voices From Indonesia

July 2023


23 Reads


2 Citations

Theory and Practice in Language Studies

Grasping varying purposes of English in scientific publications has become a critical point for many scholars (Cargill & Burgess, 2017). The present study examines the attitudes of Indonesian university teachers towards writing scholarly works in English for publication. It also explored whether teachers' perceptions varied based on gender and specific areas of expertise (English and non-English). Applying the convenience sampling technique, this research included 50 lecturers from public and private institutions in North Sumatra, Indonesia, separated into EFL and non-EFL instructors. Additionally, the participants were split into male and female subgroups. A survey method was utilized to collect the data, and SPSS version 23.0 was adopted to analyze the data. The findings demonstrated that the instructors had a favorable outlook on publishing scholarly works in English. Although there were no statistically substantial distinctions in responses between female and male lecturers or English and non-English lecturers, gender and their area of expertise in education influenced their views on the necessity of authoring academic papers in English for publication. Given that attitude strongly influences whether or not a person will change their behaviour, the degree to which a person has a positive attitude about writing may have a bearing on how effectively they write. Therefore, academics' constructive stances in composing journal articles must be bolstered. Such ideals can be accomplished through hands-on activities such as actual writing practices and participation in academic writing seminars and workshops.

Table 4 .1

June 2023


19 Reads


The phenomenon of online learning has grown at a rapid pace over the years. Despite its benefits, online learning also comes with certain drawbacks, such as a shortage of access to reliable network connectivity, digital literacy, and socializing. The current study aims to explore the perceptions of parents regarding the challenges of distance learning faced by their children in Indonesia. Questionnaires via google forms and interviews were used to diagnose the parents’ responses to handicaps that existed during distance learning. The participants comprised 30 parents whose children joined online schooling. The findings revealed that parents experienced various kinds of obstacles in their efforts to help their children learn remotely such as (1) personal barriers (2) technical barriers (3) logistical barriers, and (4) financial barriers. The trend toward online learning is projected to continue and grow in the coming years with more dialogical, synchronic, pluralist, open, and accessible to various groups.

Coding scheme for opportunities.
Coding scheme for challenges.
Percentage of negative aspects in online speaking class.
Unpacking the opportunities and challenges in learning speaking online during Covid-19 outbreak: A case-study of Indonesian EFL college students

April 2022


59 Reads


5 Citations

Englisia Journal of language education and humanities

The challenges brought by Covid-19 have threatened not only the economy and health fields but also the educational sectors. In light of education, this issue has led to the swift migration of the learning process from conventional mode to online learning which has resulted in another bottleneck. The current study explores the perception of EFL Indonesian college students about the challenges and benefits of learning speaking through the online system during the Covid-19 outbreak. Forty-five college students participated in this study and were inquired through a semi-structured questionnaire in the weeks following the final term examinations for the academic year 2020-2021. The data was probed by using grounded theory proposed by Creswell. The findings exposed that effectiveness, online benefits, and improvement opportunities were the benefits obtained by students from the online learning. Meanwhile, distraction and information overload, a technical error in online learning technology and internet connectivity matters as well as limited interaction and inadequate support were hindrances that often hampered the students. Consequently, this scholarly paper also provides advice on the essence of the readiness of adequate facilities and the collaboration from stakeholders; government, teachers, students, and parents to successfully implement online learning.

Bandicam: Alternatif Media Pembelajaran Interaktif dan Komunikatif di Masa Pandemi Covid 19

March 2022


12 Reads

Prima Abdika Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

This activity is Bandicam-based learning media workshop for teacher aims to elevate the competence of teachers in utilizing online learning media in order to create more interesting/interactive/communicative teaching and learning activities, particularly during the Covid 19 pandemic. In an effort to realize this goal, this activity is carried out in collaboration with partner schools through socialization method and workshop. Based on the results, the teachers reveal that this activity was very benefeted for them in enriching the insight and creativity of the teachers to apply more interesting and interactive learning media for online learning so that students would become more motivated and enthusiastic in participating in learning. It is indicated from the ability of teachers to produce learning videos that are quite interesting and communicative through the Bandicam application.

Enhancing Students’ Critical Thinking in Writing Through Group Investigation Strategy Assisted by Digital Story Board Media

July 2021


9 Reads


1 Citation

IJET (Indonesian Journal of English Teaching)

This research deals with classroom action research aiming to enhance students' critical thinking in writing through the application of group investigation strategies assisted by digital storyboard media. The study was carried out in cycles following Kemmis’ cycle process. The subjects of this study were 33 grade X students of SMA Al-Hikmah Medan in 2019/2020 academic year. The data were collected by employing observation, field-note and writing test. After completing the study, the result shows that the implementation of group investigation strategy assisted by digital story board media significantly improved students’ critical thinking in writing. This is represented by the increase of students’ writing achievement, students’ learning activities and teacher’s performance in teaching. In the first cycle, the number of students passing the standard qualifying of writing set by the school was only 13 students (39.39 %) and improved substantially in cycle two reaching 26 students (78.79 %). The students’ learning activity also progressed considerably as presented in the average score from 67.6% in cycle one to 86% in cycle two. Further, the improvement of teacher’ teaching performance between cycle one and cycle two achieved 23.36% or from 66% in cycle one to 89.36%.

