Udo Schneider’s research while affiliated with LWL-Universitätsklinik Hamm and other places

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Publications (166)

Erratum zu: Nachruf auf Prof. Dr. Dr. Hinderk Meiners Emrich (1943–2018)
  • Article

August 2024


23 Reads

Der Nervenarzt

Udo Schneider



Psychometric properties of the German Penn Alcohol Craving Scale

July 2023


86 Reads

Alcohol and Alcoholism






Bernd Lenz

Craving for alcohol is an important diagnostic criterion in alcohol use disorder (AUD) and an established predictor of future relapse. The 5-item Penn Alcohol Craving Scale (PACS) is one of the most widely used questionnaires to quantify craving and has been translated into different languages. It is assumed that the PACS constitutes one factor, although theoretical considerations suggest an additional second factor. We conducted stability and factor analyses (principal component and confirmatory factor analyses) of the German PACS (PACS-G) in samples of patients with AUD from the following three German study sites: Erlangen, N = 188 (mean age: 47.1 years, 43.5% female); Mannheim, N = 440 (45.5 years, 28.6% female); Hannover, N = 107 (48.1 years, 48.6% female). In our samples, the 2-factor solution of the PACS-G version is more stable than the internationally assumed 1-factor solution. The resulting two PACS-G subscores 'difficulty to resist' (items 4 and 5) and 'thoughts about alcohol' (items 1, 2, and 3) have an internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha) of 0.80 ≤ α ≤ 0.90, m = 0.86 and 0.86 ≤ α ≤ 0.91, m = 0.89 with an overlap of R2 = 62%. We found good convergent validity assessed via the Craving Automatized Scale-Alcohol and the Obsessive-Compulsive Drinking Scale, but also correlations with depression and anxiety assessed via the Beck's Depression and Anxiety Inventories. This study is the first to provide evidence for a 2-factor solution ('difficulty to resist' and 'thoughts about alcohol') underlying the PACS-G version.

Welche Farbe hat der Montag? Synästhesie – das Leben mit verknüpften Sinnen. 3. komplett überarbeitete und neu gestaltete Auflage, Hirzel Verlag, Stuttgart.
  • Book
  • Full-text available

January 2022


247 Reads

Blauer Wein oder Buchstaben, zu denen bestimmte Farben gehören, farbige Himmelsrichtungen oder Musik, die hörend auch in Formen und Strukturen erlebt wird. Wer solche Wahrnehmungen hat, gehört zu den Synästhetikern. Lange wurde dieses Phänomen von der Wissenschaft wenig beachtet. Das ist heute anders, auch dank Psychiatern wie Hinderk Emrich. Dieses Buch präsentiert nicht nur den Standpunkt der modernen Neurowissenschaft zum Rätsel Synästhesie; es wagt sich auch in philosophische Randgebiete. Wie sieht das Leben eines Synästhetikers aus und wie funktioniert unsere Wahrnehmung überhaupt? Das Autorenteam von der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover erklärt sehr anschaulich, was Synästhesie bedeutet und was die Forschung bisher herausgefunden hat. www.zdf.de


Validation of the extended version of the Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES) in patients diagnosed with substance use disorders

July 2021


89 Reads


1 Citation

Background: The most extensively used instrument to measure dissociation is the Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES). Recently, an extended version of this instrument was provided, which also measures somatoform symptoms of dissociation. The aim of this study was to examine the component structure and internal consistency of the extended version of the Dissociative Experiences Scale (FDS) in patients diagnosed with substance use disorders (SUD). Methods: Principal component analyses (PCAs) were conducted in a large clinical sample of patients diagnosed with SUD (n = 459) for the 44 FDS items, the 28 original DES items, the 23 items of the original DES subscales that compose FDS subscales of amnesia, absorption, and depersonalization/derealization, and the 9 conversion subscale items. Results: PCA of all 44 FDS items yielded a 9-factor solution where the first factor explained 32% variance. A 6-, 4-, and 2-factor solution, respectively, was found for 28 DES original items, 23 items of original DES subscales that compose FDS subscales of amnesia, absorption, and depersonalization/derealization, and 9 items of the conversion subscale of the FDS. Conclusion: FDS proves to be a reliable tool that can be used to screen patients with SUD for dissociative psychopathology within the ICD and DSM-5 framework.

Availability of Illegal Drugs During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Western Germany

April 2021


77 Reads


30 Citations

Background: In response to the COVID-19-pandemic, a lockdown was established in the middle of March 2020 by the German Federal Government resulting in drastic reduction of private and professional traveling in and out of Germany with a reduction of social contacts in public areas. Research Questions: We seek evidence on whether the lockdown has led to a reduced availability of illegal drugs and whether subjects with substance-related problems tried to cope with possible drug availability issues by increasingly obtaining drugs via the internet, replacing their preferred illegal drug with novel psychoactive substances, including new synthetic opioids (NSO), and/or by seeking drug treatment. Methods: A questionnaire was anonymously filled in by subjects with substance-related disorders, typically attending low-threshold settings, drug consumption facilities, and inpatient detoxification wards from a range of locations in the Western part of Germany. Participants had to both identify their main drug of abuse and to answer questions regarding its availability, price, quality, and routes of acquisition. Results: Data were obtained from 362 participants. The most frequent main substances of abuse were cannabis (n = 109), heroin (n = 103), and cocaine (n = 75). A minority of participants reported decreased availability (8.4%), increased price (14.4%), or decreased quality (28.3%) of their main drug. About 81% reported no change in their drug consumption due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown. A shift to the use of novel psychoactive substances including NSO were reported only by single subjects. Only 1–2% of the participants obtained their main drug via the web. Discussion: Present findings may suggest that recent pandemic-related imposed restrictions may have not been able to substantially influence either acquisition or consumption of drugs within the context of polydrug users (including opiates) attending a range of addiction services in Germany.

Abwägung von Nutzen und Schädlichkeit von berauschenden und schmerzlindernden Substanzen aus der Perspektive von deutschen Suchtmedizinern

February 2021


125 Reads


3 Citations

Fortschritte der Neurologie · Psychiatrie

Zusammenfassung Hintergrund In Europa gab es in den letzten 15 Jahren mehrere Schädlichkeits-Vergleiche bezüglich der Einnahme von psychotropen Substanzen durch Suchtexperten. Eine einzige Einschätzung liegt bezüglich des potenziellen Nutzens vor. Non-Opioiderge Analgetika (NOA), wie Gabapentinoide und NSARs, die zunehmend Gegenstand von Missbrauchsberichten sind, wurden bei solchen Rankings bisher nicht berücksichtigt. Ebenso existiert bisher keine multisubstanzbezogene Einschätzung darüber, ob sich die Beurteilung der Schädlichkeit einer illegalen Rauschdroge nach Änderung des Rechtsstatus in Deutschland ebenfalls ändern könnte. Studienziel und Methodik Anhand eines Fragebogens wurden 33 psychoaktive Substanzen inklusive Analgetika im Hinblick auf ihre gesundheitliche und soziale Schädlichkeit sowie potenzielle Nützlichkeit für den Konsumenten und deren Umgebung / Gesellschaft („andere“) von 101 erfahrenen Suchtmedizinern (Kohorte 1) bewertet. Zudem untersuchte diese Kohorte, ob sich die Schädlichkeitsbeurteilung einer illegalen Substanz bei eventueller Legalisierung ändert. Um die durchschnittliche Gesamtschädlichkeit (Gesamtrisiko) einer Substanz zu erhalten, wurde in einer zweiten Erhebung (Kohorte 2, 36 erfahrene Suchtmediziner) die prozentuale Beteiligung einer jeden Dimension an der Gesamtschädlichkeit bestimmt. Schließlich wurden die durchschnittliche Nutzen- und Gesamtrisikoeinschätzungen aufeinander bezogen. Ergebnisse Verordnungsfähigen psychoaktiven Substanzen wie Analgetika, NOAs (inklusive Gabapentinoiden) und opioidergen Substitutionsmitteln wurde ein günstiges Nutzen-Schadens-Profil attestiert. Jeweils im Mittelfeld der Schädlichkeits- wie der Nützlichkeitsbeurteilung befanden sich Cannabis und Ketamin. Alkohol und Nikotin wurden wie die meisten illegalen Rauschdrogen unter den schädlichen und am wenigsten nützlichen psychoaktiven Substanzen eingeordnet, wobei Alkohol durchschnittlich schädlicher, aber auch nützlicher als Nikotin beurteilt wurde. Bei potenzieller Legalisierung wurde die Gesamtschädlichkeit der traditionellen illegalen Drogen Metamphetamin, Kokain, Heroin und Cannabis als signifikant vermindert beurteilt. Dies beruhte hauptsächlich auf unter diesen virtuellen Bedingungen günstigerer Beurteilung der Schäden für andere. Schlussfolgerung Verordnungsfähigen Substanzen inklusive opioidergen und nicht-opioidergen Analgetika sowie opioidergen Substitutionsmitteln wurde ein günstiges Nutzen-Schadens-Profil zugordnet. Ein diesbezüglich ungünstiges Profil erhielten Alkohol, Nikotin sowie traditionelle Drogen, mit Ausnahme von Cannabis und Ketamin. Die Gesamtschädlichkeit traditioneller Drogen würde sich mit virtueller genereller Legalisierung verringern, hauptsächlich durch Abnahme der Schäden für andere.

Average overall harm of 30 substances (mean values and standard deviations) as assessed by cohort 1 on a scale from 0 (‘not harmful’) to 4 (‘extremely harmful’), shown as harmful to users and harmful to others. The relative contribution of the 5 dimensions (Supplemental Figure 1, Supplemental Table 1) had been weighted by cohort 2.
Comparison of assessments between specialists at acute (n = 76, blue curve) vs. rehabilitation hospitals (n = 25, red curve).
Correlation of the present assessment and the last EU-assessment (10) of the overall harm of drugs of abuse (rs = 0.73). For better orientation, the bisector indicates perfect correlation (rs = 1).
Participants' characteristics.
Plausibility check of the overall harm ranks.
Ranking the Harm of Psychoactive Drugs Including Prescription Analgesics to Users and Others–A Perspective of German Addiction Medicine Experts

October 2020


1,040 Reads


20 Citations

Background: Over the past 15 years, comparative assessments of psychoactive substance harms to both users and others have been compiled by addiction experts. None of these rankings however have included synthetic cannabinoids or non-opioid prescription analgesics (NOAs, e.g., gabapentinoids) despite evidence of increasing recreational use. We present here an updated assessment by German addiction medicine experts, considering changing Western consumption trends–including those of NOAs. Methods: In an initial survey, 101 German addiction medicine physicians evaluated both physical and psychosocial harms (in 5 dimensions) of 33 psychoactive substances including opioids and NOAs, to both users and others. In a second survey, 36 addiction medicine physicians estimated the relative weight of each health and social harm dimension to determine the overall harm rank of an individual substance. We compared our ranking with the most recent European assessment from 2014. Results: Illicit drugs such as methamphetamine, heroin, cocaine and also alcohol were judged particularly harmful, and new psychoactive drugs (cathinones, synthetic cannabinoids) were ranked among the most harmful substances. Cannabis was ranked in the midrange, on par with benzodiazepines and ketamine—somewhat more favorable compared to the last European survey. Prescribed drugs including opioids (in contrast to the USA, Canada, and Australia) were judged less harmful. NOAs were at the bottom end of the ranking. Conclusion: In Germany, alcohol and illicit drugs (including new psychoactive substances) continue to rank among the most harmful addictive substances in contrast to prescribed agents including opioid analgesics and NOAs. Current laws are incongruent with these harm rankings. This study is the first of its kind to include comparative harm rankings of several novel abused substances, both licit/prescribed and illicit.

