Xianglin Zhang’s research while affiliated with Huazhong University of Science and Technology and other places

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Publications (14)

Influence of Tempering Temperature on the Microstructure and Wear Properties of Powder Metallurgy High‐Speed Steels
  • Article

January 2022


24 Reads


5 Citations

Steel Research International

Cheng Lyu


Yao Yao


Xianglin Zhang


Yiyuan Luo

The influence of tempering temperature on the microstructure of powder metallurgy high-speed steels (PM HSSs) PM20 is investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), electron backscattering diffraction (EBSD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). With the increasing of tempering temperature, the ratio of low angle grain boundaries (LAGBs) decreases, while the volume fraction and size of M6C and VC carbides increase. The wear resistance of PM20 with different tempering temperature is studied by reciprocating ball-on-flat methods. The wear properties of PM20 decrease gradually with the increasing of tempering temperature. The variation of wear properties has been explained by the characteristic of martensite matrix, carbides and the misorientation angle of boundaries. All samples present a complex wear mechanism of abrasive wear and oxidation wear. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Effect of non-linear tension-compression loading reversal on the hardening behavior and initiation fracture strain of a cold-rolled TRIP780 steel sheet

December 2021


45 Reads


6 Citations

Materials Today Communications

This work examines the influences of non-linear pre-forming paths on the ductile behavior and damage evolution of a cold-rolled transformation-induced plasticity (TRIP) steel. Two non-linear pre-forming paths, i.e. tension followed by compression (TC) and compression followed by tension (CT), were designed to reveal the Bauschinger effect. The experimental results demonstrated that the fracture strain was strongly affected by the loading path and magnitude of pre-forming. A single-surface plasticity model accounting for a non-associated Hill’ 48 plastic flow potential was developed by combining a Voce-Swift isotropic hardening law and a mixed non-linear kinematic (NLK) hardening rule. The experimental strain-stress curves of pre-formed specimens were utilised to calibrate the model parameters. The proposed model well predicted the hardening anisotropy, Bauschinger effect, permanent softening and transient behavior of specimens undergoing TC and CT pre-forming strategies. In addition, the influence of non-linear TC and CT pre-forming loading paths on the initiation fracture strain were modelled and investigated through a Hosford-Coulomb fracture criterion. The results showed that the proposed non-associated and mixed hardening model can describe the hardening behavior under TC and CT non-linear deformation. It is also found that the Hosford-Coulomb fracture model is capable to provide reasonable prediction on the fracture strain under different non-linear pre-loading conditions even though a larger scatter for the TC deformation. These results also confirm that the ductility of the TRIP780 increases under a TC or CT non-linear pre-strain.

Fig.2 SEM images of PM20 (a, d), SF20 (b, e) and ESR20 (c, f)
Fig.4 SEM images of worn surfaces of PM20 (a, d), SF20 (b, e) and ESR20 (c, f) 3.4 Impact fracture surfaces Fig.5 is the SEM images of impact fracture surfaces and crack propagation of samples. The fracture surface of PM20 appears much rugged (Fig.5a), which corresponds to its highest impact toughness (Fig. 3a). In addition to carbides broken and decohesion, the matrix of PM20 is quasi-cleavage fracture and plastic deformation. The plastic deformation of SF20 matrix is obviously lower than that of PM20 (Fig.5b). The matrix of ESR20 has little plastic deformation, quasi-cleavage fracture of matrix is dominant (Fig.5c). The crack propagation of ESR20 is shown in Fig.5d. The carbide segregation leads to the generation and expansion of cracks, thus accelerating the fracture of the material and reducing the impact toughness. In addition, the crack initiate along the coarse carbides, smaller and uniform carbides are beneficial to impact toughness [4]. As a result, PM20 shows the best impact toughness, while ESR20 with the most severe carbide segregation shows the worst impact toughness.
Fig.5 SEM fractography of the fracture surfaces of PM20 (a), SF20 (b), ESR20 (c) and crack propagation of ESR20 (d)
Effect of fabrication process on wear and impact toughness of high speed steel
  • Article
  • Full-text available

October 2021


85 Reads

Journal of Physics Conference Series


Stress-state-dependent deformation and fracture behaviors in a cold-rolled 7Mn steel

