Wim Derave’s research while affiliated with Ghent University and other places

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Publications (229)

Muscle-Fiber Typology Is Associated With Sprint-Cycling Characteristics in World-Class and Elite Track Cyclists
  • Article

December 2024


106 Reads

International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance


Clare Minahan





Purpose : Identifying the determinants of performance is fundamental to talent identification and individualizing training prescription. Consequently, the aim of this study was to determine whether estimated muscle typology is associated with the key mechanical characteristics of track sprint cycling. Methods : Sixteen world-class and elite track cyclists (n = 7 female) completed a laboratory session wherein torque–cadence and power–cadence profiles were constructed to determine maximal power output (P max ), optimal cadence ( F opt ), and maximal cadence ( F max ), and fatigue rate per pedal stroke was determined during a 15-second maximal sprint at F opt . Muscle typology was estimated by measuring carnosine content via proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in the gastrocnemius and soleus. Results : Using partial correlation analysis to account for sex, greater muscle carnosine content (ie, greater estimated proportion of type II fibers) was associated with a greater P max ( r = .68, P = .007), F max ( r = .77, P = .0014), F opt ( r = .61, P = .0196), and absolute fatigue rate (W·stroke ⁻¹ ; r = −.55, P = .0418) but not relative fatigue rate (%peak power·stroke ⁻¹ ; r = −.33, P = .246). Conclusions : The findings from this study substantiate the mechanical differences in muscle-fiber types derived from single muscle-fiber studies and highlight the importance of estimated muscle typology for sprint cycling performance.

Running economy, expressed as whole‐body metabolic rate in Watts/kg, across a range of speeds in two groups with either a slow (red, ST‐group) or fast (blue, FT‐group) muscle fiber–type distribution. Dots present the individual data with mean and standard deviation represented by the bar graphs. *Significant group effect and the arrow represents a significant speed effect (p < 0.05). The number in the bar graphs indicate the number of participants included in the analysis.
Lower limb joint power for the slow (red, ST‐group, n = 11) and fast (blue, FT‐group, n = 9) muscle fiber–type groups across a range of running speeds. Solid line present the group mean data with shaded area the standard deviation. Right: Net and positive average joint power across a range of running speeds. Dots present the individual data with mean and standard deviation represented by the bar graphs. Arrows indicate significant main effect for running speed (p < 0.05). #Significant group × speed interaction effect (p < 0.05).
The relative contribution of each lower limb joint to positive average joint power (in %) across a range of speeds in two groups with either a slow (ST‐group, upper) or fast (FT‐group, lower) muscle fiber–type distribution. Radius of the pie charts is scaled on the total positive power in each condition. aSignificant speed effect (p < 0.05); bsignificant muscle typology × speed interaction effect (p < 0.05).
Mean muscle activity for the slow (red, ST‐group) and fast (blue, FT‐group) muscle fiber–type groups across a range of running speeds. Solid lines present the group mean data with shaded area the standard deviation. Right: Stride mean muscle activation across a range of running speeds. Dots present the individual data with mean and standard deviation represented by the bar graphs. Arrows indicate significant main effect for running speed (p < 0.05). #Significant group × speed interaction effect (p < 0.05). GL: Gastrocnemius lateralis; GM: Gastrocnemius medialis; SOL: Soleus; TA: Tibialis anterior; VL: Vastus lateralis; VM: vastus medialis. Number under each bar graph represent number of subjects included in the analysis.
Inter‐Individual Variability in Muscle Fiber–Type Distribution Affects Running Economy but Not Running Gait at Submaximal Running Speeds
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  • Publisher preview available

