Wolfgang A. Müller’s research while affiliated with Max Planck Institute for Meteorology and other places

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Publications (91)

ICON: Towards vertically integrated model configurations for numerical weather prediction, climate predictions and projections
  • Article

May 2024


55 Reads

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society

Wolfgang A. Müller






A wide range of important societal and economic applications on a national and international level strive to an integrated understanding and forecasting of weather and climate on all temporal and spatial scales. The global to regional model system ICON (Icosahedral Nonhydrostatic) has been applied to weather as well as to climate timescales with joint developments of the model infrastructure. However, ICON’s model configurations share the same dynamical core but differ substantially in their subgrid scale closures and physical parameterization packages, depending on whether they were designed for numerical weather prediction (NWP) or climate applications. Starting in 2020, a new modeling initiative has been launched as a joint project between climate modeling institutes and the Deutscher Wetterdienst, that “vertically” integrates NWP, climate predictions, climate projections and atmospheric composition modeling based on the ICON framework and targets a unified treatment of the respective subgrid-scale parametrizations. This initiative aims at the development of coupled model configurations of ICON to conduct operational weather and ocean forecasts for several days, climate predictions with timescales up to 10 years ahead as well as climate projections, and to provide a model baseline for joint research for NWP and climate. This paper illustrates the strategic direction of this modeling initiative, isolates key challenges and reports on first results.

Figure 2. Relationship between total Antarctic total sea ice extent and Antarctic dipole (ADP) in MPI-ESM-HR. (a) Correlation coefficients between detrended 1979-2018 annual time series for individual months (x-axis reference is for ADP), where total Antarctic sea ice extent data are from the same as month as for ADP (red), the preceding month (orange) or the following month (blue). Squares indicate statistically significant correlations (p < 0.05); (b-e) regressions of sea ice concentration on the ADP (10 12 km 2 ) for January, with ADP leading by one month (b), January at lag-0 (c), January, with ADP lagging by one month (d), February at lag-0 (e). Only local regression significant at p = 0.1 are shown. The thick (thin) lines are the climatological sea ice edge at the 0 and 0.15 sea ice concentration levels.
Figure 4. Evolution of Antarctic sea ice, sea surface temperature and atmospheric circulation toward strong positive phases of the Antarctic dipole, or ADP, in March, simulated in MPI-ESM-HR. (a-e) Anomalies for the assimilation run; (f-j) anomalies for the hindcasts. Only statistically significant anomalies at p = 0.25 are shown, except for atmospheric circulation changes (continuous contour: significant; dashed contour: non-significant). Data are linearly detrended. Sea surface temperature anomalies are only shown until 60 • S. Atmospheric circulation changes, only available for the assimilation run, are diagnosed via geopotential height at 300 hPa (blue: positive; green: negative).
Figure 5. Evolution of the drift in Antarctic sea ice concentration in MPI-ESM-HR. Hindcast average error in sea ice concentration (units are grid area fraction) during the first five forecast months, including November (a), December (b), January (c), February (d) and March (e). The thick (thin) lines are the climatological sea ice edge at the 0 and 0.15 sea ice concentration levels.
Ross–Weddell Dipole Critical for Antarctic Sea Ice Predictability in MPI–ESM–HR
  • Article
  • Full-text available

February 2024


57 Reads


1 Citation


We use hindcasts from a state-of-the-art decadal climate prediction system initialized between 1979 and 2017 to explore the predictability of the Antarctic dipole—that is, the seesaw between sea ice cover in the Weddell and Ross Seas, and discuss its implications for Antarctic sea ice predictability. Our results indicate low forecast skills for the Antarctic dipole in the first hindcast year, with a strong relaxation of March values toward the climatology contrasting with an overestimation of anomalies in September, which we interpret as being linked to a predominance of local drift processes over initialized large-scale dynamics. Forecast skills for the Antarctic dipole and total Antarctic sea ice extent are uncorrelated. Limited predictability of the Antarctic dipole is also found under preconditioning around strong warm and strong cold events of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation. Initialization timing and model drift are reported as potential explanations for the poor predictive skills identified.


Extremely warm European summers preceded by sub-decadal North Atlantic ocean heat accumulation

January 2024


82 Reads

The internal variability of European summer temperatures has been linked to various mechanisms on seasonal to sub- and multi-decadal timescales. We find that sub-decadal timescales dominate summer temperature variability over large parts of the continent and determine mechanisms controlling extremely warm summers on sub-decadal timescales. We show that the sub-decadal warm phases of bandpass-filtered European summer temperatures, hereinafter referred to as extremely warm European summers, are related to a strengthening of the North Atlantic Ocean subtropical gyre, an increase in meridional heat transport, and an accumulation of ocean heat content in the North Atlantic several years prior to the extreme summer. This ocean warming affects the ocean–atmosphere heat fluxes, leading to a weakening and northward displacement of the jet stream and increased probability of occurrence of high-pressure systems over Scandinavia. Thus, our findings link the occurrence of extremely warm European summers to the accumulation of heat in the North Atlantic Ocean and provide the potential to improve the predictability of extremely warm summers several years ahead, which is of great societal interest.

Extreme heat and drought typical of an end-of-century climate could occur over Europe soon and repeatedly

November 2023


275 Reads


24 Citations

Extreme heat and drought typical of an end-of-century climate could soon occur over Europe, and repeatedly. Despite the European climate being potentially prone to multi-year successive extremes due to the influence of the North Atlantic variability, it remains unclear how the likelihood of successive extremes changes under warming, how early they could reach end-of-century levels, and how this is affected by internal climate variability. Using the Max Planck Institute Grand Ensemble, we find that even under moderate warming, end-of-century heat and drought levels virtually impossible 20 years ago reach 1-in-10 likelihoods as early as the 2030s. By 2050–2074, two successive years of single or compound end-of-century extremes, unprecedented to date, exceed 1-in-10 likelihoods; while Europe-wide 5-year megadroughts become plausible. Whole decades of end-of-century heat stress could start by 2040, by 2020 for drought, and with a warm North Atlantic, end-of-century decades starting as early as 2030 become twice as likely.

Figure 1. Dominant time frequencies and their relation to extremely warm European summersheat extremes. (a),(b) Cross-spectral analysis, performed using the multi-taper method, showing the dominant time scales of European surface air temperature variability in (a) ERA5 and (b) MPI-GE (see Methods). Color shading in years. (c) Amount of extremely warm European summers on sub-decadal time scales (T > 90th perc. and Tbandpass > 0) in MPI-GE. The blue box defines the region of interest for further analysis (Central Europe, ∼15°-35°E; 45°-60°N). (d) Power spectrum of Central European (spatial mean of blue box) surface air temperature (black line) in MPI-GE (averaged over all ensemble member spectra). The significance is shown via a red-noise spectrum (solid red line) and the chi-squared 95% interval (dashed red line). The background is color-coded according to the time intervals in (a,b). Period 1950-2022.
Figure 5. Schematic sketch illustrating the described mechanism.
Figure A1. Shift of the ocean heat content signal. Anomaly of 5-10 year bandpass-filtered ocean heat content (0-700m/30-60°W) variability in MPI-GE for different lags prior to heat extremes. Period 1950-2022.
Figure A2. Shift of the ocean heat transport signal. Anomaly of 5-10 year bandpass-filtered ocean heat transport variability in MPI-GE for different lags prior to heat extremes. Period 1950-2022.
Figure A3. Shift of the barotropic stream function signal. Anomaly of 5-10 year bandpass-filtered barotropic stream function variability in MPI-GE for different lags prior to heat extremes. Period 1950-2022.
Extremely Warm European Summers driven by Sub-Decadal North Atlantic Heat Inertia

April 2023


102 Reads


1 Citation

The internal variability of European summer temperatures has been linked to various mechanisms on seasonal to sub- and multi-decadal timescales. We find that sub-decadal time scales dominate summer temperature variability over large parts of the continent, and the mechanisms controlling such sub-decadal variations remain unexplored. Extremely warm summers occurring in sub-decadal periods when abnormally warm summer temperatures conglomerate are controlled by a strengthening of the subtropical gyre, an increase of heat transport, and an accumulation of heat content several years prior to an extremely warm European summer, thereby affecting ocean-atmosphere heat fluxes during extreme summers. This leads to a weakening and northward displacement of the jet stream and increased probability of atmospheric blocking over Scandinavia. Our findings link the occurrence of extremely warm European summers to the inertia of the North Atlantic, whose potential to improve the predictability of extremely warm summers several years ahead is of great societal interest, especially in a warming climate.

Figure 2: Likelihood of successive end-of-century extremes. Likelihood of extremes occurring in one year, and that the following 2 or 5 years, also exhibit extreme excess metrics, for the periods of starting in the years 2000-2024 (light colors), 2025-2049 (medium colors) and 2050-2074 (dark colors). Extreme years are defined as those equal or larger than the end-of-century 50 th ensemble percentile averaged over the period of 2090-2099.
Figure 3: Likelihood of successive end-of-century compound extremes. Likelihood of compound extremes occurring in one year, and that the following 2 or 5 years also exhibit compound extremes, for the periods starting in the years 2000-2024 (light colors), 2025-2049 (medium colors) and 2050-2075 (dark colors). Years of Compound Heat Stress are those extreme Excess Heat and extreme Night Heat and/or Humid Heat. Years of extreme Compound Heat and Drought are those exhibiting both extreme Excess Heat and Rain Deficit. Years of Drought-Rain Volatility are those exhibiting extreme Rain Deficit plus extreme Excess Rain the year before and/or the year after. Extreme years are defined as those equal or larger than the end-ofcentury 50 th ensemble percentile averaged over the period of 2090-2099.
Figure 4: Distance to end-ofcentury decades. Variability in excess metrics accumulated over a decade for the whole MPI-GE (pale colors) and for the range between the 10 th to 90 th percentiles of the ensemble distribution (bright colors), shown as distance to a typical end-of-century decade. White crosses mark observed decadal excess in E-OBS. Decadal excess metrics are calculated as the 10-year sum of the excess metrics. The distance to the end of the century average decade is calculated as the difference between each decadal excess metric minus the 50 th ensemble percentile decadal excess in 2090-2099, divided by this 50 th percentile and transformed to percentage. This difference is calculated against the ensemble 50 th percentile both for each ensemble member and E-OBS.
End-of-century heat and drought stress approaching Europe swiftly

March 2023


210 Reads


1 Citation

Extreme heat and drought levels typical of an end-of-century climate could occur swiftly, and repeatedly. Despite the European climate being potentially prone to multi-year successive extremes due to the influence of the North Atlantic variability, it remains unclear how the likelihood of such successive extremes changes under warming, how early they could reach end-of-century levels, and how this is affected by internal climate variability. Using the MPI Grand Ensemble, we find that even under moderate warming, end-of-century heat and drought levels virtually impossible 20 years ago reach 1-in-10 likelihoods as early as the 2030s. By 2050-2075, two successive years of single or compound end-of-century extremes, unprecedented to date, exceed 1-in-10 likelihoods; while Europe-wide 5-year megadroughts become plausible. Whole decades of end-of-century heat stress could start by 2040, by 2020 for rain-deficit drought, and end-of-century decades starting as early as 2030 become twice as likely under a warm North Atlantic state.

Schematic representation of the methodology employed here to identify North Atlantic spring (April and May; AM) sea surface temperature anomalies as a precursor of European summer (July and August; JA) heatwaves (EuSHWs) using neural‐network (NN) based explainable artificial intelligence method, layerwise relevance propagation (LRP).
April and May (AM) mean SSTA composites of correctly classified; (a) European summer heatwave (EuSHW) years; (c) non‐EuSHW years. Layerwise relevance propagation (LRP) heat‐map composites of correctly classified; (b) EuSHW years; (d) non‐EuSHW years. LRP composites are computed after normalizing each sample between 0 and 1.
K‐means clustering of layerwise relevance propagation (LRP) heat‐maps for correctly classified European summer heatwave years with model confidence above 60%. Cluster composites of; (a, d, g) LRP heat‐maps; (b, e, h) April and May mean SSTAs; (c, f, i) July and August heatwave intensity expressed as cumulative heat. Cluster one contains 1,103 samples, cluster two 814 samples and cluster three 903 samples.
Linear regression coefficients for the entire historical MPI Grand‐Ensemble data set between April and May (AM) mean sea surface temperature anomalies averaged over the boxes in Figures 3b, 3e and 3h and; (a, e, i) AM mean Z500 anomalies; (b, f, j) AM mean total precipitation anomalies; (c, g, k) June soil moisture anomalies; d, h, l) July and August heatwave intensity anomalies expressed as cumulative heat.
Spring Regional Sea Surface Temperatures as a Precursor of European Summer Heatwaves

January 2023


88 Reads


9 Citations

Plain Language Summary Past studies have investigated the influence of spring and early summer North Atlantic sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTAs) on recent European summer heatwaves (EuSHWs). These studies have proposed different SSTAs in the North Atlantic as the most important for the development of different EuSHWs. Yet, it has not been possible to generalize which spring North Atlantic SSTAs are the most important to anticipate EuSHWs because we have too few observed events and they showed different spatial and physical characteristics. Here, we analyze 100 historical simulations (1850–2005) of the MPI Grand‐Ensemble in which we identify a large number of EuSHWs. We use an explainable neural‐network method to find which spring North Atlantic SSTAs are the most important to anticipate EuSHWs. We find that warm SSTAs in the Subtropical Gyre surrounded by cold SSTAs in the north and in the south is an indicator of EuSHW occurrence. In addition, different regional SSTAs relate to drier than normal soil moisture in different parts of Europe that influence different EuSHWs. Warm SSTAs west of the Iberian Peninsula, and in the North Sea, the Baltic Sea and the Mediterranean Sea indicate the occurrence of western and southeastern EuSHWs, respectively.

Prediction skill of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) ensemble and anomalies of wintertime temperature. (a) C3S ensemble prediction skill of 2‐m temperature calculated for a period from 1994 to 2014 as compared to ERA‐Interim; (b and c) December, January, and February (DJF) anomalies of 2‐m temperature for a strong positive (2007) and negative (2010) North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) phase as calculated from C3S ensemble; (d) correlation map between DJF 2‐m temperature and NAO index in ERA‐Interim, two regions of specific interest Central Europe (45N–60N, 10W–30 E) and Eastern Canada (45N–60N, 90W–60W) are shown; (e and f) same as (b and c) but from ERA‐Interim. Regions that are significant at the 95% confidence level are indicated by dots on the maps in the left column.
Prediction skill, variability and subsampling of the multi‐model ensemble Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) for the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index in a real forecast test from 2001 to 2014 (a) prediction skill (black lines) (b) and variability denoted as standard deviation (standard deviation [STD], gray lines) calculated for the C3S ensemble using two approaches: random selection of ensemble members (dashed lines) and NAO teleconnection‐based subsampling (as in Dobrynin et al. (2018), but with SST predictor only, solid lines); (b) subsampling of the C3S ensemble for the winter NAO using all predictors (orange line) comparing to the C3S ensemble means (gray lines) and the ERA‐Interim (black lines). The shaded area represents the sampling error for the random selection approach. Open circles denote each C3S ensemble member, filled circles indicate 46 subsampled due to NAO teleconnection‐based approach ensemble members.
Prediction skill and subsampling of Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) ensemble for the wintertime temperature in a real forecast test from 2001 to 2014. (a) prediction skill calculated for the C3S ensemble for two regional means in Central Europe (red) and in the Eastern Canada (blue) using two approaches: random selection of ensemble members (dashed lines) and North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) teleconnection‐based subsampling (as in Dobrynin et al. (2018), but with SST predictor only, solid lines); (b) subsampling of the C3S ensemble in Central Europe using all predictors (orange line) comparing to the C3S ensemble means (gray lines) and the ERA‐Interim (black lines). Open circles denote each C3S ensemble member, filled circles indicate 46 subsampled due to NAO teleconnection‐based approach ensemble members; (c–d) DJF anomalies of 2‐m temperature for a strong positive (2007) and negative (2010) NAO phase as calculated from subsampled C3S ensemble.
Hidden Potential in Predicting Wintertime Temperature Anomalies in the Northern Hemisphere

October 2022


161 Reads


5 Citations

Plain Language Summary Wintertime temperature in the Northern Hemisphere is regulated by the variations of atmospheric pressure, represented by the so‐called North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). The NAO's phase—negative or positive—is associated with the pathways of cold and warm air masses leading to cold or warm winters in Europe. While the NAO phase can be predicted well, predictions of the NAO‐dependent air temperature remain elusive. Specifically, it is challenging to predict the strength of the NAO, the most important requirement for the accurate prediction of wintertime temperature. Here, we improve wintertime temperature prediction by increasing the strength of the predicted NAO. We use observation based autumn Northern Hemisphere ocean and air temperature, as well as ice and snow cover for statistical estimation of the first guess NAO for the upcoming winter. Then, we sub‐select only those simulations from the multi‐model ensemble, which are consistent with our first guess NAO. As a result, based on these selected members, the wintertime temperature prediction is substantially improved over a large part of the Northern Hemisphere.

