Yasushi Ifuku’s research while affiliated with Marine Biological Research Institute of Japan Co., Ltd. and other places

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Publications (26)

Limonoid Glucosides of Satsuma Mandarin ( Citrus unshiu Marcov.) and Its Processing Products
  • Article

July 2000


34 Reads


24 Citations

ACS Symposium Series

Yoshihiko Ozaki


Masaki Miyake


Nobuya Inaba




Shin Hasegawa

The cultivation of Satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marcov.) was originated in Japan and is one of the most important parts of Japanese agriculture. We determined changes in the amounts of limonoid aglycones and glucosides in the Satsuma mandarin fruit tissues during fruit growth and maturation as well as the contents of limonoid glucosides in commercial juices and juice processing by-products. Mature Satsuma mandarin fruit contains relatively low concentrations of bitter limonoid aglycones and high concentrations of non-bitter 17β-D-glucoside derivatives, such as limonin 17β-D-glucopyranoside and nomilin 17β-D-glucopyranoside. The concentration of limonoid glucosides in the fruit tissues is about 150 times higher than that of aglycones. Therefore, with the exception of early ripening cultivars, limonoid bitterness is very infrequently in Satsuma mandarin juices and its other processed products. The Satsuma mandarin juice processing by-products are also rich sources of limonoid glucosides. Molasses, for example, contains over 2000 ppm of total limonoid glucosides.

Extraction of Limonoids Using Micro Bubble Supercritical Carbon Dioxide.

April 1996


7 Reads


3 Citations

Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku Kaishi

A new technique of supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) treatment, micro bubble SC-CO2 method, was applied to extraction of limonoids. This method could increase the concentration of SC-CO2 in sample solutions rapidly, so that limonoids were extracted effectively compared with conventional technique. Juice (sample A) and seed extract (sample B) of Natsudaidai were treated at 25 MPa, 35°C. The flow rate of CO2 was 4 g/min. The yield of limonoids was significantly higher than those extracted by conventional SC-CO2 method. When the extraction was carried out for 30 min, the extraction yield of limonoids in sample A and sample B were 92.5% and 42.4%, respectively. When methanol was added as an entrainer, the yield of sample B was increased up to 73.2%.

Rapid Detection of Microbial Contaminants in Fruit Juice by Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay

January 1996


3 Reads


3 Citations

Journal of the Food Hygienic Society of Japan (Shokuhin Eiseigaku Zasshi)

We examined immunological methods for the detection of microbial contaminants in fruit juice. Polyclonal antibodies against native yeast of 7 species, including Candida, Cryptococcus, Rhodotorula and Saccharomyces, and the monoclonal antibody against native C. intermedia, which was named mAb44 (IgG2a subclass), were prepared for use as probes in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). These antibodies reacted with yeast cell-surface antigens that are thought to consist of protein moieties. The cross-reactivities between the antibodies and yeast antigens of 12 species were investigated by immunofluorescence and immunoblotting methods. C. intermedia polyclonal antibody showed extensive cross-reactivities with yeast antigens of 11 species. ELISA was carried out using C. intermedia polyclonal antibody and mAb44. Yeast cells (104-107) suspended per 100μl of fruit juice or PBS could be quantitatively measured using polyclonal antibody, although quantitative values were not obtained in the case of mAb44. When more than 103 per 100μl yeast cells were present, they were detectable by using mAb44 as well as polyclonal antibody. These results show that ELISA is a valuable method to detect microbial contaminants in fruit juice.

Extraction and Recovery of Hesperidin from Peel Residue of Satsuma Mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marc.) Using Enzyme.

December 1993


13 Reads


8 Citations


温州ミカン搾汁粕からの効率的なヘスペリジン抽出,回収方法について検討し,ヘスペリジン抽出試料として酵素処理搾汁粕が優れていることを示した.酵素処理によるヘスペリジンの分解,損失はほとんどなく,ヘスペリジンの抽出時間および析出時間は大幅に短縮できた,特に析出時間はヘスペリジン抽出液に共存するセルロース性物質と密接な関係があることが示唆された.ヘスペリジンの抽出条件として,酵素処理搾汁粕100gに対し,加水量300~400g,水酸化カルシウム添加量0.50~0.75g,抽出初発pH 12.00~12.25を設定した.

Recovery of Seeds from Processing Waste of Natsudaidai(Citrus natsudaidai Hayata).

November 1993


4 Reads


1 Citation


In the course of the development of an industrial recovering system of limonoids from citrus processing waste, an efficient method to recover seeds from the citrus processing waste (peel residue) was developed. The residue was first passed on a vibrating sieve (φ14.5×14.5 mm) to remove peel fragments and other contaminants, and then the remaining material was degraded either chemically or enzymatically. The degraded fraction was sieved with mesh screen (φ4.5×50mm) and 85-90% of the seeds was recovered in optimal condition. The limonoid content in the seeds was not affected when the first fraction was treated with acid or enzyme. However, the content decreased when it was treated with alkali.

