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Publications (4)

Implementation and Its Effect of Project Based Learning (PjBL) Model on Increasing Learning Output in Philology Course
  • Article

October 2023


7 Reads


1 Citation

Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal

Warni Warni


This study aims to investigate the effect of implementing the Project Based Learning (PjBL) model on improving learning outputs in the Philology course. The research method used is a pseudo-experiment with a pre-test post-test control group design. The research subjects consisted of two groups of students, namely the experimental group that applied the Project Based Learning Model and the control group that used conventional learning methods. Data were collected through pre-test and post-test instruments, observations, and questionnaires. The results showed that the application of the Project Based Learning Model significantly improved student learning outputs in the Philology course. There is an increase in concept understanding, text analysis skills, and critical thinking skills of students who take part in learning with the PjBL approach. In addition, students' positive response to this learning model is also evident from the questionnaire results. This finding implies that the Project Based Learning Model can be used as an effective alternative in improving the quality of learning in Philology courses

Figure 1. Research Step
The Stages and Development of First Language Acquisition on Children 1,6 Years Old
  • Article
  • Full-text available

April 2023


1,117 Reads


3 Citations

Jurnal Obsesi Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini

This study describes the stages and development of children's first language using Indonesian. The object of this research is 2 children aged 1.6 years. The purpose of this study was to describe the stages and development of the first language in children. The method used is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach and the techniques used are observation and interviews. The data collected is documentation presented in tabular form. Data analysis using transcription, identification, and classification methods. The finding of this study is that CS is faster in language acquisition development at the phonological, morphological, and syntactic levels compared to MF. This is influenced by several factors such as gender, social, parenting, and environment.



January 2022


379 Reads


2 Citations

Reswara Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Aksara Arab Melayu merupakan salah satu aksara yang keberadaannya digunakan sebagai media komunikasi tulisan di Provinsi Jambi, namun kenyataannya sudah mulai tergerus. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada mahasiswa untuk dapat mengidentifikasi, menulis, membaca, dan menganalisis teks beraksara Arab Melayu. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode langsung. Hasil pengabdian disimpulkan bahwa sebahagian besar mahasiswa Sastra Indonesia telah memahami dan dapat membaca maupun menulis Aksara Arab Melayu, meningkatnya kesadaran mahasiswa akan pentingnya menjaga sistem tulis masa lampau dan mempertahankan eksistensinya hingga saat ini, Mahasiswa sastra Indonesia mempunyai pengalaman dan pengetahuan membaca, menelaah, alih aksara, dan menganalisis teks dan naskah sebagai persiapan menghadapi mata kuliah filologi.

Analisis Ungkapan Tradisional Melayu Jambi: Kajian Hermeneutik

December 2020


62 Reads


3 Citations

Sosial Budaya

AbstrakSebagai bagian dari kebudayaan, ungkapan tradisional menarik untuk dikaji. Ungkapan tradisional sebagai khazanah tak benda mengandung nilai, makna, dan seni berbahasa masyarakat melayu Jambi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginventarisasi, mendokumentasi, mendeskripsi, dan menganalisis bentuk, jenis-jenis, fungsi, dan makna Ungkapan Tradisional Melayu Jambi: Kajian Hermeneutik. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data berupa ungkapan tradisional melayu Jambi . Data penelitian ini adalah pepatah, petitih, kias, peribahasa dalam bahasa Melayu Jambi. Hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa beberapa data ungkapan tradisional melayu Jambi, baik berupa peribahasa, pepatah, maupun perumpamaan. Masyarakat Melayu Jambi pada umumnya dalam bertutur bersifat tidak terbuka, sehingga mereka menggunakan kiasan-kiasan untuk menyampaikan pesan dalam tuturan tersebut. Ungkapan tradisional Melayu Jambi mempunyai fungsi dalam kehidupan bersosial dimasyarakat. Fungsi tersebut adalah: Sebagai sarana edukasi masyarakat, Sebagai nasehat, dan Sebagai khazanah budaya tradisi lisan. Implikasi teoritis dalam penggunaan metode yang tepat dapat menghasilkan analisis data yang akurat. Secara praktis hasil kajian ini dapat diimplikasikan sebagai rujukan, dan pembanding dari penelitian-penelitian selanjutnya yang mendalami kajian hermeneutik.Kata Kunci: ungkapan, tradisional, melayu jambi, hermeneuticAbstractAs part of culture, traditional expressions are interesting to study. Traditional expression as a treasure not object contains the value, meaning, and language arts Jambi Malay community. This research aims to inventory, document, describe, and analyze the shape, type, function and meaning of expressions Traditional Malay Jambi: Study hermeneutic. The method used is a qualitative descriptive method. Data source Jambi Malay traditional form of expression. This research data is the maxim, proverb, analogy, saying in Malay Jambi. The results conclude that the number of traditional Malay Jambi expression data, in the form of proverbs, sayings, or parables. Jambi Malay community in general in the converse is not open, so they use metaphors to convey the message in speeches. Jambi Malay traditional expression has a function in the life of the community socialization. These functions are: As a means of public education, As advice, and As a cultural treasure of oral tradition. Theoretical implications in the use of appropriate methods can result in accurate data analysis. In practice, the results of this study can be implied as a reference, and a comparison of further studies that delve into hermeneutic studies.Keywords: expressions, traditional, Jambi Malay, hermeneutic

Citations (3)

... PBL is designed to provide students with more active and interactive learning opportunities than traditional learning methods. In the context of geometry learning, it allows students to not only learn theories such as angle definitions, triangle properties, or perimeter formulas, but also to apply them in relevant projects (Warni & Afria, 2023).To illustrate, a project that requires students to design a miniature building using geometric concepts enables them to engage in a practical exploration of the various elements of geometry, including: ...


The Effect of Project-Based Learning Method on Understanding Geometry Concepts in Secondary School Students
Implementation and Its Effect of Project Based Learning (PjBL) Model on Increasing Learning Output in Philology Course
  • Citing Article
  • October 2023

Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal

... This enduring puzzle has spurred scholars to undertake comprehensive inquiries, endeavouring to uncover the intricate mechanisms underpinning this remarkable cognitive achievement. Additionally, the absence of formal educational tools in the acquisition of a first language, as highlighted by Warni et al. (2023), accentuates the autonomous and self-driven nature of this linguistic journey. ...

The Stages and Development of First Language Acquisition on Children 1,6 Years Old

Jurnal Obsesi Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini

... Banyak usaha yang dapat dilakukan untuk melestarikan dan mengembangkan sastra lisan daerah atau lebih dapat berupa transliterasi dari bahasa daerah ke bahasa latin, diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia [5], [6]. Kemudian dengan telaah sastra lisan yaitu mengumpulkan (inventarisasi) serta melakukan pengkajian terhadap unsur-unsur yang terkait dalam bentuk sastra lisan tersebut [7]. ...

Analisis Ungkapan Tradisional Melayu Jambi: Kajian Hermeneutik

Sosial Budaya