October 1996
3 Reads
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology
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October 1996
3 Reads
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology
October 1996
3 Reads
1 Citation
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology
September 1996
3 Reads
6 Citations
Klinische Pädiatrie
One of the prerequisites for normal language development is a highly sensitive auditory perception. An auditory perception deficit is therefore likely to affect the normal course of language acquisition. To test this hypothesis, we studied the BAEPs in 25 preschool boys with an expressive developmental language disorder and 12 boys with a history of stuttering. These children had no hearing disorders. Comparisons with the control group (49 neurologically healthy male subjects with normal hearing) revealed a statistically significant delay of waves III, IV and V in the language impaired subjects, whereas no significant differences were detected in the group of stutterers. Our findings suggest that a delayed or altered conduction of acoustic stimuli is important to the pathogenesis of developmental language disorders.
April 1996
51 Reads
3 Citations
Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie
Diagnosis of developmental speech and language disorders in accordance with the ICD-10 is to be based on the psychometric assessment of speech and language performance. In the present study the clinical validity of the Heidelberger Sprachentwicklungstest (HSET) for diagnosing expressive language disorders was assessed by comparing HSET subtest results for 92 children aged 4 to 10 years who had various speech and language disorders with the children's scores on another language test, a cognitive test and clinical findings. The HSET scores differed considerably from the clinical ratings of the severity of the language disturbance. The correlations between the HSET scores and the score on the other language test was also low. Although the correlations of the HSET scores with the performance IQ was low, the correlations with the verbal IQ were high. The implications of these findings for the use of the HSET in diagnosing children with language impairments are discussed.
January 1996
14 Reads
5 Citations
One of the prerequisites for normal language development is a highly sensitive auditory perception. An auditory perception deficit is therefore likely to affect the normal course of language acquisition. To test this hypothesis, we studied the BAEPs in 25 preschool boys with an expressive developmental language disorder and 12 boys with a history of stuttering. These children had no hearing disorders. Comparisons with the control group (49 neurologically healthy male subjects with normal hearing) revealed a statistically significant delay of waves III, IV and V in the language impaired subjects, whereas no significant differences were detected in the group of stutterers. Our findings suggest that a delayed or altered conduction of acoustic stimuli is important to the pathogenesis of developmental language disorders.
Berlin, Humboldt-U., Bereich Med., Diss. v. 20. Febr. 1970 (Nicht f. d. Aust.).
388 Reads
4 Citations
Klinische Pädiatrie
Early identification of developmental language disorders is a precondition for early intervention and therefore of high clinical relevance. The ELFRA-1 was constructed to identify children at risk for language disorders in the context of the routine examination of children at the age of 12 months. The aim of the study was to determine the predictive validity of this screening tool. 121 parents completed the questionnaire for their 12 months old children. One year later the language development was assessed by means of the ELFRA-2, the German version of the CDI for two year old children. 63% of the children were correctly classified. The sensitivity amounted to 52% and the specificity to 65%. The RATZ-index (relative improvement of the hit rate in comparison to the random hit rate) was 23%, which has to be considered as unsatisfying. Improvement of language abilities were less likely in boys compared to girls and in cases of low educational background of the mother. The prognostic validity of the ELFRA-1 is insufficient and too low to identify children at risk for later language impairment. The screening overlooked too many late talkers and classified too many normally developed children as language impaired. The ELFRA-1 can not be recommended as a useful method for the early identification of language impaired children at the age of 12 months.
12 Reads
1 Citation
... In der Münchner Längsschnittstudie wurde die SE einer sorgfältig ausgewählten Stichprobe von LT mit isoliert expressiven bzw. rezeptiv-expressiven Defiziten im Vergleich zu einer Stichprobe von NLT zu mehreren Messzeitpunkten bis ins Schulalter untersucht (Grossheinrich et al., 2019;Kühn et al., 2016). Während die LT mit zwei Jahren deutlich schwächere sprachproduktive und in geringerem Ausmaß auch sprachrezeptive Fähigkeiten aufwiesen, näherten sie sich bis zum Einschulungsalter kontinuierlich an das Niveau der NLT an. ...
March 2019
Developmental Science
... Ab dem Alter von 18 bis 24 Monaten können sprachliche Verzögerungen über den Einsatz von Elternfragebogen erfasst werden. Mit diesen gelingt eine zuverlässige Erfassung des aktiven Wortschatzes vonKindern [11,24]. Eine Übersichtüber entsprechende Verfahren findet sich in . ...
January 2014
Kinder- und Jugendmedizin
... In contrast to the results found by Escera and Grau (1996), in our data the replicability of the N1 amplitudes was also much higher in the deviant responses than the individual stability of the MMN tudes. Source analyses of the ERPs of this study (Albrecht et al., 1998) showed very stable results for the N1 as well and a low stability for the MMN sources. The somewhat lower reliability of the deviant responses as compared to the standards is probably due to the fact that for these waveforms a lower number of sweeps were averaged resulting in a lower SNR. ...
January 1998
Journal of Psychophysiology
... During the last decade, research on developmental dyslexia has accumulated, and yet the theories about mechanisms underlying this deficit are still controversial (Ramus et al., 2003;Witruk, Friederici, & Lachmann, 2002;Habib, 2000;von Suchodoletz, 1999). We will start by briefly reviewing two of the most prominent theories in current research on developmental dyslexia, the phonological deficit hypothesis and the auditory deficit hypothesis. ...
August 1999
Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie
... Sprachtherapie Die Sprachtherapie richtet sich an Kinder mit primärer oder sekundärer Sprachentwicklungsstörung und hat die Verbesserung der Sprechfreude sowie Wiederherstellung oder Kompensation eingeschränkter kommunikativen Fähigkeiten zum Ziel [2,12,17,53]. Sowohl die Arbeit mit dem Kind als auch die Anleitung der Eltern ist von zentraler Bedeutung [17,50,55,56]. In der Therapie soll das Kind den Bezug zwischen sprachlichen Äußerungen und deren Bedeutung erkennen und lernen, dass Gesprochenes einen Sinn beinhaltet [50,56]. ...
January 2009
Kindheit und Entwicklung
... They felt that other adults or some members of their family made disparaging remarks or restricted contact with them. In an earlier study we found that mothers of children with speech-language impairment often feel depressed (33%), disappointed (25%) or aggressive (14%) as a consequence of their child's developmental disability [39] . However, it is not clear whether the negative emotional reactions of the mothers stem from stigmatization or are in fact not causally related to the pejorative labeling by the environment. ...
October 1998
Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie
... des SETK-2 vor. Es wurden außerdem der FRAKIS-K (Szagun, Schramm, & Stumper, 2009) und der SBE-2-KT (Suchodoletz & Sachse, 2008) zur Validierung hinzugezogen. Auch hier finden sich hohe Zusammenhänge zwischen dem ELAN-R Gesamtwert und dem FRAKIS-K (r = .79; ...
January 2008
... The finding of the present study also foregrounds the provision of opportunities for children to improve their motor proficiency, especially when it is observed that these opportunities are not granted to all individuals despite their fundamental roles. For instance, children with developmental speech and language disorders rarely participate in play and sports activities due to their failure in establishing relationships with others (Camarata & Conture, 2003;Gertner, Rice, & Hadley, 1994). This matter, as shown by Visscher et al. (2010), leads to lower motor proficiency of children with developmental speech and language disorders compared with their typically developing peers (see also , Visscher, Houwen, Scherder, Moolenaar, & Hartman, 2007). ...
October 2003
MMW Fortschritte der Medizin
... Desta forma, a revisão evidenciou a importância de monitorar o desenvolvimento do vocabulário, inclusive pela importante relação para o desenvolvimento de habilidades posteriores, como a decodificação e compreensão leitora (19,25) , bem como as formas de uso dos instrumentos para elaboração desta triagem em questão. Com isso, as habilidades de vocabulário receptivo e expressivo foram escolhidas para compor o instrumento, pois a produção de poucas palavras pode ser um dos principais indicadores de atrasos no desenvolvimento da linguagem (19) , característica que pode ser observada em diagnósticos, como no transtorno do desenvolvimento da linguagem (TDL) (26) , transtorno do espectro do autismo (27) e atraso de linguagem (28) . ...
June 2015
Klinische Pädiatrie
... The instrument was developed for the assessment of early language skills in German (Grimm & Doil, 2006) with substantial and significant correlations to direct measures of children's language competence via language tests (correlations between 0.45 and 0.85 e.g., with the SETK-2 or RDLS-III; see Sachse et al., 2007a). Furthermore, the ELFRA-2 shows good prognostic validity for later language skills/language disorders (between 59% and 64% using the RATZ-Index; Sachse et al., 2007b). ...
February 2007
Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde