Vicente Campos’s research while affiliated with University of Valencia and other places

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Publications (34)

Tabu search tutorial. A Graph Drawing Application
  • Article

June 2021


202 Reads


15 Citations



Vicente Campos


Tabu search is an optimization methodology that guides a local heuristic search procedure to explore the solution space beyond local optimality. It is substantiated by the hypothesis that an intelligent solving algorithm must incorporate memory to base its decisions on information collected during the search. The method creates in this way a learning pattern to explore the solution space economically and effectively. Tabu search is a metaheuristic that has proved its effectiveness in a wide variety of problems, especially in combinatorial optimization. We provide here a practical description of the methodology and apply it to a novel graph drawing problem. The most popular method of drawing graphs is the Sugiyama’s framework, which obtains a drawing of a general graph by transforming it into a proper hierarchy. In this way, the number of edge crossing is minimized in the first stage of the procedure. Many metaheuristics have been proposed to solve the crossing minimization problem within this drawing convention. The second stage of this procedure minimizes the number of bends of long arcs without increasing the number of crossings, thus obtaining a readable drawing. In this paper, we propose an alternative approach to simultaneously minimize the two criteria: crossing and long arc bends. We apply tabu search to solve this problem and compare its solutions with the optimal values obtained with CPLEX in small and medium-size instances.

Heuristics for the Min-Max Arc Crossing Problem in Graphs

May 2018


36 Reads


12 Citations

Expert Systems with Applications

In this paper, we study the visualization of complex structures in the context of automatic graph drawing. Constructing geometric representations of combinatorial structures, such as networks or graphs, is a difficult task that requires an expert system. The automatic generation of drawings of graphs finds many applications from software engineering to social media. The objective of graph drawing expert systems is to generate layouts that are easy to read and understand. This main objective is achieved by solving several optimization problems. In this paper we focus on the most important one: reducing the number of arc crossings in the graph. This hard optimization problem has been studied extensively in the last decade, proposing many exact and heuristic methods to minimize the total number of arc crossings. However, despite its practical significance, the min–max variant in which the maximum number of crossings over all edges is minimized, has received very little attention. We propose new heuristic methods based on the strategic oscillation methodology to solve this NP-hard optimization problem. Our experimentation shows that the new method compares favorably with the existing ones, implemented in current graph drawing expert systems. Therefore, a direct application of our findings will improve these functionality (i.e., crossing reduction) of drawing systems.

Multi-start methods for the capacitated clustering problem

July 2017


23 Reads

In this work, we investigate the adaptation of the Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) and Iterated Greedy methodologies to the Capacitated Clustering Problem (CCP). In particular, we focus on the effect of the balance between randomization and greediness on the performance of these multi-start heuristic search methods when solving this NP-hard problem. The former is a memory-less approach that constructs independent solutions, while the latter is a memory-based method that constructs linked solutions, obtained by partially rebuilding previous ones. Both are based on the combination of greediness and randomization in the constructive process, and coupled with a subsequent local search phase.

Randomized Heuristics for the Capacitated Clustering Problem

July 2017


54 Reads


18 Citations

Information Sciences

In this paper, we investigate the adaptation of the Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) and Iterated Greedy methodologies to the Capacitated Clustering Problem (CCP). In particular, we focus on the effect of the balance between randomization and greediness on the performance of these multi-start heuristic search methods when solving this NP-hard problem. The former is a memory-less approach that constructs independent solutions, while the latter is a memory-based method that constructs linked solutions, obtained by partially rebuilding previous ones. Both are based on the combination of greediness and randomization in the constructive process, and coupled with a subsequent local search phase. We propose these two multi-start methods and their hybridization and compare their performance on the CCP. Additionally, we propose a heuristic based on the mathematical programming formulation of this problem, which constitutes a so-called matheuristic. We also implement a classical randomized method based on simulated annealing to complete the picture of randomized heuristics. Our extensive experimentation reveals that Iterated Greedy performs better than GRASP in this problem, and improved outcomes are obtained when both methods are hybridized and coupled with the matheuristic. In fact, the hybridization is able to outperform the best approaches previously published for the CCP. This study shows that memory-based construction is an effective mechanism within multi-start heuristic search techniques.

Figure 1. Strategic oscillation patterns.  
GRASP with different constructive methods
Heuristic solution approaches for the maximum minsum dispersion problem
  • Article
  • Publisher preview available

March 2017


107 Reads


17 Citations

Journal of Global Optimization

The Maximum Minsum Dispersion Problem (Max-Minsum DP) is a strongly NP-Hard problem that belongs to the family of equitable dispersion problems. When dealing with dispersion, the operations research literature has focused on optimizing efficiency-based objectives while neglecting, for the most part, measures of equity. The most common efficiency-based functions are the sum of the inter-element distances or the minimum inter-element distance. Equitable dispersion problems, on the other hand, attempt to address the balance between efficiency and equity when selecting a subset of elements from a larger set. The objective of the Max-Minsum DP is to maximize the minimum aggregate dispersion among the chosen elements. We develop tabu search and GRASP solution procedures for this problem and compare them against the best in the literature. We also apply LocalSolver, a commercially available black-box optimizer, to compare our results. Our computational experiments show that we are able to establish new benchmarks in the solution of the Max-Minsum DP.

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Figure 1: Different costs in the CSHLPMLC  
Figure 2: Boxplot of 100 iterations for instance 150-1000-69-60-80-1-69-USA  
Search Profile for SO1 (dashed line) and PrevTs (plain line)
Strategic oscillation for the capacitated hub location problem with modular links

April 2016


114 Reads


32 Citations

Journal of Heuristics


Juanjo Peiró


Vicente Campos




The capacitated single assignment hub location problem with modular link capacities is a variant of the classical hub location problem in which the cost of using edges is not linear but stepwise, and the hubs are restricted in terms of transit capacity rather than in the incoming traffic. We propose a metaheuristic algorithm based on strategic oscillation, a methodology originally introduced in the context of tabu search. Our method incorporates several designs for constructive and destructive algorithms, together with associated local search procedures, to balance diversification and intensification for an efficient search. Computational results on a large set of instances show that, in contrast to exact methods that can only solve small instances optimally, our metaheuristic is able to find high-quality solutions on larger instances in short computing times. In addition, the new method, which joins tabu search strategies with strategic oscillation, outperforms the previous tabu search implementation.

Figure 2. Search profile of GRASP+TS on the RanReal240_01 instance  
Table 6 . Comparison of best methods on the 20 RanReal instances with í µí±› = 240
Table 7 . Comparison of best methods on the 20 RanReal instances with í µí±› = 480
Tabu search and GRASP for the capacitated clustering problem

April 2015


306 Reads


17 Citations

Computational Optimization and Applications

The capacitated clustering problem (CCP) consists of forming a specified number of clusters or groups from a set of elements in such a way that the sum of the weights of the elements in each cluster is within some capacity limits, and the sum of the benefits between the pairs of elements in the same cluster is maximized. This problem—which has been recently tackled with a GRASP/VNS approach—arises in the context of facility planners at mail processing and distribution. We propose a tabu search and several GRASP variants to find high quality solutions to this NP-hard problem. These variants are based on several neighborhoods, including a new one, in which we implement a one-for-two swapping strategy. We also hybridize both methodologies to achieve improved outcomes. The maximally diverse grouping problem (MDGP) is a special case of the CCP in which all the elements have a weight of 1 U. This problem has been recently studied in the academic context when forming student groups, and we adapt the best method reported in the literature, a tabu search with strategic oscillation (TS_SO), to the CCP. On the other hand, the handover minimization in mobility networks is a problem equivalent to the CCP in which we minimize the sum of the benefits (costs) of the edges between different clusters. GRASP with Path Relinking has been recently applied to it. Our empirical study with 133 instances shows the superiority of the new GRASP with tabu search for the CCP with respect to these three previous approaches: the GRASP/VNS, the adapted TS_SO, and the GRASP with Path Relinking.

Multiobjective GRASP with path relinking

January 2015


243 Reads


74 Citations

European Journal of Operational Research

In this paper we review and propose different adaptations of the GRASP metaheuristic to solve multiobjective combinatorial optimization problems. In particular, we describe several alternatives to specialize the construction and improvement components of GRASP when two or more objectives are considered. GRASP has been successfully coupled with Path Relinking for single-objective optimization. Moreover, we propose different hybridizations of GRASP and Path Relinking for multiobjective optimization. We apply the proposed GRASP with Path Relinking variants to two combinatorial optimization problems, the biobjective orienteering problem and the biobjective path dissimilarity problem. We report on empirical tests with 70 instances and 30 algorithms, that show that the proposed heuristics are competitive with the state-of-the-art methods for these problems.

GRASP with path relinking for the orienteering problem

December 2014


453 Reads


80 Citations

Journal of the Operational Research Society

In this paper, we address an optimization problem resulting from the combination of the well-known travelling salesman and knapsack problems. In particular, we target the orienteering problem, originated in the context of sport, which consists of maximizing the total score associated with the vertices visited in a path within the available time. The problem, also known as the selective travelling salesman problem, is NP-hard and can be formulated as an integer linear program. Since the 1980s, several solution methods for this problem have been developed and applied to a variety of fields, particularly in routing and tourism. We propose a heuristic method—based on the Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) and the Path Relinking methodologies—for finding approximate solutions to this optimization problem. We explore different constructive methods and combine two neighbourhoods in the local search of GRASP. Our experimentation with 196 previously reported instances shows that the proposed procedure obtains high-quality solutions employing short computing times.

Citations (31)

... Since these early proposals, many researchers have developed models and methods, mainly heuristics and metaheuristics (Glover et al. 2021), to provide high-quality solutions to these two problems. From Erkut and Neuman (1989) to Martínez-Gavara et al. (2021), we can find more than 50 papers published in top-ranked journals proposing solving methods for these problems and their variants, where the MaxSum model is the most widely applied. ...


Mathematical models and solving methods for diversity and equity optimization
Tabu search tutorial. A Graph Drawing Application
  • Citing Article
  • June 2021


... The SS method explores the solution space by improving and combining a small set of solutions. The combination method applies path relinking [33], which generates new solutions by connecting high-quality solutions. It implements a local search that, starting from one of these solutions, swaps its elements one by one with the elements in another high-quality solution. ...

Scatter Search and Path Relinking
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2013

... Duarte and his colleagues in [89], [33], [90], [91], [92], [93] and Martí and her colleagues in [94], [90], [95], [96], [97], [93], [92] have offered their contribution to solving various operations and research problems using the metaheuristic method. In addition, Martí in [98], [99], [100], [101], [102] has also applied the metaheuristics method in solving several problems in graph theory. In another place, Hajiaghaei-Keshteli, an Iranian researcher, is a prominent researcher. ...

Heuristics for the Min-Max Arc Crossing Problem in Graphs
  • Citing Article
  • May 2018

Expert Systems with Applications

... The capacitated clustering problem (CCP) consists of forming a specified number of clusters or groups from a set of elements in such a way that the sum of the weights of the elements in each cluster is within some capacity limits, and the sum of the benefits between the pairs of elements in the same cluster is maximized (e.g., [111,302,388,513,782,783,845,875,929]). This problem is also known as the node capacitated graph partitioning problem [917]. ...

Randomized Heuristics for the Capacitated Clustering Problem
  • Citing Article
  • July 2017

Information Sciences

... Dispersion maximization problems consist in finding a collection of elements from a given set, such that the dissimilarity among them is maximized. Specifically, this dissimilarity (or diversity among the selected elements) is defined differently depending on the practical application example under study, giving rise to several models (Prokopyev et al., 2009;Martí et al., 2022;Martí et al., 2013;Martínez-Gavara et al., 2017). The two most popular diversity models in the literature are the maximum diversity problem (MDP) and the max-min diversity problem (MMDP). ...

Heuristic solution approaches for the maximum minsum dispersion problem

Journal of Global Optimization

... The study proposed efficient heuristic methods that outperform previous approaches, utilize memory structures to enhance search algorithms, and are compared with previous heuristics using benchmark instances and incorporating frequency information in the constructive method. Corberán et al. (2016) addressed the capacitated single-assignment HLP with modular link capacities. They developed a metaheuristic algorithm based on strategic oscillation, originally used in tabu search. ...

Strategic oscillation for the capacitated hub location problem with modular links

Journal of Heuristics

... Clustering performance can be boosted by leveraging the constraints that confine the search space. Several types of constraints are utilized in constrained clustering: Manuscript cluster-level constraints, such as cardinality constraints [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8] and capacity constraints [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21], [22], [23], [24], [25], [26], instance-level constraints [27], such as must-link and cannot-link constraints [28], and rank constraint [29]. Capacitated clustering is an important type of constrained clustering. ...

Tabu search and GRASP for the capacitated clustering problem

Computational Optimization and Applications

... These authors propose two tabu search algorithms and a variable neighborhood search (VNS) algorithm to solve the TOP, comparing them and finding VNS to be more efficient and effective for this problem. Campos et al. [33] propose a greedy randomized adaptive search procedure (GRASP) with path relinking [34] to solve the OP. ...

GRASP with path relinking for the orienteering problem
  • Citing Article
  • December 2014

Journal of the Operational Research Society

... In this MOLP model, the first objective corresponds to the harvest costs' minimization (Z 1 ); the second objective corresponds to the harvest days' minimization (Z 2 ); and the third objective corresponds to the harvest fruit in the optimal conditions' maximization (Z 3 ). The two applied MOLP methods are two solution strategies of the MO-GRASP algorithm (algorithms a and b), that is, two solution strategies of the multi-objective greedy randomized adaptive search procedure (Martí et al., 2015). After executing every MO-GRASP algorithm 1000 times for solving the MOLP model, two sets of solutions were obtained, S a and S b ; one set of 1000 solutions for every algorithm. ...

Multiobjective GRASP with path relinking
  • Citing Article
  • January 2015

European Journal of Operational Research

... Inform the desirable properties of the feasible region based on user preference and historical data -DE, differential evolution; GA, genetic algorithm; GRASP, greedy randomized adaptive search procedure. Campos et al. (2001), where the authors developed and tested several diversification generation methods (most of them are based on GRASP variants). The reason of these selections is that GRASP has shown effectiveness in providing diverse solutions compared to simple local searches such as TS. ...

An Experimental Evaluation of a Scatter Search for the Linear Ordering Problem

Journal of Global Optimization