Walere Muhindo Sahani’s research while affiliated with Université Catholique de Bukavu and other places

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Publications (12)

Figure 3. Projection of species and use categories in the plane formed by A) axes 1 and 2 and B) axes 1 and 3 of the principal component analysis on the basis of the preference scores of species by use category. Note: E1 = Vachellia xanthophloea (Benth.) Banfi & Galasso, E2 = Albizia gummifera (JF Gmel.) CA Sm., E3 = Alnus acuminata Kunth, E4 = Alstonia boonei De Wild. , E5 = Amphimas pterocarpoides Harms, E6 = Angylocalyx pynaertii De Wild., E7 = Aningeria adolfi-friedericii (Engl.) Robyns & GCC Gilbert, E8 = Anonidium mannii (Oliv.) Engl. & Diels, E9= Anthocleista vogelii Board., E10 = Aphanocalyx cynometroides Oliv., E11 = Beilschmiedia louisii Robyns & R. wilczek, E12 = Bersama mildbraedii Gürke, E13 = Bridelia ferruginea Benth, E14 = Buchnerodendron speciosum Gürke, E15 = Canarium schweinfurthii Engl., E16 = Celtis mildbraedii Engl. , E17 = Cleistopholis glauca Pierre ex Engl. & Diels, E18 = Coccineorchis bracteosa (Ames & C.Schweinf.) Garay, E19 = Cola nitida (Vent.) Schott & Endl. , E20 = Cordia africana Lam., E21 = Cynometra alexandri CH Wright, E22 = Dombeya rotundifolia (Hochst.) Planch., E23 = Dracaena arborea K.Koch, E24 = Englerina woodfordioides (Schweinfurth) Balle ex MGGilbert, E25 = Entandrophragma cylindricum Sprague , E26 = Entandrophragma utile (Dawe & Sprague) Sprague, E27 = Erythrina abyssinica Lam., E28 = Fagara macrophylla Engl., E29 = Ficalhoa laurifolia Hiern, E30 = Ficus mucuso Welw. ex Ficalho, E31 = Ficus vallis-choudae Delile, E32 = Galiniera coffeoides Delile, E33 = Garcinia epunctata Stapf, E34 = Garcinia punctata Oliv., E35 = Gilbertiodendron dewevrei (De Wild.) J.Léonard, E36 = Grewia louisii R. Wilczek , E37 = Guarea thompsonii Sprague & Hutch., E38 = Harungana madagascariensis Lam. ex Poir., E39 = Ilex mitis (L.) Radlk., E40
Figure 4. Average number of species cited with standard deviations: A) by age class, B) by sex and C) by level of formal education; number of use categories cited: D) by age class, E) by sex and F) by level of formal education.
Forest patches, survey villages and sample size of respondents by sex, age class and level of formal education.
Informant Consensus Factor (ICF) by use category.
Effect of age, gender and formal education on endogenous knowledge of woody plants in communities bordering forest patches of the Lubero Mountain Massif (DR Congo)
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2024


124 Reads


3 Citations

Ethnobotany Research and Applications






Background: In rural human societies, people's knowledge of plants can vary according to some factors, including socio-demographic characteristics. This study was carried out among local communities living near forest patches of the Lubero Mountain Massif in north-eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo). Its aim was to assess the effect of age, gender and formal education on the level of endogenous knowledge of woody plants of the forest patches. Methods: Ethnobotanical surveys were carried out among 449 people in 13 villages bordering forest patches in the study area, using semi-structured individual interviews and focus groups. The different categories of use of woody plants were identified. The effect of age, gender and formal education on the level of local knowledge of woody plants was investigated using negative binomial regression. Results: A total of 80 woody species belonging to 77 genera and 43 families were mentioned by the respondents, who used them in five main categories: energy, handicrafts, medicine, construction and food. Age and gender had a significant effect on the number of woody species identified (P<0.05). Old people (age ≥ 60 years) knew on average twice as many woody species as adults (30 < age < 60) and young people (age ≤ 30 years), while men knew significantly more species than women. Conclusions: These findings confirm the unequal distribution of endogenous knowledge based on socio-demographic factors and suggests that males and older people with more knowledge of woody species should be considered as key players in the conservation of woody plant resources in the study area. Keywords: Ethnobotanical hypothesis, Endogenous knowledge, Socio-demographic characteristics, Woody plants, Conservation, Mountain forests, Lubero, DR Congo.


Figure 5. Deforestation in the Vingyo forest patche in the Lubero mountain massif. Photo by Ndavaro (2023)
Diversité et état de conservation de la flore ligneuse des îlots forestiers du massif montagneux de Lubero (R.D. Congo)

January 2024


72 Reads


Connaître les mesures classiques de la diversité floristique est crucial pour étayer les stratégies de conservation des ressources végétales des forêts dégradées. La présente étude vise premièrement à apprécier les paramètres de diversité spécifique et structurale de la flore ligneuse des îlots forestiers du massif montagneux de Lubero et deuxièmement, à déterminer son état de conservation afin de proposer des mesures appropriées pour sa gestion durable. Un échantillonnage stratifié par grappe a été effectué pour les inventaires forestiers. À cet effet, 297 placeaux de 50 m2 chacun ont été matérialisés dans dix îlots forestiers. Les indices de diversité spécifique ont été calculés et les paramètres dendrométriques ont été déterminés. L’entropie de Renyi a été calculée pour comparer la diversité alpha des espèces ligneuses entre les îlots forestiers. Le test rang de Kruskal-Wallis et l’analyse de variance ont permis de comparer les paramètres de diversité structurale entre les peuplements ligneux. Au total, 104 espèces ligneuses (86 genres et 45 familles) ont été recensées. La richesse spécifique des îlots forestiers varie entre 11 et 78. L’indice de diversité de Shannon-Wiener est très variable (1,98 à 4,03 bits) et l’équitabilité de Pielou est assez élevée (0,83 à 0,94). Des différences hautement significatives de densité (degré de liberté ddl=9, chi-square = 93.1316, P<0,0001), de diamètre moyen (ddl=9, statistique F =23.163, P<0,0001), de surface terrière (ddl=9, statistique F =53.568, P<0,0001) et de hauteur de Lorey moyenne (ddl=9, statistique F =208.454 ; P<0,0001) des espèces ligneuses ont été notées entre les îlots forestiers. Du point de vue de la conservation, 87 espèces ligneuses sont rapportées sur la liste rouge de l’Union internationale pour la conservation de la nature (UICN). Les espèces ligneuses déclarées « Vulnérables », « Quasi menacées » et « En danger » méritent une attention particulière des décideurs politiques et des gestionnaires forestiers.

Figure 2. Diagrammes à bâtons montrant : A) le pourcentage de citation des catégories d'usage et B) le score médian de préférence des espèces par catégorie d'usage Effet de la disponibilité géographique et écologique sur la valeur d'usage ethnobotanique L'ensemble des informations fournies par les répondants montrent que des 60 espèces ligneuses utilisées par les populations locales, Albizia gummifera (J.F. Gmel.) a la plus forte valeur d'usage (UV=1,20) tandis que Dombeya rotundifolia (Hochst.) a enregistré la plus faible valeur d'usage (UV=0,0006). La moitié des espèces a eu une valeur d'usage inférieure 0,061 (Tableau A2 en Annexe 2). Par ailleurs, parmi les 80 espèces ligneuses inventoriées dans les îlots forestiers et qui ont été reconnues par les personnes interviewées, Monodora myristica (Gaertn.) Dunal avait enregistré le plus faible indice de valeur d'importance (IVI=0,04) alors que Maesa lanceolata Forssk. a enregistré le plus fort indice de valeur d'importance (IVI=11,26) (Tableau A2 en Annexe 2). Le modèle labélisé « lm.fit4 » a obtenu la plus faible valeur d'AIC ; ce qui indiquait qu'il s'agissait du modèle minimum adéquat pour expliquer la relation entre la valeur d'usage des espèces ligneuses et leur disponibilité (Tableau 3). Cette régression linéaire sans ordonnée à l'origine a révélé que la distance physique (km) parcourue pour se rendre au lieu de collecte des espèces ligneuses et l'indice de valeur d'importance ont influencé chacun positivement la valeur d'usage des espèces ligneuses et expliquaient ensemble 32 % de la variation de celle-ci (Figure 3A et 3B). En effet, quand la distance physique au lieu de collecte augmentait d'un kilomètre, la valeur d'usage des espèces ligneuses augmentait de 0,03 unité. De même, quand l'indice de valeur d'importance des espèces ligneuses augmentait d'une unité, la valeur d'usage des espèces ligneuses augmentait de 0,05 unité.
Réexamen de l’hypothèse de disponibilité des plantes : une analyse ethnobotanique sur les ressources ligneuses des îlots forestiers du massif montagneux de Lubero (Rift Albertin Congolais)

