Wen-Yang Chang’s research while affiliated with RiboBio Co. Ltd. and other places

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Publications (26)

Comparative Analysis of Point Cloud Similarity Based on 3D Surface Reconstruction Using Mechanical Depth Sensor
  • Article

June 2024


3 Reads

Sensors and Materials

Wen-Yang Chang


Li-Wei Chen




Michael Leandro Hartono

Fig. 1: The number of unique acoustic units (initial/final) vs. accumulative utterances numbers.
VoiceBank-2023: A Multi-Speaker Mandarin Speech Corpus for Constructing Personalized TTS Systems for the Speech Impaired
  • Preprint
  • File available

August 2023


106 Reads

Services of personalized TTS systems for the Mandarin-speaking speech impaired are rarely mentioned. Taiwan started the VoiceBanking project in 2020, aiming to build a complete set of services to deliver personalized Mandarin TTS systems to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients. This paper reports the corpus design, corpus recording, data purging and correction for the corpus, and evaluations of the developed personalized TTS systems, for the VoiceBanking project. The developed corpus is named after the VoiceBank-2023 speech corpus because of its release year. The corpus contains 29.78 hours of utterances with prompts of short paragraphs and common phrases spoken by 111 native Mandarin speakers. The corpus is labeled with information about gender, degree of speech impairment, types of users, transcription, SNRs, and speaking rates. The VoiceBank-2023 is available by request for non-commercial use and welcomes all parties to join the VoiceBanking project to improve the services for the speech impaired.


Tool life prediction via SMB-enabled monitor based on BPNN coupling algorithms for sustainable manufacturing

July 2023


8 Reads


3 Citations

Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design Analysis and Manufacturing

The predictive methods of tool wear are usually based on different algorithm predictors, different source data, and different sensing devices for remaining useful life (RUL). In general, it has challenges to model and ensure all of the cutting conditions that are suitable in the actual cutting process for sustainable manufacturing. In order to overcome the doing large amount of experimental data and predict different tool RULs, this study combines the analytical force modeling, the back-propagation neural network (BPNN) machine learning, and the current sensor which all are integrated in smart machine box (SMB) to realize the practical RUL prediction for on-line and real-time applications. The analytical model of the cutting force coefficients of shear and ploughing was established from average cutting forces, it could reduce the experimental number and predict the different cutting conditions. In general, the loading current of the cutting tool from a spindle motor is relatively easier acquired than the resultant forces. Thus, the loading currents of the spindle are used to train and predict the cutting forces using the BPNN model during intelligent manufacturing. The SMB architecture mainly performed the autonomous actions based on the edge layer, the fog layer, and the cloud layer via the TCP/IP, the MQTT protocol, and the unified communication library. Results showed that a predictive error for the ends of the tool life is about 3–10% that are based on the calculating of the cumulative current ratio.

Dynamic Workpiece Modeling with Robotic Pick-Place Based on Stereo Vision Scanning Using Fast Point-Feature Histogram Algorithm

December 2021


131 Reads


2 Citations

Applied Sciences

In the era of rapid development in industry, an automatic production line is the fundamental and crucial mission for robotic pick-place. However, most production works for picking and placing workpieces are still manual operations in the stamping industry. Therefore, an intelligent system that is fully automatic with robotic pick-place instead of human labor needs to be developed. This study proposes a dynamic workpiece modeling integrated with a robotic arm based on two stereo vision scans using the fast point-feature histogram algorithm for the stamping industry. The point cloud models of workpieces are acquired by leveraging two depth cameras, type Azure Kinect Microsoft, after stereo calibration. The 6D poses of workpieces, including three translations and three rotations, can be estimated by applying algorithms for point cloud processing. After modeling the workpiece, a conveyor controlled by a microcontroller will deliver the dynamic workpiece to the robot. In order to accomplish this dynamic task, a formula related to the velocity of the conveyor and the moving speed of the robot is implemented. The average error of 6D pose information between our system and the practical measurement is lower than 7%. The performance of the proposed method and algorithm has been appraised on real experiments of a specified stamping workpiece.

Experimental setup of robot with eye in hand and air vacuum nozzle
Experimental setup of robot with eye in hand and air vacuum nozzle
Experimental results
Each puzzle piece information after recognizing based on KAZE features
Solving Jigsaw Puzzle using KAZE Algorithm Based on Robot-Vision integrated system

November 2020


107 Reads

Nowadays, with the rapid development of Industry 4.0, the demand for robot applications is increasing day by day in both human life and industrial aspects. The reason for this need is that using robots will free up human labor and dramatically increase productivity. Additionally, image processing is likewise a trend that is very engrossed in the world. Robots that are integrated with vision will be an intelligent system that can replace a lot of manual steps in industrial plants as well as a great support for people's life. One of the most important jobs of robots is that automatically assembling many pieces into one complete detail based on a reference model. Therefore, the decision to tackle the jigsaw puzzle assembly problem was made, since this task is a strenuous task for both machine vision and robotic assembly. A method and conducted experiments to solve the jigsaw puzzle are briefly presented in this extended abstract by applying the object detection and hand-eye calibration into the robot-vision integrated system. Our experimental devices include a robot model HIWIN RT605-GB, an industrial camera model Smartek GC1621C, an air vacuum nozzle acting as the end-effector, and a 35-pieces jigsaw puzzle. We leverage the Emgu3.4.3 and Visual Studio 2019 for comparative algorithms implementation.

Citations (16)

... Mathematics 2024, 12, 2404 2 of 22 feature learning prowess of machine learning models, a multitude of researchers have deployed algorithms like the BP neural network, support vector machine, and random forest for tool RUL prediction [8][9][10]. While these methods have demonstrated effectiveness, they frequently fail to adequately capture the temporal dependencies critical in extensive and complex industrial datasets. ...


A Method for Predicting Tool Remaining Useful Life: Utilizing BiLSTM Optimized by an Enhanced NGO Algorithm
Tool life prediction via SMB-enabled monitor based on BPNN coupling algorithms for sustainable manufacturing
  • Citing Article
  • July 2023

Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design Analysis and Manufacturing

... We concatenate these 10 vectors vertically to constituting the matrix presented as PFH p in 10 , ϕ i,10 , θ i,10 ] ∈ R 10×3 . Next, we refer to the Fast PFH (FPFH) [36] descriptor to improve computational efficiency, as follows: ...

Dynamic Workpiece Modeling with Robotic Pick-Place Based on Stereo Vision Scanning Using Fast Point-Feature Histogram Algorithm

Applied Sciences

... An IoT platform for intelligent chatter suppression was conducted by Chang et. al. [34]. The system could collect the cutting data, analyze the vibration, and upload it to the cloud for remote monitoring with reference to the stability lobe diagram. ...

Real-time Chatter Suppression and On-line IoT Cloud Platform for Intelligent Manufacturing
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • July 2019

... AI applications in machining, according to the published literature so far, are mostly focused on using a single evaluation criterion, such as surface roughness [5][6][7] or tool wear [8][9][10], for process assessment and optimisation. This is even though machining is a very complex operation covering several processes defined by the interaction between machine tool, environment, and workpiece. ...

Investigated iterative convergences of neural network for prediction turning tool wear

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology

... This stage required a training process based on the created dataset of the start, target, and obstacle shapes and their morphologies. In the Sensors 2022, 22, 1697 3 of 17 next step, the Q-learning algorithm is used to determine the optimal actions in a gridded 3D workspace so that a robot arm could begin traveling from the start cell to the target cell without collision with an obstacle. In a Q-learning algorithm, states are represented by cells in a 3D workspace, and forward, backward, right, left, down, and up are defined as actions of the robot arms. ...

Automatic Path Planning of Robot for Intelligent Manufacturing Based on Network Remoted Controlling and Simulation
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • July 2019

... Table 6 provides a breakdown of the main monitoring objects and the proportion of related research literature in the past 5 years, along with the types of signals collected during online monitoring. [330][331][332][333][334][335] Flutter and processing deformation monitoring -Acoustic emission -Cutting force -Spindle current, acoustic emission -Vibration displacement -Vibration acceleration [336][337][338][339][340][341][342] Surface integrity monitoring -Cutting force [343][344] Roughness monitoring -Acoustic emission -Cutting force [345][346][347][348][349] From Table 6, it is evident that the cutting force signal is the primary signal used for monitoring the machining status. Researchers widely agree that cutting force is highly effective in assessing the condition of tool and workpiece during the machining process. ...

Chatter Analysis and Stability Prediction of Milling Tool Based on Zero-Order and Envelope Methods for Real-Time Monitoring and Compensation
  • Citing Article
  • February 2019

International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing

... In the early days of machining, contact-based solutions were the only available methods and those are still a popular choice, even in combination with modern production technologies like additive manufacturing [6]. Non-contact methods based on vision systems [7] or 3D measurements [2,13,16] are popular because of their versatility, speed and high accuracy. ...

3D Scanning System of Structured Light for Aiding Workpiece Position of CNC Machine Tool
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • November 2018

... In order to reduce inventory pressure, companies need to accurately predict the volume of orders from customers, so that the company's own competitiveness and profits are better than other competitors. How to establish a production predicting mechanism to become a useful competitive among companies [1][2][3]. ...

Intelligent Prediction Platform of Lathe Machine Based on Back Propagation Neural Network
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • November 2018

... During the next phase, we should update the networks regularly. For each time step, if the time step is in the update period, we sample a random minibatch V without replacement from the replay buffer D. In the successive policy decision process, in order to solve the correlation problem between Algorithm 1: Proposed situation-aware autonomous nonlinear drone mobility control algorithm 1 Initialize the critic and actor networks of the drone agent with weights θ Q and θ µ 2 Initialize the target networks as: θQ ← θ Q , θμ ← θ µ 3 for episode = 1, E do 4 Phase 1. Initialize the replay buffer D 5 for mini batch = 1 to c do 6 Randomly generate ϕ states x ∈ X 7 Observe surrounding obstacles through Raycast and store to the states x to aware situation 8 Get corresponding a set of actions u = µ(x|θμ) ∈ U for each x 9 Input the state-action pairs to predefined drone environments and get a set of reward r for each pair, and observe the next set of states x ∈ X 10 end 11 Store the transition pairs ξ = (x, u, r, x ) as a minibatch, which composes D. 12 end 13 Phase 2. Update neural networks periodically 14 for time step = 1, T do 15 If time step is update period, do followings: 16 Sample a random minibatch V without replacement from D 17 Set y i = r i + γQ(x i , µ(x i |θμ)|θQ) 18 Update the θ Q by applying stochastic gradient descent to the loss function of critic network, which can be obtained as ...

Real-Time Collision Avoidance for Five-Axis CNC Machine Tool Based on Cyber-Physical System
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • November 2018

... The wear types of the turning tool mostly include the flank (edge) wear, crater (face) wear, and nose wear that depended on cutting conditions and the properties of workpiece and tool materials [30][31][32][33][34][35]. In this study, the turning tool life is estimated using flank wear that is characterized by wear height of wear band, as shown in Fig. 2a. ...

Physical Characteristics of NixZr100–x Alloys Based on Stretching and Heating Processes Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation
  • Citing Article
  • November 2017

Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces