Y. L. Tong’s research while affiliated with Georgia Institute of Technology and other places

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Publications (10)

A Stochastic Ordering of Partial Sums of Independent Random Variables and of Some Random Processes
  • Article
  • Full-text available

September 1992


106 Reads


10 Citations

Journal of Applied Probability


Frank Proschan


Y.L. Tong

In this paper we first prove an arrangement-decreasing property of partial sums of independent random variables when they are partially ordered through the likelihood ratio ordering. We then apply a similar argument to obtain a stochastic ordering of random processes via a comparison of their parameter functions, with special applications to Poisson and Wiener processes. Finally, in Section 4 we present some applications in reliability theory, queueing, and first-passage problems.


Linear Dependence in Consecutive k-out-of- n: F Systems

July 1990


74 Reads


10 Citations

Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences

A consecutive k−out−of-n: F system is a coherent system of n-ordered components that functions if and only if there is no consecutive run of k failures among the components. Examples of such systems exist in telecommunications, oil pipelines, and integrated circuitry. Most of the research in reliability of consecutive k−out-of-n: F systems assumes that the components function independently of one another. In this paper, we develop a model incorporating positive dependence between adjacent components and show that for k ≥ (n + l)/2, the reliability of the system is a decreasing function of this dependence.

Some majorization inequalities for functions of exchangeable random variables

January 1990


49 Reads


4 Citations

: This paper contains inequalities for the exceptions of permutation-invariant concave functions of the partial sums of nonnegative exchangeable random variables. Two majorization inequalities are derived, and an application in reliability theory is discussed. Keywords: Concave and Schurconcave functions.

Crossing Properties of Mixture Distributions

July 1989


146 Reads


3 Citations

Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences

Mixture distributions are a frequently used tool in modelling random phenomena. We consider mixtures of densities from a one-parameter exponenvial family of distributions. Using the tools of totally positive functions and the variation-diminishing property of such, we study the effect of sign-crossing properties of two mixing densities μ1 and μ2 on the resulting mixture distributions f1 and f2. The results enable us to make stochastic and variability cornparisons for binomial-beta, mixed Weibull, and mixed gamma distributions.

Modelling dependence in simple and indirect majority systems

March 1989


7 Reads


42 Citations

Journal of Applied Probability

Majority systems are encountered in both decision theory and reliability theory. In decision theory for example a jury or committee employing a majority rule will make the ‘correct' decision if a majority of the individuals do so. In reliability theory some coherent systems function if and only if a majority of the components work properly. In this paper results concerning the reliability of majority systems are developed which are applicable in both areas. Two models incorporating dependence between individuals or components in majority systems are introduced, and various monotonicity results for their reliability functions are established. Comparisons are also made between direct (or simple) and indirect majority systems.

Modelling Dependence in Simple and Indirect Majority Systems

March 1989


86 Reads


63 Citations

Journal of Applied Probability

Majority systems are encountered in both decision theory and reliability theory. In decision theory for example a jury or committee employing a majority rule will make the ‘correct' decision if a majority of the individuals do so. In reliability theory some coherent systems function if and only if a majority of the components work properly. In this paper results concerning the reliability of majority systems are developed which are applicable in both areas. Two models incorporating dependence between individuals or components in majority systems are introduced, and various monotonicity results for their reliability functions are established. Comparisons are also made between direct (or simple) and indirect majority systems.

Moment and Geometric Probability Inequalities Arising from Arrangement Increasing Functions

January 1988


55 Reads


22 Citations

The Annals of Probability

A real-valued function g of two vector arguments x\mathbf{x} and yRn\mathbf{y} \in R^n is said to be arrangement increasing if it increases in value as the arrangement of components in x\mathbf{x} becomes increasingly similar to the arrangement of components in y\mathbf{y}. Hollander, Proschan and Sethuraman (1977) show that the convolution of arrangement increasing functions is arrangement increasing. This result is used to generate some interesting probability inequalities of a geometric nature for exchangeable random vectors. Other geometric inequalities for families of arrangement increasing multivariate densities are also given, and some moment inequalities are obtained.

Fault Diversity in Software Reliability

April 1987


15 Reads


10 Citations

Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences

Diversity of bugs or faults in a software system is a factor contributing to software unreliability which has not yet been appropriately emphasized. This paper is written with the intention of demonstrating the impact of fault diversity on the time to detection of software bugs. A new discrete software reliability model based on the multinomial distribution is introduced. It is shown that for models of this type, the more diverse the fault probabilities are, the longer (stochastically) it takes to detect or eliminate any n faults, while the smaller (stochastically) will be the number of faults detected or eliminated during a given amount of time (or during a given number of inputs to the system). The impact of fault diversity is also demonstrated for the Jelinski–Moranda model.

Citations (9)

... According to the theorem, in a large election where each voter is more likely to vote correctly than incorrectly, the majority vote mechanism almost surely aggregates the group's common preference. Following this theorem, a series of works in democratic theory have explored collective wisdom in general models [6,9,22,27,28,34,37,39]. Austen-Smith and Banks [4] are the first to consider the Condorcet Jury Theorem in a game-theoretic framework, revealing that agents might have incentives to deviate from informative voting. ...


Aggregation of Antagonistic Contingent Preferences: When Is It Possible?
Modelling dependence in simple and indirect majority systems
  • Citing Article
  • March 1989

Journal of Applied Probability

... One more generalization is the Jensen-Boas inequality and the reverse Jensen-Boas inequality (see [3] and [11, p. 86]). All these inequalities and many other results can be found in [11], an outstanding book regarding convex functions. Moreover, many other celebrated inequalities are obtained by making use of the Jensen inequality, like the Hölder inequality, the Cauchy inequality, inequalities between means, and the Young inequality to mention but a few. ...

Convex Functions, Partial Orderings, and Statistical Applications
  • Citing Article
  • January 1992

Mathematics in Science and Engineering

... These orders are extremely useful for stochastic comparison of two random variables (say, lifetime of two units or devices). Indeed, this area of statistical enquiry has been able to capture the interest of scholars for decades (for instance, see Barlow and Proschan [1], Boland, Proschan, and Tong [5], Boland, El-Neweihi, and Proschan [6], Deshpande, Kochar, and Singh [10], Gupta, Misra, and Kumar [18], Kayid, Izadkhah, and Alshami [20], Lai and Xie [23], Li and Li [24], Nanda, Das, and Balakrishnan [28], Marshall and Olkin [29], Misra and Misra [32], Ross [37], Shaked and Shanthikumar [41], Stoyan [42] and references cited therein). ...

A Stochastic Ordering of Partial Sums of Independent Random Variables and of Some Random Processes

Journal of Applied Probability

... Another mechanism by which opinions can be correlated is if individuals can be influenced by the opinions, or behaviour, of others through social learning [11,18]. Such correlations in information across individuals have been shown to degrade collective accuracy generally [19][20][21][22][23], and recent research has demonstrated that small groups often maximize collective accuracy in such scenarios [16,18]. Increasing group size initially allows the individuals to exploit the benefits of information pooling, but increasing the size of the group further causes correlations (either from the environment or from social influence) to dominate the collective decision-making and consequently degrade accuracy [16]. ...

Modelling Dependence in Simple and Indirect Majority Systems

Journal of Applied Probability

... h( ) . Exploiting Schur concavity (A realvalued function f : R n → R is Schur concave if f (x 1 , x 2 , · · · , x n ) ≤ f (y 1 , y 2 , · · · , y n ) holds whenever (x 1 , x 2 , · · · , x n ) majorizes (y 1 , y 2 , · · · , y n ), i.e., [91].) for the binary entropy function, which tells us that h(E[X]) ≥ E[h(X)], we can see that as approaches 0 or 1, then ...

Some majorization inequalities for functions of exchangeable random variables

... Friedman, Murphy, and Russell [9] examined numerous distinct types of models in their depiction, including DBNs, accurate and estimated inference output in DBNs, and sequential data explained by DBN models. Tong, Boland and Proschan [10] developed a model integrating positive dependency between adjacent components and showed that the system's reliability is a declining function on its dependency for Hwang, Lee and Cho [12] proposed a technique that uses genetic algorithms to produce and create a DBN structure to deal with improbability and dynamic property in the real world. Yuan and Cui [13] dealt with the repair phenomenon by believing that repairmen had several vacations in the system. ...

Linear Dependence in Consecutive k-out-of- n: F Systems

Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences

... Permutation monotonicity is rather useful in many applied probability areas including econometrics and risk management. For more details, we refer readers to [14,16,17,[25][26][27][28] and references therein. The redundancy allocation in reliability engineering centers on assigning redundancies to components in a reasonable manner. ...

Moment and Geometric Probability Inequalities Arising from Arrangement Increasing Functions

The Annals of Probability