Wensi Zhang’s research while affiliated with Chinese Academy of Sciences and other places

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Publications (18)

Shallow subsurface habitats across the Mars-analog Qaidam Basin
  • Article

October 2023


70 Reads

Science China Earth Sciences






Searching for life is one of the most important targets of Mars exploration missions. It has been considered that the Martian subsurface, away from the extreme surface environment, is a potentially habitable region for microbial growth. However, the distribution pattern of potential microbial habitats in the Martian subsurface has yet to be evaluated. Here, we investigate the subsurface habitats to depths of 20–60 cm from various landscapes, including slopes, gullies, channels, playas, and alluvial fans across the Mars-analog Qaidam Basin, NW China. We characterize subsurface niches by measuring microbial biomass and radiocarbon ages, and correlate them with soil properties including depth, moisture content, total organic carbon content, electric conductivity, pH, evaporite and clay mineral contents. We find more habitable niches for microbial colonization at depths of 5–25 cm as compared with the surface and deep subsurface across the hyperarid Qaidam Basin. Maximum biomass and biotic activity could be correlated with physical stability, limited radiation, and short-term moderate water availability in the shallow subsurface in hyperarid deserts. The findings of this study provide new perspectives on subsurface microbial habitats in Mars-analog hyperarid deserts and ongoing biosignature detection on Mars.

Microbial diversity and adaptive strategies in the Mars‐like Qaidam Basin, North Tibetan Plateau, China

August 2022


90 Reads


14 Citations

The Qaidam Basin on the northern Tibetan Plateau, China, is one of the driest deserts at high elevations, and it has been considered a representative Mars analogue site. Despite recent advances in the diversity of microbial communities in the Qaidam Basin, our understanding of their genomic information, functional potential and adaptive strategies remains very limited. Here, we conducted a combination of physicochemical and metagenomic analyses to investigate the taxonomic composition and adaptive strategies of microbial life in the regolith across the Qaidam Basin. 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene‐based and metagenomic analyses both reveal that microbial communities in the Qaidam Basin are dominated by the bacterial phylum Actinobacteria. The low levels of moisture and organic carbon contents appear to have essential constraints on microbial biomass and diversity. A total of 50 high‐quality metagenome‐assembled genomes were reconstructed and analysed. Our results reveal the potential of microorganisms to use ambient trace gases to meet energy and carbon needs in this nutrient‐limited desert. Furthermore, we find that DNA repair mechanisms and protein protection are likely essential for microbial life in response to stressors of hyperaridity, intense ultraviolet radiation and tremendous temperature fluctuations in this Mars analogue. These findings shed light on the diversity and survival strategies of microbial life inhabiting Mar‐like environments, which provide implications for potential life on early Mars.

FIG 1 Overview of the MagCluster workflow. (a) Genomes are annotated using Prokka with a mandatory reference file of magnetosome proteins via --proteins. (b) Putative MGCs or MGC-containing contigs are retrieved by the MGC_Screen module from GenBank files generated by the annotation module. First, contigs are filtered by the contig length (--contiglength) and the minimum number of magnetosome genes in a contig (--threshold). Then, the length of a genomic region containing no less than the given number of magnetosome genes is checked to meet the value of --windowsize. Finally, contigs that pass all restrictions are regarded as putative MGC-containing contigs. (b1) Contigs shorter than 2,000 bp (by default) are discarded. (b2) Magnetosome genes are identified through a text-mining strategy using the keyword "magnetosome" in protein names, and contigs containing fewer than 3 (by default) magnetosome genes are discarded. (b3) Putative MGCs are screened under a 10,000-bp (by default) window, and the minimum number of magnetosome genes (3 by default) in each window size is rechecked. (c) Putative MGCs are compared and visualized using clinker. MAGs, metagenome-assembled genomes; SAGs, single amplified genomes.
MagCluster: a Tool for Identification, Annotation, and Visualization of Magnetosome Gene Clusters
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2022


120 Reads


9 Citations

Microbiology Resource Announcements

Magnetosome gene clusters (MGCs), which are responsible for magnetosome biosynthesis and organization in magnetotactic bacteria (MTB), are the key to deciphering the mechanisms and evolutionary origin of magnetoreception, organelle biogenesis, and intracellular biomineralization in bacteria. Here, we report the development of MagCluster, a Python stand-alone tool for efficient exploration of MGCs from large-scale (meta)genomic data.


