W. Chan Kim’s research while affiliated with INSEAD and other places


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Publications (63)

Three avenues of innovation for new market creation and growth
  • Article

August 2023


36 Reads


3 Citations

Strategy and Leadership

W. Chan Kim


Renée Mauborgne

Purpose The process of redefining an existing industry problem, and then solving the redefined problem is the essence of the “blue ocean strategy” approach, which generates a more balanced blend of disruptive and nondisruptive growth. Design/methodology/approach The authors’ “A Growth Model of Market-Creating Innovation Strategy” presents a framework that shows three paths and how each triggers a different balance between disruptive and nondisruptive growth. Findings Between solving an existing industry problem and identifying and solving a brand-new problem or creating a brand new opportunity outside industry boundaries lies the path to ‘blue ocean strategy.’ Practical implications Leaders ideally choose a path to market creation where their current business is not disrupted by the initiative and where economic growth and social good are not trade-offs. Originality/value The article offers a unique review of the less disruptive path—blue ocean strategy—between solving an existing industry problem and identifying and solving a brand-new problem or creating a brand new opportunity outside industry boundaries


Citations (35)

... 23 Dari ketiga prioritas alternatif strategi yang telah ditetapkan, dilakukan penilaian Kondisi terkini menunjukkan kurang kuatnya desakan untuk inovasi produk secara internal, walaupun pengalaman sudah membuktikan bahwa kecepatan peluncuran produk baru yang inovatif dan sulit ditiru oleh perusahaan pesaing menjadi keunggulan penting dalam memenangkan persaingan di bisnis produk farmasi yang sudah ramai dan kurang kondusif untuk blue ocean strategy. 24 Alternatif strategi pengembangan produk dapat mempertimbangkan hasil pemetaan atau positioning divisi produk unit bisnis PT Kalbe Farma Tbk berdasarkan Matriks BCG yang ditampilkan dalam Gambar 6 berikut ini: Produk Kesehatan -Stars (Kuadran Bintang) dengan alternatif strategi yaitu integrasi ke belakang, integrasi ke depan dan integrasi horizontal. ...


Analisis Strategi Persaingan PT Kalbe Farma Tbk
Three avenues of innovation for new market creation and growth
  • Citing Article
  • August 2023

Strategy and Leadership

... So rückt etwa die Entwicklung der Blue-Ocean-Strategie die Suche danach in den Vordergrund, sich vom Wettbewerb zu distanzieren und nicht mehr nur ein "Mehr" in Form von Preisreduktionen oder Produkteigenschaften zu fokussieren, sondern gleichzeitig ein gezieltes "Weniger" an Eigenschaften, die Kunden nicht erwarten und nachfragen (zur Blue-Ocean-Strategie vgl. stellvertretend Barsch et al. 2019;Kim et al. 2018;Kim und Mauborgne 2016 Der "competence-based view" erweiterte das Bewusstsein für die Relevanz weicher Faktoren, quasi der Soft-Skills, für den Erfolg von Organisationen. Es zeigte sich darüber hinaus, dass unterschiedliche Quellen des Organisationserfolges existieren, die zusammenwirken und deren Umsetzung zusätzliche Kompetenzen erfordert. ...

Blue Ocean Shift: Jenseits des Wettbewerbs
  • Citing Book
  • January 2018

... In contrast, Asian leadership paradigms draw heavily from the region's philosophical traditions and communal values, particularly the principles of Confucianism, which stress harmony, respect for hierarchical relationships, and the collective's well-being (Kim & Mauborgne, 1993). This approach often manifests in a paternalistic leadership style, where the leader's responsibilities extend beyond mere decision-making to encompass a broader duty of care for subordinates, akin to a familial relationship, thus prioritizing group harmony over individual achievements. ...