October 2024


396 Reads

Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports

Running economy is an important determinant of endurance running performance, yet insights into characteristics contributing to its inter‐individual variability remain limited. Although slow‐twitch muscle fibers are more energy‐efficient than fast‐twitch fibers during the (near‐)isometric contractions common during submaximal running, current literature lacks a consensus on whether a relationship between muscle fiber–type distribution and running economy exists. This study aims to resolve the ongoing debate by addressing potential confounding factors often overlooked in prior research, such as the effect of different running speeds, the homogeneity of investigated groups, and the potential impact of the adopted running gait. We selected two groups with predetermined distinct muscle fiber–type distribution in their triceps surae muscle by measurement of carnosine via ¹H‐MRS, one predominantly slow (ST; n = 11; carnosine z‐score = −1.31) and the other predominantly fast (FT; n = 10; z‐score = 0.83). Across a range of running speeds (2–4 m/s), we measured running economy (W/kg) through indirect calorimetry, along with running kinematics, kinetics and muscle activity of the lower limb. The ST‐group exhibited, on average, 7.8% better running economy than the FT‐group (p = 0.01) and this difference was consistent across speeds. Both groups demonstrated almost identical kinematics, kinetics, and muscle activity patterns across submaximal running speeds. Overall, our findings indicate that distinct muscle fiber–type distribution explains some of the observed variability in running economy, for which a predominance of energy‐efficient slow‐twitch fibers appear beneficial. In contrast, muscle fiber–type distribution does not affect running gait substantially.

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Does one biopsy cut it? Revisiting human muscle fiber type composition variability using repeated biopsies in the vastus lateralis and gastrocnemius medialis

October 2024


101 Reads

Journal of Applied Physiology: Respiratory, Environmental and Exercise Physiology

Human skeletal muscle fiber type composition varies greatly along the muscle, so one biopsy may not accurately represent the whole muscle. Recommendations on the number of biopsies and fiber counts using immunohistochemistry and whether these findings can be extrapolated to other muscles are lacking. We assessed fiber type composition in the vastus lateralis and gastrocnemius medialis muscles of 40 individuals. Per muscle, we took four biopsy samples from one incision, collecting two samples each from a proximally and distally directed needle. Based on another dataset involving 10 vastus lateralis biopsies per participant (N=7), we calculated 95% limits of agreement for subsets of biopsies and fiber counts compared to the 10-biopsy average. Average absolute differences in type I fiber proportions between proximal and distal, and between within-needle samples were 6.9 and 4.5 percentage points in the vastus lateralis, and 5.5 and 4.4 percentage points in the gastrocnemius medialis, respectively. The 95% limits of agreement narrowed to ±10 percentage points when 200 fibers from at least three biopsies were analyzed, with minimal improvements with greater fiber counts. Type I fiber proportions in the vastus lateralis and gastrocnemius medialis showed a moderate positive association (r²=0.22; p=0.006; at least 200 fibers in each of three to four samples per muscle). In conclusion, three biopsies with a minimum of 200 counted fibers are required to estimate vastus lateralis fiber type composition within ±10 percentage points. Even when using these standards, researchers should be cautious when extrapolating muscle fiber type proportions from one muscle to another.

Fig 1 -S1
Par4cipant characteris4cs. 124
Transcriptomic signatures of human single skeletal muscle fibers in response to high-intensity interval exercise

September 2024


109 Reads


1 Citation

AJP Cell Physiology

The heterogeneous fiber type composition of skeletal muscle makes it challenging to decipher the molecular signaling events driving the health- and performance benefits of exercise. We developed an optimized workflow for transcriptional profiling of individual human muscle fibers before, immediately after, and after three hours of recovery from high-intensity interval cycling exercise. From a transcriptional point-of-view, we observe that there is no dichotomy in fiber activation, that could refer to a fiber being recruited or non-recruited. Rather, the activation pattern displays a continuum with a more uniform response within fast versus slow fibers during the recovery from exercise. The transcriptome-wide response immediately after exercise is characterized by some distinct signatures for slow versus fast fibers, although the most exercise-responsive genes are common between the two fiber types. The temporal transcriptional waves further converge the gene signatures of both fiber types towards a more similar profile during the recovery from exercise. Furthermore, a large heterogeneity among all resting and exercised fibers was observed, with the principal drivers being independent of a slow/fast typology. This profound heterogeneity extends to distinct exercise responses of fibers beyond a classification based on myosin heavy chains. Collectively, our single-fiber methodological approach points to a substantial between-fiber diversity in muscle fiber responses to high-intensity interval exercise.

