June 2018
5 Reads
1 Citation
Bylye Gody
The article is devoted to the role of migration processes in the formation of the working class in the second half of XIX - early XX centuries. Due to the high migration activity of the population during the study period, which led to an increase in the number of factories and private enterprises, the active development of new deposits of resources in the newly populated areas, Russia has strengthened its global position in economic development. It is shown that the working class, the number of which in the country for the period from 1860 to 1900 increased to 14 million people, was the most actively formed in the Central part of Russia, in contrast to the remote regions, where agriculture traditionally prevailed. However, in remote regions during this period gradually begin to master classes related to the processing, processing of raw materials, as well as different types of production in the industry. It is established that migration activity was shown depending on the assumed territory of migration or resettlement and its reasons: long-range agricultural resettlement to the newly developed territories of Siberia, the Far East, the Volga region, the Caucasus; mass resettlement from the village to the city related to the search for permanent employment; seasonal waste disposal for work in industry and agriculture.