FIGURE 1 | Phylogenetic and morphological identification of two novel Nitrospirae MTB. (A) Morphologies of Ca. Magnetobacterium cryptolimnobacter strain XYR cells (green arrows) and Ca. Magnetomicrobium cryptolimnococcus strain XYC cells (red arrows) as revealed by light microscopy (bar = 10 µm). (B) Phylogenetic tree based on comparative sequence analysis of 16S rRNA genes. Numbers at nodes are bootstrap support values (n = 1,000, only bootstrap values greater than 75% are shown). (C,D) Transmission electron microscopy pictures (bar = 1 µm) and fluorescence in situ hybridization results (bar = 10 µm) of cells of XYR and XYC, respectively. BaP is the probe specific for most Nitrospirae MTB (Spring et al., 1993; Lin et al., 2011).
FIGURE 2 | Phylogenomic analysis of 138 Nitrospirae genomes including 38 MTB genomes. A maximum likelihood tree was constructed using a concatenated alignment of 120 conserved bacterial markers with GTDB-Tk (120 conserved bacterial marker genes are provided by GTDB). Numbers at nodes are bootstrap support values (n = 1,000, only bootstrap values greater than 75% are shown). The genome size and quality of each MTB genome were shown.
FIGURE 4 | Comparison of MGCs recovered in this study with previously reported representative MGCs. Mcas, Ca. Magnetobacterium casensis; HCH-1, Ca. Magnetominusculus xianensis strain HCH-1; XYR, Ca. Magnetobacterium cryptolimnobacter strain XYR; XYC, Ca. Magnetomicrobium cryptolimnococcus strain XYC; DC0425bin1, Nitrospirae bacterium DC0425bin1; nDJH15bin2, Nitrospirae bacterium nDJH15bin2; MYbinv3, Nitrospirae bacterium MYbinv3; nDJH8bin6, Nitrospirae bacterium nDJH8bin6; nDJH6bin1, Nitrospirae bacterium nDJH6bin1; nDJH13bin19, Nitrospirae bacterium nDJH13bin19; nMYbin1, Nitrospirae bacterium nMYbin1; and MAG_10313_ntr31, Nitrospirae bacterium MAG_10313_ntr31.
Genome statistics of Ca. Magnetobacterium cryptolimnobacter strain XYR and Ca. Magnetomicrobium cryptolimnococcus strain XYC.
Identification and Genomic Characterization of Two Previously Unknown Magnetotactic Nitrospirae

July 2021


126 Reads


12 Citations

Magnetotactic bacteria (MTB) are a group of microbes that biomineralize membrane-bound, nanosized magnetite (Fe3O4), and/or greigite (Fe3S4) crystals in intracellular magnetic organelle magnetosomes. MTB belonging to the Nitrospirae phylum can form up to several hundreds of Fe3O4 magnetosome crystals and dozens of sulfur globules in a single cell. These MTB are widespread in aquatic environments and sometimes account for a significant proportion of microbial biomass near the oxycline, linking these lineages to the key steps of global iron and sulfur cycling. Despite their ecological and biogeochemical importance, our understanding of the diversity and ecophysiology of magnetotactic Nitrospirae is still very limited because this group of MTB remains unculturable. Here, we identify and characterize two previously unknown MTB populations within the Nitrospirae phylum through a combination of 16S rRNA gene-based and genome-resolved metagenomic analyses. These two MTB populations represent distinct morphotypes (rod-shaped and coccoid, designated as XYR, and XYC, respectively), and both form more than 100 bullet-shaped magnetosomal crystals per cell. High-quality draft genomes of XYR and XYC have been reconstructed, and they represent a novel species and a novel genus, respectively, according to their average amino-acid identity values with respect to available genomes. Accordingly, the names Candidatus Magnetobacterium cryptolimnobacter and Candidatus Magnetomicrobium cryptolimnococcus for XYR and XYC, respectively, were proposed. Further comparative genomic analyses of XYR, XYC, and previously reported magnetotactic Nitrospirae reveal the general metabolic potential of this MTB group in distinct microenvironments, including CO2 fixation, dissimilatory sulfate reduction, sulfide oxidation, nitrogen fixation, or denitrification processes. A remarkably conserved magnetosome gene cluster has been identified across Nitrospirae MTB genomes, indicating its putative important adaptive roles in these bacteria. Taken together, the present study provides novel insights into the phylogenomic diversity and ecophysiology of this intriguing, yet poorly understood MTB group.

The magnetosome in which magnetotactic bacteria (MTB) biomineralize magnetic crystals is a typical example of a bacterial organelle. a Membrane-bounded magnetosomes contain intracellular magnetic nanoparticles (Fe3O4 or Fe3S4), with typical ~ 20–150 nm sizes. Magnetic particles within MTB magnetosomes are typically organized into (a) chain-like structure(s) within the cell in order to optimize the cellular magnetic dipole moment. Functions of magnetosomes include magnetoreception [15, 16] and ROS detoxification [17, 18], both of which have been experimentally proven. Additional proposed functions, such as iron storage and sequestration, acting as an electrochemical battery or a gravity sensor, need further testing. b Representative electron micrographs of MTB cells collected in this study. The black arrows indicate magnetosome chains
Recovery of 168 MTB genomes from various environments. a Map of sampling locations (generated using the GeoMapApp 3.6.0, http://www.geomapapp.org/). Further site details are given in Supplementary Table 1. b A micrograph of MTB cells (cocci and rods) from Lake Dianchi, China, as observed under a light microscope (Olympus BX51, Olympus, Tokyo, Japan). The applied field (B) direction is from right to left. c Estimated completeness and contamination of MTB genomes reconstructed in this study. CheckM was used to estimate completeness and contamination. Of these genomes, 69 are high-quality (> 90% completeness and < 5% contamination), 64 are medium-quality (70–90% completeness and < 6% contamination), and 35 are partial (50–70% completeness and < 5% contamination) genomes. d Relative abundance of recovered MTB genomes that can be classified according to the GTDB taxonomy (database Release 04-RS89). Of the 168 recovered genomes, 34 were classified at the species level, 91 were classified at the genus level, 140 were classified at the family level, 160 were classified at the order level, and 168 could be classified at the class and phylum levels. Details are given in Supplementary Table 2
Distribution of MTB genomes across Bacterial phyla and distinct environments. a The maximum-likelihood phylogenomic tree of MTB genomes and their close non-MTB relatives inferred from concatenated 120 bacterial single-copy marker proteins [54], which was constructed using IQ-TREE under the LG+I+G4 substitution model. The number in each clade refers to the number of MTB genomes reconstructed in this study. The complete tree is shown in Supplementary Figure 1. b Relative abundances of reconstructed MTB genomes in this study across different environments within each lineage. c Distribution of magnetosome genes (mam, mms, mad, and man) and feoB gene within MGCs across different lineages. d Distribution of acquired MTB genomes at the phylum level across different environments, including freshwater/marginal (< 1 ppt) and saline/brackish/marine (> 1 ppt) sediments, and soils from acidic peatland. Details are given in Supplementary Table 1
Representative magnetosome gene clusters (MGCs) from distinct MTB lineages recovered in this study. Genomes containing Fe3S4-type MGCs are highlighted with # and putative Fe3S4-type magnetosome genes in MGCs are denoted by *
Maximum-likelihood trees of core magnetosome proteins. Trees were inferred using the MamABKMQ found in available MTB genomes. Complete trees are shown in Supplementary Figures 2 to 6
Expanding magnetic organelle biogenesis in the domain Bacteria

October 2020


2,306 Reads


55 Citations

Background The discovery of membrane-enclosed, metabolically functional organelles in Bacteria has transformed our understanding of the subcellular complexity of prokaryotic cells. Biomineralization of magnetic nanoparticles within magnetosomes by magnetotactic bacteria (MTB) is a fascinating example of prokaryotic organelles. Magnetosomes, as nano-sized magnetic sensors in MTB, facilitate cell navigation along the local geomagnetic field, a behaviour referred to as magnetotaxis or microbial magnetoreception. Recent discovery of novel MTB outside the traditionally recognized taxonomic lineages suggests that MTB diversity across the domain Bacteria are considerably underestimated, which limits understanding of the taxonomic distribution and evolutionary origin of magnetosome organelle biogenesis. Results Here, we perform the most comprehensive metagenomic analysis available of MTB communities and reconstruct metagenome-assembled MTB genomes from diverse ecosystems. Discovery of MTB in acidic peatland soils suggests widespread MTB occurrence in waterlogged soils in addition to subaqueous sediments and water bodies. A total of 168 MTB draft genomes have been reconstructed, which represent nearly a 3-fold increase over the number currently available and more than double the known MTB species at the genome level. Phylogenomic analysis reveals that these genomes belong to 13 Bacterial phyla, six of which were previously not known to include MTB. These findings indicate a much wider taxonomic distribution of magnetosome organelle biogenesis across the domain Bacteria than previously thought. Comparative genome analysis reveals a vast diversity of magnetosome gene clusters involved in magnetosomal biogenesis in terms of gene content and synteny residing in distinct taxonomic lineages. Phylogenetic analyses of core magnetosome proteins in this largest available and taxonomically diverse dataset support an unexpectedly early evolutionary origin of magnetosome biomineralization, likely ancestral to the origin of the domain Bacteria. Conclusions These findings expand the taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity of MTB across the domain Bacteria and shed new light on the origin and evolution of microbial magnetoreception. Potential biogenesis of the magnetosome organelle in the close descendants of the last bacterial common ancestor has important implications for our understanding of the evolutionary history of bacterial cellular complexity and emphasizes the biological significance of the magnetosome organelle. AvdtuUL8bNKQaZ224H3AxpVideo Abstract

Two Metagenome-Assembled Genome Sequences of Magnetotactic Bacteria in the Order Magnetococcales

August 2020


148 Reads


5 Citations

Microbiology Resource Announcements

Magnetotactic bacteria represent a valuable model system for the study of microbial biomineralization and magnetotaxis. Here, we report two metagenome-assembled genome sequences of uncultivated magnetotactic bacteria belonging to the order Magnetococcales . These genomes contain nearly complete magnetosome gene clusters responsible for magnetosome biomineralization.

Expanding magnetic organelle biogenesis in the domain Bacteria

April 2020


127 Reads


2 Citations

The discovery of membrane-enclosed, metabolically functional organelles in Bacteria and Archaea has transformed our understanding of the subcellular complexity of prokaryotic cells. However, whether prokaryotic organelles emerged early or late in evolutionary history remains unclear and limits understanding of the nature and cellular complexity of early life. Biomineralization of magnetic nanoparticles within magnetosomes by magnetotactic bacteria (MTB) is a fascinating example of prokaryotic organelles. Here, we reconstruct 168 metagenome-assembled MTB genomes from various aquatic environments and waterlogged soils. These genomes represent nearly a 3-fold increase over the number currently available, and more than double the known MTB species. Phylogenomic analysis reveals that these newly described genomes belong to 13 Bacterial phyla, six of which were previously not known to include MTB. These findings indicate a much wider taxonomic distribution of magnetosome organelle biogenesis across the domain Bacteria than previously thought. Comparative genome analysis reveals a vast diversity of magnetosome gene clusters involved in magnetosomal biogenesis in terms of gene content and synteny residing in distinct taxonomic lineages. These gene clusters therefore represent a promising, diverse genetic resource for biosynthesizing novel magnetic nanoparticles. Finally, our phylogenetic analyses of the core magnetosome proteins in this largest available and taxonomically diverse dataset support an unexpectedly early evolutionary origin of magnetosome biomineralization, likely ancestral to the origin of the domain Bacteria. These findings emphasize the potential biological significance of prokaryotic organelles on the early Earth and have important implications for our understanding of the evolutionary history of cellular complexity.

Magnetosome Gene Duplication as an Important Driver in the Evolution of Magnetotaxis in the Alphaproteobacteria

October 2019


242 Reads


17 Citations

A diversity of organisms can sense the geomagnetic field for the purpose of navigation. Magnetotactic bacteria are the most primitive magnetism-sensing organisms known thus far and represent an excellent model system for the study of the origin, evolution, and mechanism of microbial magnetoreception (or magnetotaxis). The present study is the first report focused on magnetosome gene cluster duplication in the Alphaproteobacteria , which suggests the important role of gene duplication in the evolution of magnetotaxis in the Alphaproteobacteria and perhaps the domain Bacteria . A novel scenario for the evolution of magnetotaxis in the Alphaproteobacteria is proposed and may provide new insights into evolution of magnetoreception of higher species.

Citations (10)

... Studying extremely dry environments on Earth is crucial for testing the boundaries of life and the existence of extraterrestrial life. [13][14][15] The extreme environments on Earth, such as the Atacama Desert (Chile), McMurdo Dry Valleys (Antarctica), Mojave Desert (USA), Namib Desert (Namibia, Africa), and Qaidam Basin in the Tibetan Plateau (China), [16][17][18][19][20][21] are relatively more comparable to present Mars conditions. These environments are extensively studied for microbial diversity and their survival strategies. ...


Could microbes inhabiting extreme desert environments be a gateway to life on the Martian surface?
Microbial diversity and adaptive strategies in the Mars‐like Qaidam Basin, North Tibetan Plateau, China
  • Citing Article
  • August 2022

... The recovered experimental samples were obtained for comparisons and analyses along with the ground-based controls. To date, several (astro)biological studies have been conducted, yielding important scientific findings Ye T et al., 2021;Li CY et al., 2022;Liu J et al., 2022;Chen YN et al., 2023;Deng AH et al., 2023;Liu L et al., 2024), which are presented in the next subsection. ...

Survival of the magnetotactic bacterium Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense exposed to Earth’s lower near space
  • Citing Article
  • March 2022

Science Bulletin

... To achieve these goals, we developed the Biological Samples Exposure Payload (BIOSEP), the fundamental function of which is to expose biological specimens to the polyextreme environment in near space and return the samples to the ground for further investigation. BIOSEP is a key payload installed on the CAS Balloon-Borne Astrobiology Platform (CAS-BAP; Lin W et al., 2022). ...