Procedural Justice, Attitudes, and Subsidiary Top Management Compliance with Multinationals' Corporate Strategic Decisions
  • Citing Article
  • June 1993

Academy of Management Journal

... Research analyzing particular arrangements between HQs and subsidiaries has primarily been conducted at the macro level (e.g., Kostova & Zaheer, 1999;Marano & Kostova, 2016;Saka-Helmhout, Deeg, & Greenwood, 2016), thereby overlooking the micro-processes through which MNC actors develop these arrangements. The research that addresses coordination between HQ and subsidiary actors at the micro level casts a wide net of inquiry, including micro-politics, resource-dependencies, issue selling, identity construction, role-making and procedural justice (e.g., Bouquet & Birkinshaw, 2008;Clark & Geppert, 2011;Dörrenbächer & Gammelgaard, 2011;Dörrenbächer & Geppert, 2010;Ferner, Edwards, & Tempel, 2012;Kim & Mauborgne, 2005;Schmid & Daniel, 2011;Schotter & Beamish, 2011a, 2011b), but does not sufficiently take into account how the addressed actors evaluate initiatives and why they potentially make concessions to others if hierarchical power is presumed to be low. As a result, MNC scholars focus on strategies with which MNC actors seek to realize their interests rather than asking how actors manage to establish an agreement. ...

Procedural Justice Theory and the Multinational Corporation
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1993

... TRKMAN, 2014). Embora MNs sempre tenham existido, mesmo que implicitamente, o interesse em estudar o tema aumentou significativamente nos últimos anos devido ao fato de estar associado ao crescimento e manutenção da competitividade (JOHNSON; CHRISTENSEN; KAGERMANN, 2008;WIRTZ et al., 2016). Novos MNs, ou inovações em modelos de negócio (IMN), também têm sido alvo de interesse recente, pois, além de gerar disrupção e reformular indústrias completamente (JOHNSON; CHRISTENSEN; KAGERMANN, 2008), são uma nova forma, além das tradicionais inovações em produtos, serviços e processos, de as empresas se manterem competitivas (WIRTZ et al., 2016). ...

Harvard Business Review on Rebuilding Your Business Model
  • Citing Book
  • Full-text available
  • April 2012

Vijay Govindarajan



Chris Trimble




Lib Gibson

... These authors agree that alignment provides managers with the ability to implement good business strategies; to be customer driven; to make provision for staff to focus on customers; to encourage the focus on customers and to encourage continuous improvement of business processes. Khadem (2008) and Kim and Mauborgne (2009) agreed that alignment is vital for implementing an effective strategy. Based on the previous definition of alignment, it is understood that economic performance can be enriched by alignment, which is about discovering the appropriate fit between internal arrangements and external positioning (Ciborra, 1996). ...

How Strategy Shapes Structure
  • Citing Article
  • September 2009

Harvard Business Review

... Redefining organizational reality and creating a compelling strategic narrative in consultation with major stakeholder groups including customers, employees and investors is a key challenge for inclusive leadership (Groysberg and Slind, 2012). In addition, ensuring employees are fully engaged in moving your company forward requires the ability to identify and release their untapped talent (Kim and Mauborgne, 2015) through a focus on both individual and team development. ...

Red Ocean Traps
  • Citing Article
  • March 2015

Harvard Business Review

... Procedures which are fair have six characteristics in common, namely consistency in application, bias-free decisions, information accuracy, correctability, representativeness and compatibility with fundamental moral and ethical values (Hassan and Hashim, 2011;Skarlicki and Folger, 1997) Studies have confirmed the association between the perceived level of procedural fairness of a decision and the behavioural outcome (Hassan and Hashim, 2011). Procedural fairness theory has been applied to MNC management research to understand how this type of fairness influences global strategies and the parent-subsidiary relationship (Chiang and Birtch, 2010;Kim and Mauborgne, 1993). ...

Procedural Justice, Attitudes, and Subsidiary Top Management Compliance with Multinationals' Corporate Strategic Decisions
  • Citing Article
  • June 1993

Academy of Management Journal

... In leveraging this stereotype-laden label, abusers can continue their abuse with any observers writing off the victim's claims as irrational. As such, calling women emotional functions to delegitimize women's arguments, that is, making an argument seem invalid from the perspective of an outside observer (Berger et al., 1998;Zelditch, 2000). We argue that the emotional label can be used similarly even in non-violent contexts, such as workplace disagreements, to delegitimize a woman's claims about her conversation partner's actions. ...

The Psychology of Legitimacy: Emerging Perspectives on Ideology, Justice, and Intergroup Relations
  • Citing Article
  • September 2002

Administrative Science Quarterly

W. Chan Kim


Renée Mauborgne





Renee Mauborgne