September 2021


53 Reads


7 Citations

Materials Science and Engineering A


Xianglin Zhang





Peter Hodgson

Tensile tests were conducted on a series of specially designed specimens to understand how the stress state affected the deformation and fracture characteristics of a recently developed 7Mn steel containing a high fraction of retained austenite (RA). The digital image correlation (DIC) method was utilized to measure the strain and displacements applied to the specimen shoulders. The results show that the fracture strain was sensitive to the stress state that changed from pure shear (PS) with a stress triaxiality of zero to plane strain with stress triaxiality of approximately 0.58. Microstructural observations indicate that the uniaxial tensile (UT) specimens exhibited more rapid transformation kinetics from austenite to martensite compared with those in-plane PS and notched tensile (NT) specimens. This was primarily related to the difference in the stability of RA resulting from the change in austenite grain morphologies with the imposed stress state. Finally, special attention was drawn to the characteristics of the microscopic deformation behaviors related to the austenite-to-martensite transformation through the detailed microstructural evolution mechanism diagrams under three typical stress states.

Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and impact toughness of a Tungsten-Molybdenum powder metallurgical high-speed steel

April 2021


55 Reads


32 Citations

Materials Science and Engineering A

Effect of quenching, tempering and deep cryogenic treatment (DCT) on microstructure and impact toughness of a new tungsten-molybdenum high-speed steel produced by powder metallurgy was investigated. The obtained results infer that the microstructure is mainly composed of martensite, M6C and VC. The impact toughness decreases with the increasing of austenitizing temperature, but when the austenitizing temperature increases to 1180 °C, the impact toughness changes little. DCT after quenching improves impact toughness slightly, but DCT followed tempering has little effect on impact toughness. The fracture micromechanism can be identified as that crack initiates at the interface between M6C and martensite caused by the inconsistency deformation, M6C carbides exhibit broken or cleavage fracture and VC carbides decohere at the interface. In addition, the variation of impact toughness value has been explained by the characteristics of martensite, the fracture ductility, compressive strain of martensite lattice and grain refinement are beneficial to impact toughness.

Three-dimensional printing of alginate-gelatin-agar scaffolds using free-form motor assisted microsyringe extrusion system

March 2018


1,123 Reads


42 Citations

Journal of Polymer Research

In current study, three-dimensional scaffolds of alginate-gelatin-agar were fabricated using free-form motor assisted microsyringe (MAM) extrusion system. Briefly, a hydrogel solution comprised of 18 wt% sodium alginate, 4 wt% gelatin, and 12 wt% agar was prepared by dissolving all components in sterile deionized water. Cubic scaffold with dimensions 9 × 9 × 9 mm³ were printed in a layer-by-layer fashion and sintered. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy confirmed the chemical structure of scaffold. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) analysis showed the fabrication of highly porous scaffolds with patterned structure and uniformly distributed holes at the surface. The dynamic contact angle measurement of alginate-gelatin-agar scaffold demonstrated its hydrophilic nature. The maximum tensile strength at breaking point, Young’s modulus, and elongation strain of scaffold were found to be 31.21 MPa, 0.83 GPa, and 2.51%, respectively. The scaffold supported the adhesion and growth of Hela cells. The interaction of scaffold with Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae as determined by the cell viability analysis through Alamar Blue assay demonstrated improved growth of microbial cells. This study can provide new dimension to the current bioprinting technology to develop patterned structure and microbes based micro/nano robots and devices.

Electrospinning of Polycaprolactone/Pluronic F127 dissolved in glacial acetic acid: fibrous scaffolds fabrication, characterization and in vitro evaluation

February 2018


1,286 Reads


31 Citations

Journal of Biomaterials Science Polymer Edition

The Polycaprolactone (PCL) fibrous scaffolds in nano to micro scale have been considered as excellent templates for cell culture and tissue growth. The hydrophobic nature of the PCL, however, yields low initial cell seeding density, heterogeneous cell spreading and slow cell growth rate. Therefore, in this study the surface hydrophilic fibrous scaffolds were directly fabricated by the electrospinning of PCL solutions with small quantities (0.5~5%) of Pluronic F127 (PEO100-PPO65-PEO100) dissolved in benign solvent of glacial acetic acid. The clear and miscible solutions were achieved by controlling the proper F127 content in the blend solutions. The continuous and smooth fibers with average diameters from 0.71 to 1.43 μm made up the fibrous scaffolds in non-woven mode. Then the water wetting angle of the scaffolds could be adjusted from 126° to 0° by varying F127 content owing to its hydrophilic PEO chains presented on surface the blended fibers. Finally, it was demonstrated that the blended fibrous scaffolds with the F127 content less than 1% exhibited better cell attachment, proliferation and spreading performance than those of pure PCL scaffolds.