Opioidsubstitutionsbehandlung und Cannabiskonsum

August 2019


29 Reads

Fortschritte der Neurologie · Psychiatrie

Zusammenfassung Ziel der Studie Mehr als 30 % der Patienten in Opioidsubstitutionsbehandlung konsumieren zusätzlich Cannabis. In dem Artikel werden die Auswirkungen des Konsums von Cannabis im Rahmen einer Opioidsubstitutionsbehandlung dargestellt. Methodik Narrative Literaturrecherche (Medline, PubMed) Ergebnisse Der Konsum von Cannabis im Rahmen einer Opioidsubstitutionsbehandlung kann negative Folgen nach sich ziehen. Schlussfolgerung Der Konsum von Cannabis im Rahmen einer Substitutionsbehandlung sollte mit dem Patienten erörtert werden. Cannabiskonsum stellt grundsätzlich keinen Grund für den Abbruch einer Substitutionsbehandlung dar.

Citations (66)

... Unlike in normal concept formation, where perceptual and motor attributes forming a concept are bound together into a frame (e.g., the concept [banana] in Figure 3), synesthesia may generally be regarded as a case of hyperbinding (Emrich et al., 2002(Emrich et al., , 2004Sagiv and Robertson, 2005;Mroczko-Wa˛sowicz, in press). Attributes that do not form a sensible concept frame are bound together. ...


Synesthesia, Sensory-Motor Contingency, and Semantic Emulation: How Swimming Style-Color Synesthesia Challenges the Traditional View of Synesthesia
Welche Farbe hat der Montag?: Synästhesie: das Leben mit verknüpften Sinnen
  • Citing Book
  • April 2022

... 2015; Waller et al., 1996). Validation studies of the DES encompassed a diverse range of populations, including rape victims (Darves-Bornoz et al., 1999), offenders (Ruiz et al., 2008), non-clinical populations (Boysan, 2014;Chan et al., 2017;Laroi et al., 2013), as well as individuals with psychiatric disorders such as eating disorders (Gleaves and Eberenz, 1995), schizophrenia (Jeong et al., 2021;Oh et al., 2015), and substance use disorder (Gidzgier et al., 2022). The DES has also served as a model for dissociation measurement in other populations, including children and adolescents (Armstrong et al., 1997;Putnam et al., 1993). ...

Validation of the extended version of the Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES) in patients diagnosed with substance use disorders
  • Citing Article
  • July 2021

... Slavova et al 46 found that early data indicate an additional surge in substance use behaviours during the pandemic, including opioid overdoses. While for Scherbaum et al 47 and Bergeron et al 48 COVID-19 lockdown led to decreased availability of some drugs, but most persons with substance use disorder reported no change in their drug consumption, and only 1% to 2% obtained their main drug via the web. This increase in availability and ease of access we found in our study illustrate the inadequacy of existing drug policies, inability for policies to evolve and adapt to changing realities, and the challenges in enforcing them, particularly during a crisis like a pandemic in Nigeria. ...

Availability of Illegal Drugs During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Western Germany

... In addition, we have recently published an expert evaluation/harms ranking for various (and primarily psychotropic) drugs including an index assessment of GP; the GP ranked at the low end of physical, psychological, and social harms to both users and others [8,Supplementary Material]. Figure 1 contrasts drug harms with benefits [9], first of all reflecting the view of German addiction medicine experts, which might not be generalizable to other countries experiencing opioid misuse/abuse epidemics (so far, Germany is not). Nevertheless, we too are aware of a good portion of GP co-using patients admitted to our detoxification-units from illicit drugs, mostly opioids [10]. ...

Abwägung von Nutzen und Schädlichkeit von berauschenden und schmerzlindernden Substanzen aus der Perspektive von deutschen Suchtmedizinern
  • Citing Article
  • February 2021

Fortschritte der Neurologie · Psychiatrie

... Mehrere Befragungen von Expert_innen haben sich mit der Schädlichkeit verschiedener psychoaktiver Substanzen beschäftigt. Regelmäßig kommen die Studien zu dem Ergebnis, dass Cannabis als weniger schädlich als die legale Droge Alkohol einzustufen ist (Bonnet et al. 2020;Bonomo et al. 2019;van Amsterdam et al. 2010van Amsterdam et al. , 2015. Zusätzliche Risiken des Cannabiskonsums entstehen durch die Cannabis-Verbotspolitik. 174.876 sogenannte konsumnahe Delikte im Zusammenhang mit Cannabis zählte das Bundeskriminalamt für das Jahr 2022 (Bundeskriminalamt 2023). ...

Ranking the Harm of Psychoactive Drugs Including Prescription Analgesics to Users and Others–A Perspective of German Addiction Medicine Experts

... Contemporary models of substance use and childhood trauma (i.e., self-medication theory) postulate that substance use is a method by which to suppress and cope with traumatic experiences (Schimmenti et al, 2022). Yet, other ndings also suggest that potentially traumatic experiences in childhood, along with a diagnosis of PTSD, are more predictive of substance use than solely potentially traumatic experiences in childhood (Mergler et al., 2018); highlighting the need for studies that examine the combined presentation of ACEs history and PTSD symptoms. ...

Differential relationships of PTSD and childhood trauma with the course of substance use disorders
  • Citing Article
  • July 2018

Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment

... Dissociation was the strongest correlate of suicide attempts among Israeli high schoolers, more so than experiences of trauma including emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect (Zoroglu et al., 2003). Findings here have been clinically replicated, as those with dissociative subtypes of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD-D) have reported significantly more current suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts; moreover, symptoms of depression in the past month and lifetime suicide attempts significantly predicted PTSD-D (Mergler et al., 2017). Longitudinally, severe dissociation was predictive of future suicide attempts among those with borderline personality disorder (BPD; n = 290) 16 years later, albeit the increase in risk was marginal (Wedig et al., 2012). ...

Relationships between a Dissociative Subtype of PTSD and Clinical Characteristics in Patients with Substance Use Disorders
  • Citing Article
  • March 2017

Journal of Psychoactive Drugs

... Traditional treatments, such as antipsychotics, are often associated with considerable side effects, prompting the exploration of alternative therapies. CBMs, including tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), modulate the endocannabinoid system by interacting with CB1 and CB2 receptors, potentially aiding in the regulation of tics and associated behaviors [44]. Studies suggest that CBMs can reduce tic frequency and improve comorbid conditions such as anxiety and obsessive-compulsive behaviors [47]. ...

Delta(9)-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is effective in the treatment of tics in Tourette syndrome: A 6-week randomized trial
  • Citing Article
  • April 2003

The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry

... Abgesehen von der deutlichen Beeinträchtigung kognitiver Funktionen, der Beeinträchtigung der Fahrt€ uchtigkeit sowie psychiatrischer Komplikationen im engeren Sinne weisen Personen mit chronischem Konsum häufig eine verminderte allgemeine Leistungsfähigkeit, emotionale Verflachung und ein amotivationales Syndrom auf, das mit Abulie und Antriebsarmut sowie häufig einem verflachten Affekt einhergeht, jedoch ohne die Zeichen einer depressiven Stimmungslage. Die dem Syndrom zugrunde liegende Pathophysiologie ist unklar (Bonnet et al. 2004(Bonnet et al. , 2006Grotenhermen und M€ uller-Vahl 2012). ...

Cannabisbezogene Störungen

... For patients with substance use disorders and dependence syndromes, the available medications with proven efficacy are candidates for TDM [163,396,477,496,689]. Their drug concentrations are highly variable between individuals [163]. ...

AWMF-Leitlinien: Postakutbehandlung bei Störungen durch Opioide
  • Citing Article
  • August 2004

SUCHT - Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Praxis / Journal of Addiction Research and Practice