William Witczak-Krempa’s research while affiliated with Université de Montréal and other places

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Publications (100)

FIG. 1. Landscape of phases that emerge from deforming a 2+1d CFT with a magnetic field B. CFTs leading to gapped phases can be distinguished by their Wilsonian coefficients in the EFT (4).
FIG. 2. Anomalous dimensions of defect monopoles in GN and O(N ) fitted with the large-Q B expansion with powers Q 3/2 B and Q 1/2 B
Conformal field theories in a magnetic field
  • Article
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November 2024


8 Reads

Physical Review Research

Rufus Boyack




William Witczak-Krempa

We study the properties of 2+1d conformal field theories (CFTs) in a background magnetic field. Using generalized particle-vortex duality, we argue that in many cases of interest the theory becomes gapped, which allows us to make a number of predictions for the magnetic response, background monopole operators, and more. Explicit calculations at large N for Wilson-Fisher and Gross-Neveu CFTs support our claim, and yield the spectrum of background (defect) monopole operators. Finally, we point out that other possibilities exist: certain CFTs can become metallic in a magnetic field. Such a scenario occurs, for example, with a Dirac fermion coupled to a Chern-Simons gauge field, where a non-Fermi liquid is argued to emerge. Published by the American Physical Society 2024


Separable ellipsoids around multipartite states

October 2024


1 Read

We show that, in finite dimensions, around any m-partite product state ρprod=ρ1...ρm\rho_{\rm prod}=\rho_1\otimes...\otimes\rho_m, there exists an ellipsoid of separable states centered around ρprod\rho_{\rm prod}. The volume of this separable ellipsoid is typically exponentially larger than that of the separable ball proposed in previous works, due to the large hierarchy of eigenvalues occurring in typical states. We further refine this ellipsoidal criterion to a trace formula, generalize it to characterize the separable region around all separable states, and further study biseparability. Our criterion will help numerical procedures to rigorously detect separability. We apply the procedure for separability detection on three-qubit X state in a dephasing environment, and the 1d transverse field Ising model at finite temperature to illustrate the power of our procedure for understanding entanglement in physical systems.

Geometric expansion of fluctuations and averaged shadows

August 2024


3 Reads

Fluctuations of observables provide unique insights into the nature of physical systems, and their study stands as a cornerstone of both theoretical and experimental science. Generalized fluctuations, or cumulants, provide information beyond the mean and variance of an observable. In this letter, we develop a systematic method to determine the asymptotic behavior of cumulants of local observables as the region becomes large. Our analysis reveals that the expansion is closely tied to the geometric characteristics of the region and its boundary, with coefficients given by convex moments of the connected correlation function: the latter is integrated against intrinsic volumes of convex polytopes built from the coordinates, which can be interpreted as averaged shadows. A particular application of our method shows that, in two dimensions, the leading behavior of odd cumulants of conserved quantities is topological, specifically depending on the Euler characteristic of the region. We illustrate these results with the paradigmatic strongly-interacting system of two-dimensional quantum Hall state at filling fraction 1/2, by performing Monte-Carlo calculations of the skewness (third cumulant) of particle number in the Laughlin state.

FIG. 1. (a) Subregion A is the union of two disjoint parts A 1 and A 2 , here two squares in d = 2. (b) Replicated space-time used to evaluate the moments of the partially transposed density matrix E b n for n = 3. We show the flow of time for a trajectory that traverses the three copies of A 1 (top), and A 2 (bottom). The partial transposition on A 1 time-reverses the trajectory relative to A 2 .
FIG. 2. Fermionic LN E f for Dirac fermions in 1D (red) and 2D (blue) vs r// in log-log scale. Data obtained by numerical diagonalization of the correlation matrix for = 120 (1D) and = 11 (2D). The solid lines correspond to the prediction (12) with f = d/2. For d = 1 we find B = 1/4, in agreement with Ref. [15], whereas for d = 2 it is obtained from a fit.
Entanglement negativity between separated regions in quantum critical systems

May 2024


13 Reads


6 Citations

Physical Review Research

We study the entanglement between disjoint subregions in quantum critical systems through the lens of the logarithmic negativity. We work with systems in arbitrary dimensions, including conformal field theories and their corresponding lattice Hamiltonians, as well as resonating valence-bond states. At small separations, the logarithmic negativity is big and displays universal behavior, but we show nonperturbatively that it decays faster than any power at large separations. This can already be seen in the minimal setting of single-spin subregions. The corresponding absence of distillable entanglement at large separations generalizes the one-dimensional result, and indicates that quantum critical ground states do not possess long-range bipartite entanglement, at least for bosons. For systems with fermions, a more suitable definition of the logarithmic negativity exists that takes into account fermion parity, and we show that it decays algebraically. Along the way we obtain general results for the moments of the partially transposed density matrix. Published by the American Physical Society 2024

Phonons behave like electrons in the thermal Hall effect of cuprates

December 2023


25 Reads

The thermal Hall effect, which arises when heat flows transversely to an applied thermal gradient, has become an important observable in the study of quantum materials. Recent experiments found a large thermal Hall conductivity κxy in many high-temperature cuprate superconductors, including deep inside the Mott insulator, but the underlying mechanism remains unknown. Here, we uncover a surprising linear temperature dependence for the inverse thermal Hall resistivity, 1/ϱH=−κxx2/κxy, in the Mott insulating cuprates La2CuO4 and Sr2CuO2Cl2. We also find this linear scaling in the pseudogap state of La1.6−xNd0.4SrxCuO4 (Nd-LSCO) in the out-of-plane direction, highlighting the importance of phonons. On the electron-doped side, the linear inverse thermal Hall signal emerges in Nd2−xCexCuO4 (NCCO) and Pr2−xCexCuO4 (PCCO) at various dopings, including in the strange metal. Although such dependence arises in the simple Drude model for itinerant electrons, its origin is unclear in strongly correlated Mott insulating or pseudogap states. We perform a Boltzmann analysis for phonons that incorporates skew scattering, and we are able to identify regimes where a linear T inverse Hall resistivity appears. Finally, we suggest future experiments that would further our fundamental understanding of heat transport in the cuprates and other quantum materials.

Full-counting statistics of corner charge fluctuations

November 2023


9 Reads


6 Citations

The outcomes of measurements are characterized by an infinite family of generalized uncertainties, or cumulants, which provide information beyond the mean and variance of the observable. Here, we investigate the cumulants of a conserved charge in a subregion with corners. We derive nonperturbative relations for the area law, and more interestingly, the angle dependence, showing how it is determined by geometric moments of the correlation function. These hold for translation invariant systems under great generality, including strongly interacting ones. We test our findings by using two-dimensional topological quantum Hall states of bosons and fermions at both integer and fractional fillings. We find that the odd cumulants' shape dependence differs from the even ones. For instance, the third cumulant shows nearly universal behavior for integer and fractional Laughlin Hall states in the lowest Landau level. Furthermore, we examine the relation between even cumulants and the Rényi entanglement entropy, where we use our results for the fractional state at filling 1/3 to compare these quantities in the strongly interacting regime. We discuss the implications of these findings for other systems, including gapless Dirac fermions, and more general conformal field theories.

Figure 1: Illustration of a tripartite geometry for a specific configuration of the dimer model on the square lattice. Regions A 1 and A 2 are tiled with green and blue dimers, respectively, and consist of the edges encircled or crossed by the dotted lines; region B is tiled with gray dimers. The boundary dimers are those that cross the boundaries (dotted lines) of the subsystems. Indices i and j correspond to the boundary configurations between B and A 1 or A 2 , respectively.
Figure 2: Illustration of two different configurations of the dimer model for a region with a concave angle (top) and on the triangular lattice (bottom). In both cases, the two configurations have different boundary configurations (highlighted darker green dimers), but are both compatible with the same configuration of dimers outside the green region.
Separability and entanglement of resonating valence-bond states

August 2023


40 Reads


9 Citations

SciPost Physics

We investigate separability and entanglement of Rokhsar-Kivelson (RK) states and resonating valence-bond (RVB) states. These states play a prominent role in condensed matter physics, as they can describe quantum spin liquids and quantum critical states of matter, depending on their underlying lattices. For dimer RK states on arbitrary tileable graphs, we prove the exact separability of the reduced density matrix of k k disconnected subsystems, implying the absence of bipartite and multipartite entanglement between the subsystems. For more general RK states with local constraints, we argue separability in the thermodynamic limit, and show that any local RK state has zero logarithmic negativity, even if the density matrix is not exactly separable. In the case of adjacent subsystems, we find an exact expression for the logarithmic negativity in terms of partition functions of the underlying statistical model. For RVB states, we show separability for disconnected subsystems up to exponentially small terms in the distance d d between the subsystems, and that the logarithmic negativity is exponentially suppressed with d d . We argue that separability does hold in the scaling limit, even for arbitrarily small ratio d/L d / L , where L L is the characteristic size of the subsystems. Our results hold for arbitrary lattices, and encompass a large class of RK and RVB states, which include certain gapped quantum spin liquids and gapless quantum critical systems.

Strain-induced superconductivity in Sr 2 IrO 4

July 2023


33 Reads


3 Citations

Multiorbital quantum materials with strong interactions can host a variety of novel phases. In this work we study the possibility of interaction-driven superconductivity in the iridate compound Sr2IrO4 under strain and doping. We find numerous regimes of strain-induced superconductivity in which the pairing structure depends on model parameters. Spin-fluctuation mediated superconductivity is modeled by a Hubbard-Kanamori model with an effective particle-particle interaction, calculated via the random phase approximation. Magnetic orders are found using the Stoner criterion. The most likely superconducting order we find has d-wave pairing, predominantly in the total angular momentum J=12 states. Moreover, an s± order which mixes different bands is found at high Hund's coupling, and at high strain anisotropic s- and d-wave orders emerge. Finally, we show that in a fine-tuned region of parameters a spin-triplet p-wave order exists. The combination of strong spin-orbit coupling, interactions, and a sensitivity of the band structure to strain proves a fruitful avenue for engineering new quantum phases.

Evidence for web of dualities from monopole operators

July 2023


21 Reads


7 Citations

Physical Review D

We give evidence for the web of 3d bosonization dualities in conformal field theories (CFTs) by computing monopole operator scaling dimensions in (2+1)-dimensional quantum electrodynamics (QED3) with Chern-Simons level k and N complex bosons in a large-N, k expansion. We first consider the k=0 case, where we show that scaling dimensions previously computed to subleading order in 1/N can be extrapolated to N=1 and matched to O(2) Wilson-Fisher CFT scaling dimensions with around 5% error, which is evidence for particle-vortex duality. We then generalize the subleading calculation to large N, k and fixed k/N, extrapolate to N=k=1, and consider monopole operators that are conjectured to be dual to nondegenerate scalar operators in a theory of a single Dirac fermion. We find matches typically with 1% error or less, which is strong evidence of this so-called “seed” duality that implies a web of 3d bosonization dualities among CFTs.

Dirac quantum criticality and the web of dualities

May 2023


4 Reads

We grow the web of dualities for conformal field theories (CFTs) in 2+1 spacetime dimensions to include quantum critical transitions of Dirac fermions. Our construction uses the seed duality, equating a free Dirac fermion with a complex boson coupled to a Chern-Simons gauge field, to express various Gross-Neveu-Yukawa (GNY) critical points of N fermions in terms of the same number of complex bosons and partner gauge fields. In some instances, monopole operators appear explicitly in the dual action, such as for the superconducting transition of a single Dirac fermion, which is a CFT with emergent supersymmetry. We match phase diagrams, symmetries and their anomalies. By further gauging certain symmetries, we derive offspring dualities. For example, starting with the duality for the regular GNY transition of 2 Dirac fermions, we arrive at the duality between a Neel-to-VBS deconfined quantum critical point and a gauged-Gross-Neveu transition. Finally, we use a large-N expansion for monopole operators, and compare with known scaling dimensions in the simplest single-flavour GNY transition.

Citations (59)

... For simplicity, we focus on the Krawtchouk chain, where the couplings are given in Eq. (22). We study the logarithmic negativity of adjacent regions in the bulk of the chain (far from the boundaries) in the ground state given in Eq. (45). At half filling we find the scaling [39] ...


Distinctive features of inhomogeneous spin chains
Entanglement negativity between separated regions in quantum critical systems

Physical Review Research

... Indeed, the fate of entanglement picture [48] predicts that entanglement between disjoint regions in (finite) spin/bosonic systems should suffer an entanglement sudden death at finite separation, whereas for fermionic ones the parity superselection rule precludes the sudden death, and one typically has a power-law decay of entanglement. This extremely general result has notably been observed in highly-entangled states, such as resonating valence-bond states [49] and quantum critical ground states [45,50,51]. ...

Separability and entanglement of resonating valence-bond states

SciPost Physics

... and consider the limit where N, k → ∞ with the ratio κ = k/N held fixed [43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51]. The most general monopole operator M (n) (qe,qm) in this theory carries magnetic charge (q e , q m ) relative to the gauge fields a e , a m where q e , q m ∈ Z/2. ...

Evidence for web of dualities from monopole operators

Physical Review D

... Among the 4d and 5d TMOs, Sr 2 IrO 4 represents a unique and meaningful example that has been widely investigated both theoretically and experimentally in the past two decades [10][11][12][13][14][15][16]. Since, the 5d orbitals of Ir are more extended comparing to the 3d counterparts, a common understanding is that the iridates could be more metallic and less magnetic than the 3d TMOs. ...

Strain-induced superconductivity in Sr 2 IrO 4
  • Citing Article
  • July 2023

... The decrease of net ferromagnetic moment is due to the strong coupling of the magnetic moment and lattice. [34][35][36] Due to the coupling of the magnetic moment and lattice, a relaxed Ir-O-Ir bond angle (Fig. 1(c)) inevitably weakens the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction that drives the canted antiferromagnetic ordering state in Sr 2 IrO 4 , leading to the decrease of net ferromagnetic moment. It can be also seen from Fig. 3(b) that the decrease of net ferromagnetic moment is small in all Pb-doped samples. ...

Modeling multiorbital effects in Sr 2 IrO 4 under strain and a Zeeman field
  • Citing Article
  • April 2021

... Such holographic description is particularly useful since it provides window to study quantum critical point and RG flow of non-relativistic field theoretic systems. Previously, field theoretic realization of Lifshitz symmetry has been known for special integer value of the dynamical exponent z = 2 as quantum Lifshitz model (QLM) [15] and various bipartite entanglement measures were subsequently analyzed within QLM in [16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31]. ...

Entanglement and separability in continuum Rokhsar-Kivelson states

Physical Review Research

... We now discuss the low-energy excitations of the super-Hamiltonian P t−J z of Eq. (26) in the case with t − J z fragmentation and we show that its low-energy excitations can be used to understand slow modes and late-time behavior of the t − J z model. Due to the conservation of the pattern of spins, the t − J z model at late times is expected to exhibit tracer diffusion for typical initial states [106,107], which is the phenomenology exhibited in one dimension by a single "tracer" particle that is not allowed to cross its 040330-14 neighbors [108][109][110]. This leads to an approximately t − 1 4 prediction for the nature of decay of spin autocorrelation functions at late times [111]. ...

Emergent tracer dynamics in constrained quantum systems
  • Citing Article
  • September 2022

... via the tJ z -model at finite J z or via adding diagonal interactions to the folded XXZ model. For example, a stochastic spin chain closely related to the folded XXZ model is the so-called Ising-Kawasaki model [86,87], taken in a particular limit: the Hamiltonian H fXXZ is supplemented by nearest-neighbor (NN) and nextnearest-neighbor (NNN) Ising terms. The name derives from the fact that the quantum Hamiltonian is obtained from the Markov operator of a classical Ising chain undergoing Kawasaki magnetization-conserving dynamics. ...

Excitations and ergodicity of critical quantum spin chains from non-equilibrium classical dynamics

SciPost Physics Core