September 2000
22 Reads
19 Citations
Quality and Reliability Engineering
A method is presented for creating randomly generated polynomial functions to be used as a test bed of simulated response surfaces. The need for the test bed to perform empirical comparisons of experimental design strategies is discussed and the methods used to create the surfaces are explained. An important feature of the test bed is that the user can control some of the characteristics of the surfaces without directly controlling the surface functions. This allows the user to choose the types of surfaces on which a simulation study is run while preserving the random nature of the surfaces needed for a valid simulation study. I. Introduction The experimental study of a response surface for finding optimal or at least desirable settings for the factors is known as Response Surface Methodology (RSM) (see Myers and Montgomery, 1995). Many classes of experimental designs have been developed for RSM, such as factorials, fractional factorials, Box-Behnken designs, and central composite de...