U. S. Inan’s research while affiliated with Stanford University and other places

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Publications (414)

Spectrogram of typical boomerang signal received by Demonstration and Science Experiments in a single electric field channel, with transmitter leakage visible on the left (saturated white) and received echoes evident on the right.
Top: First‐hop reflection heights (blue) and elapsed group time (red) for the 2,550 Hz pulse in Figure 1. Rays in the gray regions have penetrated below 2,000 km altitude (dotted red line is the elapsed group time to that point). The horizontal broken line is at a group time of 215 ms, roughly half the observed round‐trip transit time observed in this experiment. The deeply‐penetrating rays in the gray regions exceed this group delay on their outbound journey and therefore cannot be the source of the observed echo. Bottom: Paths of four characteristic rays in the meridional plane. DSX is indicated by the red star.
Parameters of predicted 2,550 Hz boomerang rays. The middle of the abscissa (i.e., 90°) is perpendicular to the geomagnetic field. Note the predicted boomerang detection where the purple lines cross at the observed transit delay of 430 ms and an approximate index of refraction of 435.
Calculated damping for the predicted boomerangs in Figure 3. The purple line corresponds to the wave matching the observed round‐trip group delay.
Locations of experiments included in this study, projected into the magnetic meridional plane. Blue: boomerangs received; Red: boomerangs not received; Black: not received and the Gendrin and resonance cone angles do not exist.


Characteristics of Boomerang Whistler‐Mode Waves Emitted From the DSX Spacecraft
  • Article
  • Full-text available

June 2023


112 Reads


1 Citation

M. J. Starks


D. S. Lauben





J. Tu

The Air Force Research Laboratory's Demonstration and Science Experiments (DSX) spacecraft carried a high‐voltage very low frequency transmitter and a sensitive broadband receiver to medium Earth orbit in 2019. During many pulsed transmission experiments, DSX detected apparent “boomerang” echoes when its emitted waves refracted in the magnetosphere and returned to the spacecraft. We simulated a series of these detected pulses using cold plasma ray tracing to characterize their likely wavelengths, indices of refraction, and initial wave normal angles. The waves were shown to remain relatively local to DSX, to be lightly damped, and to have a wide variety of wavelengths and indices of refraction, but they were all emitted with very oblique wave normal angles tightly clustered about half a degree from the Gendrin angle, which theoretical antenna models predict is preferentially excited. Our results are remarkably consistent with this prediction but are statistically biased closer to the resonance cone, possibly because of limitations in the ray tracing technique. The result is robust to perturbations of the simulation and confirms a very narrow beam of oblique radiation quite unlike the behavior of a dipole in vacuo.


Overview of the Demonstration and Science Experiments (DSX) Mission

April 2023


158 Reads


5 Citations

Plain Language Summary In this paper, we summarize the Air Force Research Laboratory's Demonstration and Science Experiments (DSX) satellite mission which recently concluded after nearly 2 yr in the radiation belts. We describe the DSX science instruments and how we planned and performed experiments during the mission. The mission had a primary goal of conducting high‐power transmissions in near‐Earth space using very low frequency (VLF) radio waves. Such active DSX experiments yielded information about how a high‐voltage antenna interacts with the low‐density charged particles, or plasma, near the spacecraft. DSX experimented with propagating signals along magnetic field lines to other satellites and “bouncing” them back to the spacecraft. DSX also studied interactions between VLF waves and radiation belt electrons, particularly how electrons may be lost from the radiation belts. High‐energy electrons and protons trapped in the Earth's magnetic field make up the radiation belts, and these particles as well as the lower‐energy plasma particles are hazards to spacecraft. The mission had further goals of measuring radiation belt and plasma particles and their effects on spacecraft parts. Collectively, the results of DSX research will improve spacecraft survivability in the harsh space environment.

Whistler‐Mode Transmission Experiments in the Radiation Belts: DSX TNT Circuit Simulation and Data Analysis

April 2023


77 Reads


2 Citations

High‐power transmission experiments in the very low frequency (VLF) mode have been conducted by the US Air Force Research Laboratory’s Demonstration and Science Experiments (DSX) satellite in the radiation belts using a novel transmitter that automatically tunes to find the resonance frequency of the transmitter circuit including the antenna. The resulting voltage–frequency curves are used to derive antenna impedance at the resonance. The analysis shows that the antenna reactance is far less than that of a dipole antenna in free space. The derived radiation resistance is up to several tens of kilo Ohms. Most interestingly, it is found that the radiation resistance is inversely proportional to the square of transmission wave frequency. The transmitted power can be up to 80 W for the DSX transmitter with an 82‐m long tip‐to‐tip antenna, showing that the high‐power VLF transmission is feasible. Whistler wave transmission inside the higher‐density plasmasphere is more efficient. Data analysis indicates that the antenna impedance does not vary systematically with the antenna orientation angle relative to the ambient magnetic field. The previous dominant theoretical studies yield not only incorrect values of the impedance but a completely different frequency dependence than that derived from DSX experiments. Instead, the recent theories correctly capture both the antenna impedance magnitude and the frequency dependence.

Fig. 1 The DSX and Arase spacecraft and their fixed coordinate frames. A The DSX spacecraft consists of a payload module affixed to one side of an ESPA (Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle Secondary Payload Adapter) bus and an avionics module on the opposite face. The VLF antenna has two 40 m booms used as an effective 80 m dipole along the spacecraft Y-axis. During transmission, DSX maintained an orientation relative to the geomagnetic field B as shown (with + Y perpendicular to B). B The Arase spacecraft has a full suite of particle and field instruments for observing the inner magnetosphere. While DSX is 3-axis stabilized, Arase spins about its Z-axis as indicated in Spinning-satellite Geometry Inertia (SGI) coordinates
Abbreviations BBR: Broad band receiver; DE-1: Dynamics Explorer 1; DSX: Demonstration and Science Experiments; EFD: Electric Field Detector; ELF: Extremely low frequency; ERG: Energization and radiation in geospace; ESPA: Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle Secondary Payload Adapter; HFA: High Frequency Analyzer; IGRF: International Geomagnetic Reference Field; IMAGE: Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration; ISEE: International Sun Earth Explorer; MSC: Triaxial search coil magnetometer; PWE: Plasma Wave Experiment; RPI: Radio Plasma Imager; SPDF: Space Physics Data Facility; SGI: Spinning-satellite Geometry Intertia; TNT: Transmitter, Narrowband receiver, and Tuner; VLF: Very low frequency; WFC/OFA: Waveform Capture/Onboard Frequency Analyzer; WPT: Wire Probe Antenna.
Space-to-space very low frequency radio transmission in the magnetosphere using the DSX and Arase satellites

December 2022


125 Reads


9 Citations

Earth Planets and Space

Very low frequency (VLF) waves (about 3–30 kHz) in the Earth’s magnetosphere interact strongly with energetic electrons and are a key element in controlling dynamics of the Van Allen radiation belts. Bistatic very low frequency (VLF) transmission experiments have recently been conducted in the magnetosphere using the high-power VLF transmitter on the Air Force Research Laboratory’s Demonstration and Science Experiments (DSX) spacecraft and an electric field receiver onboard the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s Arase (ERG) spacecraft. On 4 September 2019, the spacecraft came within 410 km of each other and were in geomagnetic alignment. During this time, VLF signals were successfully transmitted from DSX to Arase, marking the first successful reception of a space-to-space VLF signal. Arase measurements were consistent with field-aligned propagation as expected from linear cold plasma theory. Details of the transmission event and comparison to VLF propagation model predictions are presented. The capability to directly inject VLF waves into near-Earth space provides a new way to study the dynamics of the radiation belts, ushering in a new era of space experimentation. Graphical Abstract

Antenna reactance –Xa (upper-left), antenna resistance Ra (lower-left), antenna power output, Pout, (upper-right), and the antenna voltage, Va, (lower-right). The measurement data are grouped according to the resonance frequency into frequency bins of 100 Hz wide. The data within each frequency bin are divided according to their logarithmical value of the vertical quantity into 80 cells. The color-coding denotes the number of data points within a cell divided by the maximum number of data points in any single frequency bin. The total number of data points is about 142,700. The dashed lines in the left two panels show the best fit to a power-law correspondingly.
Comparison of DSX results adapted from Fig. 1 with the prediction of the radiation impedance in vacuum¹⁸, blue dashed-lines, Balmain model¹⁹, black dashed line, and Wang and Bell models20,28, black solid lines. Black plus-signs in the upper panel show the antenna reactance predicted by Song et al. antenna sheath model²² and those in the lower panel show the radiation resistance predicted by Song et al. whistler radiation model²⁴.
(a) The structure of DSX satellite, https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/content/-/article/dsx. The two branches of the TNT antenna are shown as the red cylinders, 40 m long each side separated by 2 m diameter satellite body. (b) Equivalent circuit of TNT presented in this report.
An example of resonance curves, antenna voltage of Y+ branch, V1+ as functions of frequency, from high-power transmission (V1±  = 88 V) in a nominal plasmasphere determined by the Carpenter-Anderson empirical plasmaspheric model³⁴. The transmission started in the higher frequency band and then went to mid and lower bands. The universal time when these voltage curves were acquired is indicated above each curve.
Discovery and insights from DSX mission’s high-power VLF wave transmission experiments in the radiation belts

August 2022


246 Reads


6 Citations

Space weather phenomena can threaten space technologies. A hazard among these is the population of relativistic electrons in the Van Allen radiation belts. To reduce the threat, artificial processes can be introduced by transmitting very-low-frequency (VLF) waves into the belts. The resulting wave-particle interactions may deplete these harmful electrons. However, when transmitting VLF waves in space plasma, the antenna, plasma, and waves interact in a manner that is not well-understood. We conducted a series of VLF transmission experiments in the radiation belts and measured the power and radiation impedance under various frequencies and conditions. The results demonstrate the critical role played by the plasma-antenna-wave interaction around high-voltage space antennae and open the possibility to transmit high power in space. The physical insight obtained in this study can provide guidance to future high-power space-borne VLF transmitter developments, laboratory whistler-mode wave injection experiments, and the interpretation of various astrophysical and optical phenomena.

Quasi‐Periodic Whistler Mode Emission in the Plasmasphere as Observed by the DSX Spacecraft

August 2022


90 Reads


4 Citations

We describe the quasi‐periodic (QP) whistler‐mode emissions found in the plasmasphere as detected by electric and magnetic instrumentation onboard the Demonstration and Science Experiments (DSX) spacecraft in medium Earth orbit. Over the course of the nearly 2‐year mission, at least 45 episodes of whistler mode QP emissions were detected by the Broad Band Receiver (BBR) onboard DSX. Episodes of QP emissions were identified by discrete events having a clear unambiguous periodic nature as detected by both the electric antennae and search coil magnetic sensors in the BBR survey data at 30 s temporal resolution. Most of the QP episodes occurred in a frequency range between 1 and 4 kHz, in a band previously identified by Van Allen Probes and Cluster investigators. However, episodes were also detected by DSX at higher frequencies ‐ events in these episodes extending all the way to 15 kHz. We present our findings on these unusual high frequency events in the presentation herein. Specifically, these high frequency QP episodes tended to be observed near dawn/dusk when the spacecraft was at relatively high magnetic latitudes and on magnetic L‐shells between 3 and 5. Another unusual feature of these episodes is that individual up‐drifting events making up the episode were found to sometimes occur concurrently in time: The high frequency portion of one up‐drifting “polliwog‐shaped” event overlapped in time with the low frequency portion of the subsequent event. This behavior of the QP emissions has not been previously emphasized and we consider how this temporal concurrence relates to the source processes.

Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
High-Power VLF Transmission Experiment in the Radiation Belts: Initial Result from the DSX Mission

January 2022


84 Reads

Space weather phenomena threaten the space assets that bring us services via space technologies, such as the Global Positioning System, communication systems with satellite relays, and most global TV broadcast networks, which have provided unprecedented convenience to everyday life and opportunities to businesses. A hazard among phenomena1 is the population of relativistic electrons in the region called Van Allan radiation belts2. These electrons can be trapped for years once produced by either natural3 or artificial processes4 and can damage the electronics and degrade the solar panels on satellites. Intense investigations have begun with recently launched NASA satellites, Van Allen Belt Probes A and B in 20125-13. To remedy the threat and reduce the resulting damage, artificial processes can be introduced to shorten the lifetime of these particles14 with mechanisms such as pitch-angle diffusion through wave-particle interaction15-17 by transmitting very-low-frequency (VLF) waves into radiation belts. To directly transmit the VLF waves in space is an extremely challenging task, and previous theoretical and numerical predictions of the radiation impedance differ more than five orders in magnitude18-23. Here we show the measurements of radiation impedance from high-power VLF wave transmission experiments in the radiation belts to help settle the dispute of the previous studies. The measured radiation reactance disagrees with the most influential theoretical model18,19,22 and the vacuum model, but proves the plasma sheath model and simulation of the antenna-plasma interaction20,21,23. A new discovery is that the measured radiation resistance decreases as the transmission frequency increases. Our results demonstrate the possibility to transmit high power in space and validated the design and technology for further high-power space-borne VLF transmitters. The physical understanding obtained in this study will also provide a guide to laboratory whistler mode wave injection experiments24, especially in controlled fusion25.

The micro‐Broadband Receiver (BBR) on the Very‐Low‐Frequency Propagation Mapper (VPM) CubeSat

November 2021


307 Reads


7 Citations

The very low frequency (VLF) propagation mapper (VPM) is a 6U CubeSat designed to measure VLF radio waves in Low‐Earth Orbit. The science goals of the VPM mission are to measure VLF signals broadcast by the DSX mission, and to study natural and anthropogenic signals (from lightning and VLF transmitters) in the near‐Earth space environment. The primary payload consists of an electric field dipole antenna deployed to 2 meters in length, and a magnetic search coil deployed 50 cm from the spacecraft. Signals from these two sensors are conditioned by analog electronics, sampled, and then processed digitally into downloadable data products. The VPM mission was launched in January 2020; science operations began in March 2020 and continued through September, when contact with the spacecraft was lost. This paper describes the mission goals and instrument designs in detail, as well as some examples of the VPM data set.

Citations (59)

... Some of those paths involve specular reflection from the Earth-ionosphere boundary while others involve magnetospheric reflection (Kimura, 1966). The latter is a form of total internal reflection in which whistler-mode waves in a smooth magnetosphere refract and reverse their direction of propagation with respect to the geomagnetic field (Edgar, 1972) (see discussion and references in Johnston et al. (2023)). All of these propagation modes are plausible given that DSX transmissions have been shown to propagate into the far-field to be detected by other spacecraft , and we shall identify the likely mode in Section 2.2.1. ...


Characteristics of Boomerang Whistler‐Mode Waves Emitted From the DSX Spacecraft
Overview of the Demonstration and Science Experiments (DSX) Mission

... DSX conducted many active VLF experiments in the plasmasphere under various plasma conditions over a range of frequencies Tu et al., 2022). It confirms the impedance measured by RPI and theoretical predictions from 3 to 45 kHz. ...

Whistler‐Mode Transmission Experiments in the Radiation Belts: DSX TNT Circuit Simulation and Data Analysis

... The active control of these nonlinear gyroresonant interactions in the Earth's radiation belts and magnetized plasmas is a global concern, essential for sustainable space industrial innovations and utilization. To understand and manage space plasma environments, numerous active VLF experiments have been conducted using ground-based transmitters (Helliwell, 1988;Kimura et al., 1983;Mielke et al., 1992), the ionospheric heater by HAARP (Cohen et al., 2010;Gołkowski et al., 2019;Parrot et al., 2022), and space-based transmitters (Reid et al., 2022;Song et al., 2022), focusing on the impact of wave-particle interactions, new wave excitations, and the propagation characteristics of whistler-mode waves in the magnetosphere. In particular, previous studies have examined the generation of triggered VLF emissions from the transmitter signals and were helpful in evaluating possible wave excitation conditions (Helliwell, 1988) and frequency variation characteristics (Li et al., 2015). ...

Discovery and insights from DSX mission’s high-power VLF wave transmission experiments in the radiation belts

... Another unusual type of whistler mode emission observed by DSX included episodes with individual "up-drifting" (increasing in frequency) events overlapping each other in time. Results are described in Farrell et al. (2022). ...

