November 2020
157 Reads
1 Citation
Contrastive Pragmatics
Based on the systemic functional framework, this paper attempts to compare verbal projection in two comparable translated texts of a detective story entitled A Scandal in Bohemia , one from the early 20th century (henceforth TT 1) and the other from the early 21st century (henceforth TT 2). Approximately one hundred years apart, these two translations are strikingly different in their language use, with classical Chinese being used in TT 1 and plain (colloquial) Chinese being used in TT 2. By analysing and comparing the lexicogrammatical features of the verbal clauses in the two translated texts, this paper summarises the choices made by the translators in these two different historical moments: when translating the source text, TT 1 translators show more flexibility by incorporating more addition and omission into their translation than TT 2 translators.