Yaroslav Hayduk’s research while affiliated with University of Neuchâtel and other places

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Publications (10)

Towards an Efficient Pauseless Java GC with Selective HTM-Based Access Barriers
  • Conference Paper

September 2017


23 Reads


3 Citations

Maria Carpen-Amarie


Yaroslav Hayduk





The garbage collector (GC) is a critical component of any managed runtime environment (MRE), such as the Java virtual machine. While the main goal of the GC is to simplify and automate memory management, it may have a negative impact on the application performance, especially on multi-core systems. This is typically due to stop-the-world pauses, i.e., intervals for which the application threads are blocked during the collection. Existing approaches to concurrent GCs allow the application threads to perform at the same time as the GC at the expense of throughput and simplicity. In this paper we build upon an existing pauseless transactional GC algorithm and design an important optimization that would significantly increase its throughput. More precisely, we devise selective access barriers, that define multiple paths based on the state of the garbage collector. Preliminary evaluation of the selective barriers shows up to 93% improvement over the initial transactional barriers in the worst case scenario. We estimate the performance of a pauseless GC having selective transactional barriers and find it to be on par with Java's concurrent collector.

Data Mining Meets HCI: Data and Visual Analytics of Frequent Patterns

September 2016


77 Reads


5 Citations

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

As a popular data mining tasks, frequent pattern mining discovers implicit, previously unknown and potentially useful knowledge in the form of sets of frequently co-occurring items or events. Many existing data mining algorithms return to users with long textual lists of frequent patterns, which may not be easily comprehensible. As a picture is worth a thousand words, having a visual means for humans to interact with computers would be beneficial. This is when human-computer interaction (HCI) research meets data mining research. In particular, the popular HCI task of data and result visualization could help data miners to visualize the original data and to analyze the mined results (in the form of frequent patterns). In this paper, we present a few systems for data and visual analytics of frequent patterns, which integrate (i) data analytics and mining with (ii) data and result visualization.

Enhanced Energy Efficiency with the Actor Model on Heterogeneous Architectures

May 2016


36 Reads


1 Citation

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Due to rising energy costs, energy-efficient data centers have gained increasingly more attention in research and practice. Optimizations targeting energy efficiency are usually performed on an isolated level, either by producing more efficient hardware, by reducing the number of nodes simultaneously active in a data center, or by applying dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS). Energy consumption is, however, highly application dependent. We therefore argue that, for best energy efficiency, it is necessary to combine different measures both at the programming and at the runtime level. As there is a tradeoff between execution time and power consumption, we vary both independently to get insights on how they affect the total energy consumption. We choose frequency scaling for lowering the power consumption and heterogeneous processing units for reducing the execution time. While these options showed to be effective already in the literature, the lack of energy-efficient software in practice suggests missing incentives for energy-efficient programming. In fact, programming heterogeneous applications is a challenging task, due to different memory models of the underlying processors and the requirement of using different programming languages for the same tasks. We propose to use the actor model as a basis for efficient and simple programming, and extend it to run seamlessly on either a CPU or a GPU. In a second step, we automatically balance the load between the existing processing units. With heterogeneous actors we are able to save 40–80 % of energy in comparison to CPU-only applications, additionally increasing programmability.

Exploiting Concurrency in Domain-Specific Data Structures: A Concurrent Order Book and Workload Generator for Online Trading
  • Conference Paper
  • Full-text available

May 2016


2,062 Reads

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Concurrent programming is essential to exploit parallel processing capabilities of modern multi-core CPUs. While there exist many languages and tools to simplify the development of concurrent programs, they are not always readily applicable to domain-specific problems that rely on complex shared data structures associated with various semantics (e.g., priorities or consistency). In this paper, we explore such a domain-specific application from the financial field, where a data structure—an order book—is used to store and match orders from buyers and sellers arriving at a high rate. This application has interesting characteristics as it exhibits some clear potential for parallelism, but at the same time it is relatively complex and must meet some strict guarantees, notably w.r.t. the ordering of operations. We first present an accurate yet slightly simplified description of the order book problem and describe the challenges in parallelizing it. We then introduce several approaches for introducing concurrency in the shared data structure, in increasing order of sophistication starting from lock-based techniques to partially lock-free designs. We propose a comprehensive workload generator for constructing histories of orders according to realistic models from the financial domain. We finally perform an evaluation and comparison of the different concurrent designs.


Dynamic Message Processing and Transactional Memory in the Actor Model

June 2015


8 Reads


5 Citations

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

With the trend of ever growing data centers and scaling core counts, simple programming models for efficient distributed and concurrent programming are required. One of the successful principles for scalable computing is the actor model, which is based on message passing. Actors are objects that hold local state that can only be modified by the exchange of messages. To avoid typical concurrency hazards, each actor processes messages sequentially. However, this limits the scalability of the model. We have shown in former work that concurrent message processing can be implemented with the help of transactional memory, ensuring sequential processing, when required. This approach is advantageous in low contention phases, however, does not scale for high contention phases. In this paper we introduce a combination of dynamic resource allocation and non-transactional message processing to overcome this limitation. This allows for efficient resource utilization as these two mechanisms can be handled in parallel. We show that we can substantially reduce the execution time of high-contention workloads in a micro-benchmark as well as in a real-world application.

Speculative Concurrent Processing with Transactional Memory in the Actor Model

December 2013


144 Reads


5 Citations

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

The actor model has been successfully used for scalable computing in distributed systems. Actors are objects with a local state, which can only be modified by the exchange of messages. One of the fundamental principles of actor models is to guarantee sequential message processing, which avoids typical concurrency hazards, but limits the achievable message throughput. Preserving the sequential semantics of the actor model is, however, necessary for program correctness. In this paper, we propose to add support for speculative concurrent execution in actors using transactional memory (TM). Our approach is designed to operate with message passing and shared memory, and can thus take advantage of parallelism available on distributed and multi-core systems. The processing of each message is wrapped in a transaction executed atomically and in isolation, but concurrently with other messages. This allows us (1) to scale while keeping the dependability guarantees ensured by sequential message processing, and (2) to further increase robustness of the actor model against threats due to the rollback ability that comes for free with transactional processing of messages. We validate our design within the Scala programming language and the Akka framework. We show that the overhead of using transactions is hidden by the improved message processing throughput, thus leading to an overall performance gain.

Mining Frequent Patterns from Uncertain Data with MapReduce for Big Data Analytics

April 2013


189 Reads


59 Citations

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Frequent pattern mining is commonly used in many real-life applications. Since its introduction, the mining of frequent patterns from precise data has drawn attention of many researchers. In recent years, more attention has been drawn on mining from uncertain data. Items in each transaction of these uncertain data are usually associated with existential probabilities, which express the likelihood of these items to be present in the transaction. When compared with mining from precise data, the search/solution space for mining from uncertain data is much larger due to presence of the existential probabilities. Moreover, we are living in the era of Big Data. In this paper, we propose a tree-based algorithm that uses MapReduce to mine frequent patterns from Big uncertain data. In addition, we also propose some enhancements to further improve its performance. Experimental results show the effectiveness of our algorithm and its enhancements in mining frequent patterns from uncertain data with MapReduce for Big Data analytics.

Visually Contrast Two Collections of Frequent Patterns

December 2011


10 Reads


9 Citations

Frequent pattern mining searches for frequently occurring sets of items or events. While users are interested in finding these frequent patterns in most situations, they may want to compare and contrast the mined frequent patterns in some other situations. For example, store managers may want to find out how the collections of frequently purchased items changed from one season to another. Similarly, regional managers may want to compare the frequently purchased items between two different branches. These are some examples of looking for temporal and/or spatial changes between mined frequent patterns. A visual representation of these patterns would be more comprehensive to users than the long textual list returned by many existing frequent pattern mining algorithms. However, many existing visualizers were not designed to show frequent patterns, let alone show the differences between them. In this paper, we propose a visualization system called Contrast Viz that enables users to visualize the mined frequent patterns and their differences.

A landmark-model based system for mining frequent patterns from uncertain data streams

September 2011


48 Reads


17 Citations

Huge volumes of streaming data have been generated by sensors for applications such as environment surveillance. Partially due to the inherited limitation of sensors, these continuous streaming data can be uncertain. Over the past few years, algorithms have been proposed to apply the sliding window or time-fading window model to mine frequent patterns from streams of uncertain data. However, there are also other models to process data streams. In this paper, we propose a landmark-model based system for mining frequent patterns from streams of uncertain data.

Citations (6)

... The data mining algorithms represent long textual patterns that visually incomprehensive rather than beneficial with visually informative that humans can interact with the computers. In this context, the HCI meets data mining where the HCI and its result such as visualization help (Leung et al., 2016) data miners to visualize data and analyze mined results. The HCI is immensely used in these fields for proper visualization of data into meaningful information for including general users. ...


Data Mining Meets HCI: Data and Visual Analytics of Frequent Patterns
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • September 2016

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

... The first one tries to improve the performance of all mechanisms used to execute Actors efficiently, mainly the Actor scheduling strategies [6,20,34,35]. The second approach, instead, follows the direction of extending the AM with new features and constructs [10,19,22,25,27,33]. Our work falls in the second category. ...

Dynamic Message Processing and Transactional Memory in the Actor Model
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • June 2015

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

... Some recently developed solution for IoT-driven data analytics [32,33] aims to address issues such as security [34], infrastructure [32], and storage [33] aspects for UIoTs. From underwater UIoTs, many research studies have been conducted for analytics data [35], extracting patterns from marine data [36,37], and discovering knowledge about ocean variables from multiple sources. ...

Mining Frequent Patterns from Uncertain Data with MapReduce for Big Data Analytics
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • April 2013

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

... This explains why the big data are sometimes considered as the "new oil". Hence, data science solutions [34][35][36]-which aim to discover knowledge and information from big data via data mining algorithms [37][38][39], machine learning tools [40][41][42][43], mathematical and statistical models [44], informatics [45,46], and visualization [47][48][49][50][51][52]-for big data analytics and mining are in demand. For instance, analyzing and mining big biodiversity and environmental data could lead to some insights about our environments and ecosystem, and thus could help policy and decision makers take appropriate actions to further enhance the environments and ecosystem. ...

Visually Contrast Two Collections of Frequent Patterns
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • December 2011