Quasi‐Periodic Whistler Mode Emission in the Plasmasphere as Observed by the DSX Spacecraft

... As many of these natural emissions can be received fairly easily on ground [6] and on altitudes closer to the ionosphere [4,17], their propagation through the magnetospheric environment often requires in situ measurements (sometimes in situ only [8]), carried out by dedicated spacecraft and instruments-e.g., Interball-1 [18], POLRAD on board Interball-2 [2], DEMETER [7], SWARM [3], PROGNOZ-8 [19], , ISEE 1 and 2 [5], CESAR [21], CORONAS [21], CLUSTER [22] or Arase [23]. To maximize effective antenna aperture for the reception and, in some cases, active experiments, the space-borne antennas are usually designed as large (up to dozens of meters of total length) dipoles, either trussed or wire-like, with optional supporting for other smaller sensors, e.g., the magnetometers [23,24] or Langmuir probes [25]. ...

Space-to-space very low frequency radio transmission in the magnetosphere using the DSX and Arase satellites

Earth Planets and Space

... With the advancement of modern electronic technology, techniques for detecting space plasma environments have also gradually developed. As satellite technology evolved, various countries launched space-borne instruments to explore the space environment [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8], further investigating the Earth's plasma layer and magnetosphere and even the Martian space environment [9]. Among them, space-borne instruments such as RPI (radio plasma imager), DSX, PWE, and PWI use orthogonal dipole antennas to receive or transmit EM waves (electromagnetic waves) within a VLF (very-low frequency) to VHF (very-high frequency) range. ...

The micro‐Broadband Receiver (BBR) on the Very‐Low‐Frequency Propagation Mapper (VPM) CubeSat

... In this paper we provide a brief overview of the VPM mission and spacecraft design; however, the focus of this paper is on the design of the compact VLF receiver on VPM, which is denoted the micro-broadband receiver, or μBBR. The VPM mission and instrumentation was previously described in (Ramos et al., 2019); in this paper, we provide a more in-depth description of the instrument details, as well as the first data from the mission. ...

A CubeSat receiver for the study of VLF-waves at LEO
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • August 2019

... The LF Radio Lab at Georgia Tech maintains a network of many VLF/LF AWESOME (Atmospheric Weather Electromagnetic System for Observation, Modeling, and Education) Receivers, of which eight are used in this study due to their locations within the continental U.S. and Puerto Rico. The receiver is described by M. B. Cohen et al. (2018), and improves upon an earlier design (M. Cohen et al., 2010). ...

Broadband longwave radio remote sensing instrumentation
  • Citing Article
  • September 2018

... The VLF remote sensing technique is a good method for studying the D-region. Stanford University has developed an equipment called atmospheric weather educational system for observation and modeling of effects (AWESOME) where a wide range of VLF receivers have been deployed to study solar-related disturbances on VLF waves [20]- [22]. AWESOME is intended for use as a diagnostic tool for studying the disturbance of various D-layers over Malaysia, such as early/fast, early/slow, and lightning-induced electron precipitation (LEP) events. ...

Early/fast VLF Events Produced by the Quiescent Heating of the Lower Ionosphere by Thunderstorms: Early/fast and Quiescent Heating
  • Citing Article
  • June 2017

Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres

... The use of irradiance ratio associated with different band systems to determine the electric field in sprite streamers has been largely reported in the literature [e.g., Morrill et al., 2002;Kuo et al., 2005;Adachi et al., 2006;Kanmae et al., 2010;Adachi et al., 2016;Ihaddadene and Celestin, 2017;Pérez-Invernón et al., 2018], as well as some degree of agreement with numerical simulations [e.g., Liu et al., 2006a;Adachi et al., 2008Adachi et al., , 2016. Nevertheless, theoretical and numerical studies have shown the need to use correction factors to correct the electric field associated with sprite streamers introduced by Celestin and Pasko [2010], these correction factors come from the spatial shift be- ...

Identifying the occurrence of lightning and transient luminous events by nadir spectrophotometric observation
  • Citing Article
  • July 2016

Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics