April 2013
160 Reads
8 Citations
Klinische Pädiatrie
At the beginning the course of language acquisition has a high degree of variability and it is unclear so far, at what age language delay is of clinical relevance. The present study addresses the question whether language skills at the age of 2 years allow prognostic statements and whether children with language delay at this age, are to be considered as children of risk.Starting from birth announcements children of average (n=42), borderline (n=28) and below-average stage of language development (n=50) were recruited. The language skills were assessed at the age of 2 (25+0.6 months) and 3 years (37+0.6 months) using standardized language tests.The correlation between the global stage of language development at the age of 2 and 3 years was strong (rsp=0.78, p<0.001). At 3 years of age one third of the former late talkers reached language abilities within the normal range (late bloomers), one third showed language difficulties and the last third met the criteria of specific language impairment. The risk for language difficulties was increased in these children to the 13-fold. Even the late bloomers scored significantly lower in the language test compared to the control children.From the third year of live language development is relatively stable, and language skills at the age of 2 allow a prediction of the stage of language development one year later. Late talkers are at high risk for persistent language difficulties. A general language screening at the age of 2 years would enable an early identification of children at risk and an early parent-based intervention. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.