FIGURE The need for new approaches to assess model output. Near surface temperature anomalies for the extreme NAO period (((((-----) in (A) observations, and decadal predictions shown as (B) raw ensemble mean, (C) scaled ensemble mean to match the observed variance at each grid point, (D) NAO-matched ensemble mean. Middle and right columns show observed d-year mean time-series (black) and decadal predictions (years s--, ensemble mean in red with h---% confidence interval shaded) as raw ensemble means (middle) and NAO-matched ensemble means (right) for (E,F) northern European rainfall ((( • W− • E, ,,---• N) and (G,H) AMV index (Trenberth and Shea, ,,,,). Decadal predictions start each year from mmmm to oooo and consist of a total of fff ensemble members from mm diierent models. (A-D) Show standardized values, obtained by dividing by the standard deviation of rolling g-year means at each grid point. (A,B) show signals standardized by the observed variability, (C,D) show signals standardized by the ensemble mean variability. NAO-matching is achieved by selecting the ee ensemble members at each time that are closest to the ensemble mean after scaling this to account for its underestimation of the magnitude of the predictable signal. All panels show boreal winter (December-March) anomalies relative the average over all year r--predictions. Adapted from Smith et al. (), where further details are available.
Attribution of multi-annual to decadal changes in the climate system: The Large Ensemble Single Forcing Model Intercomparison Project (LESFMIP)

September 2022


400 Reads


32 Citations

Frontiers in Climate

Multi-annual to decadal changes in climate are accompanied by changes in extreme events that cause major impacts on society and severe challenges for adaptation. Early warnings of such changes are now potentially possible through operational decadal predictions. However, improved understanding of the causes of regional changes in climate on these timescales is needed both to attribute recent events and to gain further confidence in forecasts. Here we document the Large Ensemble Single Forcing Model Intercomparison Project that will address this need through coordinated model experiments enabling the impacts of different external drivers to be isolated. We highlight the need to account for model errors and propose an attribution approach that exploits differences between models to diagnose the real-world situation and overcomes potential errors in atmospheric circulation changes. The experiments and analysis proposed here will provide substantial improvements to our ability to understand near-term changes in climate and will support the World Climate Research Program Lighthouse Activity on Explaining and Predicting Earth System Change.

Citations (65)

... This trend also includes consecutive multiyear meteorological summer droughts, such as those of 2018 to 2022 in central and western Europe, which are characterised by two or more summers of lower-than-normal precipitation and higher-than-normal evaporative demand, resulting in a larger reduction in soil moisture content in the second year of the drought and therefore in potentially more-extreme drought impacts (Van Der Wiel et al., 2022). Worryingly, climate models project a strong increase in dry spells (Rousi et al., 2021) and multiyear droughts in western Europe in response to further global warming (Van Der Wiel et al., 2022;Suarez-Gutierrez et al., 2023). ...


Impacts on and damage to European forests from the 2018–2022 heat and drought events
Extreme heat and drought typical of an end-of-century climate could occur over Europe soon and repeatedly

... Furthermore, the likelihood of such extremely warm summers co-occurring with extreme drought conditions over Europe is increasing rapidly . When extreme heat occurs jointly with severe drought conditions, it can lead to devastating ecological and socioeconomic impacts (Feller et al., 2017;Zscheischler et al., 2020;Bastos et al., 2021), such as economic losses (García-León et al., 2021), increased risk of wildfires (Ruffault et al., 2020), crop loss (Brás et al., 2021;Bento et al., 2021), and unprecedented forest mortality events (Schuldt et al., 2020). Extreme drought is often closely linked with extreme heat, which in turn increases heat-related mortality and morbidity (Watts et al., 2021). ...

Spring Regional Sea Surface Temperatures as a Precursor of European Summer Heatwaves

... The first EOF mode (EOF1) corresponds to the PJ pattern, and the normalized principal component (PC) of the first EOF mode represents the index of PJ pattern. For the model predictions, the EOF was calculated for each prediction model from all respective ensemble members merged along the time axis into one vector (hereafter the merged ensemble), following (Dobrynin et al., 2022). The predicted PJ index is constructed by projecting the F I G U R E 1 ACC prediction skill of JJA-mean WNP 850-hPa vorticity. ...

Hidden Potential in Predicting Wintertime Temperature Anomalies in the Northern Hemisphere

... Additionally, it is intriguing to quantify model uncertainties in the forced response of monsoon winds for different external forcings. Notably, the availability of a suite of initial-condition large ensemble simulations as CESM2-LE from other models offers an enormous opportunity to assess the uncertainty in model simulations and identify the biases 34 . ...

Attribution of multi-annual to decadal changes in the climate system: The Large Ensemble Single Forcing Model Intercomparison Project (LESFMIP)

Frontiers in Climate

... Current operational decadal climate prediction systems (e.g., Hermanson et al., 2022;O'Kane et al., 2023) are run with state-of-the-art coupled Earth system models (ESMs). The decadal predictions are commonly performed with ESM simulations initialised from atmospheric and/or oceanic observations, mostly via data assimilation methods. ...

WMO Global Annual to Decadal Climate Update: A prediction for 2021 -2025
  • Citing Article
  • January 2022

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society

... Considering their huge socioeconomic impacts, reliable forecasts of weather and climate variations on various timescales are urgently required. However, owing to a gap between medium-range weather and seasonal forecasts (e.g., Vitart et al. 2012;Merryfield et al. 2020a), many challenges remain to perform seamless prediction across time scales (e.g., Luo et al. 2016;Merryfield et al. 2020b). To fill this gap, sustained efforts have been made by both the research and application communities to improve the subseasonal prediction (e.g., Brunet et al. 2010;Mariotti et al. 2018). ...

Subseasonal to Decadal Prediction: Filling the Weather–Climate Gap

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society

... The development of the physical model could in retrospect be described as having happened along major development steps, which were characterised by being run longer, complemented by shorter intermediate tests. As described above the strategy was to start with something that works, here the recently developed ICON-ESM (Giorgetta et al., 2018;Jungclaus et al. 2021), and then incrementally move towards the goal of a coupled model with parameterisations that are suitable for cloud resolving simulations at kilometre or finer scales. ...

The ICON Earth System Model Version 1.0
  • Citing Preprint
  • September 2021

... Only a few years ago, one of the first websites on decadal predictions was developed in the MiKlip project (Hettrich et al., 2021), showing ensemble mean and probabilistic temperature predictions of the German decadal prediction system for Europe and the world. The WMO Lead Centre for Annual to Decadal Climate Predictions (Met Office, 2022) publishes forecasts from five global producing and 14 contributing centers and provides the Global Annual to Decadal Climate Update (Hermanson et al., 2022). ...

MiKlip - von einem wissenschaftlichen Konzept zu einem prä-operationellen System für dekadische Klimavorhersagen
  • Citing Article
  • April 2021

... Unfortunately, for an observation-based study, it is not possible to disentangle the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic from that of IMO2020 on the observed changes in N d and rCRE because of the similar spatial scales of the two events. However, a number of modeling and observational studies suggest that the impact of COVID-19 on global and regional cloud properties, surface temperature and precipitation is limited and undetectable (smaller than natural variability), in part due to the offsetting between the weakening in both aerosol cooling and GHG warming [50][51][52][53] . Nonetheless, if COVID-19 had not coincided with IMO2020, our estimate might be seen as an upper limit on forcing. ...

The Climate Response to Emissions Reductions due to COVID‐19: Initial Results from CovidMIP

... ACC skill of ocean carbon fluxes with FORCED as the reference is relatively high and significant over the tropical band and Southern Oceans during the first 2 years after the initialization (Figure 17, first and second column). This result is consistent with the first multi-model assessment of the ocean carbon sink prediction skills (Ilyina et al., 2021). ...

Predictable Variations of the Carbon Sinks and Atmospheric CO 2 Growth in a Multi‐Model Framework