Evaluating Cognitive Level of Final Semester Examination Questions Based on Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy

April 2021


132 Reads


2 Citations

AL-ISHLAH Jurnal Pendidikan

This paper addresses the question of how cognitive levels covering high, middle, and low order thinking skills are delineated in the questions seen from Bloom’s revised taxonomic framework and stimulus. To answer this question, the final-term examination questions from five faculty courses were analyzed through document analysis. The documented examination questions are categorized and reviewed based on cognitive levels referring to revised Bloom’s taxonomy. The questions are also construed based on the stimulus in each question. The results report that the cognitive level of tests is not wholly based on higher-order thinking skills. Of the five courses, only one follows the higher-order thinking skills-based question-writing system, and none of the items refers to middle-order thinking skills. Thus, the cognitive level on the test instruments has not led to an increase in thinking skills or is still at a low level of thinking.

Citations (8)

... In this study, the CBL group or treatment has a higher difference or influence value compared to the DSL group or control group, possibly due to the integration of the learning model with a combination of animated video media and case studies. Thus, cognitive processes will be actively and organizedly involved in problem identification, evaluation of acquired information, searching for evidence to solve problems, and drawing conclusions (Hasnah et al., 2024). ...


Differences Between Discovery Learning And Case-Based Learning Using Animated Videos On Critical Thinking Skills In Start Triage Among Undergraduate Nursing Students
How Do Locally Produced EFL Textbooks Endorse Critical Thinking Skills in Indonesia? A Content Analysis

Journal of Language Teaching and Research

... Initial findings from an experiment suggest its potential as a valuable resource for learners needing structured writing assistance beyond traditional word processors. Ginting et al. (2023) mentioned students prefer using AI for their final assignments despite its scarcity. Their positive outlook on AI's role in writing enhances the quality of their work, emphasising its benefits in project completion. ...

Artificial Intelligence Powered Writing Tools as Adaptable Aids for Academic Writing: Insight from EFL College Learners in Writing Final Project
  • Citing Article
  • October 2023


... Valoración de la publicación académica: Los investigadores valoran altamente la publicación académica, considerándola esencial para su desarrollo profesional y para la contribución al conocimiento global (Ginting et al., 2023). Esta actividad es vista como una plataforma fundamental para la colaboración y el intercambio de ideas entre colegas, lo cual es crucial para el avance de la ciencia y la medicina (Alabdulqader et al., 2022). ...

University Instructors’ Attitude Towards Writing Academic Articles in English for Publication: Voices From Indonesia
  • Citing Article
  • July 2023

Theory and Practice in Language Studies

... One of the benefits of adopting storyboarding is that it allows users to experience changes in the story, which might elicit more profound reactions or interests. The stories on each board helped pupils structure stories progressively [11]. The collective storyboarding that arises from picture communication, storyline sequencing, and language interchange during these activities can boost motivation for involvement and improve overall writing output [12]. ...

Enhancing Students’ Critical Thinking in Writing Through Group Investigation Strategy Assisted by Digital Story Board Media
  • Citing Article
  • July 2021

IJET (Indonesian Journal of English Teaching)

... In another study set in Indonesia, Syafrayani et al. (2022) focused on 45 college students, investigating the challenges they faced and the benefits they gained from learning the English language through online classes. Among the issues they raised were the distractions at home, the information overload from instructors, technical and connectivity issues, as well as limited interaction among classmates and with the instructor. ...

Unpacking the opportunities and challenges in learning speaking online during Covid-19 outbreak: A case-study of Indonesian EFL college students

Englisia Journal of language education and humanities

... High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) are the ability to think at a higher level that needs more complicated thinking activities and the ability to find answers or solutions to numerous things in order for the thinking process to solve an issue ( Budsankom et al., 2015). In the context of learning, the purpose of HOTS as a critical thinking process is to develop pupils who can think rationally (reasonably), reflectively, and autonomously (Ginting et al., 2021). Meaningful learning, one of which is that pupils are able to think at higher levels, particularly in terms of problem-solving, as a result of diverse learning activities (Deviana & Kusumaningtyas, 2019). ...

Evaluating Cognitive Level of Final Semester Examination Questions Based on Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy

AL-ISHLAH Jurnal Pendidikan

... The learning process is an activity in which there is a learning design system that causes an interaction between the speaker (educator) and the recipient of the material (students) (Hasnah., Ginting., and Dewi, 2020). In the teaching process, a teacher ought to be able to supply a strategy for teaching English which can trigger students to explore their skills and construct students' understanding and experience (Saragih and Utami, 2020). ...



... Penggunaan model SAVI akan memanfaatkan semua alat indra peserta didik sehingga peserta didik dapat terlibat aktif dalam proses pembelajaran (Hasnah & Dewi, 2018). Penerapan model SAVI dapat membuat peserta didik terlibat secara aktif selama proses pembelajaran, sehingga pembelajaran yang dicapai akan memberikan hasil yang baik. ...