Figure 1 -Experts' use of MFTC, opinion on biopsies, and their confidence in ranking their athletes based on MFTC. The number of experts who answered each question can be seen on the
Figure 5 -The use (A) and the perceived importance (B) of the muscle fiber-type composition for different coaching decisions. Number of experts who answered the question is shown in the
Participant Details
Estimating Muscle Fiber-Type Composition in Elite Athletes: A Survey on Current Practices and Perceived Merit

August 2024


1,328 Reads

International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance

Purpose : To gather information on practices and perceptions of high-performance experts regarding their athletes’ muscle fiber-type composition (MFTC) and its estimation. Methods : A questionnaire on the noninvasive versus invasive estimation of MFTC was completed by 446 experts including coaches and sport-science/sports-medicine staff. Moreover, the perceived importance of MFTC for training and performance optimization was assessed. Differences between sport types (individual and team sports) were analyzed using chi-square tests. Results : Forty percent of the experts implemented MFTC assessment in pursuit of performance optimization, while 50% did not know their athletes’ MFTC but expressed a desire to implement it if they would be able to assess MFTC. Ten percent did not perceive value in MFTC assessment. Only 18% of experts believed that their athletes would undergo a muscle biopsy, leading to the adoption of alternative noninvasive techniques. Experts primarily relied on their experience to estimate MFTC (65%), with experts working in individual sports using their experience more frequently than those working in team sports (68% vs 51%; P = .009). Jump tests emerged as the second-most commonly employed method for estimating MFTC (56%). When only considering experts who are currently using MFTC, 87% use MFTC to individualize training volume and 84% to individualize training intensity. Conclusions : Experts value MFTC assessment primarily to individualize training but mainly rely on noninvasive methods to estimate MFTC. Some of these methods lack scientific validity, suggesting a continuing need for education and further research in this area.

Overview study design
Overview data analysis
Comparison of average change in heart rate (ΔHR), muscle oxygenation (ΔmTOI), muscle oxyhemoglobin (Δm[O2Hb]), muscle deoxyhemoglobin (Δm[HHb]), systolic blood pressure (ΔBP), cerebral oxygenation (ΔcTOI), cerebral oxyhemoglobin (Δc[O2Hb]), cerebral deoxyhemoglobin (Δc[HHb]), peripheral oxygen saturation (ΔSpO2) and end-tidal carbon dioxide (ΔEtCO2) between apnea protocols. * indicates statistical differences between the maximal apnea protocol and O2 tables at p < 0.05. # indicates statistical differences between the maximal apnea protocol and CO2 tables at p < 0.05
Comparison of cerebral oxygenation (a, b), cerebral deoxyhemoglobin (c, d) and peripheral oxygen saturation (e, f) across the final apnea (expressed as an absolute time scale (s) on panels a, c and e and a relative time scale (% apnea duration) on panels b, d, f) between apnea protocols. The gray areas on the left represent the average apnea duration throughout CO2 tables (96 ± 31 s), O2 tables (125 ± 38 s) and the maximal apnea protocol (166 ± 62 s). For each protocol the first 45 s of apnea, the post-apneic and extreme value are represented. *indicates statistical differences between the maximal apnea protocol and O2 tables at p < 0.05. # indicates statistical differences between the maximal apnea protocol and CO2 tables at p < 0.05. § indicates statistical differences between O2 and CO2 tables at p < 0.05
A dive into the physiological responses to maximal apneas, O2 and CO2 tables in apnea novices

European Journal of Applied Physiology

Purpose Apnea duration is dependent on three factors: oxygen storage, oxygen consumption, hypoxia and hypercapnia tolerance. While current literature focuses on maximal apneas to improve apnea duration, apnea trained individuals use timed-repeated submaximal apneas, called “O2 and CO2 tables”. These tables claim to accommodate the body to cope with hypoxia and hypercapnia, respectively. The aim of this study was twofold. First, to investigate the determinants of maximal apnea duration in apnea novices. Second, to compare physiologic responses to maximal apneas, O2 and CO2 tables. Methods After medical screening, lung function test and hemoglobin mass measurement, twenty-eight apnea novices performed three apnea protocols in random order: maximal apneas, O2 table and CO2 table. During apnea, peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2), heart rate (HR), muscle (mTOI) and cerebral (cTOI) tissue oxygenation index were measured continuously. End-tidal carbon dioxide (EtCO2) was measured before and after apneas. Results Larger lung volumes, higher resting cTOI and lower resting EtCO2 levels correlated with longer apnea durations. Maximal apneas induced greater decreases in SpO2 (− 16%) and cTOI (− 13%) than O2 (− 8%; − 8%) and CO2 tables (− 6%; − 6%), whereas changes in EtCO2, HR and mTOI did not differ between protocols. Conclusion These results suggest that, in apnea novices, O2 and CO2 tables did not induce a more profound hypoxia and hypercapnia, but a similar reduction in oxygen consumption than maximal apneas. Therefore, apnea novices should mainly focus on maximal apneas to improve hypoxia and hypercapnia tolerance. The use of specific lung training protocols can help to increase oxygen storage capacity.

Figure 2
Figure 3
Participants' characteristics of healthy controls and patients with COPD
Muscle fiber characteristics in healthy controls and patients with COPD
Muscle fiber capillarization in healthy controls and patients with COPD
Muscle fiber satellite cells are located at a greater distance from capillaries in patients with COPD compared with healthy controls

June 2024


212 Reads

ERJ Open Research

Background Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a disease characterized by skeletal muscle dysfunction. A spatial relationship exists between satellite cells and muscle fiber capillaries, which has been suggested to be of major importance for satellite cell function. In the present study we compared the spatial relationship between satellite cells and capillaries in patients with COPD and age-matched healthy older adults. Methods Muscle biopsies were obtained from the vastus lateralis of n=18 patients with COPD (8f/10 m, 66±5 y, mild to severe airflow obstruction) and n=18 age-, gender- and BMI-matched healthy control adults (8f/10 m, 68±5 y). Immunohistochemistry was used to assess type I/II muscle fiber size, distribution, myonuclear content, satellite cell number, and fiber capillarization. In addition, type I/II muscle fiber satellite cell distance to its nearest capillary was assessed. Results The percentage of type II muscle fibers was significantly greater in patients with COPD (62±10%) compared with control (50±12%, p<0.05). Muscle fiber capillarization was significantly lower in patients with COPD compared with controls (p<0.05). Whereas satellite cell content was not different between groups, type I and type II satellite cell distance to its nearest capillary was significantly greater in patients with COPD (type I: 21.3±4.8 and type II: 26.7±9.3 µm) compared with controls (type I: 16.1±3.5 and type II: 22.7±5.8 µm; p<0.05). Conclusion Satellite cells are located at a greater distance from their nearest capillary in patients with COPD compared with age-matched controls. This increased distance could play a role in impaired satellite cell function in patients with COPD.

(A) Representative Western blots of AR, ERα and ERβ and the stain‐free image of 2 individuals (pre‐post). (B) Representative immunohistochemically stained cross‐section with type I fibers colored in blue, type IIa fibers in red and capillaries in green (examples indicated by the white arrows).
Resistance training induced changes in (A) vastus lateralis muscle volume, (B) type I fiber CSA, (C) type II fiber CSA and (D) all fiber CSA. Data are represented as mean + individual values.
(A) Baseline male and female AR, ERα and ERβ content. (B) Resistance training induced changes in male and female AR, ERα and ERβ expression. Data are presented as mean ± SD + individual values. p‐values represent the differences between sexes.
(A–C) Training induced changes in (A) AR, (B) ERα, and (C) ERβ. Data are presented as mean + individual values. (D–F) Correlations between training induced changes in (D) AR, (E) ERα, and (F) ERβ content and training induced changes in CSA of all fibers. Data are presented as individual values. Male subjects are presented as dots, female subjects as triangles.
(A) Relationship between baseline capillary density and the training induced change in CSA of all fibers. (B–D) Relationship between the baseline CFPE of (B) all fibers, (C) type I fibers, and (D) type II fibers and the training induced change in fiber CSA. Data are presented as individual values. Male subjects are presented as dots, female subjects as triangles.
Influence of intramuscular steroid receptor content and fiber capillarization on skeletal muscle hypertrophy

May 2024


189 Reads


1 Citation

Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports

Multiple intramuscular variables have been proposed to explain the high variability in resistance training induced muscle hypertrophy across humans. This study investigated if muscular androgen receptor (AR), estrogen receptor α (ERα) and β (ERβ) content and fiber capillarization are associated with fiber and whole‐muscle hypertrophy after chronic resistance training. Male (n = 11) and female (n = 10) resistance training novices (22.1 ± 2.2 years) trained their knee extensors 3×/week for 10 weeks. Vastus lateralis biopsies were taken at baseline and post the training period to determine changes in fiber type specific cross‐sectional area (CSA) and fiber capillarization by immunohistochemistry and, intramuscular AR, ERα and ERβ content by Western blotting. Vastus lateralis volume was quantified by MRI‐based 3D segmentation. Vastus lateralis muscle volume significantly increased over the training period (+7.22%; range: −1.82 to +18.8%, p < 0.0001) but no changes occurred in all fiber (+1.64%; range: −21 to +34%, p = 0.869), type I fiber (+1.33%; range: −24 to +41%, p = 0.952) and type II fiber CSA (+2.19%; range: −23 to +29%, p = 0.838). However, wide inter‐individual ranges were found. Resistance training increased the protein expression of ERα but not ERβ and AR, and the increase in ERα content was positively related to changes in fiber CSA. Only for the type II fibers, the baseline capillary‐to‐fiber‐perimeter index was positively related to type II fiber hypertrophy but not to whole muscle responsiveness. In conclusion, an upregulation of ERα content and an adequate initial fiber capillarization may be contributing factors implicated in muscle fiber hypertrophy responsiveness after chronic resistance training.

Citations (63)

... Second, considering the method adopted to identify nonresponder individuals (i.e., 2 Â typical error obtained from two different data collections), it was not possible to determine responsiveness using the muscle fiber cross-sectional area (fCSA). Although it is plausible to suggest that the AR would be better related to the fCSA since both derive from the same muscle biopsy, Van Vossel et al. (45) showed no significant correlation between baseline or posttraining changes between fCSA and AR content among untrained individuals. Third, the muscle biopsies were taken from the vastus lateralis muscle, and results should not be extrapolated to other muscles, which are likely to present different AR concentrations (32). ...


Androgen receptor markers do not differ between nonresponders and responders to resistance training-induced muscle hypertrophy
Influence of intramuscular steroid receptor content and fiber capillarization on skeletal muscle hypertrophy

Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports

... Skeletal muscles are the major energy consumers while running and, importantly, the energy consumed by these muscles is highly determined by the fiber-type of the activated muscle fibers. It is well established that slow-twitch (type I) fibers are substantially more economical during isometric or low velocity contractions compared to fast-twitch (type II) muscle fibers [4][5][6]. While the distribution of these muscle fiber-types appears highly variable among individuals [7,8], some of the most energy demanding muscles during running operate close to isometric contraction velocities [9][10][11][12]. ...

Muscle fibre typology affects whole‐body metabolic rate during isolated muscle contractions and human locomotion

... Additionally, TUDCA inhibits the endoplasmic reticulum stress response, therefore mitigates insulin resistance (Kars et al., 2010;Vettorazzi et al., 2017), as well as protects cells from inflammatory damage and lowers the systematic inflammation (Alhasani et al., 2020), while the inflammation indicated as elevated CRP, TNF-a, and IL-6 also can drive the dysfunction of pancreatic b-cells and increase the insulin resistance in patients with T2D (Donath and Shoelson, 2011). CARN is an endogenous dipeptide with diverse biological functions in vivo (Lievens et al., 2024). These include antiinflammation, antioxidation, anti-glycosylation, metal ion chelation, and promotion of wound healing (Alhamdani et al., 2007;Jukic et al., 2021;Schwank-Xu et al., 2021). ...

The effects of residual dipolar coupling on carnosine in proton muscle spectra
  • Citing Article
  • January 2024

NMR in Biomedicine

... Using the latter technique, new links between the MFTC and race tactical decisions, recovery optimization, and muscle injuries were discovered, emphasizing its importance in sports performance. [20][21][22][23][24][25] Nevertheless, it is unclear whether coaches and sport science/ sport medicine (SSSM) staff see merit in knowing MFTC of their athletes. Moreover, little is currently known about how experts try to measure/estimate MFTC of their athletes. ...

Match Running Performance in Australian Football Is Related to Muscle Fiber Typology
  • Citing Article
  • October 2023

International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance

... Secondly, collinearity among the remaining parameters was checked by calculating correlation coefficients (see Supplementary File Figure 1). Based on expert consensus, only the most relevant parameter within a cluster of correlations higher than r = 0.70 (Thomas et al., 2023) was selected. For instance, in the linearsprint test, only the 30-m time was selected among the available split times, such as 5, 10 and 20 m. ...

In professional football the decline in high‐intensity running activities from first to second half is more pronounced in players with a fast muscle typology

Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports

... Another study suggested the suppression of the skeletal muscle protein metabolism also influences exercise performance in carnosine synthase knockout mice (Wu et al. 2022). Spaas et al. (2023) reported exaggerated neuroinflammation in CARNS1 knockout mice during experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis which is an animal model for multiple sclerosis, and the mechanism has been linked with impaired clearance of the reactive carbonyl acrolein in CARNS1 knockout mice (Spaas et al. 2023). CARNS1 is also reported to be reduced in demyelinated multiple sclerosis lesions. ...

Carnosine synthase deficiency aggravates neuroinflammation in multiple sclerosis
  • Citing Article
  • September 2023

Progress in Neurobiology

... 231,232 Interestingly, however, novel transcriptomic and proteomic analyses applied to single muscle fibers from human vastus lateralis muscle have recently questioned the MyHC-based classification, identifying ribosomal specialization as a major driver of skeletal muscle heterogeneity. 233 Of note, a single muscle fiber can simultaneously express multiple types of MyHC. These ''hybrid'' fibers have been observed to increase with exercise, aging, and certain pathologies. ...

Beyond Myosin Heavy Chains: Ribosomal Specialization Drives Human Skeletal Muscle Fiber Heterogeneity
  • Citing Preprint
  • September 2023

... Carnosine is a multifunctional dipeptide with emergent roles in health and disease [7]. It exists in high concentrations in human skeletal muscle ($22 mmol/kg/dry weight) and lower concentrations in human cardiac muscle ($26 μmol/kg/dry weight) [8]. Skeletal and cardiac muscle concentrations can be increased by up to twofold [9] and sevenfold [10] with prolonged supplementation of its rate-limiting precursor, β-alanine. ...

Extensive profiling of histidine-containing dipeptides reveals species- and tissue-specific distribution and metabolism in mice, rats, and humans
  • Citing Article
  • July 2023

Acta Physiologica

... on balenine, and it has been recently discovered that human skeletal muscle contains balenine [11]. Like carnosine and anserine, balenine has been shown to be effective in improving antioxidant, anti-fatigue, and memory functions [12,13]. However, balenine has higher antioxidant and iron-chelating effects compared to carnosine and anserine [12], and its stability in vivo is higher than that of carnosine and anserine [13], which has been suggested to be effective for use in ergogenic supplements. ...

Acute balenine supplementation in humans as a natural carnosinase-resistant alternative to carnosine

... To overcome this limitation, a reliable and valid noninvasive approach for estimating muscle typology has been developed, using proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy ( 1 H-MRS) to measure muscle carnosine concentration. 15,16 Although the 1 H-MRS-derived method is an indirect technique estimating muscle typology, this method has been shown to be reliable 17,18 and compares favorably with the direct muscle biopsy-derived method of determining muscle typology. 15,16 Using this technique, differences in estimated muscle typology between world-class cyclists of various disciplines were identified by some members of the research team. ...

Can muscle typology explain the inter‐individual variability in resistance training adaptations?