Astrobiology at altitude in Earth’s near space
  • Citing Article
  • February 2022

Nature Astronomy

... 32 Overall, MTB have been discovered across at least 17 bacterial phyla (Figure 1), highlighting their remarkable phylogenetic diversity. Recently, several standalone tools, such as FeGenie 33 and MagCluster, 34 have been developed to efficiently explore MGCs from large-scale (meta) genomic datasets, further facilitating the discovery of new MTB species. ...

MagCluster: a Tool for Identification, Annotation, and Visualization of Magnetosome Gene Clusters

Microbiology Resource Announcements

... TEM observation showed that LHC-1 cells (~5.0 μm in length and ~1 μm in diameter) produce a few hundred bullet-shaped magnetic crystals that are organized into two to four bundles of chains (Fig. 2b), which are morphologically similar to previously identified Nitrospirota MTB strains such as 'Candidatus Magnetobacterium cryptolimnobacter' (XYR) [58] (5-7 μm in length and 1-2 μm in diameter), 'Ca. Magnetobacterium casensis' (Mcas) [22] (6-8 μm in length and 1-3 μm in diameter), and 'Ca. ...

Identification and Genomic Characterization of Two Previously Unknown Magnetotactic Nitrospirae

... [27][28][29] As knowledge of magnetosome gene clusters (MGCs) involved in magnetosome biosynthesis accumulates across different MTB strains, MGCs were used as markers to identify uncultivated MTB from genomes obtained from magnetically enriched cells or public metagenomic databases (samples without magnetic enrichment). 30,31 A key advantage of the latter method is the reduction of bias associated with isolating magnetotactic cells, such as sampling location, abundance, and swimming ability. However, it remains to be confirmed whether the identified MGC-containing genomes are from MTB that indeed produce magnetosomes. ...

Expanding magnetic organelle biogenesis in the domain Bacteria

... To obtain sufficient DNA for metagenomic sequencing, whole-genome amplification was carried out using the multiple displacement amplification technique with the Genomiphi V2 DNA Amplification Kit (GE Healthcare, United States). This approach has been widely used previously in various works (Kolinko et al., 2015;Monteil et al., 2019;Zhang et al., 2020b). The amplified DNA was purified by sodium acetate precipitation. ...

Two Metagenome-Assembled Genome Sequences of Magnetotactic Bacteria in the Order Magnetococcales

Microbiology Resource Announcements

... TEM images of our magnetic extracts from WL-A showcase high morphological disparity of biogenic magnetite; several of these morphologies are similar to known taxa (Pósfai et al., 2013). Magnetofossils similar to magnetosomal magnetite produced by bacteria in the Proteobacteria, Nitrospirae, and candidate division OP3 phyla (potentially also from the Omnitrophica, Latescibacteria, and Planctomycetes phyla) suggest that microaerobic conditions were present for the duration of the CIE at the WL-A locality (Lefèvre, Viloria, et al., 2012;Lin, Zhang, et al., 2020;Mann, Frankel, & Blakemore, 1984;Pósfai et al., 2013). ...

Expanding magnetic organelle biogenesis in the domain Bacteria
  • Citing Preprint
  • April 2020

... Magnetosome protein phylogeny largely mirrors that of organisms at or above the class or phylum level, which suggests that vertical inheritance followed by multiple independent MGC losses mainly drove bacterial evolution of magnetotaxis at higher taxonomic levels 23,25,31 . Subsequent evolutionary trajectories of magnetotaxis at lower taxonomic ranks appear to be much more complicated and multiple evolutionary processes including horizontal gene transfers, gene duplications and/or gene losses may have been involved [93][94][95] . Metagenomic sequences with similarity to known magnetosome genes have been found in the microbiomes of some animals and even humans, which might suggest that MTB sensed by their hosts may produce symbiotic magnetoreception in these organisms [96][97][98] . ...

Magnetosome Gene Duplication as an Important Driver in the Evolution of Magnetotaxis in the Alphaproteobacteria

... The sediments with MTB cocci were collected in 2007 and stored in a glass aquarium. These magnetotactic cocci belong to the class Etaproteobacteria (Lin et al., 2018). The local geomagnetic parameters in Rio de Janeiro are: horizontal component = 0.18 Oe, vertical compo-nent = -0.15 ...

Genomic expansion of magnetotactic bacteria reveals an early common origin of magnetotaxis with lineage-specific evolution

The ISME Journal