December 2023


97 Reads

La disponibilité géographique et écologique des ressources végétales est un facteur susceptible de déterminer leur prélèvement par les populations humaines pour divers usages. L’étude, réalisée dans le massif montagneux de Lubero au Nord du Rift Albertin Congolais, a examiné l’hypothèse ethnobotanique de disponibilité des plantes en évaluant l’effet de la distance physique au lieu de collecte et de la valeur d’importance écologique sur la valeur d’usage ethnobotanique des espèces ligneuses des îlots forestiers. Des inventaires forestiers ont été réalisés par la méthode d’échantillonnage stratifié par quadrat dans 255 placeaux (50 m x 50 m chacun), matérialisés dans 10 îlots forestiers de la zone d’étude. Des enquêtes ethnobotaniques par des entretiens semi-structurés et des focus groups ont été menées auprès de 449 personnes dans 13 villages riverains des îlots forestiers. L’indice de la valeur d’importance écologique et l’indice de la valeur d’usage ethnobotanique des espèces ligneuses ont été calculés. L’effet de la distance physique au lieu de collecte et de la valeur d’importance écologique sur la valeur d’usage ethnobotanique des espèces ligneuses a été testé à l’aide d’une régression linéaire multiple, au seuil de significativité de 5 %. Au total, 105 espèces ligneuses (86 genres et 46 familles) ont été inventoriées dans les îlots forestiers. Parmi ces espèces inventoriées, 80 ont été mentionnées par les enquêtés dont 60 d’entre elles ont été utilisées dans le bois-énergie (25,75 %), dans l’artisanat (23,13 %), à des fins médico-magiques (22,01 %), comme des matériaux de construction des maisons (19,78 %) et comme aliment (9,33 %), cinq principales catégories d’usage. La valeur d’usage ethnobotanique des espèces ligneuses a augmenté à mesure que les lieux de collecte étaient éloignés des domiciles et que leur disponibilité dans ces lieux s’élevait (p < 0,05). Ainsi, l’hypothèse ethnobotanique examinée ici est vérifiée avec la variable relative à l’abondance écologique des espèces ligneuses et non pas avec celle concernant la distance physique au lieu de collecte de ces phytoressources. Dans une perspective de durabilité, il urge de mener des actions de reboisement afin d’améliorer l’état de conservation des espèces ligneuses utiles et à usages multiples que regorgent les îlots forestiers du massif montagneux de Lubero au Nord du Rift Albertin Congolais.

Evolution of Gully erosion and susceptibility factors in the urban watershed of the Kimemi (Butembo/DR Congo)

July 2023


299 Reads


6 Citations

Geography and Sustainability

Distribution of observed rainfall by month
Precipitation trend parameters (Sen's method) between 1974 and 2019
Results of the Mann-Kendall, Pettitt, and Buishand tests
The significance level of Scheffé's test: 1% (Hubert's segmentation)
Drought from the 1970s to the 1990s and its Influence in the Tropical City of Beni, Eastern DR Congo

April 2023


94 Reads


3 Citations

Indonesian Journal of Social and Environmental Issues (IJSEI)

Regional and local climate variability has serious consequences on water resources, ecosystems and socio-economic activities. With the inexistence of rainfall stations, it is important to reconstruct the past climate with existing data and to explore new possibilities for monitoring future climate evolution in the tropical city of Beni. The objective of this paper is to date the 1970-1990 drought and determine the rainfall trend in tropical city of Beni. To this purpose, a 45-year rainfall time series (period 1974-2019) was analyzed using the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI). The results of the paper indicate that the average annual rainfall ranges from 693 to 3080 mm with an average of 1827 ± 480.65 mm. The Hubert segmentation procedure applied to the rainfall series reveals three breaks (sub-periods): 1974-1979 (mean 1205.7 mm), 1980-2007 (mean 1736.68 mm) and 2008-2019 (mean 2348.01 mm). After the 2000s, the analysis shows an increasing trend in rainfall. A rainfall deficit of 35.20% is recorded during the period 1974-1979 compared to the period 1980-2007 and 22.61% for the period 1980-2007 compared to the period 2008-2019. These results of this study demonstrate that the city of Beni would have suffered from the drought of the years 1970-1990. Future research should focus on the future evolution of rainfall. However, understanding this future evolution requires long-term data, which is not the case for the tropical city of Beni. Therefore, there is a need for policy makers in collaboration with scientific actors to install meteorological stations to collect climate data.

Uses of Oldeania alpina (K. Schum.) Stapleton (Poaceae) and local perceptions of its spatio-temporal dynamics in Lubero cool highlands region (DR Congo)

January 2023


140 Reads


6 Citations

Ethnobotany Research and Applications

Abstract Background: In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo), Oldeania alpina (K. Schum.) Stapleton provides multiple goods and services to rural populations and is the keystone species of mountain forest ecosystems, most of which are in a very advanced state of degradation. The present study was carried out in Lubero cool highlands region, in the North-East of the DR Congo. It aims to highlight the knowledge of local populations on the uses of O. alpina as well as their perceptions of the spatio-temporal dynamics of this high-altitude bamboo species. Methods: Ethnobotanical surveys were conducted in five villages of the study area through semi-structured individual interviews and focus groups with 245 people. The different forms of use of O. alpina organs and the local perceptions of its spatio-temporal dynamics were the key axes of the surveys. The software R version 4.1.5 was used to calculate the ethnobotanical indices and to carry out static analyses of the data. Results: The results showed that O. alpina is well known by the populations of the study area and is solicited in seven main categories of use, namely: fuelwood (22.5 %), construction (22 %), handicrafts (17 %), agriculture (14.5 %), pharmacopoeia (14 %), worship (8 %) and food (2 %). For these uses, the populations solicit the following organs: culms (59.2 %), blades (12.24 %), shoots (10.54 %), rhizomes (6.78 %), sheaths (6.56 %) and straw (4.68 %). Also, for the populations of the study area, the bamboo groves of O. alpina are in a regressive spatio-temporal dynamics. Conclusion: In Lubero cool highlands region, O. alpina is in constant degradation due to uncontrolled human exploitation. The results of this study provide reliable technical bases for developing conservation strategies for O. alpina in the study area.

Fig. 1. Elements of the morphological structure of the bamboo plant: a) Main parts of the bamboo plant; b) Bamboo flowers; c) Bamboo fruits/grains (adapted from Chaiyalad et al., 2013).
Bamboos (Bambusiadeae): plant resources with ecological, socio-economic and cultural virtues: A review

November 2022


377 Reads


3 Citations

Bamboos (Bambusiadeae) are plant resources with several virtues and uses. However, the fragmentary, partial and dispersed aspect of the information relating to the benefits of bamboo does not make it possible to easily understand the potential of the latter, in order to promote their sustainability. This article reviews knowledge on the ecological, socioeconomic and cultural importance of bamboos throughout the world in the light of the various studies that have been carried out on these subjects. Literature data show that bamboos play an invaluable role in environmental protection. They sequester large quantities of atmospheric carbon dioxide, stabilize slopes against edaphic erosion and intervene in ecological sanitation. A privileged habitat for several animal and plant species, bamboos play a major ecological role in the conservation of biodiversity. In addition, bamboos represent an important source of income for many households. There are, in fact, several products made from bamboo, from textiles to paper and cooking. Bamboos are also used in housing construction, handicrafts and traditional medicine. Finally, in some societies, bamboos are among the plants that have become true cultural markers or emblems of human history. Considering the ecosystem goods and services of bamboos, it is necessary to promote their conservation on the basis of conclusive technical data. Thus, future studies should be conducted to identify current threats to bamboo worldwide.

Citations (8)

... Education levels showed that even more educated individuals (59% with middle schooling) were interested in ethnobotanical knowledge, challenging the notion that only the less educated retain traditional knowledge (Gaoue et al. 2017). Earlier studies from Mexico and Congo were unable to associate the education level with traditional knowledge (Beltran-Rodriguez et al. 2014, Ndavaro et al. 2024. Floristic Analysis A total of 199 medicinal plants from 170 genera and 67 families were recorded in this study. ...


Ethnobotanical study of the medicinal plants used by rural communities in the foothill villages of the Alagar Hills region, Eastern Ghats, Tamil Nadu, India
Effect of age, gender and formal education on endogenous knowledge of woody plants in communities bordering forest patches of the Lubero Mountain Massif (DR Congo)

Ethnobotany Research and Applications

... Soil erosion in drylands under climate change is one of human society's most important challenges due to its negative effects on environmental quality and food security (Sui et al., 2022;Turner et al., 2022). Unfortunately, this situation is prevalent in most African countries, which have limited adaptive capacity to the effects of climate change (Mahamba et al., 2023;Welborn, 2018). Moreover, by 2050, Africa is projected to be the most vulnerable region to the impacts of climate change and variability (Hoch et al., 2021). ...

Evolution of Gully erosion and susceptibility factors in the urban watershed of the Kimemi (Butembo/DR Congo)

Geography and Sustainability

... This knowledge gap is especially conspicuous in the Beni-Irumu region, which features diverse topographic aspects. Despite existing studies examining rainfall trends in Beni city, one of the region's cities [7,8], significant constraints persist. These constraints primarily stem from a reliance on limited rainfall station data, which often results in overlooked, finer-scale variations. ...

Drought from the 1970s to the 1990s and its Influence in the Tropical City of Beni, Eastern DR Congo

Indonesian Journal of Social and Environmental Issues (IJSEI)

... The data were interpreted using appropriate software. The maximum likelihood method is used by several authors (Kapiri et al., 2023;Joshua et al., 2023;Sanou et al., 2022). Similarly, Idrisi's Markov algorithm is used by several authors for its prediction performance (Djaouga et al., 2022;Maestripieri & Paegelow, 2013). ...

Assessment of Land Use and Land Cover Changes (LULC) in the North Talihya River Watershed (Lubero Territory, Eastern DR Congo)

Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection

... Indeed, for centuries, humans have maintained existential relationships with forest plants, which provide them with enormous ecosystem goods and services, most of which contribute to the satisfaction of the most fundamental human needs (Gouwakinnou et al. 2019;Soe & Yeo-Chang 2019;Kaltenborn et al. 2020). In Sub-Saharan Africa, rural human societies are most closely linked to forest plant resources for their subsistence, due to the lower living standard of their populations (Kathambi et al. 2020;Ndavaro et al. 2023). Members of rural communities are endowed with endogenous knowledge and practices that are incorporated into their habits and passed down from generation to generation as a result of their overdependence on forest plant resources (McMillen 2012;Parrotta et al. 2016;Badjaré et al. 2018;Cissé et al. 2018;Ndavaro et al. 2023). ...

Uses of Oldeania alpina (K. Schum.) Stapleton (Poaceae) and local perceptions of its spatio-temporal dynamics in Lubero cool highlands region (DR Congo)

Ethnobotany Research and Applications

... Indeed, forests provide several resources for food, feed, traditional medicine and many other socio-economic and cultural services (Loubelo 2012, Sonwa et al. 2012, Hessavi et al. 2019, Traoré et al. 2021, Kambale Ndavaro et al. 2022a). African societies are the most closely linked to these resources in the world due to the standard of living of the populations, especially in rural areas (Kambale et al. 2016, Masinda et al. 2017). ...

Ecologie et ethnobotanique de la flore forestière du système montagneux du Rift Albertin congolais (Synthèse bibliographique)

... Bamboos are widely used in construction, furniture, and ecological restoration (Ndavaro et al., 2022). However, bamboo culm Relative expression levels of Nsxyn1 (A) and Nsxyn2 (B) at different infection times of Neostagonosporella sichuanensis. ...

Bamboos (Bambusiadeae): plant resources with ecological, socio-economic and cultural virtues: A review

... LULC changes are the main drivers of environmental changes, therefore, studying its dynamics is increasingly essential for land management [12]. In recent decades, there has been a sharp increase in LULC change in Africa, mainly due to rapid population growth and the associated overexploitation of natural resources [13]. ...

Land Use and Land Cover Dynamics in the Urban Watershed of Kimemi River (Butembo/D.R.C)

Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection