April 2024
96 Reads
Due to releases and escapes from fur farms since the 1930s, raccoons (Procyon lotor) are forming growing populations in Germany, with im- pacts on humans and nature. In this setting, raccoons are perceived very differently among stakeholders as invasive or charismatic. To capture perspectives on impacts of and management options for raccoons from different societal sectors, we (i) analysed newspaper articles from 2010 to 2021, (ii) conducted semi-structured interviews with experts from urban areas in the federal states of Bavaria, Berlin, Hesse and Saxony, representing the five sectors consultancy, hunting, nature conservation, animal welfare and administration, and (iii) performed an online survey. The newspaper analysis showed that more negative press reports appear in states with a larger hunting bag and a higher hunting bag density, which served as indicators for the size or density, respectively, of the raccoon population. The interviews revealed that a wider range of raccoon impacts and management measures are known in states with high raccoon population. In Hesse and Berlin, particular emphasis is placed on coexistence strategies such as prevention of house entry, while in Bavaria the focus is primarily on hunting. Finally, interviews and online survey suggest large differences among the five sectors in terms of their assessment of impacts and management measures.