Enzymatic Concentration of Hesperidin in Peel Residue of Satsuma Mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marc.).

January 1993


8 Reads


温州ミカン搾汁粕中のヘスペリジンを効率的に抽出,回収するため,搾汁粕中に含有している夾雑物を分解除去しヘスペリジン濃度を高めるのに有効な酵素の選択を行った.ペクチナーゼやセルラーゼ活性を主体とした酵素剤を用いた場合,夾雑物の除去率が高く,得られた固形物の歩留りす少なく,ヘスペリジン濃度の高いことが示された.中でもペクチナーゼ活性を主としセルラーゼ,ヘミセルラーゼ活性を有する酵素剤PCH(起源; A. niger)で処理したとき,酵素処理中のヘスペリジンに与える影響も少なく, 24時間後のヘスペリジン残存率は94.1%と良好であった.また,酵素剤PCHによる温州ミカン搾汁粕の酵素処理は,初発pH 3.0~4.0,反応温度40℃,反応時間24時間が最適条件として示され,酵素処理粕中のヘスペリジン含量は処理前に比べて2.2倍に高められた.

Extraction of Limonoids and Limonoid Glucosides with Supercritical Carbon Dioxide.

August 1992


12 Reads


6 Citations


最近,その生理活性が注日されているリモノイドおよびそのグルコサイドのカンキツ種子からのより有効な抽出方法としてSC-CO2抽出法について検討した.その結果,供試試料として脱脂乾燥夏柑種子粉末を用いてSC-CO2抽出したときCO2単独では各リモノイドの抽出率は有機溶媒抽出法に比べ著しく低かった.そこで抽出率の向上を目的として抽出温度,圧力,エントレーナーの併用およびCO2量の条件について実験した.リモノイドの抽出率は抽出圧力とCO2量に大きく依存したが,抽出温度の影響はほとんど受けなかった.各リモノイドの抽出率は抽出圧力を高めるに従い増加し, 300kg/cm2で最大となった.また,エントレーナーとしてはアセトンを添加したとき最も効果的であった. CO2の使用量についてはその使用量が多いほど高い抽出率が得られ,試料重量に対し50倍量のCO2量になるまでの変化が大きかった.最適条件(抽出温度, 60℃;圧力,300kg/cm2;エントレーナー,アセトン3%; CO2量,100g-CO2/g)における各リモノイドの抽出率はノミリン82.1%,オバクノン38.9%,リモニン19.1%,デアセチルノミリン13.9%であった.リモノイドグルコサイドについてはリモニングルコサイドを除き高い抽出率が得られたが,各成分の分画抽出はできなかった.

[Limonoids in Phellodendron amurense (Kihada)]

June 1992


23 Reads


17 Citations

Yakugaku zasshi journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan

Limonoids and their glucosides in the seeds and barks of Phellondendron amurense (Kihada) were analyzed. The seeds contained limonin (1950 ppm), obakunone (20 ppm), limonin 17-beta-D-glucopyranoside (820 ppm) and obakunone 17-beta-D-glucopyranoside (1360 ppm). The barks contained limonin (6760 ppm), obakunone (1240 ppm) and nomilin (270 ppm).

Citations (14)

... The Jabara fruit juice yield, soluble sugar content, pectin content, oil content, and major volatile components were recorded to be more than that of yuzu fruit. Jabara extract is used in cosmetics and has many benefits for the skin (Miyake et al. 1990;DB Pedia 2022). The image of the fruit and cross section showed in Fig. 8.1. ...


Jabara (Citrus jabara)
Quality characteristics of Jabara(Citrus jabara Hort. ex Tanaka) and Yuzu(Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka) fruit juice.
  • Citing Article
  • January 1990


... Limonoid glucoside concentrations can reach levels of 350-400 mg L -1 in orange juice. Among these, limonin glucoside is the most abundant (Miyake et al. 1991). The tasteless, watersoluble limonoid glucosides occur in fruit tissues, juice and seeds during the last stages of fruit maturation. ...

Extraction of Neutral Limonoids from Citrus Seeds
  • Citing Article
  • January 1991

Nippon Nōgeikagaku Kaishi

... Additionally, the total concentration of limonoidglucosides was measured to be 54.38 ± 1.02 mg/L. These values are similar to those documented in lemon juice (40-95 mg/L) 62 and other citrus fruits 63 . The outcomes acquired from the assessment of limonoids concentration in C. limon peels reveal a notable disparity among different citrus fruits. ...

Limonoid Glucosides of Satsuma Mandarin ( Citrus unshiu Marcov.) and Its Processing Products
  • Citing Article
  • July 2000

ACS Symposium Series

... Inoltre, al fine di evitare nella fase di precipitazione la formazione di gel, dovuto alla presenza di pectina nell'estratto, sono state adoperate miscele di basi: Ca(OH) 2 e NaOH (Sanchez, 1986 (Lo Curto et al., 1992). Sono anche state impiegate con successo tecniche che prevedono l'uso di una preparazione enzimatica da Aspergillus niger per una iniziale degradazione delle pectine, a cui fa seguito una fase di estrazione alcalina (Inaba et al., 1993). Inoltre sono state adoperate metodiche per recuperare i flavonoidi da acque di scarto nella lavorazione di agrumi mediante l'impiego di resine del tipo stirene-divinil-benzene (Ericson et al., 1990;Doner et al., 1993;Calvarano et al., 1996). ...

Extraction and Recovery of Hesperidin from Peel Residue of Satsuma Mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marc.) Using Enzyme.
  • Citing Article
  • December 1993


... Las técnicas inmunoenzimáticas se han desarrollado en diversos formatos (ELISA indirecto, ELISA competitivo y ELISA sandwich) atendiendo al componente de la reacción que se fija en primer lugar, la fase sólida utilizada, y si se emplean o no concentraciones limitantes de antígeno y anticuerpo (32)(33)(34). En la identificación de microorganismos y/o sus toxinas o metabolitos, uno de los formatos más utilizados es la técnica de ELISA sándwich. En esta técnica, el anticuerpo se une a la fase sólida y, después de un periodo de incubación y lavado, se adiciona la muestra que contiene el antígeno. ...

Rapid Detection of Yeast in Orange Juice by Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay
  • Citing Article
  • December 1991

Agricultural and Biological Chemistry

... Limonoids were barely detected in bergamot peel extracts as very low-intensity peaks in the HPLC chromatogram at 210 nm (not shown) [40]. The HPLC analysis of products from other citrus fruits evidenced characteristic phenolic profiles for each typology of samples. ...

Limonoid glucosides m citrus seeds
  • Citing Article
  • January 1991

Agricultural and Biological Chemistry

... Miyake et al. quantified the limonoids of the seeds. Deacetylnomilin (230 ppm) and limonin (390 ppm) were the major constituents, followed by ichangin (20 ppm) and the acidic limonoids deacetylnomilinic acid (2 ppm), isolimonic acid (2 ppm) and isoobacunoic acid (trace amount) (Miyake et al., 1991). Dreyer et al. also reported the presence of furocoumarins: imperatorin, bergapten and smaller amounts of xanthotoxol and alloimperatorin (Dreyer, 1965(Dreyer, , 1966. ...

Limonoids in Seeds of Karatachi. Poncirus trifoliata.
  • Citing Article
  • January 1991

Nippon Nōgeikagaku Kaishi

... To date, 36 types of aglycones and 17 types of glycosides have been identified mainly in citrus fruits of the family Rutaceae, which is composed of 160 genera and about 2,070 species [13]. The first study of the physiological effects of Citrus limonoids reported inhibitory effects on the eating behaviors of armyworms and predatory insects [14]. Strong inhibitory effects on eating were subsequently observed in termites. ...

Biochemistry of Citrus Limonoids. Metabolism and Biological Functions.
  • Citing Article
  • January 1994


... Limonene has a strong citrus odor and flavor, the highest seen in citrus peels (i). Meanwhile, limonene is a common naturally occurring compound with a citrus scent (ii), which has a masking effect and reduces flavor intensity due to its low threshold (Matsui et al., 1991). In contrast, linalool and terpinen-4-ol from monoterpene alcohol are important contributors to the sweet floral and herbal resinous aroma of citrus (Choi et al., 2002). ...

Preparation of terpeneless oils by vacuum distillation method.
  • Citing Article
  • February 1991


... There are no reports in the literature about the composition of Uruguayan Satsuma and Nova oils. Studies have been carried out on Japanese and Russian Satsuma oils: some papers deal with the volatile fraction composition (Yamanishi et al.,1968;Kita et al., 1969;Yajima et al., 1979;Sawamura et al., 1983;Namba et al.,1985;Kekelidze et al., 1985;Shin-yan Gao et al.,1986;Kekelidze et al., 1989) and the nonvolatile residue (Kumamoto et al., 1986;Chkhikvishvili et al., 1990;Chkhikvishvili et al., 1994;Nogata et al., 1994;Tsuchida et al., 1996) of the peel oil; others deal with the oil composition of the leaves and of the flowers (Kharebava et al., 1986, Zheng-Kui andYing-fang, 1992;Yoshikawa et al., 1996) and others with the juice composition (Masukawa et al., 1985;Maeda et al., 1985;Tada, 1987;Nizharade and Bandyukova, 1990;Araki et al., 1990;Ozaki et al., 1995;Moshonas and Shaw, 1997). ...

Studies on the quality improvement of citrus juices and utilization of peels with ion exchange resins. Part III. Removal of hesperidin in Satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marc.) juice with adsorbents.
  • Citing Article
  • October 1985