October 2023
70 Reads
Science China Earth Sciences
Searching for life is one of the most important targets of Mars exploration missions. It has been considered that the Martian subsurface, away from the extreme surface environment, is a potentially habitable region for microbial growth. However, the distribution pattern of potential microbial habitats in the Martian subsurface has yet to be evaluated. Here, we investigate the subsurface habitats to depths of 20–60 cm from various landscapes, including slopes, gullies, channels, playas, and alluvial fans across the Mars-analog Qaidam Basin, NW China. We characterize subsurface niches by measuring microbial biomass and radiocarbon ages, and correlate them with soil properties including depth, moisture content, total organic carbon content, electric conductivity, pH, evaporite and clay mineral contents. We find more habitable niches for microbial colonization at depths of 5–25 cm as compared with the surface and deep subsurface across the hyperarid Qaidam Basin. Maximum biomass and biotic activity could be correlated with physical stability, limited radiation, and short-term moderate water availability in the shallow subsurface in hyperarid deserts. The findings of this study provide new perspectives on subsurface microbial habitats in Mars-analog hyperarid deserts and ongoing biosignature detection on Mars.