Waldemar von Suchodoletz’s research while affiliated with Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich and other places

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Publications (88)

Figure 1 of 1
[Language Development Between the German Preventive Paediatric Examinations at the Age of 2 and 3 in Children with and without Language Delay.]
  • Article
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April 2013


160 Reads


8 Citations

Klinische Pädiatrie


W von Suchodoletz

At the beginning the course of language acquisition has a high degree of variability and it is unclear so far, at what age language delay is of clinical relevance. The present study addresses the question whether language skills at the age of 2 years allow prognostic statements and whether children with language delay at this age, are to be considered as children of risk.Starting from birth announcements children of average (n=42), borderline (n=28) and below-average stage of language development (n=50) were recruited. The language skills were assessed at the age of 2 (25+0.6 months) and 3 years (37+0.6 months) using standardized language tests.The correlation between the global stage of language development at the age of 2 and 3 years was strong (rsp=0.78, p<0.001). At 3 years of age one third of the former late talkers reached language abilities within the normal range (late bloomers), one third showed language difficulties and the last third met the criteria of specific language impairment. The risk for language difficulties was increased in these children to the 13-fold. Even the late bloomers scored significantly lower in the language test compared to the control children.From the third year of live language development is relatively stable, and language skills at the age of 2 allow a prediction of the stage of language development one year later. Late talkers are at high risk for persistent language difficulties. A general language screening at the age of 2 years would enable an early identification of children at risk and an early parent-based intervention. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.


Early identification of children with developmental language disorders - When and how?

November 2011


60 Reads


19 Citations

Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie

Children with developmental language disorders have a high risk for their cognitive, social, and emotional development. Therefore, they should be identified and treated as early as possible. This paper reviews the possibilities and limits of methods for such early identification. Language screenings during the first 3 years of life are described and appraised with respect to their diagnostic accuracy. The overview indicates that the current stage of language development can be estimated with high reliability by means of parent questionnaires. The possibility of identifying children with developmental language disorders early on is limited. Precursors and first steps of language acquisition correlate with later language abilities, although the relationship is weak and predicting further language development in a individual child is not possible. At the end of the second year of life, however, late talkers can be identified; these children are at risk of language impairment. But not until the end of the third year can sufficient detection of language-impaired children succeed. Parent questionnaires are the most reliable screening instruments for evaluating language abilities during the first 3 years.

Language screening in infancy. Identification of developmental language disorders?

October 2011


11 Reads


1 Citation

Padiatrische Praxis

Several parent questionnaires have been published as screening tools for identifying children with developmental language disorders in very young children. The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of a parentreport checklist for children at 10 to 12 months of age. A questionnaire was sent to parents of 10-12 months old children. The items of the questionnaire were gathered from frequently used instruments for assessment of preverbal and verbal skills of very young children. One year later language abilities were reassessed by means of the parent questionnaire ELFRA-2, a German version of CDI II. Analyses are based on questionnaires of 732 children at age 10-12 months and 24 months. A weak to moderate correlation between language scores at age one and two was found (r = 0.34, p < 0.001). The accuracy of the questionnaire with respect to prediction of language delay at age two was insufficient (sensitivity 35%, specificity 86%). The predictive value of specific components of the questionnaire was not higher than that of total score. Preverbal and first verbal skills during infancy are predictors of further language acquisition. However, the relationship between early and later language skills is weak and no solid prognosis of language development is possible in an individual child. So far an identification of children at risk for later language impairment is impractical during infancy. Routine language screenings should be started not until the end of the second year of life.

Früherkennung von Sprachentwicklungsstörungen bei der U7

May 2011


684 Reads


22 Citations

Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde

Hintergrund Sprachscreenings für die U7 wurden bislang nicht auf ihre Zuverlässigkeit hinsichtlich der Früherkennung von Sprachentwicklungsstörungen untersucht. In der vorliegenden Längsschnittstudie wurden entsprechende Daten für den SBE-2-KT (Sprachbeurteilung durch Eltern, für 2 Jahre alte Kinder, Kurztest) und den ELFRA-2 (Elternfragebogen für 2-jährige Kinder: Sprache und Kommunikation – Lang- und Kurzversion) ermittelt. Methoden Bei 272 Kindern wurde der Sprachentwicklungsstand im Alter von 2 Jahren mit dem SBE-2-KT und dem ELFRA-2 und im Alter von 3 Jahren mit dem SBE-3-KT erfasst. Ergebnisse Zwischen den sprachlichen Fähigkeiten im Alter von 2 und 3 Jahren waren die Korrelationen mittelhoch. Die Sensitivität von SBE-2-KT und ELFRA-2 betrug 46%, die Spezifität 94%, der positive Vorhersagewert 59% bzw. 56% und der negative 91%. Kurz- (SBE-2-KT) und Langtest (ELFRA-2) unterschieden sich nicht in Bezug auf ihre prognostische Validität. Schlussfolgerungen Mit dem SBE-2-KT und dem ELFRA-2 können bei der U7 „late talkers“ zuverlässig erkannt werden. Über die Hälfte dieser Kinder hat eine Sprachentwicklungsstörung. Eine Frühförderung von „late talkers“ ist deshalb sinnvoll (z. B. Heidelberger Elterntraining). Da aber nicht alle sprachgestörten Kinder „late talkers“ sind, ist bei der U7a ein erneutes Sprachscreening erforderlich.