Evolution of the microstructure and mechanical properties of powder metallurgical high-speed steel S390 after heat treatment

December 2017


213 Reads


51 Citations

Journal of Alloys and Compounds

The evolution of microstructure and mechanical properties of commercial powder metallurgical high-speed steel S390 steel after different heat treatments were studied. The results show that the austenitic transformation of the alloy starts at 1110 K (837 °C), whereas the martensite transformation starts at 624 K (351 °C). The density of hot isostatic pressed alloy is around 99.2 vol%, and the average pore size is less than 1 μm. There are two types of metal carbides (MC): vanadium-rich MC-type and tungsten-rich M6C-type. After proper heat treatment, the alloys exhibit a high Rockwell-C hardness of 64.4 and compressive strength of 3870 MPa, as well as an ultra-large fracture strain of 22.7% under compression, which results from the changes in the size and distribution of the carbides during heat treatment. In addition, the experimental results concerning the dissolution of vanadium carbide varying with temperature are similar to the results obtained by thermodynamic analysis. Finally, for the experimental iron alloy, deep cryogenic treatment during the triple tempering treatment process has little effect on the compressive strength and room temperature hardness.

The evolution of microstructure and micro-mechanical properties in the repeatedly renovated QHZ punch in fine-blanking

November 2017


23 Reads

Journal of Materials Processing Technology

As a kind of high speed steel, QHZ has been widely used in industry for fine-blanking punches. However, because of complicated working conditions of fine-blanking, the service life of punches decreases as the number of repair increases. In this paper, the evolution of QHZ punches with different numbers of renovations was studied at the micro-scale level to investigate the influence of impact accumulation on their service life. The force condition and life of the punch during fine-blanking process were studied through finite element method. Electron backscatter diffraction was applied to investigate the microstructural evolution with the assistance of a scanning electron microscope. And the punch's micro-mechanical properties such as hardness and Young's modules were characterized by nano-indentation technique. It was found that the service life is closely related to the micro-evolution of QHZ during punching process. The deterioration of microstructure paralleling to the punching direction, such as the increase of grain size, the decrease of ∑3 grain boundary fraction, and the transformation of crystallographic orientation, usually results in life reduction. Therefore, it is highly anticipated that this study can offer guidance for further research on life improvement.

Citations (12)

... This represents the typical fractography of quenched and tempered high-speed steel. The fracture surface was described as a quasi-cleavage fracture with a flat morphology and small facets [35][36][37]; thus, the fracture mode of the material is brittle. Further information regarding the location of the fracture is provided in Figure 13c,d. ...


Hot Work Mold Repaired via Hot Isostatic Pressing towards High Red Hardness
Influence of Tempering Temperature on the Microstructure and Wear Properties of Powder Metallurgy High‐Speed Steels
  • Citing Article
  • January 2022

Steel Research International

... Yang et al. [52] studied the combined shear-compression mechanical behaviors of metal alloys and analyzed the failure mechanism under different states of stress. In recent years, a reversal loading is regarded as a significant non-linear loading path in sheet metal forming [53,54]. In order to reveal the deformation and strain responses of materials under different loading conditions, the digital image correlation (DIC) technology with improved efficiency of strain measurement can be used to measure the deformation and strain field of complex specimens under different states [55]. ...

Effect of non-linear tension-compression loading reversal on the hardening behavior and initiation fracture strain of a cold-rolled TRIP780 steel sheet
  • Citing Article
  • December 2021

Materials Today Communications

... However, only dependence of the fracture criteria on the type of stress state is often considered. In the meantime, experiments [3,4,8,10,12,13,15,16,[20][21][22][23][24] demonstrate that, for a wide class of materials, the stress state sensitivity reveals itself during the entire process of deformation, and it affects strongly the behavior of the material under load. It is important therefore to introduce the parameters, determining the type of stress state, not only to the fracture criteria but in the constitutive relations directly as well. ...

Stress-state-dependent deformation and fracture behaviors in a cold-rolled 7Mn steel
  • Citing Article
  • September 2021

Materials Science and Engineering A

... The carbide particles and inclusions in high-speed steel are known causes of fatigue crack initiation during service. It is well known that heat treatment affects the phases' type and size, and the volume percentage of carbide and inclusions, as well as the microstructure, which play a decisive role in controlling the mechanical properties, such as the hardness, red hardness, and wear resistance of the HSS [25][26][27][28][29]. Therefore, a systematic study of the microstructure and mechanical properties with different heat treatments is necessary for the better application of PMHSS. ...

Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and impact toughness of a Tungsten-Molybdenum powder metallurgical high-speed steel
  • Citing Article
  • April 2021

Materials Science and Engineering A

... These trends indicate that fiber incorporation led to the formation of PCL crystals of different shapes and sizes than those observed in neat PCL and PCL/GO composites. 29,30 The incorporation of graphene oxide should result in the appearance of a peak at 10 , usually present in structures of this material, corresponding to its interplanar distance of the (002) diffraction plane. 31 However, this peak was not observed in the investigated samples, probably due to the low content of graphene oxide and the high level of exfoliation. ...

Electrospinning of Polycaprolactone/Pluronic F127 dissolved in glacial acetic acid: fibrous scaffolds fabrication, characterization and in vitro evaluation

Journal of Biomaterials Science Polymer Edition

... The TTT diagram was obtained at an austenitizing temperature of 1230 • C, near the solidus temperature of the material, and therefore represents a similar solution state that is present after rapid solidification [38,39]. Recommended HT parameters include austenitizing at 1100-1230 • C followed by oil quenching (4 min), three tempering cycles (500-600 • C, 2 h each) and finally air cooling [39,40,62]. The chosen HT determines the amount of carbide dissolution and thus the M s and the phases present in the microstructure and, consequently, the secondary hardness and strength [39,40,62]. ...

Effects of austenitizing temperature on microstructure and mechanical property of a 4-GPa-grade PM high-speed steel
  • Citing Article
  • February 2018

Materials Science and Engineering A

... As confirmed in Figure 1, the amino group in gelatin and the carboxyl acid group in alginate exhibited electrostatic attraction, leading to the formation of the alginate-gelatin network backbone [26]. The small absorption peaks at 3263 cm −1 are characteristic of sodium alginate for -OH stretching [27]. However, with regard to this absorption band, concerning the stretching vibration of the N-H group bonded to O-H group, the increase in intensity is reported to be characteristic of an increase in intramolecular bonding attributed to CaCl2 crosslinking [17,28]. ...

Three-dimensional printing of alginate-gelatin-agar scaffolds using free-form motor assisted microsyringe extrusion system

Journal of Polymer Research

... It is generally acknowledged that various fabrication approaches endow HVHSS with unique microstructural features that allow for different mechanical properties and wear resistance. Conventional casting (CC) [6,7], electroslag remelting (ESR) [8,9], powder metallurgy (PM) [10,11], and spray forming (SF) [12,13] are the most frequently utilized techniques for the fabrication of HSS. Among these processes, substantial research has been conducted on the microstructure, mechanical characteristics, and tribological behavior of HVHSS fabricated by CC and PM. ...

Evolution of the microstructure and mechanical properties of powder metallurgical high-speed steel S390 after heat treatment
  • Citing Article
  • December 2017

Journal of Alloys and Compounds

... The worldwide increasing incidence of melanoma highlights the need to understand the disease's intricate pathophysiology and progression, as well as the research in innovative treatments, which urges the requirement for efficient testing platforms [3]. In this topic, the use of three-dimensional (3D) in vitro models is gaining increasing interest [4,5]. 3D tissue models are aimed at closely mimicking the structural features of native tissue, constituting animal-free platforms to study specific diseases or to predict drugs response, surpassing the currently established 2D testing platforms [6]. ...

Bioprinting and its Applications in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
  • Citing Article
  • September 2017

International Journal of Biological Macromolecules

... Hydrogels based on sodium alginate are promising materials for solving various tasks of pharmaceutics, gene therapy, and regenerative medicine [1][2][3]. They are currently widely used in the formation of both individual particles for drug delivery [4,5] and porous three-dimensional (3D) structures (scaffolds) for tissue engineering [6,7]. ...

Application of Sodium Alginate Hydrogel

IOSR Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry