W. Hollmann’s research while affiliated with Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln and other places

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Publications (182)

The Spirografic Oxygen Deficit: Its Role in Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing
  • Article

May 2013


30 Reads


4 Citations

International Journal of Sports Medicine


T Schiffer





W Hollmann

The increase in oxygen uptake > 100 ml · min-1 during steady state exercise when elevating the inspired fractional air content (FinO2) from 0.21-1.00 defines the "spirografic oxygen deficit" (SOD). The purpose of this study was 2-fold: 1) determine the SOD at different exercise intensities in healthy participants and 2) investigate if a correlation exists among key variables of cardiopulmonary exercise testing. 12 men (24±2 yrs; 183±4 cm; 83.5±5.3 kg) performed cycle tests to determine maximal power output (Pmax), the power output at the first (PVT1) and the second ventilatory threshold (PVT2), at 4 mmol · l-1 blood lactate (P4) and lactate threshold (PLT). When cycling at 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80% Pmax, the FinO2 was increased from 0.21-1.00 after 5 min to assess the power output at the SOD and at which blood lactate increased > 1 mmol∙L-1 (PLLAC). The SOD occurred at 70% Pmax accompanied by increased blood lactate concentration (p<0.01). The PSOD correlated with PLACC (p=0.05; r=0.61), but not with PVT1, PVT2, P4, or PLT (best p=0.29; highest r=0.39). In conclusion, the SOD may represent a non-invasive tool for evaluating submaximal endurance performance, especially when evaluating the peripheral contribution to performance.

Gehirn, Psyche und körperliche Aktivität

April 2012


235 Reads


13 Citations

Die Orthopädie

Die heutigen bildgebenden und biochemischen Möglichkeiten erlauben Einblicke in hämodynamische und metabolische Reaktionen des menschlichen Gehirns bei dosierter körperlicher Arbeit. Nach einer allgemeinen Einführung zur Thematik werden ausgewählte Untersuchungsbefunde über endogene opioide Peptide, Schmerzempfindlichkeit und Psyche, regionale Gehirndurchblutung und Gehirnglukosestoffwechsel, Aminosäurentransport an der Blut-Hirn-Schranke, Einfluss von körperlicher Aktivität auf das serotonerge System, Einfluss des Sauerstoffpartialdruckes in der Inspirationsluft auf Neurotransmitter und Hormone bei körperlicher Arbeit, die Rolle des Gehirns als leistungsbegrenzender Faktor sowie durch das Altern bedingte Veränderungen der Gehirndurchblutung und der hypothalamisch-hypophysär-adrenalen/-gonadalen Achsenfunktion dargestellt. Modern technical and biochemical methods allow investigation of hemodynamic and metabolic responses of the human brain during muscular work. Following a general introduction to the topic results from selected studies on endogenous opioid peptides, pain sensitivity and psyche, regional cerebral blood flow and cerebral glucose metabolism, amino acid transport across the blood-brain barrier, impact of physical work on the serotonergic system, influence of oxygen partial pressure on neurotransmitters and hormones during exercise, role of the brain as performance limiting factor as well as age-related changes in cerebral blood flow and hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal/-gonadal axis function will be presented.

Physical activity and brain adaptation

January 2012


27 Reads


1 Citation

Die Medizinische Welt

Physical activity has positive influence on health and performance of the human brain. Structual and functional adaptations such as promotion of neurogenesis, angiogenesis, formation of new synapses, increase in number of spines and psychic well-being have been shown. Synaptic plasticity, the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), endogenous opionergic peptides and neurotransmitters during physical exercise are discussed. Required quality, quantity and intensity of physical demands have not yet been sufficiently determined. However, the influences of aerobic dynamic endurance as well as coordination seem to be proven.

