Vinicius Augusto Rocha Pompermayer’s scientific contributions

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Publications (7)

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January 2025

Health and Society

João Pedro do Valle Varela


Ana Clara Berzoini Albuquerque


Fabio Sandoval Pickert




Camila Teles Rodrigues

Neuromuscular monitoring during general anaesthesia is a crucial practice for the proper management of muscle blocks, allowing the dosage of muscle relaxants to be optimized and adverse effects to be minimized. The use of neuromuscular blocking agents is common in surgery, especially to facilitate intubation and muscle relaxation. However, inappropriate or excessive use of these agents can result in post-operative complications, such as residual muscle weakness, breathing difficulties and delayed recovery. Neuromuscular monitoring has proven to be an essential tool for mitigating these risks. The aim of this study is to evaluate the benefits of neuromuscular monitoring during general anesthesia, with a focus on reducing postoperative complications such as residual muscle weakness, respiratory difficulty and prolonged recovery time. The aim is also to compare the results of patients who receive real-time monitoring with those who do not. This is a qualitative literature review whose aim is to explore the implications of neuromuscular monitoring in anesthetic practices and its effects on postoperative recovery, opioid consumption and residual neuromuscular blockade. To this end, the PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science databases will be used. The review will be refined using health descriptors such as “Neuromuscular Monitoring,” “Residual Paralysis,” “Opioid Consumption,” with a time frame from 1998 to 2020, covering both review articles and clinical studies and randomized trials. Neuromuscular monitoring has shown clear benefits in reducing residual muscle weakness and improving postoperative respiratory function. Studies indicate that patients who use real-time monitoring during general anesthesia have shorter recovery times, lower rates of respiratory complications and less need for assisted ventilation. In addition, monitoring allows for more precise dosing of muscle relaxants, avoiding overuse and the occurrence of adverse effects. When applied correctly, monitoring also contributes to reducing the duration of anesthesia and improves the patient’s post-operative experience. Neuromuscular monitoring during general anesthesia is essential for reducing postoperative complications, especially residual muscle weakness and respiratory difficulty. Its effective use contributes to a faster and safer recovery for patients, allowing healthcare professionals to adjust the dosage of muscle blockers more precisely. The widespread implementation of this practice in surgical centers is recommended to optimize anesthetic management and improve postoperative outcomes.



Health and Society

Morbid obesity is a chronic and progressive condition associated with various comorbidities, such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. In the management of this condition, clinical treatments and surgical interventions have been widely debated, with metabolic surgery standing out as an alternative for cases refractory to clinical treatment. To compare the costs and efficacy of metabolic surgery and clinical treatment in the management of morbid obesity, assessing the economic impacts and clinical outcomes in the medium and long term. This is a literature review with a qualitative approach, based on studies available in the PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science databases. Health descriptors such as “Bariatric Surgery,” “Obesity Management,” and “Type 2 Diabetes Treatment” were used, covering the period from 2015 to 2023. The selection followed specific inclusion and exclusion criteria to ensure the relevance and quality of the articles included. Studies show that metabolic surgery is more effective in sustained weight loss and in controlling metabolic comorbidities, with type 2 diabetes remission rates of over 70%. In terms of costs, although the initial investment for the surgical procedure is high, there are savings in the long term due to the reduction in expenditure on medication, hospitalizations and monitoring of complications. In contrast, clinical treatment has lower initial costs, but often requires prolonged use of medication and interventions, with lower success rates in weight maintenance and remission of comorbidities. Metabolic surgery stands out as an effective and economically viable option for morbidly obese patients, especially those with severe comorbidities. However, the choice of treatment must be individualized, taking into account the surgical risks, the ability to adhere to lifestyle changes and the resources available in the health system.


Health and Society

Deep endometriosis is a gynaecological condition characterized by the presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterus, involving organs such as the ovaries, intestines and bladder. The disease can cause chronic pain, infertility and additional complications, significantly affecting patients’ quality of life. Although clinical treatment, such as the use of hormones, is common, the surgical approach has become essential for cases of deep endometriosis, when symptoms are not effectively controlled. The aim of this study is to analyze the challenges and advances in surgical approaches to the treatment of deep endometriosis, focusing on innovative techniques, long-term efficacy and the multidisciplinary approach to managing the condition. This is a literature review with a qualitative approach, which will use the PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science databases to gather relevant articles on the surgical and psychological management of endometriosis. The search will be refined using health descriptors such as “Endometriosis Surgery,” “Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis,” “Psychological Impact,” among others, with a time frame between 2014 and 2021. The review aims to consolidate best practices and advances in the treatment of endometriosis, both in terms of surgical interventions and psychological approaches. Laparoscopic surgery has proven to be one of the main therapeutic options in the treatment of deep endometriosis, allowing precise removal of lesions with lower complication rates and faster recovery. Recent advances in robotic surgery have also contributed to greater precision and less tissue trauma. However, complete removal of lesions is not always possible, which can lead to recurrences. Treatment also requires a multidisciplinary approach, involving gynaecologists, urologists, proctologists and fertility specialists, for proper management and minimization of complications. The surgical approach to treating deep endometriosis continues to evolve, with technological innovations offering better results and recovery for patients. However, the complexity of the condition requires ongoing specialist follow-up and the combination of clinical and surgical treatments to ensure long-term efficacy and symptom reduction. Personalizing the treatment for each patient is fundamental to the successful management of the disease.


April 2024

Centro de Pesquisas Avançadas em Qualidade de Vida

A combinação de doenças cardíacas e câncer representa um desafio significativo para o manejo clínico, especialmente em cenários de emergência. Pacientes oncológicos que necessitam de cirurgia cardíaca de emergência (CE) enfrentam um risco aumentado de morbi-mortalidade, exigindo uma avaliação cuidadosa dos riscos e benefícios potenciais do procedimento.Embora a mortalidade seja elevada, a sobrevida em pacientes oncológicos submetidos à CE não é desprezível. Estudos demonstram que a taxa de sobrevida em 1 ano varia entre 20% e 50%, dependendo dos fatores de risco mencionados anteriormente.A CE em pacientes oncológicos apresenta um cenário desafiador, com alta mortalidade, mas também com a possibilidade de sobrevida para um número significativo de pacientes. A seleção criteriosa de pacientes, a comunicação interdisciplinar e o suporte paliativo são elementos essenciais para o manejo adequado dessa complexa comorbidade. Por outro lado a gente ver e perceber no ato da cirurgia o AVC (Acesso Venoso Cental) em pacientes oncológicos, no nosso artigo vamos abordar essa realidade.


January 2023


1 Read

Durante a crise global desencadeada pela pandemia de COVID-19, a comunidade científica mobilizou-se como nunca. "COVID-19 Chronicles: Pesquisas Realizadas Durante a Pandemia" é uma coletânea abrangente que reúne trabalhos científicos e revisões de literatura, oferecendo uma visão integrada das complexidades da saúde pública, epidemiologia e ciências da saúde. Este e-book é uma ferramenta indispensável para aqueles que buscam compreender os conceitos fundamentais de saúde, doença e bem-estar, tanto para seres humanos quanto para animais. Com uma abordagem interdisciplinar, cada capítulo explora a interconexão entre essas áreas e destaca a importância da colaboração e do compartilhamento de conhecimentos para promover a saúde e prevenir doenças em todas as populações. Ao longo das páginas deste livro, os leitores encontrarão uma variedade de pesquisas que abordam as tendências e perspectivas futuras em diversas áreas. Desde os avanços tecnológicos que revolucionaram a resposta à pandemia até as mudanças demográficas que moldam o panorama da saúde global, cada capítulo oferece uma visão única e perspicaz sobre os desafios emergentes enfrentados pela sociedade.

Contribuições do Projeto de extensão sobre Fortalecimento e Ampliação da Linha de Cuidado em Obesidade no Contexto da Pandemia de COVID-19

August 2022


4 Reads

Revista Guará

A obesidade é um problema de saúde pública e, com a pandemia de COVID-19, houve um aumento nos seus fatores de risco. Apesar da importância do tema, ainda há dificuldade no manejo da obesidade na atenção primária. Nesse contexto, o projeto de extensão “Fortalecimento e ampliação da linha de cuidado em obesidade na rede pública de saúde no Espírito Santo”, tem como objetivo capacitar profissionais da saúde da atenção primária, e secundária, sobre o manejo à pessoa com obesidade. MÉTODO: Realização de eventos, cursos de capacitação, ações sociais, acompanhamento de equipe multiprofissional em ambulatório, formações e divulgação de conteúdo em redes sociais. RESULTADOS: O curso ministrado teve mais de 4000 visualizações; as ações sociais tiveram grande participação da comunidade; a vivência dos estudantes nos ambulatórios contribui para a formação dos acadêmicos; as reuniões auxiliam na fundamentação teórica e o conteúdo das redes sociais favorece a educação permanente em saúde. DISCUSSÃO / CONCLUSÕES: O projeto cumpre seu objetivo extensionista ao possibilitar a troca de saberes, contribuindo com a formação continuada de profissionais de saúde, sensibilização da população, e com a formação de estudantes, ao fortalecer e ampliar a linha de cuidado em obesidade.