February 2015
214 Reads
40 Citations
Academic Radiology
Rationale and Objectives: The primary role of radiology in the preclinical setting is the use of imaging to improve students' understanding of anatomy. Many currently available Web-based anatomy programs include either suboptimal or overwhelming levels of detail for medical students. Our objective was to develop a user-friendly software program that anatomy instructors can completely tailor to match the desired level of detail for their curriculum, meets the unique needs of the first- and the second-year medical students, and is compatible with most Internet browsers and tablets. Materials and Methods: RadStax is a Web-based application developed using free, open-source, ubiquitous software. RadStax was first introduced as an interactive resource for independent study and later incorporated into lectures. First- and second-year medical students were surveyed for quantitative feedback regarding their experience. Results: RadStax was successfully introduced into our medical school curriculum. It allows the creation of learning modules with labeled multiplanar (MPR) image sets, basic anatomic information, and a self-assessment feature. The program received overwhelmingly positive feedback from students. Of 115 students surveyed, 87.0% found it highly effective as a study tool and 85.2% reported high user satisfaction with the program. Conclusions: RadStax is a novel application for instructors wishing to create an atlas of labeled MPR radiologic studies tailored to meet the specific needs their curriculum. Simple and focused, it provides an interactive experience for students similar to the practice of radiologists. This program is a robust anatomy teaching tool that effectively aids in educating the preclinical medical student.