Influences of Exercise and Training on the Circulating Concentration of Prolactin in Humans

December 2011


2,957 Reads


51 Citations

Journal of Neuroendocrinology

Physical activity has an impact on several endocrine functions. During exercise, certain endocrine adjustments are required to maintain the homeostasis. It is well known that, depending on the intensity and duration, exercise stimulates the release of the hormone prolactin (PRL). After the cessation of acute exercise, this effect persist and continues during the recovery period. Chronic exercise can affect the PRL basal concentration and/or the PRL response to acute exercise. The main functions of PRL are associated with the maintenance of homeostasis and processes of reproduction. A role for PRL also has been recognised as an important regulator of cellular proliferation. The present review examines the exercise-induced acute or adaptive responses of PRL secretion. It is also hypothesised that increased concentrations of PRL during exercise could play an important role for neuroplasticity as a result of involvement of the hormone in the neurogenesis in subventricular zone of the adult brain.

pH Buffering Does not Influence BDNF Responses to Exercise

November 2011


59 Reads


28 Citations

International Journal of Sports Medicine

The influence of acidosis on brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) was examined by buffering pH changes during 10 min of continuous low intensity (LIE) and following high intensity cycling exercise to exhaustion (HIE). 11 athletes participated in 2 trials separated by 1 week. Individuals received either a placebo infusion (isotonic saline) or an isotonic sodium bicarbonate infusion before and during exercise. Blood samples were drawn at rest, after LIE and after HIE, as well as 3, 6, 10 and 15 min post exercise. During placebo trial, HIE induced a profound decrease (p<0.01) of capillary blood bicarbonate concentration (HCO3-), pH, base excess (BE) and pCO2. Higher (p<0.01) HCO3-, pH and BE were found during bicarbonate infusion and post exercise in comparison to the placebo trial. Exercise induced an identical increase of blood lactate concentration in both trials. Serum BDNF concentration was increased (p<0.01) at the end of HIE and remained elevated until 3 min post exercise in both trials. The present study suggests that during HIE lactate might have an acidosis-independed impact on BDNF secretion because buffering of blood gases, that attenuate the fall of pH but not the accumulation of lactic acid, failed to alter the exercise-induced increase of BDNF.

Effect of Resistance Exercise on Serum Levels of Growth Factors in Humans

November 2010


321 Reads


128 Citations

Hormone and Metabolic Research

Studies have shown that, depending on intensity, endurance exercise increases neurotrophins and thereby induces neuroplasticity. However, data on the effect of acute resistance exercise at different intensities on neurotrophins is not yet available. Thus, we conducted 2 trials to determine the serum concentrations of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) before and after a low or high intensity resistance exercise in 11 healthy humans. Exercise load was related to 3 repetitions of maximal effort isokinetic work involving knee extension under alternating concentric and eccentric conditions for muscle work at a velocity of 60°s-1 registered during a familiarization session. The torque angle diagrams from these 3 repetitions were averaged and displayed as target curves in the test sessions, the intensity of resistance exercise was set at 40% (trial: R1) or 110% (trial: R2) of the averaged individual maximal effort curve, respectively. After resistance exercise, serum IGF-1 was increased significantly (p<0.01) by 28% in R1 and 16% in R2 compared to pre-exercise levels. Resistance exercise did not increase serum VEGF at any time point. Serum BDNF increased during exercise compared to post-exercise, but did not achieve significant difference from pre-exercise values. The present study shows that either low or high resistance exercise increases levels of IGF-1, but not of BDNF or VEGF. This finding is of importance for health promotion by means of resistance exercise because circulating serum IGF-1 has been demonstrated to mediate positive effects of exercise on brain functions.

Table 1 Anthropometic data, isometric (iso), and dynamic (dyn) strength of the knee extensor muscles before (pre) and after (post) the training intervention. 
Fig. 2 Pre – post diff erences (D) of dynamic (dyn) and isometric (iso) strength (mean ± SD) for the strength, endurance, and control group. * Signifi cant higher dyn and iso strength (p < 0.05) in the post test of the strength group.  
Fig. 3 Comparison of heart rates (mean ± SD) during the incremental test before (– –) and after (– –) the training intervention. * Signifi cant lower (p < 0.05) heart rates in the post test of the endurance group.  
Fig. 4 At the top: pre-post diff erences (D) of IGF-1 for the strength, endurance, and control group (mean ± SD). At the bottom: individual values of all subjects within their group.
Fig. 5 At the top: pre-post diff erences (D) of BDNF for the strength, endurance and control group (mean ± SD). At the bottom: individual values of all subjects within their group.
Effects of Strength and Endurance Training on Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor and Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 in Humans
  • Article
  • Full-text available

