Veronika Fialka’s research while affiliated with University of Vienna and other places

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Publications (4)

EMG fatigue patterns accompanying isometric fatiguing knee-extensions are different in mono- and bi-articular muscles
  • Article

July 1998


33 Reads


76 Citations

Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology






Veronika Fialka

Isometric, fatiguing knee-extensions at 30%, 50% and 70% maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) were performed by 18 healthy human subjects. Surface electromyographic (SEMG) activity was recorded from the mono-articular vastus medialis (VM) and vastus lateralis (VL) muscles, and the bi-articular rectus femoris muscle (RF). To make the bi-articular muscle work under (1) constant and (2) similar working conditions as the two mono-articulars do, the hip was fixed in a flexed position. The root mean square (RMS) SEMG recorded during fatigue was standardized to the respective values of MVC. The mean coefficients of regression of the RMS and median frequency (MF) changes were then analyzed by multivariate analysis of variance. The load effect upon the muscle fatigue changes, as measured by increase in RMS EMG, differed between the bi-articular muscle and the two mono-articulars, in that the parameter dropped with maximum load for the bi-articular, whilst it remained stable or even increased for the mono-articulars. This might suggest that the mono- and bi-articular muscles have different roles in fatigue tasks where the bi-articulars function purely as mono-articulars. By contrast, such a clear dichotomy between the bi-articular RF and the two mono-articulars, VM and VL, was lacking for the fatigue parameter of MF. As these findings were confined to the changes in RMS EMG, different neuronal coding mechanisms for the mono- and bi-articular muscles in the central nervous system may be inferred.

Table 1 Numbers (percentages) of respondents reporting a problem in each EuroQoL dimension 
Table 1 Demographic data and baseline characteristics of patients who completed study, according to which group (active or sham ultrasound) their dominant wrist was randomised to. Values are means (SD) unless stated otherwise 
Table 2 Numbers (percentages) of respondents reporting any problem, by age group and sex 
Ultrasound treatment for treating the carpal tunnel syndrome: Randomised 'sham' controlled trial
  • Article
  • Full-text available

March 1998


856 Reads


259 Citations


To assess the efficacy of ultrasound treatment for mild to moderate idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome. Randomised, double blind, "sham" controlled trial with assessments at baseline, after 2 weeks' and 7 weeks' treatment, and at a follow up assessment 6 months later (8 months after baseline evaluation). Outpatient clinic of a university department of physical medicine and rehabilitation in Vienna. 45 patients with mild to moderate bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome as verified by electroneurography. 20 sessions of ultrasound (active) treatment (1 MHz, 1.0 W/cm2, pulsed mode 1:4, 15 minutes per session) applied to the area over the carpal tunnel of one wrist, and indistinguishable sham ultrasound treatment applied to the other. The first 10 treatments were performed daily (5 sessions/week); 10 further treatments were twice weekly for 5 weeks. Score of subjective symptom ratings assessed by visual analogue scale; electroneurographic measures (for example, motor distal latency and sensory antidromic nerve conduction velocity). Improvement was significantly more pronounced in actively treated than in sham treated wrists for both subjective symptoms (P < 0.001, paired t test) and electroneurographic variables (motor distal latency P < 0.001, paired t test; sensory antidromic nerve conduction velocity P < 0.001, paired t test). Effects were sustained at 6 months' follow up. Results suggest there are satisfying short to medium term effects due to ultrasound treatment in patients with mild to moderate idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome. Findings need to be confirmed, and ultrasound treatment will have to be compared with standard conservative and invasive treatment options.


Impaired hemorheology in patients with postmastectomy lymphedema

February 1996


8 Reads


9 Citations

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment

Lymphedema of the arm is one of the most disabling and serious complications of breast cancer. Apart from tumor infiltration or fibrosis of lymphatic pathways, little is known about factors favoring the development of lymphedema. In the present study, we investigated the impact of rheologic parameters, e.g. red cell aggregation (EA) and plasma viscosity (PV), and of capillary morphology and capillary flow in patients with breast cancer with (n = 18) and without (n = 18) lymphedema. Patients with lymphedema showed a significant increase of red cell aggregation (p < 0.001) that indicates a systemic component of lymphedema and might offer a possibility of prevention and therapy of this condition. A hitherto unclassified protein factor favoring red cell aggregation and lymphedema might be postulated.

Citations (3)

... The rationale of using US therapy in carpal tunnel syndrome is based on results of some studies which showed its beneficial effects such as an anti-inflammatory effect, stimulation of nerve regeneration via enhanced blood flow, and membrane permeability, as well as improvement of conduction properties in the nerve. Activation of these mechanisms by US treatment might (in assumption) facilitate recovery from nerve compression [27,28]. Results of study by Ebenbichler et al., (1998) showed that pulsed ultrasound at frequency of 1MHz, and energy of 1,0 W/cm 2 applied to the palmar side of the wrist over 15 min for ten consecutive days, followed by twice weekly treatments for five additional weeks resulted in cessation of pain and nocturnal paresthesiae, improved sensation in the fingers innervated by the median nerve, increased grip and pinch strength and improved electrophysiological parameters. ...


Effectiveness of non-operative methods of treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome: a narrative review
Ultrasound treatment for treating the carpal tunnel syndrome: Randomised 'sham' controlled trial


... Jednym z poważnych powikłań u pacjentów operowanych z powodu raka piersi jest obrzęk limfatyczny. Zaobserwowano, że w tej grupie pacjentów agregacja czerwonych krwinek jest podwyższona [48]. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań lepkości osocza, agregacji erytrocytów i morfologii naczyń włosowatych oraz przepływów w grupie pacjentów z z rakiem piersi z obrzękiem i bez zapostulowano istnienie nieznanego białkowego czynnika sprzyjającego Anna Marcinkowska-Gapińska Zeszyty Naukowe WCO, Letters in Oncology Science 2019; 16(4): [162][163][164][165][166][167][168] agregacji erytrocytów i obrzękowi limfatycznemu [48]. ...

Impaired hemorheology in patients with postmastectomy lymphedema
  • Citing Article
  • February 1996

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment

... No biarticular muscles, including the rectus-femoris and hamstrings, presented reduced force production during the task of interest. Different neuronal coding mechanisms exist for the bi-and mono-articular muscles (Ebenbichler et al., 1998). While the primary function of mono-articular muscles is to generate force, the bi-articular muscles are responsible for controlling net torque at the hip and knee joints and transferring power between joints (Hautier et al., 2000;Jacobs & van Ingen Schenau, 1992). ...

EMG fatigue patterns accompanying isometric fatiguing knee-extensions are different in mono- and bi-articular muscles
  • Citing Article
  • July 1998

Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology