May 2024
55 Reads
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
A wide range of important societal and economic applications on a national and international level strive to an integrated understanding and forecasting of weather and climate on all temporal and spatial scales. The global to regional model system ICON (Icosahedral Nonhydrostatic) has been applied to weather as well as to climate timescales with joint developments of the model infrastructure. However, ICON’s model configurations share the same dynamical core but differ substantially in their subgrid scale closures and physical parameterization packages, depending on whether they were designed for numerical weather prediction (NWP) or climate applications. Starting in 2020, a new modeling initiative has been launched as a joint project between climate modeling institutes and the Deutscher Wetterdienst, that “vertically” integrates NWP, climate predictions, climate projections and atmospheric composition modeling based on the ICON framework and targets a unified treatment of the respective subgrid-scale parametrizations. This initiative aims at the development of coupled model configurations of ICON to conduct operational weather and ocean forecasts for several days, climate predictions with timescales up to 10 years ahead as well as climate projections, and to provide a model baseline for joint research for NWP and climate. This paper illustrates the strategic direction of this modeling initiative, isolates key challenges and reports on first results.