October 2008


2,827 Reads


142 Citations

Hormone and Metabolic Research

Blood neurotrophins like insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) are discussed to mediate health benefits of physical activity in humans. The aim of the study was to analyze the training effects of moderate endurance training (Em) and strength training with high loads (Sh) on blood plasma concentrations of IGF-1 and BDNF in humans. Venous blood samples were obtained from 27 healthy students, randomly assigned to an Em, Sh, and a control group, before and after a 12-week training intervention. Sh resulted in an increase in isometric (14.5%) and dynamic (8.3%) strength of the knee extensor muscles in the Sh group and Em led to a significant increase in the endurance performance in the Em group (p<0.05). IGF-1 basal plasma concentrations decreased (p<0.05) after the intervention in all groups. There were no significant changes for BDNF. Despite specific functional adaptations induced by Em and Sh there are no correspondingly different adaptations in the basal blood concentrations of the neurotrophins IGF-1 and BDNF. Additionally, exercise per se does not result in changes in basal plasma concentrations of BDNF, suggesting that the mode of the exercise programme is a decisive factor.


Impact of exercise on neuroplasticity-related proteins in spinal cord injured humans

July 2008


105 Reads


77 Citations


The present study investigated the effects of exercise on the serum concentrations of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), prolactin (PRL) and cortisol (COR) in 11 chronically spinal cord-injured athletes. In these subjects BDNF concentration at rest was sixfold higher compared with the concentrations reported earlier in able-bodied persons, while IGF-1, PRL and COR were within normal range. Ten minutes of moderate intensity handbiking (54% of the maximal heart rate) during a warm-up period (W) induced an increase (P<0.05) of BDNF of approximately 1.5-fold from basal level at rest, while a decrease to basal level was found after an immediately succeeding handbiking time trial (89% of the maximal heart rate) over the marathon distance of 42 km (M). An increase (P<0.01) of serum IGF-1 was found after W and this levels remained elevated (P<0.01) until the end of M. W had no significant effects on the serum PRL and COR, however, M induced an increase (P<0.01) of both hormones. This is the first study showing elevated BDNF concentrations at rest in spinal cord-injured athletes. Furthermore, short moderate intensity handbiking but not immediately following long lasting high intensity handbiking further increases serum BDNF concentrations. IGF-1 response to exercise differs to BDNF response as this neuroplasticity-related protein remains elevated during the long lasting physical demand with high intensity. The augmented PRL concentration suggests that a possible mechanism by which exercise promotes neuroplasticity might be the activation of neural serotonergic pathways as 5-HT is the main PRL releasing factor. Elevated COR concentrations after M are unlikely to be deleterious to neuroplasticity as COR concentrations remain within the physiological range. The present study suggests that exercise might be beneficial to enhance neuroprotection and neuroplasticity, thereby improving recovery after spinal cord injury.

Intense exercise increases adenosine concentrations in rat brain: Implications for a homeostatic sleep drive

January 2008


430 Reads


101 Citations


Intense exercise and sleep deprivation affect the amount of homeostatically regulated slow wave sleep in the subsequent sleep period. Since brain energy metabolism plays a decisive role in the regulation of behavioral states, we determined the concentrations of nucleotides and nucleosides: phosphocreatine, creatine, ATP, ADP, AMP, adenosine, and inosine after moderate and exhaustive treadmill exercise as well as 3 and 5 h of sleep deprivation and sleep in the rat brain using the freeze-clamp technique. High intensity exercise resulted in a significant increase of the sleep-promoting substance adenosine. In contrast, following sleep, inosine and adenosine levels declined considerably, with an accompanied increase of ADP after 3 h and ATP after 5 h. Following 3 h and 5 h sleep deprivation, ADP and ATP did not differ significantly, whereas inosine increased during the 3 and 5-h period. The concentrations of AMP, creatine and phosphocreatine remained unchanged between experimental conditions. The present results are in agreement with findings from other authors and suggest that depletion of cerebral energy stores and accumulation of the sleep promoting substance adenosine after high intensity exercise may play a key role in homeostatic sleep regulation, and that sleep may play an essential role in replenishment of high-energy compounds.

