January 2023
79 Reads
2 Citations
IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science
The collection of information on the achievement of the water related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as their analysis through research, is defined as being difficult especially in the absence of data and tools that can model these performances. An analysis of SDG indicators at the level of 2015, for 41 countries where the population has high and medium incomes shows that a special level of complexity in monitoring is given by the fact that each country measures certain indicators specifically, and these cannot be compared. It is recommended to formulate methods of measurement and monitoring that can be compared. All these consistent methods between countries must be subject to data protection rules, both in terms of access to them and in terms of their management. Present paper shows the main challenges in monitoring water related SDGs (mainly 6, 11 and 13) in Romania, what is the status so far and what are the challenges for the future.