August 2023
30 Reads
The feedback of the teaching-learning process constitutes an essential aspect for the identification of the transformations experienced in the subjects, whose perception requires the approach to the most current studies. From this premise, the objective of the study reviewed in the article is to reveal the main contributions of research published during the years 2013 - 2022, related to feedback in the teaching-learning process and its perception as a strategy to introduce improvements. For this purpose, a qualitative research, literature review, documentary design was applied and indicators were determined that made possible the selection of scientific articles related to the topic in the Scopus, El Sevier, Science direct and Scielo databases. Among the main findings that emerge from the systematization, triangulation and contrastation, it is specified that feedback is an interactive process based on the information provided by the evaluation of the learner's activity or task, impregnated with critical reflection. It is concluded with the identification of contributions of interest in the contextualized study of feedback in terms of conceptualization, classification, importance, effects and perception of strategies to develop it, which recognize the subjective aspect around academic and attitudinal performance.