Neuroendocrine System and Mental Function in Sedentary and Endurance-Trained Elderly Males

August 2007


19 Reads


13 Citations

International Journal of Sports Medicine

PDF Download Buy Article Permissions and Reprints Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPAA) and -gonadal (HPGA) axis modification and cognitive impairments have been reported in elderly subjects and related to physical training status. The aim of this study was to investigate if HPAA and HPGA regulation are altered in elderly distance runners (RUNI; n = 8; age: 68.9 ± 4.2 yrs; training: 65±20km/wk over the last 20yrs; means ± SD) or are affected in elderly sedentary indiividuals (SED; n = 11; age: 69.1 ± 2.6yrs) by an aerobic training over 20 weeks (3 times/week, 30-60 min walking), respectively. The protocol included assessment of the hormone profile iin basal non-suppressed state as well as evaluation of hormonal [responses to dexamethasone (DEX, 1.5 mg) induced adrenal suppression, to post-DEX combined corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH; 0.7μg/kg) and luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH, 0.7μg/kg) stimulation and to exercise challenge (30 min cycle ergometry at 65 % V02max). Mental functions influenced by HPAA and HPGA activity were also assessed in RUN aind SED before (SED-PRE) and after (SED-POST) the training program. Basal and post-DEX plasma concentrations of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), Cortisol (CSL), luteinizing hormome (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and testosterone (T) did not differ between RUN and SED-PRE. Basal plasma free T concentration was significantly lower in RUN (RUN: 10.23 ± 2.41 pg · ml⁻¹ vs. SED-PRE: 16.6 ± 5.59 pg · ml⁻¹). During releasing hormone challenge test after DEX administration (DEX/RH), no differences. were found between RUN and SED-PRE in plasma ACTH, LH, FSH and T response. During this stimulation test, plasima CSL was significantly higher in RUN than in SED-PRE after 90min (RUN: 5.86 ± 3.65 μg · dl⁻¹ vs. SED-PRE: 2.74 ± 2.09 μg · dl⁻¹). Differences in plasma CSL concentrations between groups w/ere not induced by 30-min exercise challenge. Basal hormone profile was not altered by training in SED. During DEX/RH only plasma ACTH concentration was significantly higher in SED-POST compared to SED-PRE. Long and short-term memory function did not differ between RUN, SED-PRE and SED-POST. Our data suggest that following post-DEX CRH/LHRH challenge elderly endurance athletes reveal-in the absence of altered peak values-a pattern of prolonged secretion of glucocorticoids. However, the high interindividual variability of plasma ACTH and CSL concentrations shows that reduced corticotropic sensitivity to negative feedback is not always induced by chronic exercise stress. Lower plasma free T concentrations in RUN compared to SED are not caused by modified LH synthesis-secretion capacity. Key words Aging - dexamethasone - releasing hormones - reproductive system - training

Citations (56)

... (i) With regard to the metabolic effects of sport, increased cortical blood flow after physical activity has been shown [60]. This increase in blood flow is associated with a positive influence on the oxygen and glucose supply to the brain and stimulation of the metabolism [61]. The increased metabolism is somewhat vaguely assumed to be responsible for improved cognitive processes [62]. ...


Cognitive Enhancement through Differential Rope Skipping after Math Lesson
Körperliche Aktivität fördert Gehirngesundheit und -leistungsfähigkeit: Übersicht und eigene Befunde
  • Citing Article
  • January 2003


... Hypoestrogenism because of pubertal delay or secondary amenorrhea can lead to low bone mineral density despite adequate weight-bearing exercise. In a group of female runners, Louis et al (39) found decreases in bone mineral density in all subjects with oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea, whereas runners with regular menses had values within the normal range. A low rate of bone mineral accrual has been suggested as one factor contributing to skeletal injuries in gymnasts. ...

