September 2024
24 Reads
1 Citation
The Fourth Industrial Revolution, also known as Industry 4.0, represents a transformative period driven by the convergence of digital, physical, and biological technologies. This revolution is profoundly reshaping numerous industries and activities. Specifically, in media and journalism, it introduces advanced techniques and intelligent systems that redefine how information is gathered, processed, and disseminated. This first chapter analyzes and reflects on these changes from a global perspective. In this Industry 4.0 scenario, virtual and physical production systems cooperate to generate competitive products that satisfy the needs of increasingly demanding audiences. But how does this situation affect the media industry? Is journalism able to adapt to continue satisfying audiences in the Fourth Industrial Revolution? We introduce these and other questions to pave the way for the subsequent 18 chapters, in which 40 esteemed authors from 26 different universities around the world delve into the exploration of the opportunities and challenges that Industry 4.0 presents for journalism.