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Publications (1)

Keabsahan Lelang Non Eksekusi Sukarela Secara Online Tanpa Pejabat Lelang
  • Article
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February 2022


310 Reads


6 Citations


Vina Putri Salim


Bambang Sugeng Ariadi Subagyono

Auction basically adopts the characteristics of a sale and purchase agreement (1457 BW), where the elements of price and goods are important elements. The difference is that auctions require the presence of an Auction Officer, especially for execution auctions and mandatory non-execution auctions. The auction has special regulations (Lex Specialis) namely Vendu Reglement, Vendu Instructie, and PMK 213/PMK.06/2020 concerning Auction Implementation Guidelines. The implementation of online auctions is carried out through the e-Marketplace Auction Platform where the implementation is usually carried out without an auction officer, for example auctions on eBay. The purpose of this study was to determine the validity of voluntary non-execution auctions conducted online without auction officer and protection for parties who suffered losses due to default. This research is a legal research with a statute approach, conceptual approach, and case approach. The results of the research are the validity of online voluntary non-execution auctions in the absence of an auction officer is valid by adopting the characteristics of a sale and purchase agreement. And for the legal protection, parties can take legal remedies for dispute resolution by choosing a settlement either through courts, arbitration or other alternative dispute resolution (conventionally/ online) in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.Keywords: Online Auction; Default; Auction Officer.AbstrakLelang pada dasarnya mengadopsi karakteristik dari perjanjian jual beli (1457 BW), dimana unsur harga dan barang merupakan unsur penting. Perbedaannya adalah pada lelang mengharuskan kehadiran seorang Pejabat Lelang, terutama untuk lelang eksekusi dan lelang non eksekusi wajib. Lelang memiliki peraturan khusus (Lex Specialis) yaitu Vendu Reglement dan Vendu Instructie sebagai peraturan lelang yang masih berlaku hingga saat ini. Selain itu pelaksanaan lelang juga diatur dalam PMK 213/PMK.06/2020 tentang Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Lelang. Pelaksanaan lelang secara online dilakukan melalui Platform e-Marketplace Auction dimana pelaksanaannya biasa dilakukan tanpa pejabat lelang, contohnya lelang di eBay. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keabsahan lelang non eksekusi sukarela yang dilakukan secara online tanpa pejabat lelang dan bagaimana perlindungan bagi para pihak yang mengalami kerugian akibat wanprestasi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan konseptual, dan pendekatan kasus. Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan adalah keabsahan lelang non eksekusi sukarela secara online tanpa adanya pejabat lelang adalah sah dengan mengadopsi karakteristik perjanjian jual beli. Dan perlindungan bagi para pihak adalah dengan melakukan upaya hukum penyelesaian sengketa dengan memilih penyelesaian baik melalui pengadilan, arbitrase ataupun lembaga penyelesaian sengketa alternatif lainnya (secara konvensional/ online dispute resolution) sesuai dengan ketentuan Peraturan Perundang-undangan. Kata Kunci: Lelang Online; Wanprestasi; Pejabat Lelang.


Citations (1)

... For auction conducted electronically or online without an Auction Officer and carried out through electronic media, the substitute for auction reports is in the form of proof of transaction. The validity of an electronic information or document or proof of a transaction related to a voluntary non-execution auction is still considered valid as long as the information can be accessed, displayed, and accounted for (Salim & Subagyono, 2022). The auction stage in the regulation of minister of finance is intended as a basis for each legal subject who wants to carry out an auction sale. ...


The Auction System in the Practice of Motorcycle Arisan Reviewed from the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 122 of 2023 Concerning Auction Implementation Guidelines
Keabsahan Lelang Non Eksekusi Sukarela Secara Online Tanpa Pejabat Lelang
