Wenjian Liu’s research while affiliated with Harbin Institute of Technology and other places

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Publications (18)

Research on dynamic simulation method of leakage prediction for hydraulic system
  • Article

February 2014


18 Reads


2 Citations

ARCHIVE Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 1989-1996 (vols 203-210)

Xin Li



Wenjian Liu


Zhe Li

The dynamic simulation method of leakage prediction for hydraulic system is presented in this paper. A model is built for the method to analyze its composition and functions of the modules in it. Considering that there is friction between the seal and the rod, thermo-mechanical coupled method is applied to get the pressure distribution in the contacting region. The influence of the seal wear on the leakage is also included. A remeshing strategy based on the finite element technique is employed to simulate wear process. In order to find the inflection points precisely, a correction method based on hydrodynamic theory is used. Finally, the realization of the dynamic simulation method for the leakage prediction is given. To validate the simulation method, the simulation results are compared with the test results. The two results are in good agreement. The simulation method presented in this paper will be a reliable and time-saving one to predict the leakage for the hydraulic system.

A practical method for measuring product maintainability in a virtual environment

February 2011


25 Reads


17 Citations

Assembly Automation

Purpose As an important product characteristic, maintainability is recognized as a highly significant factor in the economic success of engineering systems and products. Based on virtual reality technology, this paper aims to create an intuitive, immersive and interactive environment for product maintenance. In order to analyze and evaluate the product maintainability in a virtual maintenance environment, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is used. At the early design stage, maintainability influencing factors are analyzed and the whole maintainability evaluation of the product is given by using fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method in virtual maintenance environment. Design/methodology/approach The paper provides a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method for product maintainability evaluation in virtual environment. Findings Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is used to evaluate product maintainability in virtual environment, and the application of virtual maintainability system is expanded. Originality/value According to maintainability requirement, the maintainability index set is built in this paper, and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is used to evaluate product maintainability in virtual maintenance environment at stage of early design.

A Study on Performance of O-Shaped Seal Ring in LWD Device Using Finite Element Analysis

January 2011


24 Reads


1 Citation

The severe operating conditions required Logging While Drilling (LWD) devices to withstand the high temperatures and pressures. And the seal capability is one of the most important factors to determine the performance and reliability of LWD device directly. O-shaped seal ring is generally used for mechanical sealing in most LWD devices. To precisely predict the behavior of O-shaped seal ring, in this paper, a Finite Element Analysis (FEA) method is proposed to expose the stress and strain of O-shaped seal ring worked under rigorous conditions. An analysis model, which considers all parts are non-rigid components, is established and the contact balance equation is presented. By using ANSYS, the stress distribution and the deformation of O-shaped seal ring is analyzed and a test case is given.

Research on ontology-based integration of product knowledge for collaborative manufacturing

August 2010


33 Reads


38 Citations

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology

One of the most important research subjects germane to knowledge management in collaborative manufacturing is the integration of heterogeneous product knowledge distributed among different collaborative enterprises. To deal with the problem of optimization of knowledge integration in collaborative manufacturing, an ontology-based framework of knowledge integration is presented to transform the problem of knowledge integration into a problem of ontology integration. First of all, a collaborative business process for collaborative enterprises is described, and then an ontology-based framework of knowledge integration is established. Under the condition of analyzing the structure of knowledge ontology, an ontology schema of knowledge concept is discussed. Aiming at the ontology schema, a method of ontology integration based on ontology similarity is improved. The method is composed of ontology mapping and ontology merging, which is based on calculated result of ontology similarity between local ontology and global ontology. Finally, the implementation of the framework of knowledge integration is described, and the application results meet the requirement of the knowledge integration to ensure that validity of the ontology integration method was proved. KeywordsCollaborative manufacturing-Knowledge integration-Ontology-Ontology integration-Similarity matching

A desktop virtual reality-based interactive modular fixture configuration design system

May 2010


99 Reads


62 Citations

Computer-Aided Design

Modular fixture configuration design is a complicated task requiring strong professional background and practical experience. However, automated or semi-automated computer aided modular fixture systems based on CAD packages still are not well accepted by the manufacturing industry due to the lack of intuitive interaction and immediate feedback compared with traditional models such as paper and physical models. In this paper, a novel Virtual Reality-based system for interactive modular fixture configuration design is presented. We use a multi-view based modular fixture assembly model to assist information representation and management. In addition, the suggested strategy is compatible with the principles of virtual environment and it is easy to reutilize the element model. Based on geometric constraints, we propose a precise 3D manipulation approach to improve intuitive interaction and accurate 3D positioning of fixture components in virtual space. Thus, the modular fixture configuration design task can precisely be performed in virtual space.

A Petri Net Based Interactive Manager Model for Virtual Maintenance Environment Application

January 2010


15 Reads

Interaction is one of the most important characteristic of VR system. In this paper, a kind of Hierarchical Timed Color Petri Net (HTCPN) is defined and an Interactive Manager Model (IMM) of Virtual Maintenance Environment (VME) is established based on HTCPN. With the inputs including operation data from dataglove, collision information between objects and recognized assembly relationship, the IMM output concrete operation event to realize the interactive actions in VME such as navigation, dragging, assembling and disassembling. The practice test illustrate that IMM satisfied the requirements of VME such as real-time and incurrent, as well as realized the treatment of numerous discrete events and the capture of operation intend during virtual maintenance operation.

Research on Integration of Ontology-Based Product Knowledge: Framework, Schema and Algorithm

September 2009


12 Reads


3 Citations

To deal with the problem that consistency in semantic representation of exchanged product knowledge in collaborative manufacturing, an ontology-based framework of knowledge integration and sharing was presented, and in the meantime an integration algorithm based on ontology mapping and merging was designed under this framework. First of all, a collaborative operation model for enterprise collaboration was discussed, and then an ontology-based framework of knowledge integration and sharing was established. Under the condition of analyzing the structure of product knowledge ontology, an ontology logic schema of knowledge concept was designed. Aiming at the ontology logic schema, an ontology integration algorithm of product knowledge was also improved. The algorithm is composed of ontology mapping and merging. Finally, the proposed ontology integration algorithm has been verified to be effective through the comparing experiment.

A Trust Evaluation Algorithm for Secure Information Sharing in Collaborative Environment

December 2008


12 Reads


4 Citations

To ensure full information transparency and appropriate resource sharing in project-oriented collaborative manufacturing environment, a trust evaluation algorithm was presented in this study. The trust evaluation algorithm is applied in a hybrid access control model, which combines the project-based access control model with the role-based one. The model limits operations of a role in a concrete project to guarantee the confidentiality and the integrality of the collaborative environment. The trust evaluation algorithm was introduced for the resource access of across administration domains in collaborative environment, in order to judge, by the confidence value, whether to the dynamic authorization to users or not. Finally, the architecture was discussed and the simulation experiment to the algorithm was carried on. The result of the simulation experiment matches with the requirements of the application so that the validity of the algorithm was proved.

Development of Knowledge-based System for Adaptive Scheduling Using Unified Modeling Language

July 2007


16 Reads


3 Citations

It is one of the most important issues that constructing better knowledge-based system (KBS) to fulfill an efficient adaptive scheduling to complex manufacturing system. A method for developing and documenting the KBS for adaptive scheduling, using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is presented. It employed UML to describe the system analysis, system design and system implementation of KBS, so various views were built up to explore the static structure and dynamic behavior of KBS. It also utilized the Object Constraint Language (OCL) to illustrate exactly constraints of the class. This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS are improved. Finally a case is given to validate the feasibility and reliability of the proposed approach.

Using UML to develop knowledge-based system for adaptive scheduling

January 2007


23 Reads


1 Citation

It is one of the most important issues that constructing better Knowledge-Based System (KBS) to fulfill an efficient adaptive scheduling to complex manufacturing system. A method for developing and documenting the KBS for adaptive scheduling, using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is presented . It employed UML to describe the system analysis, system design and system implementation of KBS, so various views were built up to explore the static structure and dynamic behavior of KBS. This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS are improved. Finally a case is given to validate the feasibility and reliability of the proposed approach.

Citations (8)

... Tran et al. proposed a method to implement ontology in KBE application development which is for 3D geometry generation, to gain the freedom to incorporate development tools regardless of discipline or platform [14]. Liu et al. presented an ontology-based framework to deal with the consistency in semantic representation of exchanged product knowledge in collaborative manufacturing [15]. Sanya et al. constructed the ontology model of their KBE system in the aerospace industry, which strengthens the knowledge reuse and eliminates platform-specific approaches to developing similar KBE systems [16]. ...


Extending design automation by integrating external services for product design
Research on Integration of Ontology-Based Product Knowledge: Framework, Schema and Algorithm
  • Citing Article
  • September 2009

... In the context of solving various types of shop scheduling problems, Inductive learning [10][11][12], artificial neural-networks [13], case-based reasoning [14], support vector machines [15], reinforcement learning [16], fuzzy logic [17], evolutionary learning, genetic programming [18], analytical network processes [19] and artificial immune networks [20,21] ,are among the major learning based approaches with a large number of their variants that have been employed by researchers. Table 1 lists a few of the selected works that employed learning in scheduling. ...

A Hybrid Backpropagation Network-based Scheduling Knowledge Acquisition Algorithm
  • Citing Article
  • November 2006

... An extension point is a report in an area within the use case in which action sequences can be imported from other use cases. Each extension point has a unique name in the use case and an area description in the use case behaviour [1,4,5,6,8,9,11,13]. ...

Using UML to develop knowledge-based system for adaptive scheduling
  • Citing Article
  • January 2007

... Explicit knowledge, instead, refers to a set of information that can be articulated, codified and stored in certain media. To make knowledge usable, a data framework for knowledge collection is needed to deposit knowledge and then make it accessible to everyone involved within an enterprise [28][29][30][31][32]. Toward this aim, Streppel [33] developed a framework for cost estimation and cost control where the product is divided into different levels: the assembly, component and feature levels. ...

Research on ontology-based integration of product knowledge for collaborative manufacturing
  • Citing Article
  • August 2010

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology

... Kakish et al. [54] proposed a knowledge-based universal modular jigs and fixtures design system (UMJFS). Peng [55] developed a VRbased modular fixture design system in which the user is allowed to manipulate the virtual models in a virtual environment for the fixture design and assembly. Rajan et al. [56] presented a Virtual Reality (VR)-based motion tracking system to evaluate product assembly sequence and jig design. ...

A Novel Modular Fixture Design and Assembly System Based on VR
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • October 2006

... In Wang's approach, the clamping and locating domain was discretized into a mesh of finite clamping or locating elements, and each element was assumed to be a potential fixture position. Peng et al. [28,29] developed a virtual reality-based integrated system. Combining RBR and CBR, the machining fixture layout was determined in the virtual reality system. ...

A desktop virtual reality-based interactive modular fixture configuration design system
  • Citing Article
  • May 2010

Computer-Aided Design