Diagnostic Accuracy of Language Tests and Parent Rating for Identifying Language Disorders

February 2011


45 Reads


10 Citations


Until now German language tests have been rarely evaluated for their diagnostic accuracy. The goal of the study was to determine whether frequently used German language instruments are valid measures for identifying developmental language disorders in 3-year-old children. The language test SETK 3-5 (including the short version SSV) and the parent questionnaire SBE-3-KT were administered to 88 children with and without language impairment. The procedure of the selection of children enabled an extrapolation to general population. A language sample rating was used as a gold standard. Depending on case definition 6-22% of children were classified as language impaired by SETK 3-5, 9% by SSV and 15% by SBE-3-KT. Sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive values of SETK 3-5 for specified cut-offs were 35-93%, 86-97% and 41-58%, respectively. The corresponding values of SSV were 49%, 96%, 56% and of SBE-3-KT 92%, 93%, 59%. 3-year-old children with developmental language disorders can been identified with sufficient accuracy by means of SETK 3-5, an individual language test, as well as by SBE-3-KT, a parent questionnaire. However, the number of false positive classifications is relatively high. The hit rate of SSV, an individual short test, was too low for clinical use.

Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Früherkennung von Sprachentwicklungsstörungen

January 2011


930 Reads


8 Citations


Hintergrund Ob durch ein generelles Sprachscreening Kinder mit Sprachentwicklungsstörungen frühzeitig erkannt werden, ist bislang nicht belegt. Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war es, die diagnostische Zuverlässigkeit des SBE-2-KT zu ermitteln. Methoden Mit dem SBE-2-KT wurden die sprachlichen Fähigkeiten von 562 zweijährigen Kindern erfasst. Ein Jahr später erfolgte eine Nacherhebung mit dem SBE-3-KT. Ergebnisse Die Sprachscores im 2. und 3. Lebensjahr korrelierten mittelhoch und hoch signifikant (rSp=0,59–0,68; p

Validity of a Parent Questionnaire for Identification of Children with Developmental Language Disorders at the Age of 3 Years (SBE-3-KT)

December 2010


27 Reads


6 Citations

Klinische Pädiatrie

Up to now, no German language test for children has been controlled for diagnostic accuracy. Therefore the application of language tests in clinical diagnostics is limited. The aim of the study was to determine the diagnostic validity of the SBE-3-KT, a parent questionnaire for identification of children with developmental language disorders at the age of 3 years. Language skills of 91 children (aged from 33 to 38 months) were assessed by clinical examination and language tests (SETK 3-5, SSV) blinded against SBE-3-KT results. To calculate validity scores SBE-3-KT results were referenced to expert rating and results on language tests. All children who were sorted in the language disorders group according to the expert rating were also classified as having language impairment on SBE-3-KT (high sensitivity) and all children with normal results on SBE-3-KT were sorted by experts in the unimpaired group (high negative predictive value). On the other hand, 8% of the unimpaired children according to experts were false positive classified by SBE-3-KT (specificity 92%, positive predictive value 50%). The correlations between subtest measures of SBE-3-KT and SETK 3-5 varied between rSp=0.42 and 0.63 (p<0.001). The parent questionnaire SBE-3-KT can be recommended for routine use in pediatric praxis. Three year old children with developmental language disorders are identified with high accuracy. In cases of subnormal results on parent report a further assessment is necessary to clarify the subtype and the etiology of the language abnormalities.

[Possibilities and limitations of the early identification of developmental language disorders].

November 2010


22 Reads


2 Citations


It is not been proven to date that children with developmental language disorders can be identified by general language screening in 2-year-old children. The goal of the present study was to determine the predictive diagnostic power of the parent questionnaire SBE-2-KT. The language abilities of 562 children were assessed using the SBE-2-KT at the age of 2 and reassessed 1 year later using the parent questionnaire SBE-3-KT. The correlation between language scores at age 2 and 3 were moderate and highly significant (rSp=0.59-0.68, p<0.001). Sensitivity, specificity, as well as positive and negative predictive values against language impairment at age 3 as a reference were 43%, 93%, 57% and 88%, respectively. The possibility to identify children with language disorders at the age of 2 is limited. Almost half of the children with delayed language development at age 2 had results on language screening within the normal range at 3 years. Furthermore, nearly every second child with subnormal language scores at age 3 is not classified as a late talker at age 2. Therefore, for early identification of language disorders a general reassessment of language skills is necessary at the age of 3.

Figure 3: Mismatch negativity (MMN) as a function of interstimulus interval (ISI). MMN in the 500-ms control (A) and 2000-ms experimental (B) ISI condition for control children (solid lines) and late bloomers (dashed lines). The gray area illustrates the interval of the mean amplitude.
Figure 4: Neuropsychological measurements and mean amplitude of mismatch negativity (MMN) of the experimental condition (interstimulus interval of 2000 ms) illustrated by two main factors of a principal component analysis.
Characteristics of Late Talkers (LTs) Divided into Late Bloomers (LBs) versus Non-LBs and Control Children at the Age of 4;7 Years
Time Window of Significant Differences between Standard and Deviant Responses in the Combined Group
Analysis of Mismatch Negativity (MMN) Mean Amplitudes for Interstimulus Interval (ISI, 500 ms, 2000 ms), Group (Late Talkers, Controls) and Language Category (Normal, Impaired), N 5 71, df 5 1
Auditory sensory memory and language abilities in former late talkers: A mismatch negativity study

September 2010


614 Reads


19 Citations



Stefanie Kademann





Waldemar Von Suchodoletz

The present study investigated whether (a) a reduced duration of auditory sensory memory is found in late talking children and (b) whether deficits of sensory memory are linked to persistent difficulties in language acquisition. Former late talkers and children without delayed language development were examined at the age of 4 years and 7 months using mismatch negativity (MMN) with interstimulus intervals (ISIs) of 500 ms and 2000 ms. Additionally, short-term memory, language skills, and nonverbal intelligence were assessed. MMN mean amplitude was reduced for the ISI of 2000 ms in former late talking children both with and without persistent language deficits. In summary, our findings suggest that late talkers are characterized by a reduced duration of auditory sensory memory. However, deficits in auditory sensory memory are not sufficient for persistent language difficulties and may be compensated for by some children.

Citations (51)

... In der Münchner Längsschnittstudie wurde die SE einer sorgfältig ausgewählten Stichprobe von LT mit isoliert expressiven bzw. rezeptiv-expressiven Defiziten im Vergleich zu einer Stichprobe von NLT zu mehreren Messzeitpunkten bis ins Schulalter untersucht (Grossheinrich et al., 2019;Kühn et al., 2016). Während die LT mit zwei Jahren deutlich schwächere sprachproduktive und in geringerem Ausmaß auch sprachrezeptive Fähigkeiten aufwiesen, näherten sie sich bis zum Einschulungsalter kontinuierlich an das Niveau der NLT an. ...


Sprachentwicklung von Late Talkers bis ins Schulalter: Langzeiteffekte einer frühen systematischen Elternanleitung Language development of late talkers up to school-age: Long-term effects of an early parent-based language intervention
School-age outcomes of late-talking toddlers: Long-term effects of an early lexical deficit

Developmental Science

... Ab dem Alter von 18 bis 24 Monaten können sprachliche Verzögerungen über den Einsatz von Elternfragebogen erfasst werden. Mit diesen gelingt eine zuverlässige Erfassung des aktiven Wortschatzes vonKindern [11,24]. Eine Übersichtüber entsprechende Verfahren findet sich in . ...

Früherfassung sprachgestörter Kinder: Wie zuverlässig sind Sprachscreenings?
  • Citing Article
  • January 2014

Kinder- und Jugendmedizin

... In contrast to the results found by Escera and Grau (1996), in our data the replicability of the N1 amplitudes was also much higher in the deviant responses than the individual stability of the MMN tudes. Source analyses of the ERPs of this study (Albrecht et al., 1998) showed very stable results for the N1 as well and a low stability for the MMN sources. The somewhat lower reliability of the deviant responses as compared to the standards is probably due to the fact that for these waveforms a lower number of sweeps were averaged resulting in a lower SNR. ...

Reliability of source analysis of potentials evoked by mismatch negativity experiments in children
  • Citing Article
  • January 1998

Journal of Psychophysiology

... During the last decade, research on developmental dyslexia has accumulated, and yet the theories about mechanisms underlying this deficit are still controversial (Ramus et al., 2003;Witruk, Friederici, & Lachmann, 2002;Habib, 2000;von Suchodoletz, 1999). We will start by briefly reviewing two of the most prominent theories in current research on developmental dyslexia, the phonological deficit hypothesis and the auditory deficit hypothesis. ...

100 years of research on specific reading and spelling disorder - what is our knowledge today?
  • Citing Article
  • August 1999

Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie

... Sprachtherapie Die Sprachtherapie richtet sich an Kinder mit primärer oder sekundärer Sprachentwicklungsstörung und hat die Verbesserung der Sprechfreude sowie Wiederherstellung oder Kompensation eingeschränkter kommunikativen Fähigkeiten zum Ziel [2,12,17,53]. Sowohl die Arbeit mit dem Kind als auch die Anleitung der Eltern ist von zentraler Bedeutung [17,50,55,56]. In der Therapie soll das Kind den Bezug zwischen sprachlichen Äußerungen und deren Bedeutung erkennen und lernen, dass Gesprochenes einen Sinn beinhaltet [50,56]. ...

How effective is speech and language therapy?
  • Citing Article
  • January 2009

Kindheit und Entwicklung

... They felt that other adults or some members of their family made disparaging remarks or restricted contact with them. In an earlier study we found that mothers of children with speech-language impairment often feel depressed (33%), disappointed (25%) or aggressive (14%) as a consequence of their child's developmental disability [39] . However, it is not clear whether the negative emotional reactions of the mothers stem from stigmatization or are in fact not causally related to the pejorative labeling by the environment. ...

Stress of mothers with language impaired children
  • Citing Article
  • October 1998

Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie

... des SETK-2 vor. Es wurden außerdem der FRAKIS-K (Szagun, Schramm, & Stumper, 2009) und der SBE-2-KT (Suchodoletz & Sachse, 2008) zur Validierung hinzugezogen. Auch hier finden sich hohe Zusammenhänge zwischen dem ELAN-R Gesamtwert und dem FRAKIS-K (r = .79; ...

SBE-2-KT. Sprachbeurteilung durch Eltern. Kurztest für die U7
  • Citing Article
  • January 2008

... The finding of the present study also foregrounds the provision of opportunities for children to improve their motor proficiency, especially when it is observed that these opportunities are not granted to all individuals despite their fundamental roles. For instance, children with developmental speech and language disorders rarely participate in play and sports activities due to their failure in establishing relationships with others (Camarata & Conture, 2003;Gertner, Rice, & Hadley, 1994). This matter, as shown by Visscher et al. (2010), leads to lower motor proficiency of children with developmental speech and language disorders compared with their typically developing peers (see also , Visscher, Houwen, Scherder, Moolenaar, & Hartman, 2007). ...

[Speech and language development disorders in children]
  • Citing Article
  • October 2003

MMW Fortschritte der Medizin

... Desta forma, a revisão evidenciou a importância de monitorar o desenvolvimento do vocabulário, inclusive pela importante relação para o desenvolvimento de habilidades posteriores, como a decodificação e compreensão leitora (19,25) , bem como as formas de uso dos instrumentos para elaboração desta triagem em questão. Com isso, as habilidades de vocabulário receptivo e expressivo foram escolhidas para compor o instrumento, pois a produção de poucas palavras pode ser um dos principais indicadores de atrasos no desenvolvimento da linguagem (19) , característica que pode ser observada em diagnósticos, como no transtorno do desenvolvimento da linguagem (TDL) (26) , transtorno do espectro do autismo (27) e atraso de linguagem (28) . ...

[Language Delay: What is the Prognosis of Late Bloomers?]

Klinische Pädiatrie

... The instrument was developed for the assessment of early language skills in German (Grimm & Doil, 2006) with substantial and significant correlations to direct measures of children's language competence via language tests (correlations between 0.45 and 0.85 e.g., with the SETK-2 or RDLS-III; see Sachse et al., 2007a). Furthermore, the ELFRA-2 shows good prognostic validity for later language skills/language disorders (between 59% and 64% using the RATZ-Index; Sachse et al., 2007b). ...

Früherkennung von Sprachentwicklungsstörungen: Ist der ELFRA-2 für einen generellen Einsatz bei der U7 zu empfehlen?

Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde