April 2021
32 Reads
5 Citations
Annals of Nuclear Energy
To examine the thermo-hydraulic characteristics of the primary and secondary sides of a helical tube once-through steam generator (HCOTSG) under steady state conditions, a one-dimensional primary and secondary side heat balance calculation model is established. The accuracy of the numerical simulation is verified by a comparison with the results of a RELAP5 program. The thermo-hydraulic parameters of HCOTSGs are obtained using the calculation program. To study the detailed flow and heat transfer characteristics in helical tubes, a CFD simulation model of HCOTSGs secondary side is established. The velocity and temperature distributions of the fluid in the cross section of the helical tube are nonuniform. The temperature of the fluid inside the helix is higher than that outside the helix. The velocity of the fluid inside the helix is lower than that outside the helix. The fluid inside the helix begins to boil before that outside the helix.