  • Citing Article
  • April 1992

Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine

... Simultaneously, leptin and cytokine secreted from fat tissues affect the cortisone, thyroid hormones, testosterone, and growth hormones [9,13]. Changes in the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPAA) and gonadal (HPGA) axes have been identified in changes due to training status [14]. ...

Neuroendocrine System and Mental Function in Sedentary and Endurance-Trained Elderly Males
  • Citing Article
  • August 2007

International Journal of Sports Medicine

... These fi ndings were also supported by cases from rowing and kayaking training practice. An increment duration of 8 min was preferred over 3 min in rowing, because the workload at LT4 from the 3 min incremental test was found to be too high for constant sub-maximal rowing [ 17 ] . ...

Die Beziehung zwischen Laktat, Sauerstoffaufnahme und Leistung im zweistufigen Ruderergometertest bei Ruderern unterschiedlicher Leistungsfähigkeit
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1988

... Firstly, the energy release from anaerobic alactic pathway is calculated either from the fast component of oxygen debt, 30,31,33 or from the volume of phospocreatine in a certain muscle mass, 29,32 or the oxygen deficit before the appearance of steady state of oxygen uptake. 42 Secondly, the energy release from anaerobic lactic pathway is calculated from the net production of blood lactate above the rest level during exercise. 27,29 Thirdly, the energy release from aerobic pathway is calculated from the accumulated oxygen uptake above the rest level during exercise. ...

Zur Differenz der Bestimmung der Ausdauerleistung (4 mmol/l Arbeitskapazität) bei zweistufigen und mehrstufigen Testverfahren
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1988

... Our calculation revealed a percentage of 11.5 ± 2.9% which corresponds with the data from Diry and colleagues [17]. The used method is established to determine the proportions of the energy metabolism towards exercise [33,37,[49][50][51][52][53]. However, our study showed a higher phosphagen contribution (10.9%) than the results from Diry et al. [17] (1.5%) because of the different methodological calculations of the phosphagen system. ...

Der Einfluß der Ausdauer auf die 6minütige maximale anaerobe und aerobe Arbeitskapazität eines Eliteruderers
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1988

... RSpintge Schmerz und Sport -es muB in diesem Kontext die Frage angesprochen werden, inwieweit es vertretbar ist, das physiologische Warnsignal Schmerz durch iirztliche und andere MaBnahmen auszuschalten. Korperliche Aktivitat und insbesondere sportliche Betatigung hebt per se die Schmerzschwelle signifikant [1,3]. Aus biologischer und entwicklungsgeschichtlicher Sicht ist dieser Mechanismus sinnvoll, denn er ermoglichte' eine Leistungssteigerung des menschlichen Organismus in Situationen aktiver Auseinandersetzung mit der Vmwelt, wie z. ...


Über den Einfluß der endogenen opioiden Peptide auf die Schmerzwahrnehmung während körperlicher Arbeit
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1988

... Више је него очигледно да садашњи план и програм предмета СФО није прилагођен реалним потребама студенткиња на КПА, односно полицијским службеницима женског пола (Вучковић и Допсај, 2009;Dimitrijević et al., 2014;Mitrović et al., 2016), што се касније рефлектује на њихов рад. Управо за њих, према Hollmann (1992), спорт и рекреативно физичко вежбање односно било који облик физичке активности, ван наставе, били би одлично средство за компензацију недостатка активности и кретања. Опадање физичке активности и вежбања код младих, такође негативно утиче и на развој и побољшање њихових антропометријских карактеристика и моторичких способности (Митровић, 2015). ...

Sports Medicine: Fundamental Aspects
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1992

... Die langsamzuckenden Typ-I-Fasern gewinnen ihre Energie über den aeroben Energiestoffwechsel. Sie zeichnen sich durch einen hohen Gehalt an Myoglobin und Mitochondrien aus (Raeder, Vuong & Ferrauti, 2020). Das Mitochondrienvolumen ist dabei im geschlechtsspezifischen Vergleich bei der Frau um 20 % geringer (Hollmann et al., 2002). Solche myoglobinreichen Fasern besitzen eine rote Farbgebung. ...

Die Leistungsfähigkeit der Frau: biologische und leistungsphysiologische Aspeke
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2002